Chayim Refael Friedman 7e6ade117c Allow excluding specific traits from completion
To be accurate, only their methods are excluded, the trait themselves are still available.

I also excluded a bunch of std traits by default. Some less opinionated, like `AsRef`, which should never be used directly except in generic scenarios (and won't be excluded there), some more opinionated, like the ops traits, which I know some users sometimes want to use directly. Either way it's configurable.

It should be pretty easy to extend support to excluding only specific methods, but I didn't do that currently.

Traits configured to be excluded are resolved in each completion request from scratch. If this proves too expensive, it is easy enough to cache them in the DB.
2025-01-01 13:49:35 +01:00

338 lines
11 KiB

//! Attributes & documentation for hir types.
use std::ops::ControlFlow;
use hir_def::{
path::{ModPath, Path},
resolver::{HasResolver, Resolver, TypeNs},
AssocItemId, AttrDefId, ModuleDefId,
use hir_expand::{mod_path::PathKind, name::Name};
use hir_ty::{db::HirDatabase, method_resolution};
use span::SyntaxContextId;
use crate::{
Adt, AsAssocItem, AssocItem, BuiltinType, Const, ConstParam, DocLinkDef, Enum, ExternCrateDecl,
Field, Function, GenericParam, HasCrate, Impl, LifetimeParam, Macro, Module, ModuleDef, Static,
Struct, Trait, TraitAlias, Type, TypeAlias, TypeParam, Union, Variant, VariantDef,
pub trait HasAttrs {
fn attrs(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> AttrsWithOwner;
fn attr_id(self) -> AttrDefId;
macro_rules! impl_has_attrs {
($(($def:ident, $def_id:ident),)*) => {$(
impl HasAttrs for $def {
fn attrs(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> AttrsWithOwner {
let def = AttrDefId::$def_id(self.into());
AttrsWithOwner::new(db.upcast(), def)
fn attr_id(self) -> AttrDefId {
(Field, FieldId),
(Variant, EnumVariantId),
(Static, StaticId),
(Const, ConstId),
(Trait, TraitId),
(TraitAlias, TraitAliasId),
(TypeAlias, TypeAliasId),
(Macro, MacroId),
(Function, FunctionId),
(Adt, AdtId),
(Module, ModuleId),
(GenericParam, GenericParamId),
(Impl, ImplId),
(ExternCrateDecl, ExternCrateId),
macro_rules! impl_has_attrs_enum {
($($variant:ident),* for $enum:ident) => {$(
impl HasAttrs for $variant {
fn attrs(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> AttrsWithOwner {
fn attr_id(self) -> AttrDefId {
impl_has_attrs_enum![Struct, Union, Enum for Adt];
impl_has_attrs_enum![TypeParam, ConstParam, LifetimeParam for GenericParam];
impl HasAttrs for AssocItem {
fn attrs(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> AttrsWithOwner {
match self {
AssocItem::Function(it) => it.attrs(db),
AssocItem::Const(it) => it.attrs(db),
AssocItem::TypeAlias(it) => it.attrs(db),
fn attr_id(self) -> AttrDefId {
match self {
AssocItem::Function(it) => it.attr_id(),
AssocItem::Const(it) => it.attr_id(),
AssocItem::TypeAlias(it) => it.attr_id(),
/// Resolves the item `link` points to in the scope of `def`.
pub fn resolve_doc_path_on(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
def: impl HasAttrs,
link: &str,
ns: Option<Namespace>,
) -> Option<DocLinkDef> {
resolve_doc_path_on_(db, link, def.attr_id(), ns)
fn resolve_doc_path_on_(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
link: &str,
attr_id: AttrDefId,
ns: Option<Namespace>,
) -> Option<DocLinkDef> {
let resolver = match attr_id {
AttrDefId::ModuleId(it) => it.resolver(db.upcast()),
AttrDefId::FieldId(it) => it.parent.resolver(db.upcast()),
AttrDefId::AdtId(it) => it.resolver(db.upcast()),
AttrDefId::FunctionId(it) => it.resolver(db.upcast()),
AttrDefId::EnumVariantId(it) => it.resolver(db.upcast()),
AttrDefId::StaticId(it) => it.resolver(db.upcast()),
AttrDefId::ConstId(it) => it.resolver(db.upcast()),
AttrDefId::TraitId(it) => it.resolver(db.upcast()),
AttrDefId::TraitAliasId(it) => it.resolver(db.upcast()),
AttrDefId::TypeAliasId(it) => it.resolver(db.upcast()),
AttrDefId::ImplId(it) => it.resolver(db.upcast()),
AttrDefId::ExternBlockId(it) => it.resolver(db.upcast()),
AttrDefId::UseId(it) => it.resolver(db.upcast()),
AttrDefId::MacroId(it) => it.resolver(db.upcast()),
AttrDefId::ExternCrateId(it) => it.resolver(db.upcast()),
AttrDefId::GenericParamId(_) => return None,
let mut modpath = doc_modpath_from_str(link)?;
let resolved = resolver.resolve_module_path_in_items(db.upcast(), &modpath);
if resolved.is_none() {
let last_name = modpath.pop_segment()?;
resolve_assoc_or_field(db, resolver, modpath, last_name, ns)
} else {
let def = match ns {
Some(Namespace::Types) => resolved.take_types(),
Some(Namespace::Values) => resolved.take_values(),
Some(Namespace::Macros) => resolved.take_macros().map(ModuleDefId::MacroId),
None => resolved.iter_items().next().map(|(it, _)| match it {
ItemInNs::Types(it) => it,
ItemInNs::Values(it) => it,
ItemInNs::Macros(it) => ModuleDefId::MacroId(it),
fn resolve_assoc_or_field(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
resolver: Resolver,
path: ModPath,
name: Name,
ns: Option<Namespace>,
) -> Option<DocLinkDef> {
let path = Path::from_known_path_with_no_generic(path);
// FIXME: This does not handle `Self` on trait definitions, which we should resolve to the
// trait itself.
let base_def = resolver.resolve_path_in_type_ns_fully(db.upcast(), &path)?;
let ty = match base_def {
TypeNs::SelfType(id) => Impl::from(id).self_ty(db),
TypeNs::GenericParam(_) => {
// Even if this generic parameter has some trait bounds, rustdoc doesn't
// resolve `name` to trait items.
return None;
TypeNs::AdtId(id) | TypeNs::AdtSelfType(id) => Adt::from(id).ty(db),
TypeNs::EnumVariantId(id) => {
// Enum variants don't have path candidates.
let variant = Variant::from(id);
return resolve_field(db, variant.into(), name, ns);
TypeNs::TypeAliasId(id) => {
let alias = TypeAlias::from(id);
if alias.as_assoc_item(db).is_some() {
// We don't normalize associated type aliases, so we have nothing to
// resolve `name` to.
return None;
TypeNs::BuiltinType(id) => BuiltinType::from(id).ty(db),
TypeNs::TraitId(id) => {
// Doc paths in this context may only resolve to an item of this trait
// (i.e. no items of its supertraits), so we need to handle them here
// independently of others.
return db.trait_data(id).items.iter().find(|it| it.0 == name).map(|(_, assoc_id)| {
let def = match *assoc_id {
AssocItemId::FunctionId(it) => ModuleDef::Function(it.into()),
AssocItemId::ConstId(it) => ModuleDef::Const(it.into()),
AssocItemId::TypeAliasId(it) => ModuleDef::TypeAlias(it.into()),
TypeNs::TraitAliasId(_) => {
// XXX: Do these get resolved?
return None;
// Resolve inherent items first, then trait items, then fields.
if let Some(assoc_item_def) = resolve_assoc_item(db, &ty, &name, ns) {
return Some(assoc_item_def);
if let Some(impl_trait_item_def) = resolve_impl_trait_item(db, resolver, &ty, &name, ns) {
return Some(impl_trait_item_def);
let variant_def = match ty.as_adt()? {
Adt::Struct(it) => it.into(),
Adt::Union(it) => it.into(),
Adt::Enum(_) => return None,
resolve_field(db, variant_def, name, ns)
fn resolve_assoc_item(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
ty: &Type,
name: &Name,
ns: Option<Namespace>,
) -> Option<DocLinkDef> {
ty.iterate_assoc_items(db, ty.krate(db), move |assoc_item| {
if != *name {
return None;
as_module_def_if_namespace_matches(assoc_item, ns)
fn resolve_impl_trait_item(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
resolver: Resolver,
ty: &Type,
name: &Name,
ns: Option<Namespace>,
) -> Option<DocLinkDef> {
let canonical = ty.canonical();
let krate = ty.krate(db);
let environment = resolver
.map_or_else(|| crate::TraitEnvironment::empty(, |d| db.trait_environment(d));
let traits_in_scope = resolver.traits_in_scope(db.upcast());
let mut result = None;
// `ty.iterate_path_candidates()` require a scope, which is not available when resolving
// attributes here. Use path resolution directly instead.
// FIXME: resolve type aliases (which are not yielded by iterate_path_candidates)
&mut |_, assoc_item_id: AssocItemId, _| {
// If two traits in scope define the same item, Rustdoc links to no specific trait (for
// instance, given two methods `a`, Rustdoc simply links to `method.a` with no
// disambiguation) so we just pick the first one we find as well.
result = as_module_def_if_namespace_matches(assoc_item_id.into(), ns);
if result.is_some() {
} else {
fn resolve_field(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
def: VariantDef,
name: Name,
ns: Option<Namespace>,
) -> Option<DocLinkDef> {
if let Some(Namespace::Types | Namespace::Macros) = ns {
return None;
def.fields(db).into_iter().find(|f| == name).map(DocLinkDef::Field)
fn as_module_def_if_namespace_matches(
assoc_item: AssocItem,
ns: Option<Namespace>,
) -> Option<DocLinkDef> {
let (def, expected_ns) = match assoc_item {
AssocItem::Function(it) => (ModuleDef::Function(it), Namespace::Values),
AssocItem::Const(it) => (ModuleDef::Const(it), Namespace::Values),
AssocItem::TypeAlias(it) => (ModuleDef::TypeAlias(it), Namespace::Types),
(ns.unwrap_or(expected_ns) == expected_ns).then_some(DocLinkDef::ModuleDef(def))
fn doc_modpath_from_str(link: &str) -> Option<ModPath> {
// FIXME: this is not how we should get a mod path here.
let try_get_modpath = |link: &str| {
let mut parts = link.split("::");
let mut first_segment = None;
let kind = match {
"" => PathKind::Abs,
"crate" => PathKind::Crate,
"self" => PathKind::SELF,
"super" => {
let mut deg = 1;
for segment in parts.by_ref() {
if segment == "super" {
deg += 1;
} else {
first_segment = Some(segment);
segment => {
first_segment = Some(segment);
let parts = first_segment.into_iter().chain(parts).map(|segment| match segment.parse() {
Ok(idx) => Name::new_tuple_field(idx),
Err(_) => {
Name::new(segment.split_once('<').map_or(segment, |it| it.0), SyntaxContextId::ROOT)
Some(ModPath::from_segments(kind, parts))