2024-10-14 10:09:22 -04:00

1363 lines
56 KiB

//! Implementation of find-usages functionality.
//! It is based on the standard ide trick: first, we run a fast text search to
//! get a super-set of matches. Then, we confirm each match using precise
//! name resolution.
use std::mem;
use std::{cell::LazyCell, cmp::Reverse};
use base_db::{ra_salsa::Database, SourceDatabase, SourceRootDatabase};
use either::Either;
use hir::{
sym, Adt, AsAssocItem, DefWithBody, FileRange, FileRangeWrapper, HasAttrs, HasContainer,
HasSource, HirFileIdExt, InFile, InFileWrapper, InRealFile, InlineAsmOperand, ItemContainer,
ModuleSource, PathResolution, Semantics, Visibility,
use memchr::memmem::Finder;
use parser::SyntaxKind;
use rustc_hash::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
use span::EditionedFileId;
use syntax::{
ast::{self, HasName, Rename},
match_ast, AstNode, AstToken, SmolStr, SyntaxElement, SyntaxNode, TextRange, TextSize,
use triomphe::Arc;
use crate::{
defs::{Definition, NameClass, NameRefClass},
traits::{as_trait_assoc_def, convert_to_def_in_trait},
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
pub struct UsageSearchResult {
pub references: FxHashMap<EditionedFileId, Vec<FileReference>>,
impl UsageSearchResult {
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (EditionedFileId, &[FileReference])> + '_ {
self.references.iter().map(|(&file_id, refs)| (file_id, &**refs))
pub fn file_ranges(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = FileRange> + '_ {
self.references.iter().flat_map(|(&file_id, refs)| {
refs.iter().map(move |&FileReference { range, .. }| FileRange { file_id, range })
impl IntoIterator for UsageSearchResult {
type Item = (EditionedFileId, Vec<FileReference>);
type IntoIter = <FxHashMap<EditionedFileId, Vec<FileReference>> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct FileReference {
/// The range of the reference in the original file
pub range: TextRange,
/// The node of the reference in the (macro-)file
pub name: FileReferenceNode,
pub category: ReferenceCategory,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum FileReferenceNode {
FormatStringEntry(ast::String, TextRange),
impl FileReferenceNode {
pub fn text_range(&self) -> TextRange {
match self {
FileReferenceNode::Name(it) => it.syntax().text_range(),
FileReferenceNode::NameRef(it) => it.syntax().text_range(),
FileReferenceNode::Lifetime(it) => it.syntax().text_range(),
FileReferenceNode::FormatStringEntry(_, range) => *range,
pub fn syntax(&self) -> SyntaxElement {
match self {
FileReferenceNode::Name(it) => it.syntax().clone().into(),
FileReferenceNode::NameRef(it) => it.syntax().clone().into(),
FileReferenceNode::Lifetime(it) => it.syntax().clone().into(),
FileReferenceNode::FormatStringEntry(it, _) => it.syntax().clone().into(),
pub fn into_name_like(self) -> Option<ast::NameLike> {
match self {
FileReferenceNode::Name(it) => Some(ast::NameLike::Name(it)),
FileReferenceNode::NameRef(it) => Some(ast::NameLike::NameRef(it)),
FileReferenceNode::Lifetime(it) => Some(ast::NameLike::Lifetime(it)),
FileReferenceNode::FormatStringEntry(_, _) => None,
pub fn as_name_ref(&self) -> Option<&ast::NameRef> {
match self {
FileReferenceNode::NameRef(name_ref) => Some(name_ref),
_ => None,
pub fn as_lifetime(&self) -> Option<&ast::Lifetime> {
match self {
FileReferenceNode::Lifetime(lifetime) => Some(lifetime),
_ => None,
pub fn text(&self) -> syntax::TokenText<'_> {
match self {
FileReferenceNode::NameRef(name_ref) => name_ref.text(),
FileReferenceNode::Name(name) => name.text(),
FileReferenceNode::Lifetime(lifetime) => lifetime.text(),
FileReferenceNode::FormatStringEntry(it, range) => {
syntax::TokenText::borrowed(&it.text()[*range - it.syntax().text_range().start()])
bitflags::bitflags! {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct ReferenceCategory: u8 {
// FIXME: Add this variant and delete the `retain_adt_literal_usages` function.
// const CREATE = 1 << 0;
const WRITE = 1 << 0;
const READ = 1 << 1;
const IMPORT = 1 << 2;
const TEST = 1 << 3;
/// Generally, `search_scope` returns files that might contain references for the element.
/// For `pub(crate)` things it's a crate, for `pub` things it's a crate and dependant crates.
/// In some cases, the location of the references is known to within a `TextRange`,
/// e.g. for things like local variables.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct SearchScope {
entries: FxHashMap<EditionedFileId, Option<TextRange>>,
impl SearchScope {
fn new(entries: FxHashMap<EditionedFileId, Option<TextRange>>) -> SearchScope {
SearchScope { entries }
/// Build a search scope spanning the entire crate graph of files.
fn crate_graph(db: &RootDatabase) -> SearchScope {
let mut entries = FxHashMap::default();
let graph = db.crate_graph();
for krate in graph.iter() {
let root_file = graph[krate].root_file_id;
let source_root_id = db.file_source_root(root_file);
let source_root = db.source_root(source_root_id);
source_root.iter().map(|id| (EditionedFileId::new(id, graph[krate].edition), None)),
SearchScope { entries }
/// Build a search scope spanning all the reverse dependencies of the given crate.
fn reverse_dependencies(db: &RootDatabase, of: hir::Crate) -> SearchScope {
let mut entries = FxHashMap::default();
for rev_dep in of.transitive_reverse_dependencies(db) {
let root_file = rev_dep.root_file(db);
let source_root_id = db.file_source_root(root_file);
let source_root = db.source_root(source_root_id);
source_root.iter().map(|id| (EditionedFileId::new(id, rev_dep.edition(db)), None)),
SearchScope { entries }
/// Build a search scope spanning the given crate.
fn krate(db: &RootDatabase, of: hir::Crate) -> SearchScope {
let root_file = of.root_file(db);
let source_root_id = db.file_source_root(root_file);
let source_root = db.source_root(source_root_id);
SearchScope {
entries: source_root
.map(|id| (EditionedFileId::new(id, of.edition(db)), None))
/// Build a search scope spanning the given module and all its submodules.
pub fn module_and_children(db: &RootDatabase, module: hir::Module) -> SearchScope {
let mut entries = FxHashMap::default();
let (file_id, range) = {
let InFile { file_id, value } = module.definition_source_range(db);
if let Some(InRealFile { file_id, value: call_source }) = file_id.original_call_node(db)
(file_id, Some(call_source.text_range()))
} else {
(file_id.original_file(db), Some(value))
let mut to_visit: Vec<_> = module.children(db).collect();
while let Some(module) = to_visit.pop() {
if let Some(file_id) = module.as_source_file_id(db) {
entries.insert(file_id, None);
SearchScope { entries }
/// Build an empty search scope.
pub fn empty() -> SearchScope {
/// Build a empty search scope spanning the given file.
pub fn single_file(file: EditionedFileId) -> SearchScope {
SearchScope::new(std::iter::once((file, None)).collect())
/// Build a empty search scope spanning the text range of the given file.
pub fn file_range(range: FileRange) -> SearchScope {
SearchScope::new(std::iter::once((range.file_id, Some(range.range))).collect())
/// Build a empty search scope spanning the given files.
pub fn files(files: &[EditionedFileId]) -> SearchScope {
SearchScope::new(files.iter().map(|f| (*f, None)).collect())
pub fn intersection(&self, other: &SearchScope) -> SearchScope {
let (mut small, mut large) = (&self.entries, &other.entries);
if small.len() > large.len() {
mem::swap(&mut small, &mut large)
let intersect_ranges =
|r1: Option<TextRange>, r2: Option<TextRange>| -> Option<Option<TextRange>> {
match (r1, r2) {
(None, r) | (r, None) => Some(r),
(Some(r1), Some(r2)) => r1.intersect(r2).map(Some),
let res = small
.filter_map(|(&file_id, &r1)| {
let &r2 = large.get(&file_id)?;
let r = intersect_ranges(r1, r2)?;
Some((file_id, r))
impl IntoIterator for SearchScope {
type Item = (EditionedFileId, Option<TextRange>);
type IntoIter = std::collections::hash_map::IntoIter<EditionedFileId, Option<TextRange>>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl Definition {
fn search_scope(&self, db: &RootDatabase) -> SearchScope {
let _p = tracing::info_span!("search_scope").entered();
if let Definition::BuiltinType(_) = self {
return SearchScope::crate_graph(db);
// def is crate root
if let &Definition::Module(module) = self {
if module.is_crate_root() {
return SearchScope::reverse_dependencies(db, module.krate());
let module = match self.module(db) {
Some(it) => it,
None => return SearchScope::empty(),
let InFile { file_id, value: module_source } = module.definition_source(db);
let file_id = file_id.original_file(db);
if let Definition::Local(var) = self {
let def = match var.parent(db) {
DefWithBody::Function(f) => f.source(db).map(|src| src.syntax().cloned()),
DefWithBody::Const(c) => c.source(db).map(|src| src.syntax().cloned()),
DefWithBody::Static(s) => s.source(db).map(|src| src.syntax().cloned()),
DefWithBody::Variant(v) => v.source(db).map(|src| src.syntax().cloned()),
// FIXME: implement
DefWithBody::InTypeConst(_) => return SearchScope::empty(),
return match def {
Some(def) => SearchScope::file_range(
None => SearchScope::single_file(file_id),
if let Definition::InlineAsmOperand(op) = self {
let def = match op.parent(db) {
DefWithBody::Function(f) => f.source(db).map(|src| src.syntax().cloned()),
DefWithBody::Const(c) => c.source(db).map(|src| src.syntax().cloned()),
DefWithBody::Static(s) => s.source(db).map(|src| src.syntax().cloned()),
DefWithBody::Variant(v) => v.source(db).map(|src| src.syntax().cloned()),
// FIXME: implement
DefWithBody::InTypeConst(_) => return SearchScope::empty(),
return match def {
Some(def) => SearchScope::file_range(
None => SearchScope::single_file(file_id),
if let Definition::SelfType(impl_) = self {
return match impl_.source(db).map(|src| src.syntax().cloned()) {
Some(def) => SearchScope::file_range(
None => SearchScope::single_file(file_id),
if let Definition::GenericParam(hir::GenericParam::LifetimeParam(param)) = self {
let def = match param.parent(db) {
hir::GenericDef::Function(it) => it.source(db).map(|src| src.syntax().cloned()),
hir::GenericDef::Adt(it) => it.source(db).map(|src| src.syntax().cloned()),
hir::GenericDef::Trait(it) => it.source(db).map(|src| src.syntax().cloned()),
hir::GenericDef::TraitAlias(it) => it.source(db).map(|src| src.syntax().cloned()),
hir::GenericDef::TypeAlias(it) => it.source(db).map(|src| src.syntax().cloned()),
hir::GenericDef::Impl(it) => it.source(db).map(|src| src.syntax().cloned()),
hir::GenericDef::Const(it) => it.source(db).map(|src| src.syntax().cloned()),
return match def {
Some(def) => SearchScope::file_range(
None => SearchScope::single_file(file_id),
if let Definition::Macro(macro_def) = self {
return match macro_def.kind(db) {
hir::MacroKind::Declarative => {
if macro_def.attrs(db).by_key(&sym::macro_export).exists() {
SearchScope::reverse_dependencies(db, module.krate())
} else {
SearchScope::krate(db, module.krate())
hir::MacroKind::BuiltIn => SearchScope::crate_graph(db),
hir::MacroKind::Derive | hir::MacroKind::Attr | hir::MacroKind::ProcMacro => {
SearchScope::reverse_dependencies(db, module.krate())
if let Definition::DeriveHelper(_) = self {
return SearchScope::reverse_dependencies(db, module.krate());
let vis = self.visibility(db);
if let Some(Visibility::Public) = vis {
return SearchScope::reverse_dependencies(db, module.krate());
if let Some(Visibility::Module(module, _)) = vis {
return SearchScope::module_and_children(db, module.into());
let range = match module_source {
ModuleSource::Module(m) => Some(m.syntax().text_range()),
ModuleSource::BlockExpr(b) => Some(b.syntax().text_range()),
ModuleSource::SourceFile(_) => None,
match range {
Some(range) => SearchScope::file_range(FileRange { file_id, range }),
None => SearchScope::single_file(file_id),
pub fn usages<'a>(self, sema: &'a Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>) -> FindUsages<'a> {
FindUsages {
def: self,
rename: None,
assoc_item_container: self.as_assoc_item(sema.db).map(|a| a.container(sema.db)),
scope: None,
include_self_kw_refs: None,
search_self_mod: false,
pub struct FindUsages<'a> {
def: Definition,
rename: Option<&'a Rename>,
sema: &'a Semantics<'a, RootDatabase>,
scope: Option<&'a SearchScope>,
/// The container of our definition should it be an assoc item
assoc_item_container: Option<hir::AssocItemContainer>,
/// whether to search for the `Self` type of the definition
include_self_kw_refs: Option<hir::Type>,
/// whether to search for the `self` module
search_self_mod: bool,
impl<'a> FindUsages<'a> {
/// Enable searching for `Self` when the definition is a type or `self` for modules.
pub fn include_self_refs(mut self) -> Self {
self.include_self_kw_refs = def_to_ty(self.sema, &self.def);
self.search_self_mod = true;
/// Limit the search to a given [`SearchScope`].
pub fn in_scope(self, scope: &'a SearchScope) -> Self {
/// Limit the search to a given [`SearchScope`].
pub fn set_scope(mut self, scope: Option<&'a SearchScope>) -> Self {
self.scope = scope;
// FIXME: This is just a temporary fix for not handling import aliases like
// `use Foo as Bar`. We need to support them in a proper way.
// See issue #14079
pub fn with_rename(mut self, rename: Option<&'a Rename>) -> Self {
self.rename = rename;
pub fn at_least_one(&self) -> bool {
let mut found = false; |_, _| {
found = true;
pub fn all(self) -> UsageSearchResult {
let mut res = UsageSearchResult::default(); |file_id, reference| {
fn scope_files<'b>(
db: &'b RootDatabase,
scope: &'b SearchScope,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Arc<str>, EditionedFileId, TextRange)> + 'b {
scope.entries.iter().map(|(&file_id, &search_range)| {
let text = db.file_text(file_id.file_id());
let search_range =
search_range.unwrap_or_else(|| TextRange::up_to(TextSize::of(&*text)));
(text, file_id, search_range)
fn match_indices<'b>(
text: &'b str,
finder: &'b Finder<'b>,
search_range: TextRange,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = TextSize> + 'b {
finder.find_iter(text.as_bytes()).filter_map(move |idx| {
let offset: TextSize = idx.try_into().unwrap();
if !search_range.contains_inclusive(offset) {
return None;
// If this is not a word boundary, that means this is only part of an identifier,
// so it can't be what we're looking for.
// This speeds up short identifiers significantly.
if text[..idx]
.is_some_and(|ch| matches!(ch, 'A'..='Z' | 'a'..='z' | '_'))
|| text[idx + finder.needle().len()..]
.is_some_and(|ch| matches!(ch, 'A'..='Z' | 'a'..='z' | '_' | '0'..='9'))
return None;
fn find_nodes<'b>(
sema: &'b Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>,
name: &str,
node: &syntax::SyntaxNode,
offset: TextSize,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = SyntaxNode> + 'b {
.find(|it| {
// `name` is stripped of raw ident prefix. See the comment on name retrieval below.
it.text().trim_start_matches("r#") == name
.flat_map(move |token| {
if sema.might_be_inside_macro_call(&token) {
} else {
.filter_map(|it| it.parent())
/// Performs a special fast search for associated functions. This is mainly intended
/// to speed up `new()` which can take a long time.
/// The trick is instead of searching for `func_name` search for `TypeThatContainsContainerName::func_name`.
/// We cannot search exactly that (not even in tokens), because `ContainerName` may be aliased.
/// Instead, we perform a textual search for `ContainerName`. Then, we look for all cases where
/// `ContainerName` may be aliased (that includes `use ContainerName as Xyz` and
/// `type Xyz = ContainerName`). We collect a list of all possible aliases of `ContainerName`.
/// The list can have false positives (because there may be multiple types named `ContainerName`),
/// but it cannot have false negatives. Then, we look for `TypeThatContainsContainerNameOrAnyAlias::func_name`.
/// Those that will be found are of high chance to be actual hits (of course, we will need to verify
/// that).
/// Returns true if completed the search.
// FIXME: Extend this to other cases, such as associated types/consts/enum variants (note those can be `use`d).
fn short_associated_function_fast_search(
sink: &mut dyn FnMut(EditionedFileId, FileReference) -> bool,
search_scope: &SearchScope,
name: &str,
) -> bool {
if self.scope.is_some() {
return false;
let _p = tracing::info_span!("short_associated_function_fast_search").entered();
let container = (|| {
let Definition::Function(function) = self.def else {
return None;
if function.has_self_param(self.sema.db) {
return None;
match function.container(self.sema.db) {
// Only freestanding `impl`s qualify; methods from trait
// can be called from within subtraits and bounds.
ItemContainer::Impl(impl_) => {
let has_trait = impl_.trait_(self.sema.db).is_some();
if has_trait {
return None;
let adt = impl_.self_ty(self.sema.db).as_adt()?;
_ => None,
let Some(container) = container else {
return false;
fn has_any_name(node: &SyntaxNode, mut predicate: impl FnMut(&str) -> bool) -> bool {
node.descendants().any(|node| {
match_ast! {
match node {
ast::Name(it) => predicate(it.text().trim_start_matches("r#")),
ast::NameRef(it) => predicate(it.text().trim_start_matches("r#")),
_ => false
// This is a fixpoint algorithm with O(number of aliases), but most types have no or few aliases,
// so this should stay fast.
/// Returns `(aliases, ranges_where_Self_can_refer_to_our_type)`.
fn collect_possible_aliases(
sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>,
container: Adt,
) -> Option<(FxHashSet<SmolStr>, Vec<FileRangeWrapper<EditionedFileId>>)> {
fn insert_type_alias(
db: &RootDatabase,
to_process: &mut Vec<(SmolStr, SearchScope)>,
alias_name: &str,
def: Definition,
) {
let alias = alias_name.trim_start_matches("r#").to_smolstr();
tracing::debug!("found alias: {alias}");
to_process.push((alias, def.search_scope(db)));
let _p = tracing::info_span!("collect_possible_aliases").entered();
let db = sema.db;
let container_name =;
let search_scope = Definition::from(container).search_scope(db);
let mut seen = FxHashSet::default();
let mut completed = FxHashSet::default();
let mut to_process = vec![(container_name, search_scope)];
let mut is_possibly_self = Vec::new();
let mut total_files_searched = 0;
while let Some((current_to_process, current_to_process_search_scope)) = to_process.pop()
let is_alias = |alias: &ast::TypeAlias| {
let def = sema.to_def(alias)?;
let ty = def.ty(db);
let is_alias = ty.as_adt()? == container;
let finder = Finder::new(current_to_process.as_bytes());
for (file_text, file_id, search_range) in
FindUsages::scope_files(db, &current_to_process_search_scope)
let tree = LazyCell::new(move || sema.parse(file_id).syntax().clone());
for offset in FindUsages::match_indices(&file_text, &finder, search_range) {
let usages =
FindUsages::find_nodes(sema, &current_to_process, &tree, offset)
.filter(|it| {
matches!(it.kind(), SyntaxKind::NAME | SyntaxKind::NAME_REF)
for usage in usages {
if let Some(alias) = usage.parent().and_then(|it| {
let path = ast::PathSegment::cast(it)?.parent_path();
let use_tree = ast::UseTree::cast(path.syntax().parent()?)?;
}) {
if seen.insert(InFileWrapper::new(
)) {
tracing::debug!("found alias: {alias}");
// FIXME: `use`s have no easy way to determine their search scope, but they are rare.
} else if let Some(alias) =
if let Some(name) = {
if seen.insert(InFileWrapper::new(
)) {
if let Some(def) = is_alias(&alias) {
&mut to_process,
} else {
// We need to account for `Self`. It can only refer to our type inside an impl.
let impl_ = 'impl_: {
for ancestor in usage.ancestors() {
if let Some(parent) = ancestor.parent() {
if let Some(parent) = ast::Impl::cast(parent) {
// Only if the GENERIC_PARAM_LIST is directly under impl, otherwise it may be in the self ty.
if matches!(
| SyntaxKind::WHERE_CLAUSE
) {
if parent
.is_some_and(|trait_| *trait_.syntax() == ancestor)
// Otherwise, found an impl where its self ty may be our type.
break 'impl_ Some(parent);
(|| {
let impl_ = impl_?;
let assoc_items = impl_.assoc_item_list()?;
let type_aliases = assoc_items
for type_alias in type_aliases {
let Some(ty) = type_alias.ty() else { continue };
let Some(name) = else { continue };
let contains_self = ty
.any(|node| node.kind() == SyntaxKind::SELF_TYPE_KW);
if !contains_self {
if seen.insert(InFileWrapper::new(
)) {
if let Some(def) = is_alias(&type_alias) {
&mut to_process,
} else {
total_files_searched += current_to_process_search_scope.entries.len();
// FIXME: Maybe this needs to be relative to the project size, or at least to the initial search scope?
if total_files_searched > 20_000 && completed.len() > 100 {
// This case is extremely unlikely (even searching for `Vec::new()` on rust-analyzer does not enter
// here - it searches less than 10,000 files, and it does so in five seconds), but if we get here,
// we at a risk of entering an almost-infinite loop of growing the aliases list. So just stop and
// let normal search handle this case.
tracing::info!(aliases_count = %completed.len(), "too much aliases; leaving fast path");
return None;
// Impls can contain each other, so we need to deduplicate their ranges.
is_possibly_self.sort_unstable_by_key(|position| {
(position.file_id, position.range.start(), Reverse(position.range.end()))
is_possibly_self.dedup_by(|pos2, pos1| {
pos1.file_id == pos2.file_id
&& pos1.range.start() <= pos2.range.start()
&& pos1.range.end() >= pos2.range.end()
tracing::info!(aliases_count = %completed.len(), "aliases search completed");
Some((completed, is_possibly_self))
fn search(
this: &FindUsages<'_>,
finder: &Finder<'_>,
name: &str,
files: impl Iterator<Item = (Arc<str>, EditionedFileId, TextRange)>,
mut container_predicate: impl FnMut(
InFileWrapper<EditionedFileId, TextRange>,
) -> bool,
sink: &mut dyn FnMut(EditionedFileId, FileReference) -> bool,
) {
for (file_text, file_id, search_range) in files {
let tree = LazyCell::new(move || this.sema.parse(file_id).syntax().clone());
for offset in FindUsages::match_indices(&file_text, finder, search_range) {
let usages = FindUsages::find_nodes(this.sema, name, &tree, offset)
for usage in usages {
let found_usage = usage
.map(|path_segment| {
InFileWrapper::new(file_id, usage.syntax().text_range()),
if found_usage {
this.found_name_ref(&usage, sink);
let Some((container_possible_aliases, is_possibly_self)) =
collect_possible_aliases(self.sema, container)
else {
return false;
// FIXME: If Rust ever gains the ability to `use Struct::method` we'll also need to account for free
// functions.
let finder = Finder::new(name.as_bytes());
// The search for `Self` may return duplicate results with `ContainerName`, so deduplicate them.
let mut self_positions = FxHashSet::default();
tracing::info_span!("Self_search").in_scope(|| {
is_possibly_self.into_iter().map(|position| {
|path, name_position| {
let has_self = path
.any(|node| node.kind() == SyntaxKind::SELF_TYPE_KW);
if has_self {
tracing::info_span!("aliases_search").in_scope(|| {
FindUsages::scope_files(self.sema.db, search_scope),
|path, name_position| {
has_any_name(path, |name| container_possible_aliases.contains(name))
&& !self_positions.contains(&name_position)
pub fn search(&self, sink: &mut dyn FnMut(EditionedFileId, FileReference) -> bool) {
let _p = tracing::info_span!("FindUsages:search").entered();
let sema = self.sema;
let search_scope = {
// FIXME: Is the trait scope needed for trait impl assoc items?
let base =
as_trait_assoc_def(sema.db, self.def).unwrap_or(self.def).search_scope(sema.db);
match &self.scope {
None => base,
Some(scope) => base.intersection(scope),
let name = match (self.rename, self.def) {
(Some(rename), _) => {
if rename.underscore_token().is_some() {
} else {|n| n.to_smolstr())
// special case crate modules as these do not have a proper name
(_, Definition::Module(module)) if module.is_crate_root() => {
// FIXME: This assumes the crate name is always equal to its display name when it
// really isn't
// we should instead look at the dependency edge name and recursively search our way
// up the ancestors
.map(|crate_name| crate_name.crate_name().symbol().as_str().into())
_ => {
let self_kw_refs = || {
self.include_self_kw_refs.as_ref().and_then(|ty| {
.or_else(|| ty.as_builtin().map(|builtin|
// We need to unescape the name in case it is written without "r#" in earlier
// editions of Rust where it isn't a keyword.
.map(|it| it.unescaped().display(sema.db).to_smolstr())
let name = match &name {
Some(s) => s.as_str(),
None => return,
// FIXME: This should probably depend on the number of the results (specifically, the number of false results).
if name.len() <= 7 && self.short_associated_function_fast_search(sink, &search_scope, name)
let finder = &Finder::new(name);
let include_self_kw_refs =
self.include_self_kw_refs.as_ref().map(|ty| (ty, Finder::new("Self")));
for (text, file_id, search_range) in Self::scope_files(sema.db, &search_scope) {
let tree = LazyCell::new(move || sema.parse(file_id).syntax().clone());
// Search for occurrences of the items name
for offset in Self::match_indices(&text, finder, search_range) {
tree.token_at_offset(offset).for_each(|token| {
let Some(str_token) = ast::String::cast(token.clone()) else { return };
if let Some((range, Some(nameres))) =
sema.check_for_format_args_template(token, offset)
if self.found_format_args_ref(file_id, range, str_token, nameres, sink) {}
for name in
Self::find_nodes(sema, name, &tree, offset).filter_map(ast::NameLike::cast)
if match name {
ast::NameLike::NameRef(name_ref) => self.found_name_ref(&name_ref, sink),
ast::NameLike::Name(name) => self.found_name(&name, sink),
ast::NameLike::Lifetime(lifetime) => self.found_lifetime(&lifetime, sink),
} {
// Search for occurrences of the `Self` referring to our type
if let Some((self_ty, finder)) = &include_self_kw_refs {
for offset in Self::match_indices(&text, finder, search_range) {
for name_ref in
Self::find_nodes(sema, "Self", &tree, offset).filter_map(ast::NameRef::cast)
if self.found_self_ty_name_ref(self_ty, &name_ref, sink) {
// Search for `super` and `crate` resolving to our module
if let Definition::Module(module) = self.def {
let scope =
search_scope.intersection(&SearchScope::module_and_children(self.sema.db, module));
let is_crate_root = module.is_crate_root().then(|| Finder::new("crate"));
let finder = &Finder::new("super");
for (text, file_id, search_range) in Self::scope_files(sema.db, &scope) {
let tree = LazyCell::new(move || sema.parse(file_id).syntax().clone());
for offset in Self::match_indices(&text, finder, search_range) {
for name_ref in Self::find_nodes(sema, "super", &tree, offset)
if self.found_name_ref(&name_ref, sink) {
if let Some(finder) = &is_crate_root {
for offset in Self::match_indices(&text, finder, search_range) {
for name_ref in Self::find_nodes(sema, "crate", &tree, offset)
if self.found_name_ref(&name_ref, sink) {
// search for module `self` references in our module's definition source
match self.def {
Definition::Module(module) if self.search_self_mod => {
let src = module.definition_source(sema.db);
let file_id = src.file_id.original_file(sema.db);
let (file_id, search_range) = match src.value {
ModuleSource::Module(m) => (file_id, Some(m.syntax().text_range())),
ModuleSource::BlockExpr(b) => (file_id, Some(b.syntax().text_range())),
ModuleSource::SourceFile(_) => (file_id, None),
let search_range = if let Some(&range) = search_scope.entries.get(&file_id) {
match (range, search_range) {
(None, range) | (range, None) => range,
(Some(range), Some(search_range)) => match range.intersect(search_range) {
Some(range) => Some(range),
None => return,
} else {
let text = sema.db.file_text(file_id.file_id());
let search_range =
search_range.unwrap_or_else(|| TextRange::up_to(TextSize::of(&*text)));
let tree = LazyCell::new(|| sema.parse(file_id).syntax().clone());
let finder = &Finder::new("self");
for offset in Self::match_indices(&text, finder, search_range) {
for name_ref in
Self::find_nodes(sema, "self", &tree, offset).filter_map(ast::NameRef::cast)
if self.found_self_module_name_ref(&name_ref, sink) {
_ => {}
fn found_self_ty_name_ref(
self_ty: &hir::Type,
name_ref: &ast::NameRef,
sink: &mut dyn FnMut(EditionedFileId, FileReference) -> bool,
) -> bool {
// See
let ty_eq = |ty: hir::Type| match (ty.as_adt(), self_ty.as_adt()) {
(Some(ty), Some(self_ty)) => ty == self_ty,
(None, None) => ty == *self_ty,
_ => false,
match NameRefClass::classify(self.sema, name_ref) {
if ty_eq(impl_.self_ty(self.sema.db)) =>
let FileRange { file_id, range } = self.sema.original_range(name_ref.syntax());
let reference = FileReference {
name: FileReferenceNode::NameRef(name_ref.clone()),
category: ReferenceCategory::empty(),
sink(file_id, reference)
_ => false,
fn found_self_module_name_ref(
name_ref: &ast::NameRef,
sink: &mut dyn FnMut(EditionedFileId, FileReference) -> bool,
) -> bool {
match NameRefClass::classify(self.sema, name_ref) {
Some(NameRefClass::Definition(def @ Definition::Module(_))) if def == self.def => {
let FileRange { file_id, range } = self.sema.original_range(name_ref.syntax());
let category = if is_name_ref_in_import(name_ref) {
} else {
let reference = FileReference {
name: FileReferenceNode::NameRef(name_ref.clone()),
sink(file_id, reference)
_ => false,
fn found_format_args_ref(
file_id: EditionedFileId,
range: TextRange,
token: ast::String,
res: Either<PathResolution, InlineAsmOperand>,
sink: &mut dyn FnMut(EditionedFileId, FileReference) -> bool,
) -> bool {
let def = res.either(Definition::from, Definition::from);
if def == self.def {
let reference = FileReference {
name: FileReferenceNode::FormatStringEntry(token, range),
category: ReferenceCategory::READ,
sink(file_id, reference)
} else {
fn found_lifetime(
lifetime: &ast::Lifetime,
sink: &mut dyn FnMut(EditionedFileId, FileReference) -> bool,
) -> bool {
match NameRefClass::classify_lifetime(self.sema, lifetime) {
Some(NameRefClass::Definition(def)) if def == self.def => {
let FileRange { file_id, range } = self.sema.original_range(lifetime.syntax());
let reference = FileReference {
name: FileReferenceNode::Lifetime(lifetime.clone()),
category: ReferenceCategory::empty(),
sink(file_id, reference)
_ => false,
fn found_name_ref(
name_ref: &ast::NameRef,
sink: &mut dyn FnMut(EditionedFileId, FileReference) -> bool,
) -> bool {
match NameRefClass::classify(self.sema, name_ref) {
if self.def == def
// is our def a trait assoc item? then we want to find all assoc items from trait impls of our trait
|| matches!(self.assoc_item_container, Some(hir::AssocItemContainer::Trait(_)))
&& convert_to_def_in_trait(self.sema.db, def) == self.def =>
let FileRange { file_id, range } = self.sema.original_range(name_ref.syntax());
let reference = FileReference {
name: FileReferenceNode::NameRef(name_ref.clone()),
category: ReferenceCategory::new(self.sema, &def, name_ref),
sink(file_id, reference)
// FIXME: special case type aliases, we can't filter between impl and trait defs here as we lack the substitutions
// so we always resolve all assoc type aliases to both their trait def and impl defs
if self.assoc_item_container.is_some()
&& matches!(self.def, Definition::TypeAlias(_))
&& convert_to_def_in_trait(self.sema.db, def)
== convert_to_def_in_trait(self.sema.db, self.def) =>
let FileRange { file_id, range } = self.sema.original_range(name_ref.syntax());
let reference = FileReference {
name: FileReferenceNode::NameRef(name_ref.clone()),
category: ReferenceCategory::new(self.sema, &def, name_ref),
sink(file_id, reference)
Some(NameRefClass::Definition(def)) if self.include_self_kw_refs.is_some() => {
if self.include_self_kw_refs == def_to_ty(self.sema, &def) {
let FileRange { file_id, range } = self.sema.original_range(name_ref.syntax());
let reference = FileReference {
name: FileReferenceNode::NameRef(name_ref.clone()),
category: ReferenceCategory::new(self.sema, &def, name_ref),
sink(file_id, reference)
} else {
Some(NameRefClass::FieldShorthand { local_ref: local, field_ref: field }) => {
let FileRange { file_id, range } = self.sema.original_range(name_ref.syntax());
let field = Definition::Field(field);
let local = Definition::Local(local);
let access = match self.def {
Definition::Field(_) if field == self.def => {
ReferenceCategory::new(self.sema, &field, name_ref)
Definition::Local(_) if local == self.def => {
ReferenceCategory::new(self.sema, &local, name_ref)
_ => return false,
let reference = FileReference {
name: FileReferenceNode::NameRef(name_ref.clone()),
category: access,
sink(file_id, reference)
_ => false,
fn found_name(
name: &ast::Name,
sink: &mut dyn FnMut(EditionedFileId, FileReference) -> bool,
) -> bool {
match NameClass::classify(self.sema, name) {
Some(NameClass::PatFieldShorthand { local_def: _, field_ref })
if matches!(
self.def, Definition::Field(_) if Definition::Field(field_ref) == self.def
) =>
let FileRange { file_id, range } = self.sema.original_range(name.syntax());
let reference = FileReference {
name: FileReferenceNode::Name(name.clone()),
// FIXME: mutable patterns should have `Write` access
category: ReferenceCategory::READ,
sink(file_id, reference)
Some(NameClass::ConstReference(def)) if self.def == def => {
let FileRange { file_id, range } = self.sema.original_range(name.syntax());
let reference = FileReference {
name: FileReferenceNode::Name(name.clone()),
category: ReferenceCategory::empty(),
sink(file_id, reference)
Some(NameClass::Definition(def)) if def != self.def => {
match (&self.assoc_item_container, self.def) {
// for type aliases we always want to reference the trait def and all the trait impl counterparts
// FIXME: only until we can resolve them correctly, see FIXME above
(Some(_), Definition::TypeAlias(_))
if convert_to_def_in_trait(self.sema.db, def)
!= convert_to_def_in_trait(self.sema.db, self.def) =>
return false
(Some(_), Definition::TypeAlias(_)) => {}
// We looking at an assoc item of a trait definition, so reference all the
// corresponding assoc items belonging to this trait's trait implementations
(Some(hir::AssocItemContainer::Trait(_)), _)
if convert_to_def_in_trait(self.sema.db, def) == self.def => {}
_ => return false,
let FileRange { file_id, range } = self.sema.original_range(name.syntax());
let reference = FileReference {
name: FileReferenceNode::Name(name.clone()),
category: ReferenceCategory::empty(),
sink(file_id, reference)
_ => false,
fn def_to_ty(sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>, def: &Definition) -> Option<hir::Type> {
match def {
Definition::Adt(adt) => Some(adt.ty(sema.db)),
Definition::TypeAlias(it) => Some(it.ty(sema.db)),
Definition::BuiltinType(it) => Some(it.ty(sema.db)),
Definition::SelfType(it) => Some(it.self_ty(sema.db)),
_ => None,
impl ReferenceCategory {
fn new(
sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>,
def: &Definition,
r: &ast::NameRef,
) -> ReferenceCategory {
let mut result = ReferenceCategory::empty();
if is_name_ref_in_test(sema, r) {
result |= ReferenceCategory::TEST;
// Only Locals and Fields have accesses for now.
if !matches!(def, Definition::Local(_) | Definition::Field(_)) {
if is_name_ref_in_import(r) {
result |= ReferenceCategory::IMPORT;
return result;
let mode = r.syntax().ancestors().find_map(|node| {
match_ast! {
match node {
ast::BinExpr(expr) => {
if matches!(expr.op_kind()?, ast::BinaryOp::Assignment { .. }) {
// If the variable or field ends on the LHS's end then it's a Write
// (covers fields and locals). FIXME: This is not terribly accurate.
if let Some(lhs) = expr.lhs() {
if lhs.syntax().text_range().end() == r.syntax().text_range().end() {
return Some(ReferenceCategory::WRITE)
_ => None,
result | mode
fn is_name_ref_in_import(name_ref: &ast::NameRef) -> bool {
.and_then(|it| it.parent_path().top_path().syntax().parent())
.map_or(false, |it| it.kind() == SyntaxKind::USE_TREE)
fn is_name_ref_in_test(sema: &Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>, name_ref: &ast::NameRef) -> bool {
name_ref.syntax().ancestors().any(|node| match ast::Fn::cast(node) {
Some(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map_or(false, |func| func.is_test(sema.db)),
None => false,