error: manual implementation of `Option::map`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match Some(0) {
LL | |         Some(_) => Some(2),
LL | |         None::<u32> => None,
LL | |     };
   | |_____^ help: try this: `Some(0).map(|_| 2)`
   = note: `-D clippy::manual-map` implied by `-D warnings`

error: manual implementation of `Option::map`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match Some(0) {
LL | |         Some(x) => Some(x + 1),
LL | |         _ => None,
LL | |     };
   | |_____^ help: try this: `Some(0).map(|x| x + 1)`

error: manual implementation of `Option::map`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match Some("") {
LL | |         Some(x) => Some(x.is_empty()),
LL | |         None => None,
LL | |     };
   | |_____^ help: try this: `Some("").map(|x| x.is_empty())`

error: manual implementation of `Option::map`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     if let Some(x) = Some(0) {
LL | |         Some(!x)
LL | |     } else {
LL | |         None
LL | |     };
   | |_____^ help: try this: `Some(0).map(|x| !x)`

error: manual implementation of `Option::map`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match Some(0) {
LL | |         Some(x) => { Some(std::convert::identity(x)) }
LL | |         None => { None }
LL | |     };
   | |_____^ help: try this: `Some(0).map(std::convert::identity)`

error: manual implementation of `Option::map`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match Some(&String::new()) {
LL | |         Some(x) => Some(str::len(x)),
LL | |         None => None,
LL | |     };
   | |_____^ help: try this: `Some(&String::new()).map(|x| str::len(x))`

error: manual implementation of `Option::map`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match &Some([0, 1]) {
LL | |         Some(x) => Some(x[0]),
LL | |         &None => None,
LL | |     };
   | |_____^ help: try this: `Some([0, 1]).as_ref().map(|x| x[0])`

error: manual implementation of `Option::map`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match &Some(0) {
LL | |         &Some(x) => Some(x * 2),
LL | |         None => None,
LL | |     };
   | |_____^ help: try this: `Some(0).map(|x| x * 2)`

error: manual implementation of `Option::map`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match Some(String::new()) {
LL | |         Some(ref x) => Some(x.is_empty()),
LL | |         _ => None,
LL | |     };
   | |_____^ help: try this: `Some(String::new()).as_ref().map(|x| x.is_empty())`

error: manual implementation of `Option::map`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match &&Some(String::new()) {
LL | |         Some(x) => Some(x.len()),
LL | |         _ => None,
LL | |     };
   | |_____^ help: try this: `Some(String::new()).as_ref().map(|x| x.len())`

error: manual implementation of `Option::map`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match &&Some(0) {
LL | |         &&Some(x) => Some(x + x),
LL | |         &&_ => None,
LL | |     };
   | |_____^ help: try this: `Some(0).map(|x| x + x)`

error: manual implementation of `Option::map`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /         match &mut Some(String::new()) {
LL | |             Some(x) => Some(x.push_str("")),
LL | |             None => None,
LL | |         };
   | |_________^ help: try this: `Some(String::new()).as_mut().map(|x| x.push_str(""))`

error: manual implementation of `Option::map`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match &mut Some(String::new()) {
LL | |         Some(ref x) => Some(x.len()),
LL | |         None => None,
LL | |     };
   | |_____^ help: try this: `Some(String::new()).as_ref().map(|x| x.len())`

error: manual implementation of `Option::map`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match &mut &Some(String::new()) {
LL | |         Some(x) => Some(x.is_empty()),
LL | |         &mut _ => None,
LL | |     };
   | |_____^ help: try this: `Some(String::new()).as_ref().map(|x| x.is_empty())`

error: manual implementation of `Option::map`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match Some((0, 1, 2)) {
LL | |         Some((x, y, z)) => Some(x + y + z),
LL | |         None => None,
LL | |     };
   | |_____^ help: try this: `Some((0, 1, 2)).map(|(x, y, z)| x + y + z)`

error: manual implementation of `Option::map`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match Some([1, 2, 3]) {
LL | |         Some([first, ..]) => Some(first),
LL | |         None => None,
LL | |     };
   | |_____^ help: try this: `Some([1, 2, 3]).map(|[first, ..]| first)`

error: manual implementation of `Option::map`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match &Some((String::new(), "test")) {
LL | |         Some((x, y)) => Some((y, x)),
LL | |         None => None,
LL | |     };
   | |_____^ help: try this: `Some((String::new(), "test")).as_ref().map(|(x, y)| (y, x))`

error: manual implementation of `Option::map`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match Some(0) {
LL | |         Some(x) => Some(vec![x]),
LL | |         None => None,
LL | |     };
   | |_____^ help: try this: `Some(0).map(|x| vec![x])`

error: manual implementation of `Option::map`
  --> $DIR/
LL | /     match option_env!("") {
LL | |         Some(x) => Some(String::from(x)),
LL | |         None => None,
LL | |     };
   | |_____^ help: try this: `option_env!("").map(String::from)`

error: manual implementation of `Option::map`
  --> $DIR/
LL |       } else if let Some(x) = Some(0) {
   |  ____________^
LL | |         Some(x + 1)
LL | |     } else {
LL | |         None
LL | |     };
   | |_____^ help: try this: `{ Some(0).map(|x| x + 1) }`

error: manual implementation of `Option::map`
  --> $DIR/
LL |       } else if let Some(x) = Some(0) {
   |  ____________^
LL | |         Some(x + 1)
LL | |     } else {
LL | |         None
LL | |     };
   | |_____^ help: try this: `{ Some(0).map(|x| x + 1) }`

error: aborting due to 21 previous errors