error: you seem to be trying to use `match` for destructuring a single pattern. Consider using `if let`
  --> $DIR/
LL |       let _ = match ExprNode::Butterflies {
   |  _____________^
LL | |         ExprNode::ExprAddrOf => Some(&NODE),
LL | |         _ => {
LL | |             let x = 5;
LL | |             None
LL | |         },
LL | |     };
   | |_____^
   = note: `-D clippy::single-match-else` implied by `-D warnings`
   = help: to override `-D warnings` add `#[allow(clippy::single_match_else)]`
help: try
LL ~     let _ = if let ExprNode::ExprAddrOf = ExprNode::Butterflies { Some(&NODE) } else {
LL +         let x = 5;
LL +         None
LL ~     };

error: you seem to be trying to use `match` for destructuring a single pattern. Consider using `if let`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match Some(1) {
LL | |         Some(a) => println!("${:?}", a),
LL | |         None => {
LL | |             println!("else block");
LL | |             return
LL | |         },
LL | |     }
   | |_____^
help: try
LL ~     if let Some(a) = Some(1) { println!("${:?}", a) } else {
LL +         println!("else block");
LL +         return
LL +     }

error: you seem to be trying to use `match` for destructuring a single pattern. Consider using `if let`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match Some(1) {
LL | |         Some(a) => println!("${:?}", a),
LL | |         None => {
LL | |             println!("else block");
LL | |             return;
LL | |         },
LL | |     }
   | |_____^
help: try
LL ~     if let Some(a) = Some(1) { println!("${:?}", a) } else {
LL +         println!("else block");
LL +         return;
LL +     }

error: you seem to be trying to use `match` for destructuring a single pattern. Consider using `if let`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match Result::<i32, Infallible>::Ok(1) {
LL | |         Ok(a) => println!("${:?}", a),
LL | |         Err(_) => {
LL | |             println!("else block");
LL | |             return;
LL | |         }
LL | |     }
   | |_____^
help: try
LL ~     if let Ok(a) = Result::<i32, Infallible>::Ok(1) { println!("${:?}", a) } else {
LL +         println!("else block");
LL +         return;
LL +     }

error: you seem to be trying to use `match` for destructuring a single pattern. Consider using `if let`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match Cow::from("moo") {
LL | |         Cow::Owned(a) => println!("${:?}", a),
LL | |         Cow::Borrowed(_) => {
LL | |             println!("else block");
LL | |             return;
LL | |         }
LL | |     }
   | |_____^
help: try
LL ~     if let Cow::Owned(a) = Cow::from("moo") { println!("${:?}", a) } else {
LL +         println!("else block");
LL +         return;
LL +     }

error: you seem to be trying to use `match` for destructuring a single pattern. Consider using `if let`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match bar {
LL | |         Some(v) => unsafe {
LL | |             let r = &v as *const i32;
LL | |             println!("{}", *r);
...  |
LL | |         },
LL | |     }
   | |_____^
help: try
LL ~     if let Some(v) = bar { unsafe {
LL +         let r = &v as *const i32;
LL +         println!("{}", *r);
LL +     } } else {
LL +         println!("None1");
LL +         println!("None2");
LL +     }

error: you seem to be trying to use `match` for destructuring a single pattern. Consider using `if let`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match bar {
LL | |         Some(v) => {
LL | |             println!("Some");
LL | |             println!("{v}");
...  |
LL | |         },
LL | |     }
   | |_____^
help: try
LL ~     if let Some(v) = bar {
LL +         println!("Some");
LL +         println!("{v}");
LL +     } else { unsafe {
LL +         let v = 0;
LL +         let r = &v as *const i32;
LL +         println!("{}", *r);
LL +     } }

error: you seem to be trying to use `match` for destructuring a single pattern. Consider using `if let`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match bar {
LL | |         Some(v) => unsafe {
LL | |             let r = &v as *const i32;
LL | |             println!("{}", *r);
...  |
LL | |         },
LL | |     }
   | |_____^
help: try
LL ~     if let Some(v) = bar { unsafe {
LL +         let r = &v as *const i32;
LL +         println!("{}", *r);
LL +     } } else { unsafe {
LL +         let v = 0;
LL +         let r = &v as *const i32;
LL +         println!("{}", *r);
LL +     } }

error: you seem to be trying to use `match` for destructuring a single pattern. Consider using `if let`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match bar {
LL | |         #[rustfmt::skip]
LL | |         Some(v) => {
LL | |             unsafe {
...  |
LL | |         },
LL | |     }
   | |_____^
help: try
LL ~     if let Some(v) = bar {
LL +         unsafe {
LL +             let r = &v as *const i32;
LL +             println!("{}", *r);
LL +         }
LL +     } else {
LL +         println!("None");
LL +         println!("None");
LL +     }

error: aborting due to 9 previous errors