Timo Freiberg 1b5a74ef18 Fix snippetTextEdits applying to other files
vscode.window.visibleTextEditors only contains editors whose contents
are being displayed at the moment, so the previous logic only worked if
the other file for which a snippetTextEdit is being received was visible
in a separate split.
2020-07-22 17:36:54 +02:00

59 lines
2.5 KiB

import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { assert } from './util';
export async function applySnippetWorkspaceEdit(edit: vscode.WorkspaceEdit) {
assert(edit.entries().length === 1, `bad ws edit: ${JSON.stringify(edit)}`);
const [uri, edits] = edit.entries()[0];
if (vscode.window.activeTextEditor?.document.uri !== uri) {
// `vscode.window.visibleTextEditors` only contains editors whose contents are being displayed
await vscode.window.showTextDocument(uri, {});
const editor = vscode.window.visibleTextEditors.find((it) => it.document.uri.toString() === uri.toString());
if (!editor) return;
await applySnippetTextEdits(editor, edits);
export async function applySnippetTextEdits(editor: vscode.TextEditor, edits: vscode.TextEdit[]) {
let selection: vscode.Selection | undefined = undefined;
let lineDelta = 0;
await editor.edit((builder) => {
for (const indel of edits) {
const parsed = parseSnippet(indel.newText);
if (parsed) {
const [newText, [placeholderStart, placeholderLength]] = parsed;
const prefix = newText.substr(0, placeholderStart);
const lastNewline = prefix.lastIndexOf('\n');
const startLine = indel.range.start.line + lineDelta + countLines(prefix);
const startColumn = lastNewline === -1 ?
indel.range.start.character + placeholderStart
: prefix.length - lastNewline - 1;
const endColumn = startColumn + placeholderLength;
selection = new vscode.Selection(
new vscode.Position(startLine, startColumn),
new vscode.Position(startLine, endColumn),
builder.replace(indel.range, newText);
} else {
lineDelta = countLines(indel.newText) - (indel.range.end.line - indel.range.start.line);
builder.replace(indel.range, indel.newText);
if (selection) editor.selection = selection;
function parseSnippet(snip: string): [string, [number, number]] | undefined {
const m = snip.match(/\$(0|\{0:([^}]*)\})/);
if (!m) return undefined;
const placeholder = m[2] ?? "";
const range: [number, number] = [m.index!!, placeholder.length];
const insert = snip.replace(m[0], placeholder);
return [insert, range];
function countLines(text: string): number {
return (text.match(/\n/g) || []).length;