//! This is the actual "grammar" of the Rust language. //! //! Each function in this module and its children corresponds //! to a production of the formal grammar. Submodules roughly //! correspond to different *areas* of the grammar. By convention, //! each submodule starts with `use super::*` import and exports //! "public" productions via `pub(super)`. //! //! See docs for [`Parser`](super::parser::Parser) to learn about API, //! available to the grammar, and see docs for [`Event`](super::event::Event) //! to learn how this actually manages to produce parse trees. //! //! Code in this module also contains inline tests, which start with //! `// test name-of-the-test` comment and look like this: //! //! ``` //! // test function_with_zero_parameters //! // fn foo() {} //! ``` //! //! After adding a new inline-test, run `cargo test -p xtask` to //! extract it as a standalone text-fixture into //! `crates/syntax/test_data/parser/`, and run `cargo test` once to //! create the "gold" value. //! //! Coding convention: rules like `where_clause` always produce either a //! node or an error, rules like `opt_where_clause` may produce nothing. //! Non-opt rules typically start with `assert!(p.at(FIRST_TOKEN))`, the //! caller is responsible for branching on the first token. mod attributes; mod expressions; mod generic_args; mod generic_params; mod items; mod params; mod paths; mod patterns; mod types; use crate::{ parser::{CompletedMarker, Marker, Parser}, SyntaxKind::{self, *}, TokenSet, T, }; pub(crate) mod entry { use super::*; pub(crate) mod prefix { use super::*; pub(crate) fn vis(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { opt_visibility(p, false); } pub(crate) fn block(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { expressions::block_expr(p); } pub(crate) fn stmt(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { expressions::stmt(p, expressions::Semicolon::Forbidden); } pub(crate) fn pat(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { patterns::pattern_single(p); } pub(crate) fn pat_top(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { patterns::pattern_top(p); } pub(crate) fn ty(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { types::type_(p); } pub(crate) fn expr(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { expressions::expr(p); } pub(crate) fn path(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { paths::type_path(p); } pub(crate) fn item(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { items::item_or_macro(p, true); } // Parse a meta item , which excluded [], e.g : #[ MetaItem ] pub(crate) fn meta_item(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { attributes::meta(p); } } pub(crate) mod top { use super::*; pub(crate) fn source_file(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { let m = p.start(); p.eat(SHEBANG); items::mod_contents(p, false); m.complete(p, SOURCE_FILE); } pub(crate) fn macro_stmts(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { let m = p.start(); while !p.at(EOF) { expressions::stmt(p, expressions::Semicolon::Optional); } m.complete(p, MACRO_STMTS); } pub(crate) fn macro_items(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { let m = p.start(); items::mod_contents(p, false); m.complete(p, MACRO_ITEMS); } pub(crate) fn pattern(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { let m = p.start(); patterns::pattern_top(p); if p.at(EOF) { m.abandon(p); return; } while !p.at(EOF) { p.bump_any(); } m.complete(p, ERROR); } pub(crate) fn type_(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { let m = p.start(); types::type_(p); if p.at(EOF) { m.abandon(p); return; } while !p.at(EOF) { p.bump_any(); } m.complete(p, ERROR); } pub(crate) fn expr(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { let m = p.start(); expressions::expr(p); if p.at(EOF) { m.abandon(p); return; } while !p.at(EOF) { p.bump_any(); } m.complete(p, ERROR); } pub(crate) fn meta_item(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { let m = p.start(); attributes::meta(p); if p.at(EOF) { m.abandon(p); return; } while !p.at(EOF) { p.bump_any(); } m.complete(p, ERROR); } pub(crate) fn eager_macro_input(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { let m = p.start(); let closing_paren_kind = match p.current() { T!['{'] => T!['}'], T!['('] => T![')'], T!['['] => T![']'], _ => { p.error("expected `{`, `[`, `(`"); while !p.at(EOF) { p.bump_any(); } m.complete(p, ERROR); return; } }; p.bump_any(); while !p.at(EOF) && !p.at(closing_paren_kind) { if expressions::expr(p).is_none() { break; } if !p.at(EOF) && !p.at(closing_paren_kind) { p.expect(T![,]); } } p.expect(closing_paren_kind); if p.at(EOF) { m.complete(p, MACRO_EAGER_INPUT); return; } while !p.at(EOF) { p.bump_any(); } m.complete(p, ERROR); } } } pub(crate) fn reparser( node: SyntaxKind, first_child: Option, parent: Option, ) -> Option)> { let res = match node { BLOCK_EXPR => expressions::block_expr, RECORD_FIELD_LIST => items::record_field_list, RECORD_EXPR_FIELD_LIST => items::record_expr_field_list, VARIANT_LIST => items::variant_list, MATCH_ARM_LIST => items::match_arm_list, USE_TREE_LIST => items::use_tree_list, EXTERN_ITEM_LIST => items::extern_item_list, TOKEN_TREE if first_child? == T!['{'] => items::token_tree, ASSOC_ITEM_LIST => match parent? { IMPL | TRAIT => items::assoc_item_list, _ => return None, }, ITEM_LIST => items::item_list, _ => return None, }; Some(res) } #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] enum BlockLike { Block, NotBlock, } impl BlockLike { fn is_block(self) -> bool { self == BlockLike::Block } fn is_blocklike(kind: SyntaxKind) -> bool { matches!(kind, BLOCK_EXPR | IF_EXPR | WHILE_EXPR | FOR_EXPR | LOOP_EXPR | MATCH_EXPR) } } const VISIBILITY_FIRST: TokenSet = TokenSet::new(&[T![pub]]); fn opt_visibility(p: &mut Parser<'_>, in_tuple_field: bool) -> bool { if !p.at(T![pub]) { return false; } let m = p.start(); p.bump(T![pub]); if p.at(T!['(']) { match p.nth(1) { // test crate_visibility // pub(crate) struct S; // pub(self) struct S; // pub(super) struct S; // test_err crate_visibility_empty_recover // pub() struct S; // test pub_parens_typepath // struct B(pub (super::A)); // struct B(pub (crate::A,)); T![crate] | T![self] | T![super] | T![ident] | T![')'] if p.nth(2) != T![:] => { // If we are in a tuple struct, then the parens following `pub` // might be an tuple field, not part of the visibility. So in that // case we don't want to consume an identifier. // test pub_tuple_field // struct MyStruct(pub (u32, u32)); // struct MyStruct(pub (u32)); // struct MyStruct(pub ()); if !(in_tuple_field && matches!(p.nth(1), T![ident] | T![')'])) { p.bump(T!['(']); paths::use_path(p); p.expect(T![')']); } } // test crate_visibility_in // pub(in super::A) struct S; // pub(in crate) struct S; T![in] => { p.bump(T!['(']); p.bump(T![in]); paths::use_path(p); p.expect(T![')']); } _ => {} } } m.complete(p, VISIBILITY); true } fn opt_rename(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { if p.at(T![as]) { let m = p.start(); p.bump(T![as]); if !p.eat(T![_]) { name(p); } m.complete(p, RENAME); } } fn abi(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { assert!(p.at(T![extern])); let abi = p.start(); p.bump(T![extern]); p.eat(STRING); abi.complete(p, ABI); } fn opt_ret_type(p: &mut Parser<'_>) -> bool { if p.at(T![->]) { let m = p.start(); p.bump(T![->]); types::type_no_bounds(p); m.complete(p, RET_TYPE); true } else { false } } fn name_r(p: &mut Parser<'_>, recovery: TokenSet) { if p.at(IDENT) { let m = p.start(); p.bump(IDENT); m.complete(p, NAME); } else { p.err_recover("expected a name", recovery); } } fn name(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { name_r(p, TokenSet::EMPTY); } fn name_ref(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { if p.at(IDENT) { let m = p.start(); p.bump(IDENT); m.complete(p, NAME_REF); } else { p.err_and_bump("expected identifier"); } } fn name_ref_or_index(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { assert!(p.at(IDENT) || p.at(INT_NUMBER)); let m = p.start(); p.bump_any(); m.complete(p, NAME_REF); } fn lifetime(p: &mut Parser<'_>) { assert!(p.at(LIFETIME_IDENT)); let m = p.start(); p.bump(LIFETIME_IDENT); m.complete(p, LIFETIME); } fn error_block(p: &mut Parser<'_>, message: &str) { assert!(p.at(T!['{'])); let m = p.start(); p.error(message); p.bump(T!['{']); expressions::expr_block_contents(p); p.eat(T!['}']); m.complete(p, ERROR); } // test_err top_level_let // let ref foo: fn() = 1 + 3; fn error_let_stmt(p: &mut Parser<'_>, message: &str) { assert!(p.at(T![let])); let m = p.start(); p.error(message); expressions::let_stmt(p, expressions::Semicolon::Optional); m.complete(p, ERROR); } /// The `parser` passed this is required to at least consume one token if it returns `true`. /// If the `parser` returns false, parsing will stop. fn delimited( p: &mut Parser<'_>, bra: SyntaxKind, ket: SyntaxKind, delim: SyntaxKind, unexpected_delim_message: impl Fn() -> String, first_set: TokenSet, mut parser: impl FnMut(&mut Parser<'_>) -> bool, ) { p.bump(bra); while !p.at(ket) && !p.at(EOF) { if p.at(delim) { // Recover if an argument is missing and only got a delimiter, // e.g. `(a, , b)`. // Wrap the erroneous delimiter in an error node so that fixup logic gets rid of it. // FIXME: Ideally this should be handled in fixup in a structured way, but our list // nodes currently have no concept of a missing node between two delimiters. // So doing it this way is easier. let m = p.start(); p.error(unexpected_delim_message()); p.bump(delim); m.complete(p, ERROR); continue; } if !parser(p) { break; } if !p.eat(delim) { if p.at_ts(first_set) { p.error(format!("expected {delim:?}")); } else { break; } } } p.expect(ket); }