//@compile-flags: --test --cfg dummy_cfg

extern crate proc_macro_attr;

#[allow(unused)] //~ ERROR: item has both inner and outer attributes
fn foo1() {

fn foo2() {}

fn foo3() {

/// linux
//~^ ERROR: item has both inner and outer attributes
fn foo4() {
    //! windows

/// linux
/// windows
fn foo5() {}

fn foo6() {
    //! linux
    //! windows

#[allow(unused)] //~ ERROR: item has both inner and outer attributes
mod bar {

fn main() {
    // test code goes here

// issue #12435
mod tests {
    //! Module doc, don't lint
mod baz {
    //! Module doc, don't lint
    const FOO: u8 = 0;
/// Module doc, don't lint
mod quz {

mod issue_12530 {
    // don't lint different attributes entirely
    mod tests {

        #[allow(dead_code)] //~ ERROR: item has both inner and outer attributes
        mod inner_mod {
    mod another_mod {
    /// Nested mod
    mod nested_mod {
        #[allow(dead_code)] //~ ERROR: item has both inner and outer attributes
        mod inner_mod {
    /// Nested mod //~ ERROR: item has both inner and outer attributes
    mod nest_mod_2 {

        #[allow(dead_code)] //~ ERROR: item has both inner and outer attributes
        mod inner_mod {
    // Different path symbols - Known FN
    fn use_dummy() {