Jonas Schievink f9a1a9cd3c Merge item tree traits
The Source trait isn't needed anymore since we no longer merge
extern crate items with use items.
2020-06-24 16:53:56 +02:00

555 lines
16 KiB

//! A simplified AST that only contains items.
mod lower;
mod tests;
use std::{
fmt::{self, Debug},
hash::{Hash, Hasher},
ops::{Index, Range},
use ast::{AstNode, AttrsOwner, NameOwner, StructKind, TypeAscriptionOwner};
use either::Either;
use hir_expand::{
name::{name, AsName, Name},
HirFileId, InFile,
use ra_arena::{Arena, Idx, RawId};
use ra_syntax::{ast, match_ast};
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
use test_utils::mark;
use crate::{
path::{path, AssociatedTypeBinding, GenericArgs, ImportAlias, ModPath, Path},
type_ref::{Mutability, TypeBound, TypeRef},
use smallvec::SmallVec;
/// The item tree of a source file.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ItemTree {
file_id: HirFileId,
top_level: Vec<ModItem>,
top_attrs: Attrs,
attrs: FxHashMap<ModItem, Attrs>,
empty_attrs: Attrs,
inner_items: FxHashMap<FileAstId<ast::ModuleItem>, SmallVec<[ModItem; 1]>>,
imports: Arena<Import>,
extern_crates: Arena<ExternCrate>,
functions: Arena<Function>,
structs: Arena<Struct>,
fields: Arena<Field>,
unions: Arena<Union>,
enums: Arena<Enum>,
variants: Arena<Variant>,
consts: Arena<Const>,
statics: Arena<Static>,
traits: Arena<Trait>,
impls: Arena<Impl>,
type_aliases: Arena<TypeAlias>,
mods: Arena<Mod>,
macro_calls: Arena<MacroCall>,
exprs: Arena<Expr>,
impl ItemTree {
pub fn item_tree_query(db: &dyn DefDatabase, file_id: HirFileId) -> Arc<ItemTree> {
let _p = ra_prof::profile("item_tree_query").detail(|| format!("{:?}", file_id));
let syntax = if let Some(node) = db.parse_or_expand(file_id) {
} else {
return Arc::new(Self::empty(file_id));
let hygiene = Hygiene::new(db.upcast(), file_id);
let ctx = lower::Ctx::new(db, hygiene.clone(), file_id);
let mut top_attrs = None;
let mut item_tree = match_ast! {
match syntax {
ast::SourceFile(file) => {
top_attrs = Some(Attrs::new(&file, &hygiene));
ast::MacroItems(items) => {
// Macros can expand to expressions. We return an empty item tree in this case, but
// still need to collect inner items.
ast::Expr(e) => {
_ => {
panic!("cannot create item tree from {:?}", syntax);
item_tree.top_attrs = top_attrs.unwrap_or_default();
fn empty(file_id: HirFileId) -> Self {
Self {
top_level: Default::default(),
top_attrs: Default::default(),
attrs: Default::default(),
empty_attrs: Default::default(),
inner_items: Default::default(),
imports: Default::default(),
extern_crates: Default::default(),
functions: Default::default(),
structs: Default::default(),
fields: Default::default(),
unions: Default::default(),
enums: Default::default(),
variants: Default::default(),
consts: Default::default(),
statics: Default::default(),
traits: Default::default(),
impls: Default::default(),
type_aliases: Default::default(),
mods: Default::default(),
macro_calls: Default::default(),
exprs: Default::default(),
/// Returns an iterator over all items located at the top level of the `HirFileId` this
/// `ItemTree` was created from.
pub fn top_level_items(&self) -> &[ModItem] {
/// Returns the inner attributes of the source file.
pub fn top_level_attrs(&self) -> &Attrs {
pub fn attrs(&self, of: ModItem) -> &Attrs {
/// Returns the lowered inner items that `ast` corresponds to.
/// Most AST items are lowered to a single `ModItem`, but some (eg. `use` items) may be lowered
/// to multiple items in the `ItemTree`.
pub fn inner_items(&self, ast: FileAstId<ast::ModuleItem>) -> &[ModItem] {
pub fn all_inner_items(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = ModItem> + '_ {
pub fn source<S: ItemTreeNode>(
db: &dyn DefDatabase,
of: FileItemTreeId<S>,
) -> S::Source {
// This unwrap cannot fail, since it has either succeeded above, or resulted in an empty
// ItemTree (in which case there is no valid `FileItemTreeId` to call this method with).
let root = db
.expect("parse_or_expand failed on constructed ItemTree");
let id = self[of].ast_id();
let map = db.ast_id_map(self.file_id);
let ptr = map.get(id);
/// Trait implemented by all nodes in the item tree.
pub trait ItemTreeNode: Clone {
type Source: AstNode + Into<ast::ModuleItem>;
fn ast_id(&self) -> FileAstId<Self::Source>;
/// Looks up an instance of `Self` in an item tree.
fn lookup(tree: &ItemTree, index: Idx<Self>) -> &Self;
/// Downcasts a `ModItem` to a `FileItemTreeId` specific to this type.
fn id_from_mod_item(mod_item: ModItem) -> Option<FileItemTreeId<Self>>;
/// Upcasts a `FileItemTreeId` to a generic `ModItem`.
fn id_to_mod_item(id: FileItemTreeId<Self>) -> ModItem;
pub struct FileItemTreeId<N: ItemTreeNode> {
index: Idx<N>,
_p: PhantomData<N>,
impl<N: ItemTreeNode> Clone for FileItemTreeId<N> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self { index: self.index, _p: PhantomData }
impl<N: ItemTreeNode> Copy for FileItemTreeId<N> {}
impl<N: ItemTreeNode> PartialEq for FileItemTreeId<N> {
fn eq(&self, other: &FileItemTreeId<N>) -> bool {
self.index == other.index
impl<N: ItemTreeNode> Eq for FileItemTreeId<N> {}
impl<N: ItemTreeNode> Hash for FileItemTreeId<N> {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl<N: ItemTreeNode> fmt::Debug for FileItemTreeId<N> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
pub type ItemTreeId<N> = InFile<FileItemTreeId<N>>;
macro_rules! mod_items {
( $( $typ:ident in $fld:ident -> $ast:ty ),+ $(,)? ) => {
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum ModItem {
impl From<FileItemTreeId<$typ>> for ModItem {
fn from(id: FileItemTreeId<$typ>) -> ModItem {
impl ItemTreeNode for $typ {
type Source = $ast;
fn ast_id(&self) -> FileAstId<Self::Source> {
fn lookup(tree: &ItemTree, index: Idx<Self>) -> &Self {
fn id_from_mod_item(mod_item: ModItem) -> Option<FileItemTreeId<Self>> {
if let ModItem::$typ(id) = mod_item {
} else {
fn id_to_mod_item(id: FileItemTreeId<Self>) -> ModItem {
impl Index<Idx<$typ>> for ItemTree {
type Output = $typ;
fn index(&self, index: Idx<$typ>) -> &Self::Output {
mod_items! {
Import in imports -> ast::UseItem,
ExternCrate in extern_crates -> ast::ExternCrateItem,
Function in functions -> ast::FnDef,
Struct in structs -> ast::StructDef,
Union in unions -> ast::UnionDef,
Enum in enums -> ast::EnumDef,
Const in consts -> ast::ConstDef,
Static in statics -> ast::StaticDef,
Trait in traits -> ast::TraitDef,
Impl in impls -> ast::ImplDef,
TypeAlias in type_aliases -> ast::TypeAliasDef,
Mod in mods -> ast::Module,
MacroCall in macro_calls -> ast::MacroCall,
macro_rules! impl_index {
( $($fld:ident: $t:ty),+ $(,)? ) => {
impl Index<Idx<$t>> for ItemTree {
type Output = $t;
fn index(&self, index: Idx<$t>) -> &Self::Output {
impl_index!(fields: Field, variants: Variant, exprs: Expr);
impl<N: ItemTreeNode> Index<FileItemTreeId<N>> for ItemTree {
type Output = N;
fn index(&self, id: FileItemTreeId<N>) -> &N {
N::lookup(self, id.index)
/// A desugared `use` import.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Import {
pub path: ModPath,
pub alias: Option<ImportAlias>,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
pub is_glob: bool,
pub is_prelude: bool,
/// AST ID of the `use` or `extern crate` item this import was derived from. Note that many
/// `Import`s can map to the same `use` item.
pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::UseItem>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ExternCrate {
pub path: ModPath,
pub alias: Option<ImportAlias>,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
/// Whether this is a `#[macro_use] extern crate ...`.
pub is_macro_use: bool,
pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::ExternCrateItem>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Function {
pub name: Name,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
pub generic_params: GenericParams,
pub has_self_param: bool,
pub is_unsafe: bool,
pub params: Vec<TypeRef>,
pub ret_type: TypeRef,
pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::FnDef>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Struct {
pub name: Name,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
pub generic_params: GenericParams,
pub fields: Fields,
pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::StructDef>,
pub kind: StructDefKind,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum StructDefKind {
/// `struct S { ... }` - type namespace only.
/// `struct S(...);`
/// `struct S;`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Union {
pub name: Name,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
pub generic_params: GenericParams,
pub fields: Fields,
pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::UnionDef>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Enum {
pub name: Name,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
pub generic_params: GenericParams,
pub variants: Range<Idx<Variant>>,
pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::EnumDef>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Const {
/// const _: () = ();
pub name: Option<Name>,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
pub type_ref: TypeRef,
pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::ConstDef>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Static {
pub name: Name,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
pub mutable: bool,
pub type_ref: TypeRef,
pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::StaticDef>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Trait {
pub name: Name,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
pub generic_params: GenericParams,
pub auto: bool,
pub items: Vec<AssocItem>,
pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::TraitDef>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Impl {
pub generic_params: GenericParams,
pub target_trait: Option<TypeRef>,
pub target_type: TypeRef,
pub is_negative: bool,
pub items: Vec<AssocItem>,
pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::ImplDef>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct TypeAlias {
pub name: Name,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
/// Bounds on the type alias itself. Only valid in trait declarations, eg. `type Assoc: Copy;`.
pub bounds: Vec<TypeBound>,
pub generic_params: GenericParams,
pub type_ref: Option<TypeRef>,
pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::TypeAliasDef>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Mod {
pub name: Name,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,
pub kind: ModKind,
pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::Module>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ModKind {
/// `mod m { ... }`
Inline { items: Vec<ModItem> },
/// `mod m;`
Outline {},
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct MacroCall {
/// For `macro_rules!` declarations, this is the name of the declared macro.
pub name: Option<Name>,
/// Path to the called macro.
pub path: ModPath,
/// Has `#[macro_export]`.
pub is_export: bool,
/// Has `#[macro_export(local_inner_macros)]`.
pub is_local_inner: bool,
/// Has `#[rustc_builtin_macro]`.
pub is_builtin: bool,
pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::MacroCall>,
// NB: There's no `FileAstId` for `Expr`. The only case where this would be useful is for array
// lengths, but we don't do much with them yet.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Expr;
macro_rules! impl_froms {
($e:ident { $($v:ident ($t:ty)),* $(,)? }) => {
impl From<$t> for $e {
fn from(it: $t) -> $e {
impl ModItem {
pub fn as_assoc_item(&self) -> Option<AssocItem> {
match self {
| ModItem::ExternCrate(_)
| ModItem::Struct(_)
| ModItem::Union(_)
| ModItem::Enum(_)
| ModItem::Static(_)
| ModItem::Trait(_)
| ModItem::Impl(_)
| ModItem::Mod(_) => None,
ModItem::MacroCall(call) => Some(AssocItem::MacroCall(*call)),
ModItem::Const(konst) => Some(AssocItem::Const(*konst)),
ModItem::TypeAlias(alias) => Some(AssocItem::TypeAlias(*alias)),
ModItem::Function(func) => Some(AssocItem::Function(*func)),
pub fn downcast<N: ItemTreeNode>(self) -> Option<FileItemTreeId<N>> {
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum AssocItem {
impl_froms!(AssocItem {
impl From<AssocItem> for ModItem {
fn from(item: AssocItem) -> Self {
match item {
AssocItem::Function(it) => it.into(),
AssocItem::TypeAlias(it) => it.into(),
AssocItem::Const(it) => it.into(),
AssocItem::MacroCall(it) => it.into(),
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Variant {
pub name: Name,
pub fields: Fields,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Fields {
/// A single field of an enum variant or struct
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Field {
pub name: Name,
pub type_ref: TypeRef,
pub visibility: RawVisibility,