use std::{ ops::Deref, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use base_db::{CrateGraph, FileId}; use cfg::{CfgAtom, CfgDiff}; use expect_test::{expect, Expect}; use paths::{AbsPath, AbsPathBuf}; use serde::de::DeserializeOwned; use crate::{ CargoWorkspace, CfgOverrides, ProjectJson, ProjectJsonData, ProjectWorkspace, Sysroot, WorkspaceBuildScripts, }; fn load_cargo(file: &str) -> CrateGraph { load_cargo_with_overrides(file, CfgOverrides::default()) } fn load_cargo_with_overrides(file: &str, cfg_overrides: CfgOverrides) -> CrateGraph { let meta = get_test_json_file(file); let cargo_workspace = CargoWorkspace::new(meta); let project_workspace = ProjectWorkspace::Cargo { cargo: cargo_workspace, build_scripts: WorkspaceBuildScripts::default(), sysroot: None, rustc: None, rustc_cfg: Vec::new(), cfg_overrides, }; to_crate_graph(project_workspace) } fn load_rust_project(file: &str) -> CrateGraph { let data = get_test_json_file(file); let project = rooted_project_json(data); let sysroot = Some(get_fake_sysroot()); let project_workspace = ProjectWorkspace::Json { project, sysroot, rustc_cfg: Vec::new() }; to_crate_graph(project_workspace) } fn get_test_json_file(file: &str) -> T { let file = get_test_path(file); let data = std::fs::read_to_string(file).unwrap(); let mut json = data.parse::().unwrap(); fixup_paths(&mut json); return serde_json::from_value(json).unwrap(); fn fixup_paths(val: &mut serde_json::Value) { match val { serde_json::Value::String(s) => replace_root(s, true), serde_json::Value::Array(vals) => vals.iter_mut().for_each(fixup_paths), serde_json::Value::Object(kvals) => kvals.values_mut().for_each(fixup_paths), serde_json::Value::Null | serde_json::Value::Bool(_) | serde_json::Value::Number(_) => { } } } } fn replace_root(s: &mut String, direction: bool) { if direction { let root = if cfg!(windows) { r#"C:\\ROOT\"# } else { "/ROOT/" }; *s = s.replace("$ROOT$", root) } else { let root = if cfg!(windows) { r#"C:\\\\ROOT\\"# } else { "/ROOT/" }; *s = s.replace(root, "$ROOT$") } } fn get_test_path(file: &str) -> PathBuf { let base = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")); base.join("test_data").join(file) } fn get_fake_sysroot() -> Sysroot { let sysroot_path = get_test_path("fake-sysroot"); let sysroot_src_dir = AbsPathBuf::assert(sysroot_path); Sysroot::load(sysroot_src_dir).unwrap() } fn rooted_project_json(data: ProjectJsonData) -> ProjectJson { let mut root = "$ROOT$".to_string(); replace_root(&mut root, true); let path = Path::new(&root); let base = AbsPath::assert(path); ProjectJson::new(base, data) } fn to_crate_graph(project_workspace: ProjectWorkspace) -> CrateGraph { project_workspace.to_crate_graph(&mut |_| Vec::new(), &mut { let mut counter = 0; move |_path| { counter += 1; Some(FileId(counter)) } }) } fn check_crate_graph(crate_graph: CrateGraph, expect: Expect) { let mut crate_graph = format!("{:#?}", crate_graph); replace_root(&mut crate_graph, false); expect.assert_eq(&crate_graph); } #[test] fn cargo_hello_world_project_model_with_wildcard_overrides() { let cfg_overrides = CfgOverrides::Wildcard( CfgDiff::new(Vec::new(), vec![CfgAtom::Flag("test".into())]).unwrap(), ); let crate_graph = load_cargo_with_overrides("hello-world-metadata.json", cfg_overrides); check_crate_graph( crate_graph, expect![[r#" CrateGraph { arena: { CrateId( 0, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 1, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "hello_world", ), canonical_name: "hello-world", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", ], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", ], ), env: Env { entries: { "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR": "0", "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": "$ROOT$hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION": "0.1.0", "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS": "", "CARGO_CRATE_NAME": "hello_world", "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE": "", "CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE": "", "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION": "", "CARGO_PKG_NAME": "hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH": "0", "CARGO": "cargo", "CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR": "1", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE": "", }, }, dependencies: [ Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 4, ), name: CrateName( "libc", ), prelude: true, }, ], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 5, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 6, ), edition: Edition2015, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "const_fn", ), canonical_name: "const_fn", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "feature=default", "feature=std", ], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "feature=align", "feature=const-extern-fn", "feature=default", "feature=extra_traits", "feature=rustc-dep-of-std", "feature=std", "feature=use_std", ], ), env: Env { entries: { "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR": "0", "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": "$ROOT$.cargo/registry/src/", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION": "0.2.98", "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS": "", "CARGO_CRATE_NAME": "libc", "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE": "", "CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE": "", "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION": "", "CARGO_PKG_NAME": "libc", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH": "98", "CARGO": "cargo", "CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR": "2", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE": "", }, }, dependencies: [ Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 4, ), name: CrateName( "libc", ), prelude: true, }, ], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 2, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 3, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "an_example", ), canonical_name: "an-example", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", ], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", ], ), env: Env { entries: { "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR": "0", "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": "$ROOT$hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION": "0.1.0", "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS": "", "CARGO_CRATE_NAME": "hello_world", "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE": "", "CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE": "", "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION": "", "CARGO_PKG_NAME": "hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH": "0", "CARGO": "cargo", "CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR": "1", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE": "", }, }, dependencies: [ Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 0, ), name: CrateName( "hello_world", ), prelude: true, }, Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 4, ), name: CrateName( "libc", ), prelude: true, }, ], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 4, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 5, ), edition: Edition2015, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "libc", ), canonical_name: "libc", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "feature=default", "feature=std", ], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "feature=align", "feature=const-extern-fn", "feature=default", "feature=extra_traits", "feature=rustc-dep-of-std", "feature=std", "feature=use_std", ], ), env: Env { entries: { "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR": "0", "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": "$ROOT$.cargo/registry/src/", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION": "0.2.98", "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS": "", "CARGO_CRATE_NAME": "libc", "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE": "", "CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE": "", "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION": "", "CARGO_PKG_NAME": "libc", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH": "98", "CARGO": "cargo", "CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR": "2", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE": "", }, }, dependencies: [], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 1, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 2, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "hello_world", ), canonical_name: "hello-world", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", ], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", ], ), env: Env { entries: { "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR": "0", "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": "$ROOT$hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION": "0.1.0", "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS": "", "CARGO_CRATE_NAME": "hello_world", "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE": "", "CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE": "", "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION": "", "CARGO_PKG_NAME": "hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH": "0", "CARGO": "cargo", "CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR": "1", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE": "", }, }, dependencies: [ Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 0, ), name: CrateName( "hello_world", ), prelude: true, }, Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 4, ), name: CrateName( "libc", ), prelude: true, }, ], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 6, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 7, ), edition: Edition2015, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "build_script_build", ), canonical_name: "build-script-build", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "feature=default", "feature=std", ], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "feature=align", "feature=const-extern-fn", "feature=default", "feature=extra_traits", "feature=rustc-dep-of-std", "feature=std", "feature=use_std", ], ), env: Env { entries: { "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR": "0", "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": "$ROOT$.cargo/registry/src/", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION": "0.2.98", "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS": "", "CARGO_CRATE_NAME": "libc", "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE": "", "CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE": "", "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION": "", "CARGO_PKG_NAME": "libc", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH": "98", "CARGO": "cargo", "CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR": "2", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE": "", }, }, dependencies: [], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 3, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 4, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "it", ), canonical_name: "it", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", ], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", ], ), env: Env { entries: { "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR": "0", "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": "$ROOT$hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION": "0.1.0", "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS": "", "CARGO_CRATE_NAME": "hello_world", "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE": "", "CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE": "", "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION": "", "CARGO_PKG_NAME": "hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH": "0", "CARGO": "cargo", "CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR": "1", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE": "", }, }, dependencies: [ Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 0, ), name: CrateName( "hello_world", ), prelude: true, }, Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 4, ), name: CrateName( "libc", ), prelude: true, }, ], proc_macro: [], }, }, }"#]], ) } #[test] fn cargo_hello_world_project_model_with_selective_overrides() { let cfg_overrides = { CfgOverrides::Selective( std::iter::once(( "libc".to_owned(), CfgDiff::new(Vec::new(), vec![CfgAtom::Flag("test".into())]).unwrap(), )) .collect(), ) }; let crate_graph = load_cargo_with_overrides("hello-world-metadata.json", cfg_overrides); check_crate_graph( crate_graph, expect![[r#" CrateGraph { arena: { CrateId( 0, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 1, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "hello_world", ), canonical_name: "hello-world", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "test", ], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "test", ], ), env: Env { entries: { "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR": "0", "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": "$ROOT$hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION": "0.1.0", "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS": "", "CARGO_CRATE_NAME": "hello_world", "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE": "", "CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE": "", "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION": "", "CARGO_PKG_NAME": "hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH": "0", "CARGO": "cargo", "CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR": "1", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE": "", }, }, dependencies: [ Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 4, ), name: CrateName( "libc", ), prelude: true, }, ], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 5, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 6, ), edition: Edition2015, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "const_fn", ), canonical_name: "const_fn", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "feature=default", "feature=std", ], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "feature=align", "feature=const-extern-fn", "feature=default", "feature=extra_traits", "feature=rustc-dep-of-std", "feature=std", "feature=use_std", ], ), env: Env { entries: { "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR": "0", "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": "$ROOT$.cargo/registry/src/", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION": "0.2.98", "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS": "", "CARGO_CRATE_NAME": "libc", "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE": "", "CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE": "", "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION": "", "CARGO_PKG_NAME": "libc", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH": "98", "CARGO": "cargo", "CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR": "2", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE": "", }, }, dependencies: [ Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 4, ), name: CrateName( "libc", ), prelude: true, }, ], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 2, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 3, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "an_example", ), canonical_name: "an-example", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "test", ], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "test", ], ), env: Env { entries: { "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR": "0", "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": "$ROOT$hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION": "0.1.0", "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS": "", "CARGO_CRATE_NAME": "hello_world", "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE": "", "CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE": "", "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION": "", "CARGO_PKG_NAME": "hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH": "0", "CARGO": "cargo", "CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR": "1", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE": "", }, }, dependencies: [ Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 0, ), name: CrateName( "hello_world", ), prelude: true, }, Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 4, ), name: CrateName( "libc", ), prelude: true, }, ], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 4, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 5, ), edition: Edition2015, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "libc", ), canonical_name: "libc", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "feature=default", "feature=std", ], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "feature=align", "feature=const-extern-fn", "feature=default", "feature=extra_traits", "feature=rustc-dep-of-std", "feature=std", "feature=use_std", ], ), env: Env { entries: { "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR": "0", "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": "$ROOT$.cargo/registry/src/", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION": "0.2.98", "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS": "", "CARGO_CRATE_NAME": "libc", "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE": "", "CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE": "", "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION": "", "CARGO_PKG_NAME": "libc", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH": "98", "CARGO": "cargo", "CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR": "2", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE": "", }, }, dependencies: [], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 1, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 2, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "hello_world", ), canonical_name: "hello-world", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "test", ], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "test", ], ), env: Env { entries: { "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR": "0", "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": "$ROOT$hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION": "0.1.0", "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS": "", "CARGO_CRATE_NAME": "hello_world", "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE": "", "CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE": "", "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION": "", "CARGO_PKG_NAME": "hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH": "0", "CARGO": "cargo", "CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR": "1", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE": "", }, }, dependencies: [ Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 0, ), name: CrateName( "hello_world", ), prelude: true, }, Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 4, ), name: CrateName( "libc", ), prelude: true, }, ], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 6, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 7, ), edition: Edition2015, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "build_script_build", ), canonical_name: "build-script-build", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "feature=default", "feature=std", ], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "feature=align", "feature=const-extern-fn", "feature=default", "feature=extra_traits", "feature=rustc-dep-of-std", "feature=std", "feature=use_std", ], ), env: Env { entries: { "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR": "0", "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": "$ROOT$.cargo/registry/src/", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION": "0.2.98", "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS": "", "CARGO_CRATE_NAME": "libc", "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE": "", "CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE": "", "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION": "", "CARGO_PKG_NAME": "libc", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH": "98", "CARGO": "cargo", "CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR": "2", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE": "", }, }, dependencies: [], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 3, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 4, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "it", ), canonical_name: "it", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "test", ], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "test", ], ), env: Env { entries: { "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR": "0", "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": "$ROOT$hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION": "0.1.0", "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS": "", "CARGO_CRATE_NAME": "hello_world", "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE": "", "CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE": "", "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION": "", "CARGO_PKG_NAME": "hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH": "0", "CARGO": "cargo", "CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR": "1", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE": "", }, }, dependencies: [ Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 0, ), name: CrateName( "hello_world", ), prelude: true, }, Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 4, ), name: CrateName( "libc", ), prelude: true, }, ], proc_macro: [], }, }, }"#]], ) } #[test] fn cargo_hello_world_project_model() { let crate_graph = load_cargo("hello-world-metadata.json"); check_crate_graph( crate_graph, expect![[r#" CrateGraph { arena: { CrateId( 0, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 1, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "hello_world", ), canonical_name: "hello-world", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "test", ], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "test", ], ), env: Env { entries: { "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR": "0", "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": "$ROOT$hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION": "0.1.0", "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS": "", "CARGO_CRATE_NAME": "hello_world", "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE": "", "CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE": "", "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION": "", "CARGO_PKG_NAME": "hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH": "0", "CARGO": "cargo", "CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR": "1", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE": "", }, }, dependencies: [ Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 4, ), name: CrateName( "libc", ), prelude: true, }, ], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 5, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 6, ), edition: Edition2015, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "const_fn", ), canonical_name: "const_fn", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "feature=default", "feature=std", "test", ], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "feature=align", "feature=const-extern-fn", "feature=default", "feature=extra_traits", "feature=rustc-dep-of-std", "feature=std", "feature=use_std", "test", ], ), env: Env { entries: { "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR": "0", "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": "$ROOT$.cargo/registry/src/", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION": "0.2.98", "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS": "", "CARGO_CRATE_NAME": "libc", "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE": "", "CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE": "", "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION": "", "CARGO_PKG_NAME": "libc", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH": "98", "CARGO": "cargo", "CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR": "2", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE": "", }, }, dependencies: [ Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 4, ), name: CrateName( "libc", ), prelude: true, }, ], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 2, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 3, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "an_example", ), canonical_name: "an-example", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "test", ], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "test", ], ), env: Env { entries: { "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR": "0", "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": "$ROOT$hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION": "0.1.0", "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS": "", "CARGO_CRATE_NAME": "hello_world", "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE": "", "CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE": "", "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION": "", "CARGO_PKG_NAME": "hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH": "0", "CARGO": "cargo", "CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR": "1", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE": "", }, }, dependencies: [ Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 0, ), name: CrateName( "hello_world", ), prelude: true, }, Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 4, ), name: CrateName( "libc", ), prelude: true, }, ], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 4, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 5, ), edition: Edition2015, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "libc", ), canonical_name: "libc", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "feature=default", "feature=std", "test", ], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "feature=align", "feature=const-extern-fn", "feature=default", "feature=extra_traits", "feature=rustc-dep-of-std", "feature=std", "feature=use_std", "test", ], ), env: Env { entries: { "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR": "0", "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": "$ROOT$.cargo/registry/src/", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION": "0.2.98", "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS": "", "CARGO_CRATE_NAME": "libc", "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE": "", "CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE": "", "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION": "", "CARGO_PKG_NAME": "libc", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH": "98", "CARGO": "cargo", "CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR": "2", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE": "", }, }, dependencies: [], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 1, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 2, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "hello_world", ), canonical_name: "hello-world", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "test", ], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "test", ], ), env: Env { entries: { "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR": "0", "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": "$ROOT$hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION": "0.1.0", "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS": "", "CARGO_CRATE_NAME": "hello_world", "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE": "", "CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE": "", "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION": "", "CARGO_PKG_NAME": "hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH": "0", "CARGO": "cargo", "CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR": "1", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE": "", }, }, dependencies: [ Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 0, ), name: CrateName( "hello_world", ), prelude: true, }, Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 4, ), name: CrateName( "libc", ), prelude: true, }, ], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 6, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 7, ), edition: Edition2015, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "build_script_build", ), canonical_name: "build-script-build", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "feature=default", "feature=std", "test", ], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "feature=align", "feature=const-extern-fn", "feature=default", "feature=extra_traits", "feature=rustc-dep-of-std", "feature=std", "feature=use_std", "test", ], ), env: Env { entries: { "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR": "0", "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": "$ROOT$.cargo/registry/src/", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION": "0.2.98", "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS": "", "CARGO_CRATE_NAME": "libc", "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE": "", "CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE": "", "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION": "", "CARGO_PKG_NAME": "libc", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH": "98", "CARGO": "cargo", "CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR": "2", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE": "", }, }, dependencies: [], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 3, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 4, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "it", ), canonical_name: "it", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "test", ], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [ "debug_assertions", "test", ], ), env: Env { entries: { "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR": "0", "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": "$ROOT$hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION": "0.1.0", "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS": "", "CARGO_CRATE_NAME": "hello_world", "CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE": "", "CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE": "", "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION": "", "CARGO_PKG_NAME": "hello-world", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH": "0", "CARGO": "cargo", "CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY": "", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR": "1", "CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE": "", }, }, dependencies: [ Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 0, ), name: CrateName( "hello_world", ), prelude: true, }, Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 4, ), name: CrateName( "libc", ), prelude: true, }, ], proc_macro: [], }, }, }"#]], ) } #[test] fn rust_project_hello_world_project_model() { let crate_graph = load_rust_project("hello-world-project.json"); check_crate_graph( crate_graph, expect![[r#" CrateGraph { arena: { CrateId( 0, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 1, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "alloc", ), canonical_name: "alloc", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), env: Env { entries: {}, }, dependencies: [ Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 1, ), name: CrateName( "core", ), prelude: true, }, ], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 10, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 11, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "unwind", ), canonical_name: "unwind", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), env: Env { entries: {}, }, dependencies: [], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 7, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 8, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "std_detect", ), canonical_name: "std_detect", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), env: Env { entries: {}, }, dependencies: [], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 4, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 5, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "proc_macro", ), canonical_name: "proc_macro", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), env: Env { entries: {}, }, dependencies: [ Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 6, ), name: CrateName( "std", ), prelude: true, }, ], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 1, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 2, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "core", ), canonical_name: "core", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), env: Env { entries: {}, }, dependencies: [], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 11, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 12, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "hello_world", ), canonical_name: "hello_world", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), env: Env { entries: {}, }, dependencies: [ Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 1, ), name: CrateName( "core", ), prelude: true, }, Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 0, ), name: CrateName( "alloc", ), prelude: true, }, Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 6, ), name: CrateName( "std", ), prelude: true, }, Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 9, ), name: CrateName( "test", ), prelude: false, }, ], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 8, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 9, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "term", ), canonical_name: "term", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), env: Env { entries: {}, }, dependencies: [], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 5, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 6, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "profiler_builtins", ), canonical_name: "profiler_builtins", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), env: Env { entries: {}, }, dependencies: [], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 2, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 3, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "panic_abort", ), canonical_name: "panic_abort", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), env: Env { entries: {}, }, dependencies: [], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 9, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 10, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "test", ), canonical_name: "test", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), env: Env { entries: {}, }, dependencies: [], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 6, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 7, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "std", ), canonical_name: "std", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), env: Env { entries: {}, }, dependencies: [ Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 0, ), name: CrateName( "alloc", ), prelude: true, }, Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 1, ), name: CrateName( "core", ), prelude: true, }, Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 2, ), name: CrateName( "panic_abort", ), prelude: true, }, Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 3, ), name: CrateName( "panic_unwind", ), prelude: true, }, Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 5, ), name: CrateName( "profiler_builtins", ), prelude: true, }, Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 7, ), name: CrateName( "std_detect", ), prelude: true, }, Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 8, ), name: CrateName( "term", ), prelude: true, }, Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 9, ), name: CrateName( "test", ), prelude: true, }, Dependency { crate_id: CrateId( 10, ), name: CrateName( "unwind", ), prelude: true, }, ], proc_macro: [], }, CrateId( 3, ): CrateData { root_file_id: FileId( 4, ), edition: Edition2018, display_name: Some( CrateDisplayName { crate_name: CrateName( "panic_unwind", ), canonical_name: "panic_unwind", }, ), cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), potential_cfg_options: CfgOptions( [], ), env: Env { entries: {}, }, dependencies: [], proc_macro: [], }, }, }"#]], ); } #[test] fn rust_project_is_proc_macro_has_proc_macro_dep() { let crate_graph = load_rust_project("is-proc-macro-project.json"); // Since the project only defines one crate (outside the sysroot crates), // it should be the one with the biggest Id. let crate_id = crate_graph.iter().max().unwrap(); let crate_data = &crate_graph[crate_id]; // Assert that the project crate with `is_proc_macro` has a dependency // on the proc_macro sysroot crate. crate_data.dependencies.iter().find(|&dep| == "proc_macro").unwrap(); }