import * as lc from "vscode-languageclient/node"; import * as vscode from "vscode"; import * as ra from "../src/lsp_ext"; import * as Is from "vscode-languageclient/lib/common/utils/is"; import { assert } from "./util"; import { WorkspaceEdit } from "vscode"; import { Workspace } from "./ctx"; import { updateConfig } from "./config"; import { substituteVariablesInEnv } from "./config"; import { randomUUID } from "crypto"; export interface Env { [name: string]: string; } // Command URIs have a form of command:command-name?arguments, where // arguments is a percent-encoded array of data we want to pass along to // the command function. For "Show References" this is a list of all file // URIs with locations of every reference, and it can get quite long. // // To work around it we use an intermediary linkToCommand command. When // we render a command link, a reference to a command with all its arguments // is stored in a map, and instead a linkToCommand link is rendered // with the key to that map. export const LINKED_COMMANDS = new Map(); // For now the map is cleaned up periodically (I've set it to every // 10 minutes). In general case we'll probably need to introduce TTLs or // flags to denote ephemeral links (like these in hover popups) and // persistent links and clean those separately. But for now simply keeping // the last few links in the map should be good enough. Likewise, we could // add code to remove a target command from the map after the link is // clicked, but assuming most links in hover sheets won't be clicked anyway // this code won't change the overall memory use much. setInterval(function cleanupOlderCommandLinks() { // keys are returned in insertion order, we'll keep a few // of recent keys available, and clean the rest const keys = [...LINKED_COMMANDS.keys()]; const keysToRemove = keys.slice(0, keys.length - 10); for (const key of keysToRemove) { LINKED_COMMANDS.delete(key); } }, 10 * 60 * 1000); function renderCommand(cmd: ra.CommandLink): string { const commandId = randomUUID(); LINKED_COMMANDS.set(commandId, cmd); return `[${cmd.title}](command:rust-analyzer.linkToCommand?${encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify([commandId]) )} '${cmd.tooltip}')`; } function renderHoverActions(actions: ra.CommandLinkGroup[]): vscode.MarkdownString { const text = actions .map( (group) => (group.title ? group.title + " " : "") +" | ") ) .join("___"); const result = new vscode.MarkdownString(text); result.isTrusted = true; return result; } export async function createClient( serverPath: string, workspace: Workspace, extraEnv: Env ): Promise { // '.' Is the fallback if no folder is open // TODO?: Workspace folders support Uri's (eg: file://test.txt). // It might be a good idea to test if the uri points to a file. const newEnv = substituteVariablesInEnv(Object.assign({}, process.env, extraEnv)); const run: lc.Executable = { command: serverPath, options: { env: newEnv }, }; const serverOptions: lc.ServerOptions = { run, debug: run, }; const traceOutputChannel = vscode.window.createOutputChannel( "Rust Analyzer Language Server Trace" ); let initializationOptions = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration("rust-analyzer"); // Update outdated user configs await updateConfig(initializationOptions).catch((err) => { void vscode.window.showErrorMessage(`Failed updating old config keys: ${err.message}`); }); if (workspace.kind === "Detached Files") { initializationOptions = { detachedFiles: => file.uri.fsPath), ...initializationOptions, }; } const clientOptions: lc.LanguageClientOptions = { documentSelector: [{ scheme: "file", language: "rust" }], initializationOptions, diagnosticCollectionName: "rustc", traceOutputChannel, middleware: { async provideHover( document: vscode.TextDocument, position: vscode.Position, token: vscode.CancellationToken, _next: lc.ProvideHoverSignature ) { const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor; const positionOrRange = editor?.selection?.contains(position) ? client.code2ProtocolConverter.asRange(editor.selection) : client.code2ProtocolConverter.asPosition(position); return client .sendRequest( ra.hover, { textDocument: client.code2ProtocolConverter.asTextDocumentIdentifier(document), position: positionOrRange, }, token ) .then( (result) => { const hover = client.protocol2CodeConverter.asHover(result); if (hover) { const actions = (result).actions; if (actions) { hover.contents.push(renderHoverActions(actions)); } } return hover; }, (error) => { client.handleFailedRequest(lc.HoverRequest.type, token, error, null); return Promise.resolve(null); } ); }, // Using custom handling of CodeActions to support action groups and snippet edits. // Note that this means we have to re-implement lazy edit resolving ourselves as well. async provideCodeActions( document: vscode.TextDocument, range: vscode.Range, context: vscode.CodeActionContext, token: vscode.CancellationToken, _next: lc.ProvideCodeActionsSignature ) { const params: lc.CodeActionParams = { textDocument: client.code2ProtocolConverter.asTextDocumentIdentifier(document), range: client.code2ProtocolConverter.asRange(range), context: await client.code2ProtocolConverter.asCodeActionContext( context, token ), }; return client.sendRequest(lc.CodeActionRequest.type, params, token).then( async (values) => { if (values === null) return undefined; const result: (vscode.CodeAction | vscode.Command)[] = []; const groups = new Map< string, { index: number; items: vscode.CodeAction[] } >(); for (const item of values) { // In our case we expect to get code edits only from diagnostics if ( { assert( !item.command, "We don't expect to receive commands in CodeActions" ); const action = await client.protocol2CodeConverter.asCodeAction( item, token ); result.push(action); continue; } assert( isCodeActionWithoutEditsAndCommands(item), "We don't expect edits or commands here" ); const kind = client.protocol2CodeConverter.asCodeActionKind( (item as any).kind ); const action = new vscode.CodeAction(item.title, kind); const group = (item as any).group; action.command = { command: "rust-analyzer.resolveCodeAction", title: item.title, arguments: [item], }; // Set a dummy edit, so that VS Code doesn't try to resolve this. action.edit = new WorkspaceEdit(); if (group) { let entry = groups.get(group); if (!entry) { entry = { index: result.length, items: [] }; groups.set(group, entry); result.push(action); } entry.items.push(action); } else { result.push(action); } } for (const [group, { index, items }] of groups) { if (items.length === 1) { result[index] = items[0]; } else { const action = new vscode.CodeAction(group); action.kind = items[0].kind; action.command = { command: "rust-analyzer.applyActionGroup", title: "", arguments: [ => { return { label: item.title, arguments: item.command!.arguments![0], }; }), ], }; // Set a dummy edit, so that VS Code doesn't try to resolve this. action.edit = new WorkspaceEdit(); result[index] = action; } } return result; }, (_error) => undefined ); }, }, markdown: { supportHtml: true, }, }; const client = new lc.LanguageClient( "rust-analyzer", "Rust Analyzer Language Server", serverOptions, clientOptions ); // To turn on all proposed features use: client.registerProposedFeatures(); client.registerFeature(new ExperimentalFeatures()); return client; } class ExperimentalFeatures implements lc.StaticFeature { fillClientCapabilities(capabilities: lc.ClientCapabilities): void { const caps: any = capabilities.experimental ?? {}; caps.snippetTextEdit = true; caps.codeActionGroup = true; caps.hoverActions = true; caps.serverStatusNotification = true; caps.commands = { commands: [ "rust-analyzer.runSingle", "rust-analyzer.debugSingle", "rust-analyzer.showReferences", "rust-analyzer.gotoLocation", "editor.action.triggerParameterHints", ], }; capabilities.experimental = caps; } initialize( _capabilities: lc.ServerCapabilities, _documentSelector: lc.DocumentSelector | undefined ): void {} dispose(): void {} } function isCodeActionWithoutEditsAndCommands(value: any): boolean { const candidate: lc.CodeAction = value; return ( candidate && Is.string(candidate.title) && (candidate.diagnostics === void 0 || Is.typedArray(candidate.diagnostics, && (candidate.kind === void 0 || Is.string(candidate.kind)) && candidate.edit === void 0 && candidate.command === void 0 ); }