//! Simple hierarchical profiler use std::{ cell::RefCell, collections::{BTreeMap, HashSet}, env, fmt, io::{stderr, Write}, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, RwLock, }, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use crate::tree::{Idx, Tree}; /// Filtering syntax /// env RA_PROFILE=* // dump everything /// env RA_PROFILE=foo|bar|baz // enabled only selected entries /// env RA_PROFILE=*@3>10 // dump everything, up to depth 3, if it takes more than 10 ms pub fn init() { countme::enable(env::var("RA_COUNT").is_ok()); let spec = env::var("RA_PROFILE").unwrap_or_default(); init_from(&spec); } pub fn init_from(spec: &str) { let filter = if spec.is_empty() { Filter::disabled() } else { Filter::from_spec(spec) }; filter.install(); } type Label = &'static str; /// This function starts a profiling scope in the current execution stack with a given description. /// It returns a `Profile` struct that measures elapsed time between this method invocation and `Profile` struct drop. /// It supports nested profiling scopes in case when this function is invoked multiple times at the execution stack. /// In this case the profiling information will be nested at the output. /// Profiling information is being printed in the stderr. /// /// # Example /// ``` /// profile::init_from("profile1|profile2@2"); /// profiling_function1(); /// /// fn profiling_function1() { /// let _p = profile::span("profile1"); /// profiling_function2(); /// } /// /// fn profiling_function2() { /// let _p = profile::span("profile2"); /// } /// ``` /// This will print in the stderr the following: /// ```text /// 0ms - profile /// 0ms - profile2 /// ``` #[inline] pub fn span(label: Label) -> ProfileSpan { debug_assert!(!label.is_empty()); let enabled = PROFILING_ENABLED.load(Ordering::Relaxed); if enabled && with_profile_stack(|stack| stack.push(label)) { ProfileSpan(Some(ProfilerImpl { label, detail: None })) } else { ProfileSpan(None) } } #[inline] pub fn heartbeat_span() -> HeartbeatSpan { let enabled = PROFILING_ENABLED.load(Ordering::Relaxed); HeartbeatSpan::new(enabled) } #[inline] pub fn heartbeat() { let enabled = PROFILING_ENABLED.load(Ordering::Relaxed); if enabled { with_profile_stack(|it| it.heartbeat(1)); } } pub struct ProfileSpan(Option); struct ProfilerImpl { label: Label, detail: Option, } impl ProfileSpan { pub fn detail(mut self, detail: impl FnOnce() -> String) -> ProfileSpan { if let Some(profiler) = &mut self.0 { profiler.detail = Some(detail()); } self } } impl Drop for ProfilerImpl { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { with_profile_stack(|it| it.pop(self.label, self.detail.take())); } } pub struct HeartbeatSpan { enabled: bool, } impl HeartbeatSpan { #[inline] pub fn new(enabled: bool) -> Self { if enabled { with_profile_stack(|it| it.heartbeats(true)); } Self { enabled } } } impl Drop for HeartbeatSpan { fn drop(&mut self) { if self.enabled { with_profile_stack(|it| it.heartbeats(false)); } } } static PROFILING_ENABLED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false); static FILTER: Lazy> = Lazy::new(Default::default); fn with_profile_stack(f: impl FnOnce(&mut ProfileStack) -> T) -> T { thread_local!(static STACK: RefCell = RefCell::new(ProfileStack::new())); STACK.with(|it| f(&mut *it.borrow_mut())) } #[derive(Default, Clone, Debug)] struct Filter { depth: usize, allowed: HashSet, longer_than: Duration, heartbeat_longer_than: Duration, version: usize, } impl Filter { fn disabled() -> Filter { Filter::default() } fn from_spec(mut spec: &str) -> Filter { let longer_than = if let Some(idx) = spec.rfind('>') { let longer_than = spec[idx + 1..].parse().expect("invalid profile longer_than"); spec = &spec[..idx]; Duration::from_millis(longer_than) } else { Duration::new(0, 0) }; let heartbeat_longer_than = longer_than; let depth = if let Some(idx) = spec.rfind('@') { let depth: usize = spec[idx + 1..].parse().expect("invalid profile depth"); spec = &spec[..idx]; depth } else { 999 }; let allowed = if spec == "*" { HashSet::new() } else { spec.split('|').map(String::from).collect() }; Filter { depth, allowed, longer_than, heartbeat_longer_than, version: 0 } } fn install(mut self) { PROFILING_ENABLED.store(self.depth > 0, Ordering::SeqCst); let mut old = FILTER.write().unwrap(); self.version = old.version + 1; *old = self; } } struct ProfileStack { frames: Vec, filter: Filter, messages: Tree, heartbeats: bool, } struct Frame { t: Instant, heartbeats: u32, } #[derive(Default)] struct Message { duration: Duration, label: Label, detail: Option, } impl ProfileStack { fn new() -> ProfileStack { ProfileStack { frames: Vec::new(), messages: Tree::default(), filter: Default::default(), heartbeats: false, } } fn push(&mut self, label: Label) -> bool { if self.frames.is_empty() { if let Ok(f) = FILTER.try_read() { if f.version > self.filter.version { self.filter = f.clone(); } }; } if self.frames.len() > self.filter.depth { return false; } let allowed = &self.filter.allowed; if self.frames.is_empty() && !allowed.is_empty() && !allowed.contains(label) { return false; } self.frames.push(Frame { t: Instant::now(), heartbeats: 0 }); self.messages.start(); true } fn pop(&mut self, label: Label, detail: Option) { let frame = self.frames.pop().unwrap(); let duration = frame.t.elapsed(); if self.heartbeats { self.heartbeat(frame.heartbeats); let avg_span = duration / (frame.heartbeats + 1); if avg_span > self.filter.heartbeat_longer_than { eprintln!("Too few heartbeats {} ({}/{:?})?", label, frame.heartbeats, duration); } } self.messages.finish(Message { duration, label, detail }); if self.frames.is_empty() { let longer_than = self.filter.longer_than; // Convert to millis for comparison to avoid problems with rounding // (otherwise we could print `0ms` despite user's `>0` filter when // `duration` is just a few nanos). if duration.as_millis() > longer_than.as_millis() { if let Some(root) = self.messages.root() { print(&self.messages, root, 0, longer_than, &mut stderr().lock()); } } self.messages.clear(); } } fn heartbeats(&mut self, yes: bool) { self.heartbeats = yes; } fn heartbeat(&mut self, n: u32) { if let Some(frame) = self.frames.last_mut() { frame.heartbeats += n; } } } fn print( tree: &Tree, curr: Idx, level: u32, longer_than: Duration, out: &mut impl Write, ) { let current_indent = " ".repeat(level as usize); let detail = tree[curr].detail.as_ref().map(|it| format!(" @ {}", it)).unwrap_or_default(); writeln!( out, "{}{} - {}{}", current_indent, ms(tree[curr].duration), tree[curr].label, detail, ) .expect("printing profiling info"); let mut accounted_for = Duration::default(); let mut short_children = BTreeMap::new(); // Use `BTreeMap` to get deterministic output. for child in tree.children(curr) { accounted_for += tree[child].duration; if tree[child].duration.as_millis() > longer_than.as_millis() { print(tree, child, level + 1, longer_than, out); } else { let (total_duration, cnt) = short_children.entry(tree[child].label).or_insert((Duration::default(), 0)); *total_duration += tree[child].duration; *cnt += 1; } } for (child_msg, (duration, count)) in &short_children { writeln!(out, " {}{} - {} ({} calls)", current_indent, ms(*duration), child_msg, count) .expect("printing profiling info"); } let unaccounted = tree[curr].duration - accounted_for; if tree.children(curr).next().is_some() && unaccounted > longer_than { writeln!(out, " {}{} - ???", current_indent, ms(unaccounted)) .expect("printing profiling info"); } } #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] struct ms(Duration); impl fmt::Display for ms { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self.0.as_millis() { 0 => f.write_str(" 0 "), n => write!(f, "{:5}ms", n), } } }