Steffen Lyngbaek 15ed114a49 Next steps in assoc item completion #3183
Allow trait autocompletions for unimplemented associated fn's, types,
and consts without using explicit keywords before hand (fn, type,

The sequel to #3108.
2020-03-06 17:35:39 -08:00

526 lines
14 KiB

//! Completion for associated items in a trait implementation.
//! This module adds the completion items related to implementing associated
//! items within a `impl Trait for Struct` block. The current context node
//! must be within either a `FN_DEF`, `TYPE_ALIAS_DEF`, or `CONST_DEF` node
//! and an direct child of an `IMPL_DEF`.
//! # Examples
//! Considering the following trait `impl`:
//! ```ignore
//! trait SomeTrait {
//! fn foo();
//! }
//! impl SomeTrait for () {
//! fn f<|>
//! }
//! ```
//! may result in the completion of the following method:
//! ```ignore
//! # trait SomeTrait {
//! # fn foo();
//! # }
//! impl SomeTrait for () {
//! fn foo() {}<|>
//! }
//! ```
use hir::{self, Docs, HasSource};
use ra_assists::utils::get_missing_impl_items;
use ra_syntax::{
ast::{self, edit},
AstNode, SyntaxKind, SyntaxNode, TextRange,
use ra_text_edit::TextEdit;
use crate::{
CompletionContext, CompletionItem, CompletionItemKind, CompletionKind, Completions,
pub(crate) fn complete_trait_impl(acc: &mut Completions, ctx: &CompletionContext) {
let mut tokens = ctx.token.ancestors();
let trigger = tokens.find(|p| match p.kind() {
| SyntaxKind::TYPE_ALIAS_DEF
| SyntaxKind::CONST_DEF
| SyntaxKind::NAME_REF
| SyntaxKind::BLOCK_EXPR => true,
_ => false,
let impl_def = tokens
.find(|p| match p.kind() {
SyntaxKind::IMPL_DEF => true,
_ => false,
.and_then(|n| ast::ImplDef::cast(n));
if let (Some(trigger), Some(impl_def)) = (trigger, impl_def) {
match trigger.kind() {
SyntaxKind::NAME_REF => {
get_missing_impl_items(&ctx.sema, &impl_def).iter().for_each(|item| match item {
hir::AssocItem::Function(fn_item) => {
add_function_impl(&trigger, acc, ctx, &fn_item)
hir::AssocItem::TypeAlias(type_item) => {
add_type_alias_impl(&trigger, acc, ctx, &type_item)
hir::AssocItem::Const(const_item) => {
add_const_impl(&trigger, acc, ctx, &const_item)
SyntaxKind::FN_DEF => {
for missing_fn in get_missing_impl_items(&ctx.sema, &impl_def).iter().filter_map(
|item| match item {
hir::AssocItem::Function(fn_item) => Some(fn_item),
_ => None,
) {
add_function_impl(&trigger, acc, ctx, &missing_fn);
SyntaxKind::TYPE_ALIAS_DEF => {
for missing_fn in get_missing_impl_items(&ctx.sema, &impl_def).iter().filter_map(
|item| match item {
hir::AssocItem::TypeAlias(type_item) => Some(type_item),
_ => None,
) {
add_type_alias_impl(&trigger, acc, ctx, &missing_fn);
SyntaxKind::CONST_DEF => {
for missing_fn in get_missing_impl_items(&ctx.sema, &impl_def).iter().filter_map(
|item| match item {
hir::AssocItem::Const(const_item) => Some(const_item),
_ => None,
) {
add_const_impl(&trigger, acc, ctx, &missing_fn);
_ => {}
fn add_function_impl(
fn_def_node: &SyntaxNode,
acc: &mut Completions,
ctx: &CompletionContext,
func: &hir::Function,
) {
let display = FunctionSignature::from_hir(ctx.db, *func);
let fn_name =;
let label = if !func.params(ctx.db).is_empty() {
format!("fn {}(..)", fn_name)
} else {
format!("fn {}()", fn_name)
let builder = CompletionItem::new(CompletionKind::Magic, ctx.source_range(), label)
let completion_kind = if func.has_self_param(ctx.db) {
} else {
let snippet = format!("{} {{}}", display);
let range = TextRange::from_to(fn_def_node.text_range().start(), ctx.source_range().end());
builder.text_edit(TextEdit::replace(range, snippet)).kind(completion_kind).add_to(acc);
fn add_type_alias_impl(
type_def_node: &SyntaxNode,
acc: &mut Completions,
ctx: &CompletionContext,
type_alias: &hir::TypeAlias,
) {
let alias_name =;
let snippet = format!("type {} = ", alias_name);
let range = TextRange::from_to(type_def_node.text_range().start(), ctx.source_range().end());
CompletionItem::new(CompletionKind::Magic, ctx.source_range(), snippet.clone())
.text_edit(TextEdit::replace(range, snippet))
fn add_const_impl(
const_def_node: &SyntaxNode,
acc: &mut Completions,
ctx: &CompletionContext,
const_: &hir::Const,
) {
let const_name =|n| n.to_string());
if let Some(const_name) = const_name {
let snippet = make_const_compl_syntax(&const_.source(ctx.db).value);
let range =
TextRange::from_to(const_def_node.text_range().start(), ctx.source_range().end());
CompletionItem::new(CompletionKind::Magic, ctx.source_range(), snippet.clone())
.text_edit(TextEdit::replace(range, snippet))
fn make_const_compl_syntax(const_: &ast::ConstDef) -> String {
let const_ = edit::strip_attrs_and_docs(const_);
let const_start = const_.syntax().text_range().start();
let const_end = const_.syntax().text_range().end();
let start =
const_.syntax().first_child_or_token().map_or(const_start, |f| f.text_range().start());
let end = const_
.find(|s| s.kind() == SyntaxKind::SEMI || s.kind() == SyntaxKind::EQ)
.map_or(const_end, |f| f.text_range().start());
let len = end - start;
let range = TextRange::from_to(0.into(), len);
let syntax = const_.syntax().text().slice(range).to_string();
format!("{} = ", syntax.trim_end())
mod tests {
use crate::completion::{do_completion, CompletionItem, CompletionKind};
use insta::assert_debug_snapshot;
fn complete(code: &str) -> Vec<CompletionItem> {
do_completion(code, CompletionKind::Magic)
fn name_ref_function_type_const() {
let completions = complete(
trait Test {
type TestType;
const TEST_CONST: u16;
fn test();
struct T1;
impl Test for T1 {
assert_debug_snapshot!(completions, @r###"
CompletionItem {
label: "const TEST_CONST: u16 = ",
source_range: [209; 210),
delete: [209; 210),
insert: "const TEST_CONST: u16 = ",
kind: Const,
lookup: "TEST_CONST",
CompletionItem {
label: "fn test()",
source_range: [209; 210),
delete: [209; 210),
insert: "fn test() {}",
kind: Function,
lookup: "test",
CompletionItem {
label: "type TestType = ",
source_range: [209; 210),
delete: [209; 210),
insert: "type TestType = ",
kind: TypeAlias,
lookup: "TestType",
fn name_ref_single_function() {
let completions = complete(
trait Test {
fn test();
struct T1;
impl Test for T1 {
assert_debug_snapshot!(completions, @r###"
CompletionItem {
label: "fn test()",
source_range: [139; 140),
delete: [139; 140),
insert: "fn test() {}",
kind: Function,
lookup: "test",
fn single_function() {
let completions = complete(
trait Test {
fn foo();
struct T1;
impl Test for T1 {
fn f<|>
assert_debug_snapshot!(completions, @r###"
CompletionItem {
label: "fn foo()",
source_range: [141; 142),
delete: [138; 142),
insert: "fn foo() {}",
kind: Function,
lookup: "foo",
fn hide_implemented_fn() {
let completions = complete(
trait Test {
fn foo();
fn foo_bar();
struct T1;
impl Test for T1 {
fn foo() {}
fn f<|>
assert_debug_snapshot!(completions, @r###"
CompletionItem {
label: "fn foo_bar()",
source_range: [200; 201),
delete: [197; 201),
insert: "fn foo_bar() {}",
kind: Function,
lookup: "foo_bar",
fn completes_only_on_top_level() {
let completions = complete(
trait Test {
fn foo();
fn foo_bar();
struct T1;
impl Test for T1 {
fn foo() {
assert_debug_snapshot!(completions, @r###"[]"###);
fn generic_fn() {
let completions = complete(
trait Test {
fn foo<T>();
struct T1;
impl Test for T1 {
fn f<|>
assert_debug_snapshot!(completions, @r###"
CompletionItem {
label: "fn foo()",
source_range: [144; 145),
delete: [141; 145),
insert: "fn foo<T>() {}",
kind: Function,
lookup: "foo",
fn generic_constrait_fn() {
let completions = complete(
trait Test {
fn foo<T>() where T: Into<String>;
struct T1;
impl Test for T1 {
fn f<|>
assert_debug_snapshot!(completions, @r###"
CompletionItem {
label: "fn foo()",
source_range: [166; 167),
delete: [163; 167),
insert: "fn foo<T>()\nwhere T: Into<String> {}",
kind: Function,
lookup: "foo",
fn associated_type() {
let completions = complete(
trait Test {
type SomeType;
impl Test for () {
type S<|>
assert_debug_snapshot!(completions, @r###"
CompletionItem {
label: "type SomeType = ",
source_range: [124; 125),
delete: [119; 125),
insert: "type SomeType = ",
kind: TypeAlias,
lookup: "SomeType",
fn associated_const() {
let completions = complete(
trait Test {
const SOME_CONST: u16;
impl Test for () {
const S<|>
assert_debug_snapshot!(completions, @r###"
CompletionItem {
label: "const SOME_CONST: u16 = ",
source_range: [133; 134),
delete: [127; 134),
insert: "const SOME_CONST: u16 = ",
kind: Const,
lookup: "SOME_CONST",
fn associated_const_with_default() {
let completions = complete(
trait Test {
const SOME_CONST: u16 = 42;
impl Test for () {
const S<|>
assert_debug_snapshot!(completions, @r###"
CompletionItem {
label: "const SOME_CONST: u16 = ",
source_range: [138; 139),
delete: [132; 139),
insert: "const SOME_CONST: u16 = ",
kind: Const,
lookup: "SOME_CONST",