Rungsikorn Rungsikavarnich fb9a1dd87e Missing runnable env on debug target
Fix bug in Rust Analyzer where runnable debugging did not pass
environment variable from configuration to child process of Cargo
on binary build stage
2023-03-30 15:39:49 +09:00

214 lines
7.3 KiB

import * as cp from "child_process";
import * as os from "os";
import * as path from "path";
import * as readline from "readline";
import * as vscode from "vscode";
import { execute, log, memoizeAsync } from "./util";
interface CompilationArtifact {
fileName: string;
name: string;
kind: string;
isTest: boolean;
export interface ArtifactSpec {
cargoArgs: string[];
filter?: (artifacts: CompilationArtifact[]) => CompilationArtifact[];
export class Cargo {
readonly rootFolder: string,
readonly output: vscode.OutputChannel,
readonly env: Record<string, string>
) {}
// Made public for testing purposes
static artifactSpec(args: readonly string[]): ArtifactSpec {
const cargoArgs = [...args, "--message-format=json"];
// arguments for a runnable from the quick pick should be updated.
// see crates\rust-analyzer\src\main_loop\, handle_code_lens
switch (cargoArgs[0]) {
case "run":
cargoArgs[0] = "build";
case "test": {
if (!cargoArgs.includes("--no-run")) {
const result: ArtifactSpec = { cargoArgs: cargoArgs };
if (cargoArgs[0] === "test" || cargoArgs[0] === "bench") {
// for instance, `crates\rust-analyzer\tests\heavy_tests\` tests
// produce 2 artifacts: {"kind": "bin"} and {"kind": "test"}
result.filter = (artifacts) => artifacts.filter((it) => it.isTest);
return result;
private async getArtifacts(spec: ArtifactSpec): Promise<CompilationArtifact[]> {
const artifacts: CompilationArtifact[] = [];
try {
await this.runCargo(
(message) => {
if (message.reason === "compiler-artifact" && message.executable) {
const isBinary ="bin");
const isBuildScript ="custom-build");
if ((isBinary && !isBuildScript) || message.profile.test) {
fileName: message.executable,
isTest: message.profile.test,
} else if (message.reason === "compiler-message") {
(stderr) => this.output.append(stderr)
} catch (err) {;
throw new Error(`Cargo invocation has failed: ${err}`);
return spec.filter?.(artifacts) ?? artifacts;
async executableFromArgs(args: readonly string[]): Promise<string> {
const artifacts = await this.getArtifacts(Cargo.artifactSpec(args));
if (artifacts.length === 0) {
throw new Error("No compilation artifacts");
} else if (artifacts.length > 1) {
throw new Error("Multiple compilation artifacts are not supported.");
return artifacts[0].fileName;
private async runCargo(
cargoArgs: string[],
onStdoutJson: (obj: any) => void,
onStderrString: (data: string) => void
): Promise<number> {
const path = await cargoPath();
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const cargo = cp.spawn(path, cargoArgs, {
stdio: ["ignore", "pipe", "pipe"],
cwd: this.rootFolder,
env: this.env,
cargo.on("error", (err) => reject(new Error(`could not launch cargo: ${err}`)));
cargo.stderr.on("data", (chunk) => onStderrString(chunk.toString()));
const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: cargo.stdout });
rl.on("line", (line) => {
const message = JSON.parse(line);
cargo.on("exit", (exitCode, _) => {
if (exitCode === 0) resolve(exitCode);
else reject(new Error(`exit code: ${exitCode}.`));
/** Mirrors `project_model::sysroot::discover_sysroot_dir()` implementation*/
export async function getSysroot(dir: string): Promise<string> {
const rustcPath = await getPathForExecutable("rustc");
// do not memoize the result because the toolchain may change between runs
return await execute(`${rustcPath} --print sysroot`, { cwd: dir });
export async function getRustcId(dir: string): Promise<string> {
const rustcPath = await getPathForExecutable("rustc");
// do not memoize the result because the toolchain may change between runs
const data = await execute(`${rustcPath} -V -v`, { cwd: dir });
const rx = /commit-hash:\s(.*)$/m;
return rx.exec(data)![1];
/** Mirrors `toolchain::cargo()` implementation */
export function cargoPath(): Promise<string> {
return getPathForExecutable("cargo");
/** Mirrors `toolchain::get_path_for_executable()` implementation */
export const getPathForExecutable = memoizeAsync(
// We apply caching to decrease file-system interactions
async (executableName: "cargo" | "rustc" | "rustup"): Promise<string> => {
const envVar = process.env[executableName.toUpperCase()];
if (envVar) return envVar;
if (await lookupInPath(executableName)) return executableName;
const cargoHome = getCargoHome();
if (cargoHome) {
const standardPath = vscode.Uri.joinPath(cargoHome, "bin", executableName);
if (await isFileAtUri(standardPath)) return standardPath.fsPath;
return executableName;
async function lookupInPath(exec: string): Promise<boolean> {
const paths = process.env.PATH ?? "";
const candidates = paths.split(path.delimiter).flatMap((dirInPath) => {
const candidate = path.join(dirInPath, exec);
return os.type() === "Windows_NT" ? [candidate, `${candidate}.exe`] : [candidate];
for await (const isFile of {
if (isFile) {
return true;
return false;
function getCargoHome(): vscode.Uri | null {
const envVar = process.env["CARGO_HOME"];
if (envVar) return vscode.Uri.file(envVar);
try {
// hmm, `os.homedir()` seems to be infallible
// it is not mentioned in docs and cannot be inferred by the type signature...
return vscode.Uri.joinPath(vscode.Uri.file(os.homedir()), ".cargo");
} catch (err) {
log.error("Failed to read the fs info", err);
return null;
async function isFileAtPath(path: string): Promise<boolean> {
return isFileAtUri(vscode.Uri.file(path));
async function isFileAtUri(uri: vscode.Uri): Promise<boolean> {
try {
return ((await vscode.workspace.fs.stat(uri)).type & vscode.FileType.File) !== 0;
} catch {
return false;