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//! Builtin derives.
use log::debug;
use parser::FragmentKind;
use syntax::{
ast::{self, AstNode, GenericParamsOwner, ModuleItemOwner, NameOwner},
use crate::{db::AstDatabase, name, quote, AstId, CrateId, MacroCallId, MacroDefId, MacroDefKind};
macro_rules! register_builtin {
( $($trait:ident => $expand:ident),* ) => {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum BuiltinDeriveExpander {
impl BuiltinDeriveExpander {
pub fn expand(
db: &dyn AstDatabase,
id: MacroCallId,
tt: &tt::Subtree,
) -> Result<tt::Subtree, mbe::ExpandError> {
let expander = match *self {
$( BuiltinDeriveExpander::$trait => $expand, )*
expander(db, id, tt)
fn find_by_name(name: &name::Name) -> Option<Self> {
match name {
$( id if id == &name::name![$trait] => Some(BuiltinDeriveExpander::$trait), )*
_ => None,
register_builtin! {
Copy => copy_expand,
Clone => clone_expand,
Default => default_expand,
Debug => debug_expand,
Hash => hash_expand,
Ord => ord_expand,
PartialOrd => partial_ord_expand,
Eq => eq_expand,
PartialEq => partial_eq_expand
pub fn find_builtin_derive(
ident: &name::Name,
krate: CrateId,
ast_id: AstId<ast::Macro>,
) -> Option<MacroDefId> {
let expander = BuiltinDeriveExpander::find_by_name(ident)?;
Some(MacroDefId {
kind: MacroDefKind::BuiltInDerive(expander, ast_id),
local_inner: false,
struct BasicAdtInfo {
name: tt::Ident,
type_params: usize,
fn parse_adt(tt: &tt::Subtree) -> Result<BasicAdtInfo, mbe::ExpandError> {
let (parsed, token_map) = mbe::token_tree_to_syntax_node(tt, FragmentKind::Items)?; // FragmentKind::Items doesn't parse attrs?
let macro_items = ast::MacroItems::cast(parsed.syntax_node()).ok_or_else(|| {
debug!("derive node didn't parse");
let item = macro_items.items().next().ok_or_else(|| {
debug!("no module item parsed");
let node = item.syntax();
let (name, params) = match_ast! {
match node {
ast::Struct(it) => (it.name(), it.generic_param_list()),
ast::Enum(it) => (it.name(), it.generic_param_list()),
ast::Union(it) => (it.name(), it.generic_param_list()),
_ => {
debug!("unexpected node is {:?}", node);
return Err(mbe::ExpandError::ConversionError)
let name = name.ok_or_else(|| {
debug!("parsed item has no name");
let name_token_id = token_map.token_by_range(name.syntax().text_range()).ok_or_else(|| {
debug!("name token not found");
let name_token = tt::Ident { id: name_token_id, text: name.text().into() };
let type_params = params.map_or(0, |type_param_list| type_param_list.type_params().count());
Ok(BasicAdtInfo { name: name_token, type_params })
fn make_type_args(n: usize, bound: Vec<tt::TokenTree>) -> Vec<tt::TokenTree> {
let mut result = Vec::<tt::TokenTree>::with_capacity(n * 2);
tt::Leaf::Punct(tt::Punct {
char: '<',
spacing: tt::Spacing::Alone,
id: tt::TokenId::unspecified(),
for i in 0..n {
if i > 0 {
tt::Leaf::Punct(tt::Punct {
char: ',',
spacing: tt::Spacing::Alone,
id: tt::TokenId::unspecified(),
tt::Leaf::Ident(tt::Ident {
id: tt::TokenId::unspecified(),
text: format!("T{}", i).into(),
tt::Leaf::Punct(tt::Punct {
char: '>',
spacing: tt::Spacing::Alone,
id: tt::TokenId::unspecified(),
fn expand_simple_derive(
tt: &tt::Subtree,
trait_path: tt::Subtree,
) -> Result<tt::Subtree, mbe::ExpandError> {
let info = parse_adt(tt)?;
let name = info.name;
let trait_path_clone = trait_path.token_trees.clone();
let bound = (quote! { : ##trait_path_clone }).token_trees;
let type_params = make_type_args(info.type_params, bound);
let type_args = make_type_args(info.type_params, Vec::new());
let trait_path = trait_path.token_trees;
let expanded = quote! {
impl ##type_params ##trait_path for #name ##type_args {}
fn find_builtin_crate(db: &dyn AstDatabase, id: MacroCallId) -> tt::TokenTree {
// FIXME: make hygiene works for builtin derive macro
// such that $crate can be used here.
let cg = db.crate_graph();
let krate = db.lookup_intern_macro(id).krate;
// XXX
// All crates except core itself should have a dependency on core,
// We detect `core` by seeing whether it doesn't have such a dependency.
let tt = if cg[krate].dependencies.iter().any(|dep| &*dep.name == "core") {
quote! { core }
} else {
quote! { crate }
fn copy_expand(
db: &dyn AstDatabase,
id: MacroCallId,
tt: &tt::Subtree,
) -> Result<tt::Subtree, mbe::ExpandError> {
let krate = find_builtin_crate(db, id);
expand_simple_derive(tt, quote! { #krate::marker::Copy })
fn clone_expand(
db: &dyn AstDatabase,
id: MacroCallId,
tt: &tt::Subtree,
) -> Result<tt::Subtree, mbe::ExpandError> {
let krate = find_builtin_crate(db, id);
expand_simple_derive(tt, quote! { #krate::clone::Clone })
fn default_expand(
db: &dyn AstDatabase,
id: MacroCallId,
tt: &tt::Subtree,
) -> Result<tt::Subtree, mbe::ExpandError> {
let krate = find_builtin_crate(db, id);
expand_simple_derive(tt, quote! { #krate::default::Default })
fn debug_expand(
db: &dyn AstDatabase,
id: MacroCallId,
tt: &tt::Subtree,
) -> Result<tt::Subtree, mbe::ExpandError> {
let krate = find_builtin_crate(db, id);
expand_simple_derive(tt, quote! { #krate::fmt::Debug })
fn hash_expand(
db: &dyn AstDatabase,
id: MacroCallId,
tt: &tt::Subtree,
) -> Result<tt::Subtree, mbe::ExpandError> {
let krate = find_builtin_crate(db, id);
expand_simple_derive(tt, quote! { #krate::hash::Hash })
fn eq_expand(
db: &dyn AstDatabase,
id: MacroCallId,
tt: &tt::Subtree,
) -> Result<tt::Subtree, mbe::ExpandError> {
let krate = find_builtin_crate(db, id);
expand_simple_derive(tt, quote! { #krate::cmp::Eq })
fn partial_eq_expand(
db: &dyn AstDatabase,
id: MacroCallId,
tt: &tt::Subtree,
) -> Result<tt::Subtree, mbe::ExpandError> {
let krate = find_builtin_crate(db, id);
expand_simple_derive(tt, quote! { #krate::cmp::PartialEq })
fn ord_expand(
db: &dyn AstDatabase,
id: MacroCallId,
tt: &tt::Subtree,
) -> Result<tt::Subtree, mbe::ExpandError> {
let krate = find_builtin_crate(db, id);
expand_simple_derive(tt, quote! { #krate::cmp::Ord })
fn partial_ord_expand(
db: &dyn AstDatabase,
id: MacroCallId,
tt: &tt::Subtree,
) -> Result<tt::Subtree, mbe::ExpandError> {
let krate = find_builtin_crate(db, id);
expand_simple_derive(tt, quote! { #krate::cmp::PartialOrd })
mod tests {
use base_db::{fixture::WithFixture, CrateId, SourceDatabase};
use expect_test::{expect, Expect};
use name::AsName;
use crate::{test_db::TestDB, AstId, MacroCallId, MacroCallKind, MacroCallLoc};
use super::*;
fn expand_builtin_derive(ra_fixture: &str) -> String {
let fixture = format!(
r#"//- /main.rs crate:main deps:core
//- /lib.rs crate:core
// empty
let (db, file_pos) = TestDB::with_position(&fixture);
let file_id = file_pos.file_id;
let ast_id_map = db.ast_id_map(file_id.into());
let parsed = db.parse(file_id);
let macros: Vec<_> =
let items: Vec<_> = parsed
.filter(|node| !ast::Macro::can_cast(node.kind()))
assert_eq!(macros.len(), 1, "test must contain exactly 1 macro definition");
assert_eq!(items.len(), 1, "test must contain exactly 1 item");
let macro_ast_id = AstId::new(file_id.into(), ast_id_map.ast_id(¯os[0]));
let name = match ¯os[0] {
ast::Macro::MacroRules(rules) => rules.name().unwrap().as_name(),
ast::Macro::MacroDef(def) => def.name().unwrap().as_name(),
let expander = BuiltinDeriveExpander::find_by_name(&name).unwrap();
let ast_id = AstId::new(file_id.into(), ast_id_map.ast_id(&items[0]));
let loc = MacroCallLoc {
def: MacroDefId {
krate: CrateId(0),
kind: MacroDefKind::BuiltInDerive(expander, macro_ast_id),
local_inner: false,
krate: CrateId(0),
eager: None,
kind: MacroCallKind::Derive {
derive_name: name.to_string(),
derive_attr_index: 0,
let id: MacroCallId = db.intern_macro(loc);
let parsed = db.parse_or_expand(id.as_file()).unwrap();
// FIXME text() for syntax nodes parsed from token tree looks weird
// because there's no whitespace, see below
fn check_derive(ra_fixture: &str, expected: Expect) {
let expanded = expand_builtin_derive(ra_fixture);
fn test_copy_expand_simple() {
macro Copy {}
struct Foo;
expect![["impl< >core::marker::CopyforFoo< >{}"]],
fn test_copy_expand_with_type_params() {
macro Copy {}
struct Foo<A, B>;
fn test_copy_expand_with_lifetimes() {
macro Copy {}
struct Foo<A, B, 'a, 'b>;
// We currently just ignore lifetimes
fn test_clone_expand() {
macro Clone {}
struct Foo<A, B>;