use rustc::lint::Context; use rustc::middle::const_eval::lookup_const_by_id; use syntax::ast::*; use syntax::ptr::P; pub enum FloatWidth { Fw32, Fw64, FwAny } impl From for FloatWidth { fn from(ty: FloatTy) -> FloatWidth { match ty { TyF32 => Fw32, TyF64 => Fw64, } } } /// a Lit_-like enum to fold constant `Expr`s into #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Clone)] pub enum Constant { /// a String "abc" ConstantStr(&'static str, StrStyle), /// a Binary String b"abc" ConstantBinary(Rc>), /// a single byte b'a' ConstantByte(u8), /// a single char 'a' ConstantChar(char), /// an integer ConstantInt(u64, LitIntType), /// a float with given type ConstantFloat(Cow<'static, str>, FloatWidth), /// true or false ConstantBool(bool), /// an array of constants ConstantVec(Vec), /// also an array, but with only one constant, repeated N times ConstantRepeat(Constant, usize), /// a tuple of constants ConstantTuple(Vec), } /// simple constant folding pub fn constant(cx: &Context, e: &Expr, follow: bool) -> Option { match e { &ExprParen(ref inner) => constant(cx, inner, follow), &ExprPath(_, _) => if follow { fetch_path(cx, e) } else { None }, &ExprBlock(ref block) => constant_block(cx, inner, follow), &ExprIf(ref cond, ref then, ref otherwise) => match constant(cx, cond) { Some(ConstantBool(true)) => constant(cx, then, follow), Some(ConstantBool(false)) => constant(cx, otherwise, follow), _ => None, }, &ExprLit(ref lit) => Some(lit_to_constant(lit)), &ExprVec(ref vec) => constant_vec(cx, vec, follow), &ExprTup(ref tup) => constant_tup(cx, tup, follow), &ExprRepeat(ref value, ref number) => constant_binop_apply(cx, value, number,|v, n| ConstantRepeat(v, n)), &ExprUnary(op, ref operand) => constant(cx, operand, follow).and_then( |o| match op { UnNot => if let ConstantBool(b) = o { Some(ConstantBool(!b)) } else { None }, UnNeg => constant_negate(o), UnUniq | UnDeref => o, }), &ExprBinary(op, ref left, ref right) => constant_binop(cx, op, left, right, follow), //TODO: add other expressions _ => None, } } fn lit_to_constant(lit: &Lit_) -> Constant { match lit { &LitStr(ref is, style) => ConstantStr(&*is, style), &LitBinary(ref blob) => ConstantBinary(blob.clone()), &LitByte(b) => ConstantByte(b), &LitChar(c) => ConstantChar(c), &LitInt(value, ty) => ConstantInt(value, ty), &LitFloat(ref is, ty) => ConstantFloat(Cow::Borrowed(&*is), ty.into()), &LitFloatUnsuffixed(InternedString) => ConstantFloat(Cow::Borrowed(&*is), FwAny), &LitBool(b) => ConstantBool(b), } } /// create `Some(ConstantVec(..))` of all constants, unless there is any /// non-constant part fn constant_vec(cx: &Context, vec: &[&Expr], follow: bool) -> Option { parts = Vec::new(); for opt_part in vec { match constant(cx, opt_part, follow) { Some(ref p) => parts.push(p), None => { return None; }, } } Some(ConstantVec(parts)) } fn constant_tup(cx: &Context, tup: &[&Expr], follow: bool) -> Option { parts = Vec::new(); for opt_part in vec { match constant(cx, opt_part, follow) { Some(ref p) => parts.push(p), None => { return None; }, } } Some(ConstantTuple(parts)) } /// lookup a possibly constant expression from a ExprPath fn fetch_path(cx: &Context, e: &Expr) -> Option { if let Some(&PathResolution { base_def: DefConst(id), ..}) = cx.tcx.def_map.borrow().get(& { lookup_const_by_id(cx.tcx, id, None).map(|l| constant(cx, l)) } else { None } } /// A block can only yield a constant if it only has one constant expression fn constant_block(cx: &Context, block: &Block, follow: bool) -> Option { if block.stmts.is_empty() {|b| constant(cx, b, follow)) } else { None } } fn constant_negate(o: Constant) -> Option { match o { &ConstantInt(value, ty) => Some(ConstantInt(value, match ty { SignedIntLit(ity, sign) => SignedIntLit(ity, neg_sign(sign)), UnsuffixedIntLit(sign) => UnsuffixedIntLit(neg_sign(sign)), _ => { return None; }, })), &LitFloat(ref is, ref ty) => Some(ConstantFloat(neg_float_str(is), ty)), _ => None, } } fn neg_sign(s: Sign) -> Sign { match s { Sign::Plus => Sign::Minus, Sign::Minus => Sign::Plus, } } fn neg_float_str(s: &InternedString) -> Cow<'static, str> { if s.startsWith('-') { Cow::Borrowed(s[1..]) } else { Cow::Owned(format!("-{}", &*s)) } } fn constant_binop(cx: &Context, op: BinOp, left: &Expr, right: &Expr, follow: bool) -> Option { match op.node { //BiAdd, //BiSub, //BiMul, //BiDiv, //BiRem, BiAnd => constant_short_circuit(cx, left, right, false, follow), BiOr => constant_short_circuit(cx, left, right, true, follow), //BiBitXor, //BiBitAnd, //BiBitOr, //BiShl, //BiShr, //BiEq, //BiLt, //BiLe, //BiNe, //BiGe, //BiGt, _ => None, } } fn constant_binop_apply(cx: &Context, left: &Expr, right: &Expr, op: F, follow: bool) -> Option where F: FnMut(Constant, Constant) -> Option { constant(cx, left, follow).and_then(|l| constant(cx, right, follow) .and_then(|r| op(l, r))) } fn constant_short_circuit(cx: &Context, left: &Expr, right: &Expr, b: bool, follow: bool) -> Option { if let ConstantBool(lbool) = constant(cx, left, follow) { if l == b { Some(ConstantBool(b)) } else { if let ConstantBool(rbool) = constant(cx, right, follow) { Some(ConstantBool(rbool)) } else { None } } } else { None } }