use std::{ fmt, fs, mem, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use xshell::{cmd, Shell}; use crate::{flags, project_root}; pub(crate) mod assists_doc_tests; pub(crate) mod diagnostics_docs; mod lints; impl flags::Codegen { pub(crate) fn run(self, _sh: &Shell) -> anyhow::Result<()> { match self.codegen_type.unwrap_or_default() { flags::CodegenType::All => { diagnostics_docs::generate(self.check); assists_doc_tests::generate(self.check); // lints::generate(self.check) Updating clones the rust repo, so don't run it unless // explicitly asked for } flags::CodegenType::AssistsDocTests => assists_doc_tests::generate(self.check), flags::CodegenType::DiagnosticsDocs => diagnostics_docs::generate(self.check), flags::CodegenType::LintDefinitions => lints::generate(self.check), } Ok(()) } } fn list_rust_files(dir: &Path) -> Vec { let mut res = list_files(dir); res.retain(|it| { it.file_name().unwrap_or_default().to_str().unwrap_or_default().ends_with(".rs") }); res } fn list_files(dir: &Path) -> Vec { let mut res = Vec::new(); let mut work = vec![dir.to_path_buf()]; while let Some(dir) = work.pop() { for entry in dir.read_dir().unwrap() { let entry = entry.unwrap(); let file_type = entry.file_type().unwrap(); let path = entry.path(); let is_hidden = path.file_name().unwrap_or_default().to_str().unwrap_or_default().starts_with('.'); if !is_hidden { if file_type.is_dir() { work.push(path); } else if file_type.is_file() { res.push(path); } } } } res } #[derive(Clone)] pub(crate) struct CommentBlock { pub(crate) id: String, pub(crate) line: usize, pub(crate) contents: Vec, is_doc: bool, } impl CommentBlock { fn extract(tag: &str, text: &str) -> Vec { assert!(tag.starts_with(char::is_uppercase)); let tag = format!("{tag}:"); let mut blocks = CommentBlock::extract_untagged(text); blocks.retain_mut(|block| { let first = block.contents.remove(0); let Some(id) = first.strip_prefix(&tag) else { return false; }; if block.is_doc { panic!("Use plain (non-doc) comments with tags like {tag}:\n {first}"); } = id.trim().to_owned(); true }); blocks } fn extract_untagged(text: &str) -> Vec { let mut res = Vec::new(); let lines = text.lines().map(str::trim_start); let dummy_block = CommentBlock { id: String::new(), line: 0, contents: Vec::new(), is_doc: false }; let mut block = dummy_block.clone(); for (line_num, line) in lines.enumerate() { match line.strip_prefix("//") { Some(mut contents) => { if let Some('/' | '!') = contents.chars().next() { contents = &contents[1..]; block.is_doc = true; } if let Some(' ') = contents.chars().next() { contents = &contents[1..]; } block.contents.push(contents.to_owned()); } None => { if !block.contents.is_empty() { let block = mem::replace(&mut block, dummy_block.clone()); res.push(block); } block.line = line_num + 2; } } } if !block.contents.is_empty() { res.push(block); } res } } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct Location { pub(crate) file: PathBuf, pub(crate) line: usize, } impl fmt::Display for Location { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { let path = self.file.strip_prefix(project_root()).unwrap().display().to_string(); let path = path.replace('\\', "/"); let name = self.file.file_name().unwrap(); write!( f, "{}#L{}[{}]", path, self.line, name.to_str().unwrap() ) } } fn ensure_rustfmt(sh: &Shell) { let version = cmd!(sh, "rustup run stable rustfmt --version").read().unwrap_or_default(); if !version.contains("stable") { panic!( "Failed to run rustfmt from toolchain 'stable'. \ Please run `rustup component add rustfmt --toolchain stable` to install it.", ); } } fn reformat(text: String) -> String { let sh = Shell::new().unwrap(); ensure_rustfmt(&sh); let rustfmt_toml = project_root().join("rustfmt.toml"); let mut stdout = cmd!( sh, "rustup run stable rustfmt --config-path {rustfmt_toml} --config fn_single_line=true" ) .stdin(text) .read() .unwrap(); if !stdout.ends_with('\n') { stdout.push('\n'); } stdout } fn add_preamble(generator: &'static str, mut text: String) -> String { let preamble = format!("//! Generated by `{generator}`, do not edit by hand.\n\n"); text.insert_str(0, &preamble); text } /// Checks that the `file` has the specified `contents`. If that is not the /// case, updates the file and then fails the test. #[allow(clippy::print_stderr)] fn ensure_file_contents(file: &Path, contents: &str, check: bool) { if let Ok(old_contents) = fs::read_to_string(file) { if normalize_newlines(&old_contents) == normalize_newlines(contents) { // File is already up to date. return; } } let display_path = file.strip_prefix(project_root()).unwrap_or(file); if check { panic!( "{} was not up-to-date{}", file.display(), if std::env::var("CI").is_ok() { "\n NOTE: run `cargo codegen` locally and commit the updated files\n" } else { "" } ); } else { eprintln!( "\n\x1b[31;1merror\x1b[0m: {} was not up-to-date, updating\n", display_path.display() ); if let Some(parent) = file.parent() { let _ = fs::create_dir_all(parent); } fs::write(file, contents).unwrap(); } } fn normalize_newlines(s: &str) -> String { s.replace("\r\n", "\n") }