//! Builtin macro use std::mem; use ::tt::Ident; use base_db::{AnchoredPath, Edition, FileId}; use cfg::CfgExpr; use either::Either; use mbe::{parse_exprs_with_sep, parse_to_token_tree, TokenMap}; use rustc_hash::FxHashMap; use syntax::{ ast::{self, AstToken}, SmolStr, }; use crate::{ db::ExpandDatabase, name, quote, tt, ExpandError, ExpandResult, MacroCallId, MacroCallLoc, }; macro_rules! register_builtin { ( LAZY: $(($name:ident, $kind: ident) => $expand:ident),* , EAGER: $(($e_name:ident, $e_kind: ident) => $e_expand:ident),* ) => { #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum BuiltinFnLikeExpander { $($kind),* } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum EagerExpander { $($e_kind),* } impl BuiltinFnLikeExpander { pub fn expand( &self, db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, id: MacroCallId, tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { let expander = match *self { $( BuiltinFnLikeExpander::$kind => $expand, )* }; expander(db, id, tt) } } impl EagerExpander { pub fn expand( &self, db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, arg_id: MacroCallId, tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { let expander = match *self { $( EagerExpander::$e_kind => $e_expand, )* }; expander(db, arg_id, tt) } } fn find_by_name(ident: &name::Name) -> Option> { match ident { $( id if id == &name::name![$name] => Some(Either::Left(BuiltinFnLikeExpander::$kind)), )* $( id if id == &name::name![$e_name] => Some(Either::Right(EagerExpander::$e_kind)), )* _ => return None, } } }; } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ExpandedEager { pub(crate) subtree: tt::Subtree, /// The included file ID of the include macro. pub(crate) included_file: Option<(FileId, TokenMap)>, } impl ExpandedEager { fn new(subtree: tt::Subtree) -> Self { ExpandedEager { subtree, included_file: None } } } pub fn find_builtin_macro( ident: &name::Name, ) -> Option> { find_by_name(ident) } register_builtin! { LAZY: (column, Column) => column_expand, (file, File) => file_expand, (line, Line) => line_expand, (module_path, ModulePath) => module_path_expand, (assert, Assert) => assert_expand, (stringify, Stringify) => stringify_expand, (llvm_asm, LlvmAsm) => asm_expand, (asm, Asm) => asm_expand, (global_asm, GlobalAsm) => global_asm_expand, (cfg, Cfg) => cfg_expand, (core_panic, CorePanic) => panic_expand, (std_panic, StdPanic) => panic_expand, (unreachable, Unreachable) => unreachable_expand, (log_syntax, LogSyntax) => log_syntax_expand, (trace_macros, TraceMacros) => trace_macros_expand, EAGER: (format_args, FormatArgs) => format_args_expand, (const_format_args, ConstFormatArgs) => format_args_expand, (format_args_nl, FormatArgsNl) => format_args_nl_expand, (compile_error, CompileError) => compile_error_expand, (concat, Concat) => concat_expand, (concat_idents, ConcatIdents) => concat_idents_expand, (concat_bytes, ConcatBytes) => concat_bytes_expand, (include, Include) => include_expand, (include_bytes, IncludeBytes) => include_bytes_expand, (include_str, IncludeStr) => include_str_expand, (env, Env) => env_expand, (option_env, OptionEnv) => option_env_expand } const DOLLAR_CRATE: tt::Ident = tt::Ident { text: SmolStr::new_inline("$crate"), span: tt::TokenId::unspecified() }; fn module_path_expand( _db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, _id: MacroCallId, _tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { // Just return a dummy result. ExpandResult::ok(quote! { "module::path" }) } fn line_expand( _db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, _id: MacroCallId, _tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { // dummy implementation for type-checking purposes let expanded = quote! { 0 as u32 }; ExpandResult::ok(expanded) } fn log_syntax_expand( _db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, _id: MacroCallId, _tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { ExpandResult::ok(quote! {}) } fn trace_macros_expand( _db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, _id: MacroCallId, _tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { ExpandResult::ok(quote! {}) } fn stringify_expand( _db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, _id: MacroCallId, tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { let pretty = ::tt::pretty(&tt.token_trees); let expanded = quote! { #pretty }; ExpandResult::ok(expanded) } fn column_expand( _db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, _id: MacroCallId, _tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { // dummy implementation for type-checking purposes let expanded = quote! { 0 as u32 }; ExpandResult::ok(expanded) } fn assert_expand( _db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, _id: MacroCallId, tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { let args = parse_exprs_with_sep(tt, ','); let expanded = match &*args { [cond, panic_args @ ..] => { let comma = tt::Subtree { delimiter: tt::Delimiter::unspecified(), token_trees: vec![tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Punct(tt::Punct { char: ',', spacing: tt::Spacing::Alone, span: tt::TokenId::unspecified(), }))], }; let cond = cond.clone(); let panic_args = itertools::Itertools::intersperse(panic_args.iter().cloned(), comma); quote! {{ if !(#cond) { #DOLLAR_CRATE::panic!(##panic_args); } }} } [] => quote! {{}}, }; ExpandResult::ok(expanded) } fn file_expand( _db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, _id: MacroCallId, _tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { // FIXME: RA purposefully lacks knowledge of absolute file names // so just return "". let file_name = ""; let expanded = quote! { #file_name }; ExpandResult::ok(expanded) } fn format_args_expand( db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, id: MacroCallId, tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { format_args_expand_general(db, id, tt, "") .map(|x| ExpandedEager { subtree: x, included_file: None }) } fn format_args_nl_expand( db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, id: MacroCallId, tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { format_args_expand_general(db, id, tt, "\\n") .map(|x| ExpandedEager { subtree: x, included_file: None }) } fn format_args_expand_general( _db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, _id: MacroCallId, tt: &tt::Subtree, end_string: &str, ) -> ExpandResult { let args = parse_exprs_with_sep(tt, ','); let expand_error = ExpandResult::new(tt::Subtree::empty(), mbe::ExpandError::NoMatchingRule.into()); if args.is_empty() { return expand_error; } let mut key_args = FxHashMap::default(); let mut args = args.into_iter().filter_map(|mut arg| { // Remove `key =`. if matches!(arg.token_trees.get(1), Some(tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Punct(p))) if p.char == '=') { // but not with `==` if !matches!(arg.token_trees.get(2), Some(tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Punct(p))) if p.char == '=') { let key = arg.token_trees.drain(..2).next().unwrap(); key_args.insert(key.to_string(), arg); return None; } } Some(arg) }).collect::>().into_iter(); // ^^^^^^^ we need this collect, to enforce the side effect of the filter_map closure (building the `key_args`) let format_subtree = args.next().unwrap(); let format_string = (|| { let token_tree = format_subtree.token_trees.get(0)?; match token_tree { tt::TokenTree::Leaf(l) => match l { tt::Leaf::Literal(l) => { let text = l.text.strip_prefix('"')?.strip_suffix('"')?; let span = l.span; Some((text, span)) } _ => None, }, tt::TokenTree::Subtree(_) => None, } })(); let Some((format_string, _format_string_span)) = format_string else { return expand_error; }; let mut format_iter = format_string.chars().peekable(); let mut parts = vec![]; let mut last_part = String::new(); let mut arg_tts = vec![]; let mut err = None; while let Some(c) = format_iter.next() { // Parsing the format string. See https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fmt/index.html#syntax for the grammar and more info match c { '{' => { if format_iter.peek() == Some(&'{') { format_iter.next(); last_part.push('{'); continue; } let mut argument = String::new(); while ![Some(&'}'), Some(&':')].contains(&format_iter.peek()) { argument.push(match format_iter.next() { Some(c) => c, None => return expand_error, }); } let format_spec = match format_iter.next().unwrap() { '}' => "".to_owned(), ':' => { let mut s = String::new(); while let Some(c) = format_iter.next() { if c == '}' { break; } s.push(c); } s } _ => unreachable!(), }; parts.push(mem::take(&mut last_part)); let arg_tree = if argument.is_empty() { match args.next() { Some(x) => x, None => { err = Some(mbe::ExpandError::NoMatchingRule.into()); tt::Subtree::empty() } } } else if let Some(tree) = key_args.get(&argument) { tree.clone() } else { // FIXME: we should pick the related substring of the `_format_string_span` as the span. You // can use `.char_indices()` instead of `.char()` for `format_iter` to find the substring interval. let ident = Ident::new(argument, tt::TokenId::unspecified()); quote!(#ident) }; let formatter = match &*format_spec { "?" => quote!(#DOLLAR_CRATE::fmt::Debug::fmt), "" => quote!(#DOLLAR_CRATE::fmt::Display::fmt), _ => { // FIXME: implement the rest and return expand error here quote!(#DOLLAR_CRATE::fmt::Display::fmt) } }; arg_tts.push( quote! { #DOLLAR_CRATE::fmt::ArgumentV1::new(&(#arg_tree), #formatter), }, ); } '}' => { if format_iter.peek() == Some(&'}') { format_iter.next(); last_part.push('}'); } else { return expand_error; } } _ => last_part.push(c), } } last_part += end_string; if !last_part.is_empty() { parts.push(last_part); } let part_tts = parts.into_iter().map(|x| { let l = tt::Literal { span: tt::TokenId::unspecified(), text: format!("\"{}\"", x).into() }; quote!(#l ,) }); let arg_tts = arg_tts.into_iter().flat_map(|arg| arg.token_trees); let expanded = quote! { #DOLLAR_CRATE::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(&[##part_tts], &[##arg_tts]) }; ExpandResult { value: expanded, err } } fn asm_expand( _db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, _id: MacroCallId, tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { // We expand all assembly snippets to `format_args!` invocations to get format syntax // highlighting for them. let mut literals = Vec::new(); for tt in tt.token_trees.chunks(2) { match tt { [tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Literal(lit))] | [tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Literal(lit)), tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Punct(tt::Punct { char: ',', span: _, spacing: _ }))] => { let krate = DOLLAR_CRATE.clone(); literals.push(quote!(#krate::format_args!(#lit);)); } _ => break, } } let expanded = quote! {{ ##literals loop {} }}; ExpandResult::ok(expanded) } fn global_asm_expand( _db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, _id: MacroCallId, _tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { // Expand to nothing (at item-level) ExpandResult::ok(quote! {}) } fn cfg_expand( db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, id: MacroCallId, tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { let loc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(id); let expr = CfgExpr::parse(tt); let enabled = db.crate_graph()[loc.krate].cfg_options.check(&expr) != Some(false); let expanded = if enabled { quote!(true) } else { quote!(false) }; ExpandResult::ok(expanded) } fn panic_expand( db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, id: MacroCallId, tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { let loc: MacroCallLoc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(id); // Expand to a macro call `$crate::panic::panic_{edition}` let mut call = if db.crate_graph()[loc.krate].edition >= Edition::Edition2021 { quote!(#DOLLAR_CRATE::panic::panic_2021!) } else { quote!(#DOLLAR_CRATE::panic::panic_2015!) }; // Pass the original arguments call.token_trees.push(tt::TokenTree::Subtree(tt.clone())); ExpandResult::ok(call) } fn unreachable_expand( db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, id: MacroCallId, tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { let loc: MacroCallLoc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(id); // Expand to a macro call `$crate::panic::unreachable_{edition}` let mut call = if db.crate_graph()[loc.krate].edition >= Edition::Edition2021 { quote!(#DOLLAR_CRATE::panic::unreachable_2021!) } else { quote!(#DOLLAR_CRATE::panic::unreachable_2015!) }; // Pass the original arguments call.token_trees.push(tt::TokenTree::Subtree(tt.clone())); ExpandResult::ok(call) } fn unquote_str(lit: &tt::Literal) -> Option { let lit = ast::make::tokens::literal(&lit.to_string()); let token = ast::String::cast(lit)?; token.value().map(|it| it.into_owned()) } fn unquote_char(lit: &tt::Literal) -> Option { let lit = ast::make::tokens::literal(&lit.to_string()); let token = ast::Char::cast(lit)?; token.value() } fn unquote_byte_string(lit: &tt::Literal) -> Option> { let lit = ast::make::tokens::literal(&lit.to_string()); let token = ast::ByteString::cast(lit)?; token.value().map(|it| it.into_owned()) } fn compile_error_expand( _db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, _id: MacroCallId, tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { let err = match &*tt.token_trees { [tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Literal(it))] => match unquote_str(it) { Some(unquoted) => ExpandError::Other(unquoted.into()), None => ExpandError::Other("`compile_error!` argument must be a string".into()), }, _ => ExpandError::Other("`compile_error!` argument must be a string".into()), }; ExpandResult { value: ExpandedEager::new(quote! {}), err: Some(err) } } fn concat_expand( _db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, _arg_id: MacroCallId, tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { let mut err = None; let mut text = String::new(); for (i, mut t) in tt.token_trees.iter().enumerate() { // FIXME: hack on top of a hack: `$e:expr` captures get surrounded in parentheses // to ensure the right parsing order, so skip the parentheses here. Ideally we'd // implement rustc's model. cc https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-analyzer/pull/10623 if let tt::TokenTree::Subtree(tt::Subtree { delimiter: delim, token_trees }) = t { if let [tt] = &**token_trees { if delim.kind == tt::DelimiterKind::Parenthesis { t = tt; } } } match t { tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Literal(it)) if i % 2 == 0 => { // concat works with string and char literals, so remove any quotes. // It also works with integer, float and boolean literals, so just use the rest // as-is. if let Some(c) = unquote_char(it) { text.push(c); } else { let component = unquote_str(it).unwrap_or_else(|| it.text.to_string()); text.push_str(&component); } } // handle boolean literals tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Ident(id)) if i % 2 == 0 && (id.text == "true" || id.text == "false") => { text.push_str(id.text.as_str()); } tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Punct(punct)) if i % 2 == 1 && punct.char == ',' => (), _ => { err.get_or_insert(mbe::ExpandError::UnexpectedToken.into()); } } } ExpandResult { value: ExpandedEager::new(quote!(#text)), err } } fn concat_bytes_expand( _db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, _arg_id: MacroCallId, tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { let mut bytes = Vec::new(); let mut err = None; for (i, t) in tt.token_trees.iter().enumerate() { match t { tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Literal(lit)) => { let token = ast::make::tokens::literal(&lit.to_string()); match token.kind() { syntax::SyntaxKind::BYTE => bytes.push(token.text().to_string()), syntax::SyntaxKind::BYTE_STRING => { let components = unquote_byte_string(lit).unwrap_or_default(); components.into_iter().for_each(|x| bytes.push(x.to_string())); } _ => { err.get_or_insert(mbe::ExpandError::UnexpectedToken.into()); break; } } } tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Punct(punct)) if i % 2 == 1 && punct.char == ',' => (), tt::TokenTree::Subtree(tree) if tree.delimiter.kind == tt::DelimiterKind::Bracket => { if let Err(e) = concat_bytes_expand_subtree(tree, &mut bytes) { err.get_or_insert(e); break; } } _ => { err.get_or_insert(mbe::ExpandError::UnexpectedToken.into()); break; } } } let ident = tt::Ident { text: bytes.join(", ").into(), span: tt::TokenId::unspecified() }; ExpandResult { value: ExpandedEager::new(quote!([#ident])), err } } fn concat_bytes_expand_subtree( tree: &tt::Subtree, bytes: &mut Vec, ) -> Result<(), ExpandError> { for (ti, tt) in tree.token_trees.iter().enumerate() { match tt { tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Literal(lit)) => { let lit = ast::make::tokens::literal(&lit.to_string()); match lit.kind() { syntax::SyntaxKind::BYTE | syntax::SyntaxKind::INT_NUMBER => { bytes.push(lit.text().to_string()) } _ => { return Err(mbe::ExpandError::UnexpectedToken.into()); } } } tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Punct(punct)) if ti % 2 == 1 && punct.char == ',' => (), _ => { return Err(mbe::ExpandError::UnexpectedToken.into()); } } } Ok(()) } fn concat_idents_expand( _db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, _arg_id: MacroCallId, tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { let mut err = None; let mut ident = String::new(); for (i, t) in tt.token_trees.iter().enumerate() { match t { tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Ident(id)) => { ident.push_str(id.text.as_str()); } tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Punct(punct)) if i % 2 == 1 && punct.char == ',' => (), _ => { err.get_or_insert(mbe::ExpandError::UnexpectedToken.into()); } } } let ident = tt::Ident { text: ident.into(), span: tt::TokenId::unspecified() }; ExpandResult { value: ExpandedEager::new(quote!(#ident)), err } } fn relative_file( db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, call_id: MacroCallId, path_str: &str, allow_recursion: bool, ) -> Result { let call_site = call_id.as_file().original_file(db); let path = AnchoredPath { anchor: call_site, path: path_str }; let res = db .resolve_path(path) .ok_or_else(|| ExpandError::Other(format!("failed to load file `{path_str}`").into()))?; // Prevent include itself if res == call_site && !allow_recursion { Err(ExpandError::Other(format!("recursive inclusion of `{path_str}`").into())) } else { Ok(res) } } fn parse_string(tt: &tt::Subtree) -> Result { tt.token_trees .get(0) .and_then(|tt| match tt { tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Literal(it)) => unquote_str(it), _ => None, }) .ok_or(mbe::ExpandError::ConversionError.into()) } fn include_expand( db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, arg_id: MacroCallId, tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { let res = (|| { let path = parse_string(tt)?; let file_id = relative_file(db, arg_id, &path, false)?; let (subtree, map) = parse_to_token_tree(&db.file_text(file_id)).ok_or(mbe::ExpandError::ConversionError)?; Ok((subtree, map, file_id)) })(); match res { Ok((subtree, map, file_id)) => { ExpandResult::ok(ExpandedEager { subtree, included_file: Some((file_id, map)) }) } Err(e) => ExpandResult::new( ExpandedEager { subtree: tt::Subtree::empty(), included_file: None }, e, ), } } fn include_bytes_expand( _db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, _arg_id: MacroCallId, tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { if let Err(e) = parse_string(tt) { return ExpandResult::new( ExpandedEager { subtree: tt::Subtree::empty(), included_file: None }, e, ); } // FIXME: actually read the file here if the user asked for macro expansion let res = tt::Subtree { delimiter: tt::Delimiter::unspecified(), token_trees: vec![tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Literal(tt::Literal { text: r#"b"""#.into(), span: tt::TokenId::unspecified(), }))], }; ExpandResult::ok(ExpandedEager::new(res)) } fn include_str_expand( db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, arg_id: MacroCallId, tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { let path = match parse_string(tt) { Ok(it) => it, Err(e) => { return ExpandResult::new( ExpandedEager { subtree: tt::Subtree::empty(), included_file: None }, e, ) } }; // FIXME: we're not able to read excluded files (which is most of them because // it's unusual to `include_str!` a Rust file), but we can return an empty string. // Ideally, we'd be able to offer a precise expansion if the user asks for macro // expansion. let file_id = match relative_file(db, arg_id, &path, true) { Ok(file_id) => file_id, Err(_) => { return ExpandResult::ok(ExpandedEager::new(quote!(""))); } }; let text = db.file_text(file_id); let text = &*text; ExpandResult::ok(ExpandedEager::new(quote!(#text))) } fn get_env_inner(db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, arg_id: MacroCallId, key: &str) -> Option { let krate = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(arg_id).krate; db.crate_graph()[krate].env.get(key) } fn env_expand( db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, arg_id: MacroCallId, tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { let key = match parse_string(tt) { Ok(it) => it, Err(e) => { return ExpandResult::new( ExpandedEager { subtree: tt::Subtree::empty(), included_file: None }, e, ) } }; let mut err = None; let s = get_env_inner(db, arg_id, &key).unwrap_or_else(|| { // The only variable rust-analyzer ever sets is `OUT_DIR`, so only diagnose that to avoid // unnecessary diagnostics for eg. `CARGO_PKG_NAME`. if key == "OUT_DIR" { err = Some(ExpandError::Other( r#"`OUT_DIR` not set, enable "build scripts" to fix"#.into(), )); } // If the variable is unset, still return a dummy string to help type inference along. // We cannot use an empty string here, because for // `include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/foo.rs"))` will become // `include!("foo.rs"), which might go to infinite loop "__RA_UNIMPLEMENTED__".to_string() }); let expanded = quote! { #s }; ExpandResult { value: ExpandedEager::new(expanded), err } } fn option_env_expand( db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, arg_id: MacroCallId, tt: &tt::Subtree, ) -> ExpandResult { let key = match parse_string(tt) { Ok(it) => it, Err(e) => { return ExpandResult::new( ExpandedEager { subtree: tt::Subtree::empty(), included_file: None }, e, ) } }; let expanded = match get_env_inner(db, arg_id, &key) { None => quote! { #DOLLAR_CRATE::option::Option::None::<&str> }, Some(s) => quote! { #DOLLAR_CRATE::option::Option::Some(#s) }, }; ExpandResult::ok(ExpandedEager::new(expanded)) }