use expect_test::expect; use test_utils::{bench, bench_fixture, skip_slow_tests}; use crate::tests::check_infer_with_mismatches; use super::{check_infer, check_types}; #[test] fn cfg_impl_def() { check_types( r#" //- / crate:main deps:foo cfg:test use foo::S as T; struct S; #[cfg(test)] impl S { fn foo1(&self) -> i32 { 0 } } #[cfg(not(test))] impl S { fn foo2(&self) -> i32 { 0 } } fn test() { let t = (S.foo1(), S.foo2(), T.foo3(), T.foo4()); t; } //^ (i32, {unknown}, i32, {unknown}) //- / crate:foo pub struct S; #[cfg(not(test))] impl S { pub fn foo3(&self) -> i32 { 0 } } #[cfg(test)] impl S { pub fn foo4(&self) -> i32 { 0 } } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_macros_expanded() { check_infer( r#" struct Foo(Vec); macro_rules! foo { ($($item:expr),*) => { { Foo(vec![$($item,)*]) } }; } fn main() { let x = foo!(1,2); } "#, expect![[r#" !0..17 '{Foo(v...,2,])}': Foo !1..4 'Foo': extern "rust-call" Foo({unknown}) -> Foo !1..16 'Foo(vec![1,2,])': Foo !5..15 'vec![1,2,]': {unknown} 155..181 '{ ...,2); }': () 165..166 'x': Foo "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_legacy_textual_scoped_macros_expanded() { check_infer( r#" struct Foo(Vec); #[macro_use] mod m { macro_rules! foo { ($($item:expr),*) => { { Foo(vec![$($item,)*]) } }; } } fn main() { let x = foo!(1,2); let y = crate::foo!(1,2); } "#, expect![[r#" !0..17 '{Foo(v...,2,])}': Foo !1..4 'Foo': extern "rust-call" Foo({unknown}) -> Foo !1..16 'Foo(vec![1,2,])': Foo !5..15 'vec![1,2,]': {unknown} 194..250 '{ ...,2); }': () 204..205 'x': Foo 227..228 'y': {unknown} 231..247 'crate:...!(1,2)': {unknown} "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_path_qualified_macros_expanded() { check_infer( r#" #[macro_export] macro_rules! foo { () => { 42i32 } } mod m { pub use super::foo as bar; } fn main() { let x = crate::foo!(); let y = m::bar!(); } "#, expect![[r#" !0..5 '42i32': i32 !0..5 '42i32': i32 110..163 '{ ...!(); }': () 120..121 'x': i32 147..148 'y': i32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn expr_macro_def_expanded_in_various_places() { check_infer( r#" //- minicore: iterator macro spam() { 1isize } fn spam() { spam!(); (spam!()); spam!().spam(spam!()); for _ in spam!() {} || spam!(); while spam!() {} break spam!(); return spam!(); match spam!() { _ if spam!() => spam!(), } spam!()(spam!()); Spam { spam: spam!() }; spam!()[spam!()]; await spam!(); spam!() as usize; &spam!(); -spam!(); spam!()..spam!(); spam!() + spam!(); } "#, expect![[r#" !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize 39..442 '{ ...!(); }': () 73..94 'spam!(!())': {unknown} 100..119 'for _ ...!() {}': fn into_iter(isize) -> ::IntoIter 100..119 'for _ ...!() {}': IntoIterator::IntoIter 100..119 'for _ ...!() {}': ! 100..119 'for _ ...!() {}': IntoIterator::IntoIter 100..119 'for _ ...!() {}': &mut IntoIterator::IntoIter 100..119 'for _ ...!() {}': fn next>(&mut IntoIterator::IntoIter) -> Option< as Iterator>::Item> 100..119 'for _ ...!() {}': Option> 100..119 'for _ ...!() {}': () 100..119 'for _ ...!() {}': () 100..119 'for _ ...!() {}': () 104..105 '_': IntoIterator::Item 117..119 '{}': () 124..134 '|| spam!()': impl Fn() -> isize 140..156 'while ...!() {}': ! 140..156 'while ...!() {}': () 140..156 'while ...!() {}': () 154..156 '{}': () 161..174 'break spam!()': ! 180..194 'return spam!()': ! 200..254 'match ... }': isize 224..225 '_': isize 259..275 'spam!(!())': {unknown} 281..303 'Spam {...m!() }': {unknown} 309..325 'spam!(!()]': {unknown} 350..366 'spam!(... usize': usize 372..380 '&spam!()': &isize 386..394 '-spam!()': isize 400..416 'spam!(...pam!()': {unknown} 422..439 'spam!(...pam!()': isize "#]], ); } #[test] fn expr_macro_rules_expanded_in_various_places() { check_infer( r#" //- minicore: iterator macro_rules! spam { () => (1isize); } fn spam() { spam!(); (spam!()); spam!().spam(spam!()); for _ in spam!() {} || spam!(); while spam!() {} break spam!(); return spam!(); match spam!() { _ if spam!() => spam!(), } spam!()(spam!()); Spam { spam: spam!() }; spam!()[spam!()]; await spam!(); spam!() as usize; &spam!(); -spam!(); spam!()..spam!(); spam!() + spam!(); } "#, expect![[r#" !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize !0..6 '1isize': isize 53..456 '{ ...!(); }': () 87..108 'spam!(!())': {unknown} 114..133 'for _ ...!() {}': fn into_iter(isize) -> ::IntoIter 114..133 'for _ ...!() {}': IntoIterator::IntoIter 114..133 'for _ ...!() {}': ! 114..133 'for _ ...!() {}': IntoIterator::IntoIter 114..133 'for _ ...!() {}': &mut IntoIterator::IntoIter 114..133 'for _ ...!() {}': fn next>(&mut IntoIterator::IntoIter) -> Option< as Iterator>::Item> 114..133 'for _ ...!() {}': Option> 114..133 'for _ ...!() {}': () 114..133 'for _ ...!() {}': () 114..133 'for _ ...!() {}': () 118..119 '_': IntoIterator::Item 131..133 '{}': () 138..148 '|| spam!()': impl Fn() -> isize 154..170 'while ...!() {}': ! 154..170 'while ...!() {}': () 154..170 'while ...!() {}': () 168..170 '{}': () 175..188 'break spam!()': ! 194..208 'return spam!()': ! 214..268 'match ... }': isize 238..239 '_': isize 273..289 'spam!(!())': {unknown} 295..317 'Spam {...m!() }': {unknown} 323..339 'spam!(!()]': {unknown} 364..380 'spam!(... usize': usize 386..394 '&spam!()': &isize 400..408 '-spam!()': isize 414..430 'spam!(...pam!()': {unknown} 436..453 'spam!(...pam!()': isize "#]], ); } #[test] fn expr_macro_expanded_in_stmts() { check_infer( r#" macro_rules! id { ($($es:tt)*) => { $($es)* } } fn foo() { id! { let a = (); } } "#, expect![[r#" !3..4 'a': () !5..7 '()': () 57..84 '{ ...); } }': () "#]], ); } #[test] fn recursive_macro_expanded_in_stmts() { check_infer( r#" macro_rules! ng { ([$($tts:tt)*]) => { $($tts)*; }; ([$($tts:tt)*] $head:tt $($rest:tt)*) => { ng! { [$($tts)* $head] $($rest)* } }; } fn foo() { ng!([] let a = 3); let b = a; } "#, expect![[r#" !3..4 'a': i32 !5..6 '3': i32 196..237 '{ ...= a; }': () 229..230 'b': i32 233..234 'a': i32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn recursive_inner_item_macro_rules() { check_infer( r#" macro_rules! mac { () => { mac!($)}; ($x:tt) => { macro_rules! blub { () => { 1 }; } }; } fn foo() { mac!(); let a = blub!(); } "#, expect![[r#" !0..1 '1': i32 107..143 '{ ...!(); }': () 129..130 'a': i32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_macro_defining_block_with_items() { check_infer( r#" macro_rules! foo { () => {{ fn bar() -> usize { 0 } bar() }}; } fn main() { let _a = foo!(); } "#, expect![[r#" !15..18 '{0}': usize !16..17 '0': usize !0..24 '{}': usize !18..21 'bar': fn bar() -> usize !18..23 'bar()': usize 98..122 '{ ...!(); }': () 108..110 '_a': usize "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_type_value_macro_having_same_name() { check_infer( r#" #[macro_export] macro_rules! foo { () => { mod foo { pub use super::foo; } }; ($x:tt) => { $x }; } foo!(); fn foo() { let foo = foo::foo!(42i32); } "#, expect![[r#" !0..5 '42i32': i32 170..205 '{ ...32); }': () 180..183 'foo': i32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn processes_impls_generated_by_macros() { check_types( r#" macro_rules! m { ($ident:ident) => (impl Trait for $ident {}) } trait Trait { fn foo(self) -> u128 { 0 } } struct S; m!(S); fn test() {; } //^^^^^^^ u128 "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_assoc_items_generated_by_macros() { check_types( r#" macro_rules! m { () => (fn foo(&self) -> u128 {0}) } struct S; impl S { m!(); } fn test() {; } //^^^^^^^ u128 "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_assoc_items_generated_by_macros_chain() { check_types( r#" macro_rules! m_inner { () => {fn foo(&self) -> u128 {0}} } macro_rules! m { () => {m_inner!();} } struct S; impl S { m!(); } fn test() {; } //^^^^^^^ u128 "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_macro_with_dollar_crate_is_correct_in_expr() { check_types( r#" //- / crate:main deps:foo fn test() { let x = (foo::foo!(1), foo::foo!(2)); x; } //^ (i32, usize) //- / crate:foo #[macro_export] macro_rules! foo { (1) => { $crate::bar!() }; (2) => { 1 + $crate::baz() }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! bar { () => { 42 } } pub fn baz() -> usize { 31usize } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_macro_with_dollar_crate_is_correct_in_trait_associate_type() { check_types( r#" //- / crate:main deps:foo use foo::Trait; fn test() { let msg = foo::Message(foo::MessageRef); let r = msg.deref(); r; //^ &MessageRef } //- / crate:foo pub struct MessageRef; pub struct Message(MessageRef); pub trait Trait { type Target; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! expand { () => { impl Trait for Message { type Target = $crate::MessageRef; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } } } expand!(); "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_macro_with_dollar_crate_in_def_site() { check_types( r#" //- / crate:main deps:foo use foo::expand; macro_rules! list { ($($tt:tt)*) => { $($tt)* } } fn test() { let r = expand!(); r; //^ u128 } //- / crate:foo #[macro_export] macro_rules! expand { () => { list!($crate::m!()) }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! m { () => { 0u128 }; } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_type_value_non_legacy_macro_use_as() { check_infer( r#" mod m { macro_rules! _foo { ($x:ident) => { type $x = u64; } } pub(crate) use _foo as foo; } m::foo!(foo); use foo as bar; fn f() -> bar { 0 } fn main() { let _a = f(); } "#, expect![[r#" 158..163 '{ 0 }': u64 160..161 '0': u64 174..196 '{ ...f(); }': () 184..186 '_a': u64 190..191 'f': fn f() -> u64 190..193 'f()': u64 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_local_macro() { check_infer( r#" fn main() { macro_rules! foo { () => { 1usize } } let _a = foo!(); } "#, expect![[r#" !0..6 '1usize': usize 10..89 '{ ...!(); }': () 74..76 '_a': usize "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_local_inner_macros() { check_types( r#" //- / crate:main deps:foo fn test() { let x = foo::foo!(1); x; } //^ i32 //- / crate:foo #[macro_export(local_inner_macros)] macro_rules! foo { (1) => { bar!() }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! bar { () => { 42 } } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_builtin_macros_line() { check_infer( r#" #[rustc_builtin_macro] macro_rules! line {() => {}} fn main() { let x = line!(); } "#, expect![[r#" !0..4 '0u32': u32 63..87 '{ ...!(); }': () 73..74 'x': u32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_builtin_macros_file() { check_infer( r#" #[rustc_builtin_macro] macro_rules! file {() => {}} fn main() { let x = file!(); } "#, expect![[r#" !0..2 '""': &str 63..87 '{ ...!(); }': () 73..74 'x': &str "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_builtin_macros_column() { check_infer( r#" #[rustc_builtin_macro] macro_rules! column {() => {}} fn main() { let x = column!(); } "#, expect![[r#" !0..4 '0u32': u32 65..91 '{ ...!(); }': () 75..76 'x': u32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_builtin_macros_concat() { check_infer( r#" #[rustc_builtin_macro] macro_rules! concat {() => {}} fn main() { let x = concat!("hello", concat!("world", "!")); } "#, expect![[r#" !0..13 '"helloworld!"': &str 65..121 '{ ...")); }': () 75..76 'x': &str "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_builtin_macros_include() { check_types( r#" //- / #[rustc_builtin_macro] macro_rules! include {() => {}} include!(""); fn main() { bar(); } //^^^^^ u32 //- / fn bar() -> u32 {0} "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_builtin_macros_include_expression() { check_types( r#" //- / #[rustc_builtin_macro] macro_rules! include {() => {}} fn main() { let i = include!(""); i; //^ i32 } //- / 0 "#, ) } #[test] fn infer_builtin_macros_include_child_mod() { check_types( r#" //- / #[rustc_builtin_macro] macro_rules! include {() => {}} include!("f/"); fn main() { bar::bar(); } //^^^^^^^^^^ u32 //- /f/ pub mod bar; //- /f/ pub fn bar() -> u32 {0} "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_builtin_macros_include_str() { check_types( r#" //- / #[rustc_builtin_macro] macro_rules! include_str {() => {}} fn main() { let a = include_str!(""); a; } //^ &str //- / hello "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_builtin_macros_include_str_with_lazy_nested() { check_types( r#" //- / #[rustc_builtin_macro] macro_rules! concat {() => {}} #[rustc_builtin_macro] macro_rules! include_str {() => {}} macro_rules! m { ($x:expr) => { concat!("foo", $x) }; } fn main() { let a = include_str!(m!(".rs")); a; } //^ &str //- / hello "#, ); } #[test] fn benchmark_include_macro() { if skip_slow_tests() { return; } let data = bench_fixture::big_struct(); let fixture = r#" //- / #[rustc_builtin_macro] macro_rules! include {() => {}} include!(""); fn main() { RegisterBlock { }; //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RegisterBlock } "#; let fixture = format!("{fixture}\n//- /\n{data}"); { let _b = bench("include macro"); check_types(&fixture); } } #[test] fn infer_builtin_macros_include_concat() { check_types( r#" //- / #[rustc_builtin_macro] macro_rules! include {() => {}} #[rustc_builtin_macro] macro_rules! concat {() => {}} include!(concat!("f", "")); fn main() { bar(); } //^^^^^ u32 //- / fn bar() -> u32 {0} "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_builtin_macros_include_concat_with_bad_env_should_failed() { check_types( r#" //- / #[rustc_builtin_macro] macro_rules! include {() => {}} #[rustc_builtin_macro] macro_rules! concat {() => {}} #[rustc_builtin_macro] macro_rules! env {() => {}} include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/")); fn main() { bar(); } //^^^^^ {unknown} //- / fn bar() -> u32 {0} "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_builtin_macros_include_itself_should_failed() { check_types( r#" #[rustc_builtin_macro] macro_rules! include {() => {}} include!(""); fn main() { 0; } //^ i32 "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_builtin_macros_concat_with_lazy() { check_infer( r#" macro_rules! hello {() => {"hello"}} #[rustc_builtin_macro] macro_rules! concat {() => {}} fn main() { let x = concat!(hello!(), concat!("world", "!")); } "#, expect![[r#" !0..13 '"helloworld!"': &str 103..160 '{ ...")); }': () 113..114 'x': &str "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_builtin_macros_env() { check_types( r#" //- / env:foo=bar #[rustc_builtin_macro] macro_rules! env {() => {}} fn main() { let x = env!("foo"); //^ &str } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_builtin_macros_option_env() { check_types( r#" //- minicore: env //- / env:foo=bar fn main() { let x = option_env!("foo"); //^ Option<&str> } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_derive_clone_simple() { check_types( r#" //- minicore: derive, clone #[derive(Clone)] struct S; fn test() { S.clone(); } //^^^^^^^^^ S "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_builtin_derive_resolves_with_core_module() { check_types( r#" //- minicore: derive, clone mod core {} #[derive(Clone)] struct S; fn test() { S.clone(); } //^^^^^^^^^ S "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_derive_clone_with_params() { check_types( r#" //- minicore: clone, derive #[derive(Clone)] struct S; #[derive(Clone)] struct Wrapper(T); struct NonClone; fn test() { let x = (Wrapper(S).clone(), Wrapper(NonClone).clone()); x; //^ (Wrapper, {unknown}) } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_custom_derive_simple() { // FIXME: this test current now do nothing check_types( r#" //- minicore: derive use foo::Foo; #[derive(Foo)] struct S{} fn test() { S{}; } //^^^ S "#, ); } #[test] fn macro_in_arm() { check_infer( r#" macro_rules! unit { () => { () }; } fn main() { let x = match () { unit!() => 92u32, }; } "#, expect![[r#" !0..2 '()': () 51..110 '{ ... }; }': () 61..62 'x': u32 65..107 'match ... }': u32 71..73 '()': () 95..100 '92u32': u32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn macro_in_type_alias_position() { check_infer( r#" macro_rules! U32 { () => { u32 }; } trait Foo { type Ty; } impl Foo for T { type Ty = U32!(); } type TayTo = U32!(); fn testy() { let a: <() as Foo>::Ty; let b: TayTo; } "#, expect![[r#" 147..196 '{ ...yTo; }': () 157..158 'a': u32 185..186 'b': u32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn nested_macro_in_type_alias_position() { check_infer( r#" macro_rules! U32Inner2 { () => { u32 }; } macro_rules! U32Inner1 { () => { U32Inner2!() }; } macro_rules! U32 { () => { U32Inner1!() }; } trait Foo { type Ty; } impl Foo for T { type Ty = U32!(); } type TayTo = U32!(); fn testy() { let a: <() as Foo>::Ty; let b: TayTo; } "#, expect![[r#" 259..308 '{ ...yTo; }': () 269..270 'a': u32 297..298 'b': u32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn macros_in_type_alias_position_generics() { check_infer( r#" struct Foo(A, B); macro_rules! U32 { () => { u32 }; } macro_rules! Bar { () => { Foo }; } trait Moo { type Ty; } impl Moo for T { type Ty = Bar!(); } type TayTo = Bar!(); fn main() { let a: <() as Moo>::Ty; let b: TayTo; } "#, expect![[r#" 228..277 '{ ...yTo; }': () 238..239 'a': Foo 266..267 'b': Foo "#]], ); } #[test] fn macros_in_type_position() { check_infer( r#" struct Foo(A, B); macro_rules! U32 { () => { u32 }; } macro_rules! Bar { () => { Foo }; } fn main() { let a: Bar!(); } "#, expect![[r#" 133..155 '{ ...!(); }': () 143..144 'a': Foo "#]], ); } #[test] fn macros_in_type_generics() { check_infer( r#" struct Foo(A, B); macro_rules! U32 { () => { u32 }; } macro_rules! Bar { () => { Foo }; } trait Moo { type Ty; } impl Moo for T { type Ty = Foo; } type TayTo = Foo; fn main() { let a: <() as Moo>::Ty; let b: TayTo; } "#, expect![[r#" 254..303 '{ ...yTo; }': () 264..265 'a': Foo, Foo> 292..293 'b': Foo, u32> "#]], ); } #[test] fn infinitely_recursive_macro_type() { check_infer( r#" struct Bar(T, X); macro_rules! Foo { () => { Foo!() } } macro_rules! U32 { () => { u32 } } type A = Foo!(); type B = Bar; fn main() { let a: A; let b: B; } "#, expect![[r#" 166..197 '{ ...: B; }': () 176..177 'a': {unknown} 190..191 'b': Bar<{unknown}, u32> "#]], ); } #[test] fn cfg_tails() { check_infer_with_mismatches( r#" //- / crate:foo cfg:feature=foo struct S {} impl S { fn new2(bar: u32) -> Self { #[cfg(feature = "foo")] { Self { } } #[cfg(not(feature = "foo"))] { Self { } } } } "#, expect![[r#" 34..37 'bar': u32 52..170 '{ ... }': S 62..106 '#[cfg(... { } }': S 96..104 'Self { }': S "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_in_unexpandable_attr_proc_macro_1() { check_types( r#" //- / crate:main deps:mac #[mac::attr_macro] fn foo() { let xxx = 1; //^^^ i32 } //- / crate:mac #![crate_type="proc-macro"] #[proc_macro_attribute] pub fn attr_macro() {} "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_in_unexpandable_attr_proc_macro_in_impl() { check_types( r#" //- / crate:main deps:mac struct Foo; impl Foo { #[mac::attr_macro] fn foo() { let xxx = 1; //^^^ i32 } } //- / crate:mac #![crate_type="proc-macro"] #[proc_macro_attribute] pub fn attr_macro() {} "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_in_unexpandable_attr_proc_macro_in_trait() { check_types( r#" //- / crate:main deps:mac trait Foo { #[mac::attr_macro] fn foo() { let xxx = 1; //^^^ i32 } } //- / crate:mac #![crate_type="proc-macro"] #[proc_macro_attribute] pub fn attr_macro() {} "#, ); } #[test] fn clone_with_type_bound() { check_types( r#" //- minicore: derive, clone, builtin_impls #[derive(Clone)] struct Float; trait TensorKind: Clone { /// The primitive type of the tensor. type Primitive: Clone; } impl TensorKind for Float { type Primitive = f64; } #[derive(Clone)] struct Tensor where K: TensorKind { primitive: K::Primitive, } fn foo(t: Tensor) { let x = t.clone(); //^ Tensor } "#, ); }