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synced 2024-12-26 13:03:31 +00:00
Contributors don't need to learn about `cargo xtask codegen` if `cargo test` just does the right thing.
108 lines
3.2 KiB
108 lines
3.2 KiB
use std::fmt::Write;
use xshell::{cmd, cp, pushd, read_dir, write_file};
use crate::{codegen, date_iso, flags, is_release_tag, project_root, Result};
impl flags::Release {
pub(crate) fn run(self) -> Result<()> {
if !self.dry_run {
cmd!("git switch release").run()?;
cmd!("git fetch upstream --tags --force").run()?;
cmd!("git reset --hard tags/nightly").run()?;
cmd!("git push").run()?;
let website_root = project_root().join("../rust-analyzer.github.io");
let changelog_dir = website_root.join("./thisweek/_posts");
let today = date_iso()?;
let commit = cmd!("git rev-parse HEAD").read()?;
let changelog_n = read_dir(changelog_dir.as_path())?.len();
for &adoc in [
let src = project_root().join("./docs/user/").join(adoc);
let dst = website_root.join(adoc);
cp(src, dst)?;
let tags = cmd!("git tag --list").read()?;
let prev_tag = tags.lines().filter(|line| is_release_tag(line)).last().unwrap();
let git_log = cmd!("git log {prev_tag}..HEAD --merges --reverse").read()?;
let mut git_log_summary = String::new();
for line in git_log.lines() {
let line = line.trim_start();
if let Some(p) = line.find(':') {
if let Ok(pr) = line[..p].parse::<u32>() {
writeln!(git_log_summary, "* pr:{}[]{}", pr, &line[p + 1..]).unwrap();
let contents = format!(
= Changelog #{}
:page-layout: post
Commit: commit:{}[] +
Release: release:{}[]
== Sponsors
**Become a sponsor:** On https://opencollective.com/rust-analyzer/[OpenCollective] or
https://github.com/sponsors/rust-analyzer[GitHub Sponsors].
== New Features
== Fixes
== Internal Improvements
changelog_n, commit, today, git_log_summary
let path = changelog_dir.join(format!("{}-changelog-{}.adoc", today, changelog_n));
write_file(&path, &contents)?;
impl flags::Promote {
pub(crate) fn run(self) -> Result<()> {
let _dir = pushd("../rust-rust-analyzer")?;
cmd!("git switch master").run()?;
cmd!("git fetch upstream").run()?;
cmd!("git reset --hard upstream/master").run()?;
cmd!("git submodule update --recursive").run()?;
let branch = format!("rust-analyzer-{}", date_iso()?);
cmd!("git switch -c {branch}").run()?;
let _dir = pushd("src/tools/rust-analyzer")?;
cmd!("git fetch origin").run()?;
cmd!("git reset --hard origin/release").run()?;
cmd!("git add src/tools/rust-analyzer").run()?;
cmd!("git commit -m':arrow_up: rust-analyzer'").run()?;
if !self.dry_run {
cmd!("git push -u").run()?;
cmd!("xdg-open https://github.com/matklad/rust/pull/new/{branch}?body=r%3F%20%40ghost")