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synced 2025-01-10 04:08:47 +00:00
This wasn't a right decision in the first place, the feature flag was broken in the last rustfmt release, and syntax highlighting of imports is more important anyway
328 lines
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328 lines
9.4 KiB
mod memory_usage;
use std::{
io::{stderr, Write},
atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering},
time::{Duration, Instant},
use itertools::Itertools;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
pub use crate::memory_usage::{Bytes, MemoryUsage};
// We use jemalloc mainly to get heap usage statistics, actual performance
// difference is not measures.
#[cfg(feature = "jemalloc")]
static ALLOC: jemallocator::Jemalloc = jemallocator::Jemalloc;
/// Set profiling filter. It specifies descriptions allowed to profile.
/// This is helpful when call stack has too many nested profiling scopes.
/// Additionally filter can specify maximum depth of profiling scopes nesting.
/// #Example
/// ```
/// use ra_prof::{set_filter, Filter};
/// let f = Filter::from_spec("profile1|profile2@2");
/// set_filter(f);
/// ```
pub fn set_filter(f: Filter) {
PROFILING_ENABLED.store(f.depth > 0, Ordering::SeqCst);
let set: HashSet<_> = f.allowed.iter().cloned().collect();
let mut old = FILTER.write().unwrap();
let filter_data = FilterData {
depth: f.depth,
allowed: set,
longer_than: f.longer_than,
version: old.version + 1,
*old = filter_data;
/// This function starts a profiling scope in the current execution stack with a given description.
/// It returns a Profile structure and measure elapsed time between this method invocation and Profile structure drop.
/// It supports nested profiling scopes in case when this function invoked multiple times at the execution stack. In this case the profiling information will be nested at the output.
/// Profiling information is being printed in the stderr.
/// #Example
/// ```
/// use ra_prof::{profile, set_filter, Filter};
/// let f = Filter::from_spec("profile1|profile2@2");
/// set_filter(f);
/// profiling_function1();
/// fn profiling_function1() {
/// let _p = profile("profile1");
/// profiling_function2();
/// }
/// fn profiling_function2() {
/// let _p = profile("profile2");
/// }
/// ```
/// This will print in the stderr the following:
/// ```text
/// 0ms - profile
/// 0ms - profile2
/// ```
pub fn profile(desc: &str) -> Profiler {
if !PROFILING_ENABLED.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
return Profiler { desc: None };
PROFILE_STACK.with(|stack| {
let mut stack = stack.borrow_mut();
if stack.starts.is_empty() {
if let Ok(f) = FILTER.try_read() {
if f.version > stack.filter_data.version {
stack.filter_data = f.clone();
if stack.starts.len() > stack.filter_data.depth {
return Profiler { desc: None };
let allowed = &stack.filter_data.allowed;
if stack.starts.is_empty() && !allowed.is_empty() && !allowed.contains(desc) {
return Profiler { desc: None };
Profiler { desc: Some(desc.to_string()) }
pub struct Profiler {
desc: Option<String>,
pub struct Filter {
depth: usize,
allowed: Vec<String>,
longer_than: Duration,
impl Filter {
// Filtering syntax
// env RA_PROFILE=* // dump everything
// env RA_PROFILE=foo|bar|baz // enabled only selected entries
// env RA_PROFILE=*@3>10 // dump everything, up to depth 3, if it takes more than 10 ms
pub fn from_spec(mut spec: &str) -> Filter {
let longer_than = if let Some(idx) = spec.rfind('>') {
let longer_than = spec[idx + 1..].parse().expect("invalid profile longer_than");
spec = &spec[..idx];
} else {
Duration::new(0, 0)
let depth = if let Some(idx) = spec.rfind('@') {
let depth: usize = spec[idx + 1..].parse().expect("invalid profile depth");
spec = &spec[..idx];
} else {
let allowed =
if spec == "*" { Vec::new() } else { spec.split('|').map(String::from).collect() };
Filter::new(depth, allowed, longer_than)
pub fn disabled() -> Filter {
Filter::new(0, Vec::new(), Duration::new(0, 0))
pub fn new(depth: usize, allowed: Vec<String>, longer_than: Duration) -> Filter {
Filter { depth, allowed, longer_than }
struct ProfileStack {
starts: Vec<Instant>,
messages: Vec<Message>,
filter_data: FilterData,
struct Message {
level: usize,
duration: Duration,
message: String,
impl ProfileStack {
fn new() -> ProfileStack {
ProfileStack { starts: Vec::new(), messages: Vec::new(), filter_data: Default::default() }
#[derive(Default, Clone)]
struct FilterData {
depth: usize,
version: usize,
allowed: HashSet<String>,
longer_than: Duration,
static PROFILING_ENABLED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
static FILTER: Lazy<RwLock<FilterData>> = Lazy::new(Default::default);
thread_local!(static PROFILE_STACK: RefCell<ProfileStack> = RefCell::new(ProfileStack::new()));
impl Drop for Profiler {
fn drop(&mut self) {
match self {
Profiler { desc: Some(desc) } => {
PROFILE_STACK.with(|stack| {
let mut stack = stack.borrow_mut();
let start = stack.starts.pop().unwrap();
let duration = start.elapsed();
let level = stack.starts.len();
let message = mem::replace(desc, String::new());
stack.messages.push(Message { level, duration, message });
if level == 0 {
let stdout = stderr();
let longer_than = stack.filter_data.longer_than;
if duration >= longer_than {
print(0, &stack.messages, &mut stdout.lock(), longer_than);
Profiler { desc: None } => (),
fn print(lvl: usize, msgs: &[Message], out: &mut impl Write, longer_than: Duration) {
let mut last = 0;
let indent = repeat(" ").take(lvl + 1).collect::<String>();
// We output hierarchy for long calls, but sum up all short calls
let mut short = Vec::new();
for (i, &Message { level, duration, message: ref msg }) in msgs.iter().enumerate() {
if level != lvl {
if duration >= longer_than {
writeln!(out, "{} {:6}ms - {}", indent, duration.as_millis(), msg)
.expect("printing profiling info to stdout");
print(lvl + 1, &msgs[last..i], out, longer_than);
} else {
short.push((msg, duration))
last = i;
short.sort_by_key(|(msg, _time)| *msg);
for (msg, entires) in short.iter().group_by(|(msg, _time)| msg).into_iter() {
let mut count = 0;
let mut total_duration = Duration::default();
entires.for_each(|(_msg, time)| {
count += 1;
total_duration += *time;
writeln!(out, "{} {:6}ms - {} ({} calls)", indent, total_duration.as_millis(), msg, count)
.expect("printing profiling info to stdout");
/// Prints backtrace to stderr, useful for debugging.
pub fn print_backtrace() {
let bt = backtrace::Backtrace::new();
eprintln!("{:?}", bt);
thread_local!(static IN_SCOPE: RefCell<bool> = RefCell::new(false));
/// Allows to check if the current code is withing some dynamic scope, can be
/// useful during debugging to figure out why a function is called.
pub struct Scope {
prev: bool,
impl Scope {
pub fn enter() -> Scope {
let prev = IN_SCOPE.with(|slot| std::mem::replace(&mut *slot.borrow_mut(), true));
Scope { prev }
pub fn is_active() -> bool {
IN_SCOPE.with(|slot| *slot.borrow())
impl Drop for Scope {
fn drop(&mut self) {
IN_SCOPE.with(|slot| *slot.borrow_mut() = self.prev);
/// A wrapper around https://github.com/AtheMathmo/cpuprofiler
/// It can be used to capture sampling profiles of sections of code.
/// It is not exactly out-of-the-box, as it relies on gperftools.
/// See the docs for the crate for more!
pub struct CpuProfiler {
_private: (),
pub fn cpu_profiler() -> CpuProfiler {
#[cfg(feature = "cpuprofiler")]
#[cfg(not(feature = "cpuprofiler"))]
eprintln!("cpuprofiler feature is disabled")
CpuProfiler { _private: () }
impl Drop for CpuProfiler {
fn drop(&mut self) {
#[cfg(feature = "cpuprofiler")]
pub fn memory_usage() -> MemoryUsage {
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_basic_profile() {
let s = vec!["profile1".to_string(), "profile2".to_string()];
let f = Filter::new(2, s, Duration::new(0, 0));
fn profiling_function1() {
let _p = profile("profile1");
fn profiling_function2() {
let _p = profile("profile2");