mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 05:23:24 +00:00
So that given a `TypeRef` we will be able to trace it back to source code. This is necessary to be able to provide diagnostics for lowering to chalk tys, since the input to that is `TypeRef`. This means that `TypeRef`s now have an identity, which means storing them in arena and not interning them, which is an unfortunate (but necessary) loss but also a pretty massive change. Luckily, because of the separation layer we have for IDE and HIR, this change never crosses the IDE boundary.
379 lines
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379 lines
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//! Defines database & queries for name resolution.
use base_db::{ra_salsa, CrateId, SourceDatabase, Upcast};
use either::Either;
use hir_expand::{db::ExpandDatabase, HirFileId, MacroDefId};
use intern::sym;
use la_arena::ArenaMap;
use span::{EditionedFileId, MacroCallId};
use syntax::{ast, AstPtr};
use triomphe::Arc;
use crate::{
attr::{Attrs, AttrsWithOwner},
body::{scope::ExprScopes, Body, BodySourceMap},
adt::{EnumData, EnumVariantData, StructData, VariantData},
ConstData, ExternCrateDeclData, FunctionData, ImplData, Macro2Data, MacroRulesData,
ProcMacroData, StaticData, TraitAliasData, TraitData, TypeAliasData,
item_tree::{AttrOwner, ItemTree, ItemTreeSourceMaps},
lang_item::{self, LangItem, LangItemTarget, LangItems},
nameres::{diagnostics::DefDiagnostics, DefMap},
visibility::{self, Visibility},
AttrDefId, BlockId, BlockLoc, ConstBlockId, ConstBlockLoc, ConstId, ConstLoc, DefWithBodyId,
EnumId, EnumLoc, EnumVariantId, EnumVariantLoc, ExternBlockId, ExternBlockLoc, ExternCrateId,
ExternCrateLoc, FunctionId, FunctionLoc, GenericDefId, ImplId, ImplLoc, InTypeConstId,
InTypeConstLoc, LocalFieldId, Macro2Id, Macro2Loc, MacroId, MacroRulesId, MacroRulesLoc,
MacroRulesLocFlags, ProcMacroId, ProcMacroLoc, StaticId, StaticLoc, StructId, StructLoc,
TraitAliasId, TraitAliasLoc, TraitId, TraitLoc, TypeAliasId, TypeAliasLoc, UnionId, UnionLoc,
UseId, UseLoc, VariantId,
pub trait InternDatabase: SourceDatabase {
// region: items
fn intern_use(&self, loc: UseLoc) -> UseId;
fn intern_extern_crate(&self, loc: ExternCrateLoc) -> ExternCrateId;
fn intern_function(&self, loc: FunctionLoc) -> FunctionId;
fn intern_struct(&self, loc: StructLoc) -> StructId;
fn intern_union(&self, loc: UnionLoc) -> UnionId;
fn intern_enum(&self, loc: EnumLoc) -> EnumId;
fn intern_enum_variant(&self, loc: EnumVariantLoc) -> EnumVariantId;
fn intern_const(&self, loc: ConstLoc) -> ConstId;
fn intern_static(&self, loc: StaticLoc) -> StaticId;
fn intern_trait(&self, loc: TraitLoc) -> TraitId;
fn intern_trait_alias(&self, loc: TraitAliasLoc) -> TraitAliasId;
fn intern_type_alias(&self, loc: TypeAliasLoc) -> TypeAliasId;
fn intern_impl(&self, loc: ImplLoc) -> ImplId;
fn intern_extern_block(&self, loc: ExternBlockLoc) -> ExternBlockId;
fn intern_macro2(&self, loc: Macro2Loc) -> Macro2Id;
fn intern_proc_macro(&self, loc: ProcMacroLoc) -> ProcMacroId;
fn intern_macro_rules(&self, loc: MacroRulesLoc) -> MacroRulesId;
// endregion: items
fn intern_block(&self, loc: BlockLoc) -> BlockId;
fn intern_anonymous_const(&self, id: ConstBlockLoc) -> ConstBlockId;
fn intern_in_type_const(&self, id: InTypeConstLoc) -> InTypeConstId;
pub trait DefDatabase: InternDatabase + ExpandDatabase + Upcast<dyn ExpandDatabase> {
/// Whether to expand procedural macros during name resolution.
fn expand_proc_attr_macros(&self) -> bool;
/// Computes an [`ItemTree`] for the given file or macro expansion.
fn file_item_tree(&self, file_id: HirFileId) -> Arc<ItemTree>;
fn block_item_tree(&self, block_id: BlockId) -> Arc<ItemTree>;
fn file_item_tree_with_source_map(
file_id: HirFileId,
) -> (Arc<ItemTree>, Arc<ItemTreeSourceMaps>);
fn block_item_tree_with_source_map(
block_id: BlockId,
) -> (Arc<ItemTree>, Arc<ItemTreeSourceMaps>);
fn crate_def_map(&self, krate: CrateId) -> Arc<DefMap>;
/// Computes the block-level `DefMap`.
fn block_def_map(&self, block: BlockId) -> Arc<DefMap>;
/// Turns a MacroId into a MacroDefId, describing the macro's definition post name resolution.
fn macro_def(&self, m: MacroId) -> MacroDefId;
// region:data
fn struct_data(&self, id: StructId) -> Arc<StructData>;
fn struct_data_with_diagnostics(&self, id: StructId) -> (Arc<StructData>, DefDiagnostics);
fn union_data(&self, id: UnionId) -> Arc<StructData>;
fn union_data_with_diagnostics(&self, id: UnionId) -> (Arc<StructData>, DefDiagnostics);
fn enum_data(&self, e: EnumId) -> Arc<EnumData>;
fn enum_variant_data(&self, id: EnumVariantId) -> Arc<EnumVariantData>;
fn enum_variant_data_with_diagnostics(
id: EnumVariantId,
) -> (Arc<EnumVariantData>, DefDiagnostics);
fn variant_data(&self, id: VariantId) -> Arc<VariantData>;
fn impl_data(&self, e: ImplId) -> Arc<ImplData>;
fn impl_data_with_diagnostics(&self, e: ImplId) -> (Arc<ImplData>, DefDiagnostics);
fn trait_data(&self, e: TraitId) -> Arc<TraitData>;
fn trait_data_with_diagnostics(&self, tr: TraitId) -> (Arc<TraitData>, DefDiagnostics);
fn trait_alias_data(&self, e: TraitAliasId) -> Arc<TraitAliasData>;
fn type_alias_data(&self, e: TypeAliasId) -> Arc<TypeAliasData>;
fn function_data(&self, func: FunctionId) -> Arc<FunctionData>;
fn const_data(&self, konst: ConstId) -> Arc<ConstData>;
fn static_data(&self, statik: StaticId) -> Arc<StaticData>;
fn macro2_data(&self, makro: Macro2Id) -> Arc<Macro2Data>;
fn macro_rules_data(&self, makro: MacroRulesId) -> Arc<MacroRulesData>;
fn proc_macro_data(&self, makro: ProcMacroId) -> Arc<ProcMacroData>;
fn extern_crate_decl_data(&self, extern_crate: ExternCrateId) -> Arc<ExternCrateDeclData>;
// endregion:data
fn body_with_source_map(&self, def: DefWithBodyId) -> (Arc<Body>, Arc<BodySourceMap>);
fn body(&self, def: DefWithBodyId) -> Arc<Body>;
fn expr_scopes(&self, def: DefWithBodyId) -> Arc<ExprScopes>;
fn generic_params(&self, def: GenericDefId) -> Arc<GenericParams>;
/// If this returns `None` for the source map, that means it is the same as with the item tree.
fn generic_params_with_source_map(
def: GenericDefId,
) -> (Arc<GenericParams>, Option<Arc<TypesSourceMap>>);
// region:attrs
fn fields_attrs(&self, def: VariantId) -> Arc<ArenaMap<LocalFieldId, Attrs>>;
// should this really be a query?
fn fields_attrs_source_map(
def: VariantId,
) -> Arc<ArenaMap<LocalFieldId, AstPtr<Either<ast::TupleField, ast::RecordField>>>>;
fn attrs(&self, def: AttrDefId) -> Attrs;
fn lang_attr(&self, def: AttrDefId) -> Option<LangItem>;
// endregion:attrs
fn lang_item(&self, start_crate: CrateId, item: LangItem) -> Option<LangItemTarget>;
fn import_map(&self, krate: CrateId) -> Arc<ImportMap>;
// region:visibilities
fn field_visibilities(&self, var: VariantId) -> Arc<ArenaMap<LocalFieldId, Visibility>>;
// FIXME: unify function_visibility and const_visibility?
fn function_visibility(&self, def: FunctionId) -> Visibility;
fn const_visibility(&self, def: ConstId) -> Visibility;
// endregion:visibilities
fn crate_lang_items(&self, krate: CrateId) -> Option<Arc<LangItems>>;
fn notable_traits_in_deps(&self, krate: CrateId) -> Arc<[Arc<[TraitId]>]>;
fn crate_notable_traits(&self, krate: CrateId) -> Option<Arc<[TraitId]>>;
fn crate_supports_no_std(&self, crate_id: CrateId) -> bool;
fn include_macro_invoc(&self, crate_id: CrateId) -> Arc<[(MacroCallId, EditionedFileId)]>;
// return: macro call id and include file id
fn include_macro_invoc(
db: &dyn DefDatabase,
krate: CrateId,
) -> Arc<[(MacroCallId, EditionedFileId)]> {
.flat_map(|m| m.scope.iter_macro_invoc())
.filter_map(|invoc| {
.include_file_id(db.upcast(), *invoc.1)
.map(|x| (*invoc.1, x))
fn crate_supports_no_std(db: &dyn DefDatabase, crate_id: CrateId) -> bool {
let file = db.crate_graph()[crate_id].root_file_id();
let item_tree = db.file_item_tree(file.into());
let attrs = item_tree.raw_attrs(AttrOwner::TopLevel);
for attr in &**attrs {
match attr.path().as_ident() {
Some(ident) if *ident == sym::no_std.clone() => return true,
Some(ident) if *ident == sym::cfg_attr.clone() => {}
_ => continue,
// This is a `cfg_attr`; check if it could possibly expand to `no_std`.
// Syntax is: `#[cfg_attr(condition(cfg, style), attr0, attr1, <...>)]`
let tt = match attr.token_tree_value() {
Some(tt) => &tt.token_trees,
None => continue,
let segments =
tt.split(|tt| matches!(tt, tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Punct(p)) if p.char == ','));
for output in segments.skip(1) {
match output {
[tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Ident(ident))] if ident.sym == sym::no_std => {
return true
_ => {}
fn macro_def(db: &dyn DefDatabase, id: MacroId) -> MacroDefId {
use hir_expand::InFile;
use crate::{Lookup, MacroDefKind, MacroExpander};
let kind = |expander, file_id, m| {
let in_file = InFile::new(file_id, m);
match expander {
MacroExpander::Declarative => MacroDefKind::Declarative(in_file),
MacroExpander::BuiltIn(it) => MacroDefKind::BuiltIn(in_file, it),
MacroExpander::BuiltInAttr(it) => MacroDefKind::BuiltInAttr(in_file, it),
MacroExpander::BuiltInDerive(it) => MacroDefKind::BuiltInDerive(in_file, it),
MacroExpander::BuiltInEager(it) => MacroDefKind::BuiltInEager(in_file, it),
match id {
MacroId::Macro2Id(it) => {
let loc: Macro2Loc = it.lookup(db);
let item_tree = loc.id.item_tree(db);
let makro = &item_tree[loc.id.value];
MacroDefId {
krate: loc.container.krate,
kind: kind(loc.expander, loc.id.file_id(), makro.ast_id.upcast()),
local_inner: false,
allow_internal_unsafe: loc.allow_internal_unsafe,
edition: loc.edition,
MacroId::MacroRulesId(it) => {
let loc: MacroRulesLoc = it.lookup(db);
let item_tree = loc.id.item_tree(db);
let makro = &item_tree[loc.id.value];
MacroDefId {
krate: loc.container.krate,
kind: kind(loc.expander, loc.id.file_id(), makro.ast_id.upcast()),
local_inner: loc.flags.contains(MacroRulesLocFlags::LOCAL_INNER),
allow_internal_unsafe: loc
edition: loc.edition,
MacroId::ProcMacroId(it) => {
let loc = it.lookup(db);
let item_tree = loc.id.item_tree(db);
let makro = &item_tree[loc.id.value];
MacroDefId {
krate: loc.container.krate,
kind: MacroDefKind::ProcMacro(
InFile::new(loc.id.file_id(), makro.ast_id),
local_inner: false,
allow_internal_unsafe: false,
edition: loc.edition,