mod block; use base_db::{fixture::WithFixture, SourceDatabase}; use expect_test::{expect, Expect}; use crate::{test_db::TestDB, ModuleDefId}; use super::*; fn lower(ra_fixture: &str) -> (TestDB, Arc
, DefWithBodyId) { let db = TestDB::with_files(ra_fixture); let krate = db.crate_graph().iter().next().unwrap(); let def_map = db.crate_def_map(krate); let mut fn_def = None; 'outer: for (_, module) in def_map.modules() { for decl in module.scope.declarations() { if let ModuleDefId::FunctionId(it) = decl { fn_def = Some(it); break 'outer; } } } let fn_def = fn_def.unwrap().into(); let body = db.body(fn_def); (db, body, fn_def) } fn def_map_at(ra_fixture: &str) -> String { let (db, position) = TestDB::with_position(ra_fixture); let module = db.module_at_position(position); module.def_map(&db).dump(&db) } fn check_block_scopes_at(ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect) { let (db, position) = TestDB::with_position(ra_fixture); let module = db.module_at_position(position); let actual = module.def_map(&db).dump_block_scopes(&db); expect.assert_eq(&actual); } fn check_at(ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect) { let actual = def_map_at(ra_fixture); expect.assert_eq(&actual); } #[test] fn your_stack_belongs_to_me() { cov_mark::check!(your_stack_belongs_to_me); lower( r#" macro_rules! n_nuple { ($e:tt) => (); ($($rest:tt)*) => {{ (n_nuple!($($rest)*)None,) }}; } fn main() { n_nuple!(1,2,3); } "#, ); } #[test] fn your_stack_belongs_to_me2() { cov_mark::check!(overflow_but_not_me); lower( r#" macro_rules! foo { () => {{ foo!(); foo!(); }} } fn main() { foo!(); } "#, ); } #[test] fn recursion_limit() { cov_mark::check!(your_stack_belongs_to_me); lower( r#" #![recursion_limit = "2"] macro_rules! n_nuple { ($e:tt) => (); ($first:tt $($rest:tt)*) => {{ n_nuple!($($rest)*) }}; } fn main() { n_nuple!(1,2,3); } "#, ); } #[test] fn issue_3642_bad_macro_stackover() { lower( r#" #[macro_export] macro_rules! match_ast { (match $node:ident { $($tt:tt)* }) => { match_ast!(match ($node) { $($tt)* }) }; (match ($node:expr) { $( ast::$ast:ident($it:ident) => $res:expr, )* _ => $catch_all:expr $(,)? }) => {{ $( if let Some($it) = ast::$ast::cast($node.clone()) { $res } else )* { $catch_all } }}; } fn main() { let anchor = match_ast! { match parent { as => {}, _ => return None } }; }"#, ); } #[test] fn macro_resolve() { // Regression test for a path resolution bug introduced with inner item handling. lower( r#" macro_rules! vec { () => { () }; ($elem:expr; $n:expr) => { () }; ($($x:expr),+ $(,)?) => { () }; } mod m { fn outer() { let _ = vec![FileSet::default(); self.len()]; } } "#, ); } #[test] fn desugar_builtin_format_args() { let (db, body, def) = lower( r#" //- minicore: fmt fn main() { let are = "are"; let count = 10; builtin#format_args("hello {count:02} {} friends, we {are:?} {0}{last}", "fancy", last = "!"); } "#, ); expect![[r#" fn main() { let are = "are"; let count = 10; builtin#lang(Arguments::new_v1_formatted)( &[ "\"hello ", " ", " friends, we ", " ", "", "\"", ], &[ builtin#lang(Argument::new_display)( &count, ), builtin#lang(Argument::new_display)( &"fancy", ), builtin#lang(Argument::new_debug)( &are, ), builtin#lang(Argument::new_display)( &"!", ), ], &[ builtin#lang(Placeholder::new)( 0usize, ' ', builtin#lang(Alignment::Unknown), 8u32, builtin#lang(Count::Implied), builtin#lang(Count::Is)( 2usize, ), ), builtin#lang(Placeholder::new)( 1usize, ' ', builtin#lang(Alignment::Unknown), 0u32, builtin#lang(Count::Implied), builtin#lang(Count::Implied), ), builtin#lang(Placeholder::new)( 2usize, ' ', builtin#lang(Alignment::Unknown), 0u32, builtin#lang(Count::Implied), builtin#lang(Count::Implied), ), builtin#lang(Placeholder::new)( 1usize, ' ', builtin#lang(Alignment::Unknown), 0u32, builtin#lang(Count::Implied), builtin#lang(Count::Implied), ), builtin#lang(Placeholder::new)( 3usize, ' ', builtin#lang(Alignment::Unknown), 0u32, builtin#lang(Count::Implied), builtin#lang(Count::Implied), ), ], unsafe { builtin#lang(UnsafeArg::new)() }, ); }"#]] .assert_eq(&body.pretty_print(&db, def)) } #[test] fn test_macro_hygiene() { let (db, body, def) = lower( r##" //- minicore: fmt, from //- / mod error; use crate::error::error; fn main() { // _ = forces body expansion instead of block def map expansion _ = error!("Failed to resolve path `{}`", node.text()); } //- / macro_rules! _error { ($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => {$crate::error::intermediate!(format_args!($fmt, $($arg)+))} } pub(crate) use _error as error; macro_rules! _intermediate { ($arg:expr) => {$crate::error::SsrError::new($arg)} } pub(crate) use _intermediate as intermediate; pub struct SsrError(pub(crate) core::fmt::Arguments); impl SsrError { pub(crate) fn new(message: impl Into