/// **What it does:** Checks for usage of `panic!`, `unimplemented!`, `todo!` or `unreachable!` in a function of type result.
/// **Why is this bad?** For some codebases, it is desirable for functions of type result to return an error instead of crashing. Hence unimplemented, panic and unreachable should be avoided.
"used `unimplemented!()`, `unreachable!()`, `todo!()` or `panic!()` in a function that returns `Result`",
"`unimplemented!()`, `unreachable!()`, `todo!()` or `panic!()` should not be used in a function that returns `Result` as `Result` is expected to return an error instead of crashing",
diag.span_note(panics.result,"return Err() instead of panicking");