/// `mbe` (short for Macro By Example) crate contains code for handling /// `macro_rules` macros. It uses `TokenTree` (from `ra_tt` package) as the /// interface, although it contains some code to bridge `SyntaxNode`s and /// `TokenTree`s as well! macro_rules! impl_froms { ($e:ident: $($v:ident), *) => { $( impl From<$v> for $e { fn from(it: $v) -> $e { $e::$v(it) } } )* } } // mod tt_cursor; mod mbe_parser; mod mbe_expander; mod syntax_bridge; mod tt_cursor; mod subtree_source; mod subtree_parser; use ra_syntax::SmolStr; use smallvec::SmallVec; pub use tt::{Delimiter, Punct}; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ParseError { Expected(String), } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ExpandError { NoMatchingRule, UnexpectedToken, BindingError(String), ConversionError, } pub use crate::syntax_bridge::{ ast_to_token_tree, token_tree_to_ast_item_list, syntax_node_to_token_tree, token_tree_to_expr, token_tree_to_pat, token_tree_to_ty, token_tree_to_macro_items, token_tree_to_macro_stmts, }; /// This struct contains AST for a single `macro_rules` definition. What might /// be very confusing is that AST has almost exactly the same shape as /// `tt::TokenTree`, but there's a crucial difference: in macro rules, `$ident` /// and `$()*` have special meaning (see `Var` and `Repeat` data structures) #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct MacroRules { pub(crate) rules: Vec, } impl MacroRules { pub fn parse(tt: &tt::Subtree) -> Result { mbe_parser::parse(tt) } pub fn expand(&self, tt: &tt::Subtree) -> Result { mbe_expander::expand(self, tt) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub(crate) struct Rule { pub(crate) lhs: Subtree, pub(crate) rhs: Subtree, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub(crate) enum TokenTree { Leaf(Leaf), Subtree(Subtree), Repeat(Repeat), } impl_froms!(TokenTree: Leaf, Subtree, Repeat); #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub(crate) enum Leaf { Literal(Literal), Punct(Punct), Ident(Ident), Var(Var), } impl_froms!(Leaf: Literal, Punct, Ident, Var); #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub(crate) struct Subtree { pub(crate) delimiter: Delimiter, pub(crate) token_trees: Vec, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub(crate) enum Separator { Literal(tt::Literal), Ident(tt::Ident), Puncts(SmallVec<[tt::Punct; 3]>), } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub(crate) struct Repeat { pub(crate) subtree: Subtree, pub(crate) kind: RepeatKind, pub(crate) separator: Option, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub(crate) enum RepeatKind { ZeroOrMore, OneOrMore, ZeroOrOne, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub(crate) struct Literal { pub(crate) text: SmolStr, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub(crate) struct Ident { pub(crate) text: SmolStr, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub(crate) struct Var { pub(crate) text: SmolStr, pub(crate) kind: Option, } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use ra_syntax::{ast, AstNode}; use super::*; // Good first issue (although a slightly challenging one): // // * Pick a random test from here // https://github.com/intellij-rust/intellij-rust/blob/c4e9feee4ad46e7953b1948c112533360b6087bb/src/test/kotlin/org/rust/lang/core/macros/RsMacroExpansionTest.kt // * Port the test to rust and add it to this module // * Make it pass :-) #[test] fn test_convert_tt() { let macro_definition = r#" macro_rules! impl_froms { ($e:ident: $($v:ident),*) => { $( impl From<$v> for $e { fn from(it: $v) -> $e { $e::$v(it) } } )* } } "#; let macro_invocation = r#" impl_froms!(TokenTree: Leaf, Subtree); "#; let source_file = ast::SourceFile::parse(macro_definition); let macro_definition = source_file.syntax().descendants().find_map(ast::MacroCall::cast).unwrap(); let source_file = ast::SourceFile::parse(macro_invocation); let macro_invocation = source_file.syntax().descendants().find_map(ast::MacroCall::cast).unwrap(); let (definition_tt, _) = ast_to_token_tree(macro_definition.token_tree().unwrap()).unwrap(); let (invocation_tt, _) = ast_to_token_tree(macro_invocation.token_tree().unwrap()).unwrap(); let rules = crate::MacroRules::parse(&definition_tt).unwrap(); let expansion = rules.expand(&invocation_tt).unwrap(); assert_eq!( expansion.to_string(), "impl From for TokenTree {fn from (it : Leaf) -> TokenTree {TokenTree ::Leaf (it)}} \ impl From for TokenTree {fn from (it : Subtree) -> TokenTree {TokenTree ::Subtree (it)}}" ) } pub(crate) fn create_rules(macro_definition: &str) -> MacroRules { let source_file = ast::SourceFile::parse(macro_definition); let macro_definition = source_file.syntax().descendants().find_map(ast::MacroCall::cast).unwrap(); let (definition_tt, _) = ast_to_token_tree(macro_definition.token_tree().unwrap()).unwrap(); crate::MacroRules::parse(&definition_tt).unwrap() } pub(crate) fn expand(rules: &MacroRules, invocation: &str) -> tt::Subtree { let source_file = ast::SourceFile::parse(invocation); let macro_invocation = source_file.syntax().descendants().find_map(ast::MacroCall::cast).unwrap(); let (invocation_tt, _) = ast_to_token_tree(macro_invocation.token_tree().unwrap()).unwrap(); rules.expand(&invocation_tt).unwrap() } pub(crate) fn expand_to_items( rules: &MacroRules, invocation: &str, ) -> ra_syntax::TreeArc { let expanded = expand(rules, invocation); token_tree_to_macro_items(&expanded).unwrap() } #[allow(unused)] pub(crate) fn expand_to_stmts( rules: &MacroRules, invocation: &str, ) -> ra_syntax::TreeArc { let expanded = expand(rules, invocation); token_tree_to_macro_stmts(&expanded).unwrap() } pub(crate) fn expand_to_expr( rules: &MacroRules, invocation: &str, ) -> ra_syntax::TreeArc { let expanded = expand(rules, invocation); token_tree_to_expr(&expanded).unwrap() } pub(crate) fn assert_expansion( rules: &MacroRules, invocation: &str, expansion: &str, ) -> tt::Subtree { let expanded = expand(rules, invocation); assert_eq!(expanded.to_string(), expansion); let tree = token_tree_to_macro_items(&expanded); // Eat all white space by parse it back and forth // Because $crate will seperate in two token , will do some special treatment here let expansion = expansion.replace("$crate", "C_C__C"); let expansion = ast::SourceFile::parse(&expansion); let expansion = syntax_node_to_token_tree(expansion.syntax()).unwrap().0; let file = token_tree_to_macro_items(&expansion); let file = file.unwrap().syntax().debug_dump().trim().to_string(); let tree = tree.unwrap().syntax().debug_dump().trim().to_string(); let file = file.replace("C_C__C", "$crate"); assert_eq!(tree, file,); expanded } #[test] fn test_fail_match_pattern_by_first_token() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ i:ident) => ( mod $ i {} ); (= $ i:ident) => ( fn $ i() {} ); (+ $ i:ident) => ( struct $ i; ) } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { foo }", "mod foo {}"); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { = bar }", "fn bar () {}"); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { + Baz }", "struct Baz ;"); } #[test] fn test_fail_match_pattern_by_last_token() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ i:ident) => ( mod $ i {} ); ($ i:ident =) => ( fn $ i() {} ); ($ i:ident +) => ( struct $ i; ) } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { foo }", "mod foo {}"); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { bar = }", "fn bar () {}"); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { Baz + }", "struct Baz ;"); } #[test] fn test_fail_match_pattern_by_word_token() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ i:ident) => ( mod $ i {} ); (spam $ i:ident) => ( fn $ i() {} ); (eggs $ i:ident) => ( struct $ i; ) } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { foo }", "mod foo {}"); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { spam bar }", "fn bar () {}"); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { eggs Baz }", "struct Baz ;"); } #[test] fn test_match_group_pattern_by_separator_token() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ ($ i:ident),*) => ($ ( mod $ i {} )*); ($ ($ i:ident)#*) => ($ ( fn $ i() {} )*); ($ i:ident ,# $ j:ident) => ( struct $ i; struct $ j; ) } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { foo, bar }", "mod foo {} mod bar {}"); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { foo# bar }", "fn foo () {} fn bar () {}"); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { Foo,# Bar }", "struct Foo ; struct Bar ;"); } #[test] fn test_match_group_pattern_with_multiple_defs() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ ($ i:ident),*) => ( struct Bar { $ ( fn $ i {} )*} ); } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { foo, bar }", "struct Bar {fn foo {} fn bar {}}"); } #[test] fn test_match_group_pattern_with_multiple_statement() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ ($ i:ident),*) => ( fn baz { $ ( $ i (); )*} ); } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { foo, bar }", "fn baz {foo () ; bar () ;}"); } #[test] fn test_match_group_pattern_with_multiple_statement_without_semi() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ ($ i:ident),*) => ( fn baz { $ ( $i() );*} ); } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { foo, bar }", "fn baz {foo () ;bar ()}"); } #[test] fn test_match_group_empty_fixed_token() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ ($ i:ident)* #abc) => ( fn baz { $ ( $ i (); )*} ); } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! {#abc}", "fn baz {}"); } #[test] fn test_match_group_in_subtree() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { (fn $name:ident {$($i:ident)*} ) => ( fn $name() { $ ( $ i (); )*} ); }"#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! {fn baz {a b} }", "fn baz () {a () ; b () ;}"); } #[test] fn test_match_group_with_multichar_sep() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { (fn $name:ident {$($i:literal)*} ) => ( fn $name() -> bool { $($i)&&*} ); }"#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! (fn baz {true true} )", "fn baz () -> bool {true &&true}"); } #[test] fn test_expand_to_item_list() { let rules = create_rules( " macro_rules! structs { ($($i:ident),*) => { $(struct $i { field: u32 } )* } } ", ); let expansion = expand(&rules, "structs!(Foo, Bar)"); let tree = token_tree_to_macro_items(&expansion); assert_eq!( tree.unwrap().syntax().debug_dump().trim(), r#" MACRO_ITEMS@[0; 40) STRUCT_DEF@[0; 20) STRUCT_KW@[0; 6) "struct" NAME@[6; 9) IDENT@[6; 9) "Foo" NAMED_FIELD_DEF_LIST@[9; 20) L_CURLY@[9; 10) "{" NAMED_FIELD_DEF@[10; 19) NAME@[10; 15) IDENT@[10; 15) "field" COLON@[15; 16) ":" PATH_TYPE@[16; 19) PATH@[16; 19) PATH_SEGMENT@[16; 19) NAME_REF@[16; 19) IDENT@[16; 19) "u32" R_CURLY@[19; 20) "}" STRUCT_DEF@[20; 40) STRUCT_KW@[20; 26) "struct" NAME@[26; 29) IDENT@[26; 29) "Bar" NAMED_FIELD_DEF_LIST@[29; 40) L_CURLY@[29; 30) "{" NAMED_FIELD_DEF@[30; 39) NAME@[30; 35) IDENT@[30; 35) "field" COLON@[35; 36) ":" PATH_TYPE@[36; 39) PATH@[36; 39) PATH_SEGMENT@[36; 39) NAME_REF@[36; 39) IDENT@[36; 39) "u32" R_CURLY@[39; 40) "}""# .trim() ); } #[test] fn test_expand_literals_to_token_tree() { fn to_subtree(tt: &tt::TokenTree) -> &tt::Subtree { if let tt::TokenTree::Subtree(subtree) = tt { return &subtree; } unreachable!("It is not a subtree"); } fn to_literal(tt: &tt::TokenTree) -> &tt::Literal { if let tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Literal(lit)) = tt { return lit; } unreachable!("It is not a literal"); } let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! literals { ($i:ident) => { { let a = 'c'; let c = 1000; let f = 12E+99_f64; let s = "rust1"; } } } "#, ); let expansion = expand(&rules, "literals!(foo)"); let stm_tokens = &to_subtree(&expansion.token_trees[0]).token_trees; // [let] [a] [=] ['c'] [;] assert_eq!(to_literal(&stm_tokens[3]).text, "'c'"); // [let] [c] [=] [1000] [;] assert_eq!(to_literal(&stm_tokens[5 + 3]).text, "1000"); // [let] [f] [=] [12E+99_f64] [;] assert_eq!(to_literal(&stm_tokens[10 + 3]).text, "12E+99_f64"); // [let] [s] [=] ["rust1"] [;] assert_eq!(to_literal(&stm_tokens[15 + 3]).text, "\"rust1\""); } #[test] fn test_two_idents() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ i:ident, $ j:ident) => { fn foo() { let a = $ i; let b = $j; } } } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { foo, bar }", "fn foo () {let a = foo ; let b = bar ;}"); } #[test] fn test_tt_to_stmts() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { () => { let a = 0; a = 10 + 1; a } } "#, ); let expanded = expand(&rules, "foo!{}"); let stmts = token_tree_to_macro_stmts(&expanded); assert_eq!( stmts.unwrap().syntax().debug_dump().trim(), r#"MACRO_STMTS@[0; 15) LET_STMT@[0; 7) LET_KW@[0; 3) "let" BIND_PAT@[3; 4) NAME@[3; 4) IDENT@[3; 4) "a" EQ@[4; 5) "=" LITERAL@[5; 6) INT_NUMBER@[5; 6) "0" SEMI@[6; 7) ";" EXPR_STMT@[7; 14) BIN_EXPR@[7; 13) PATH_EXPR@[7; 8) PATH@[7; 8) PATH_SEGMENT@[7; 8) NAME_REF@[7; 8) IDENT@[7; 8) "a" EQ@[8; 9) "=" BIN_EXPR@[9; 13) LITERAL@[9; 11) INT_NUMBER@[9; 11) "10" PLUS@[11; 12) "+" LITERAL@[12; 13) INT_NUMBER@[12; 13) "1" SEMI@[13; 14) ";" EXPR_STMT@[14; 15) PATH_EXPR@[14; 15) PATH@[14; 15) PATH_SEGMENT@[14; 15) NAME_REF@[14; 15) IDENT@[14; 15) "a""#, ); } // The following tests are port from intellij-rust directly // https://github.com/intellij-rust/intellij-rust/blob/c4e9feee4ad46e7953b1948c112533360b6087bb/src/test/kotlin/org/rust/lang/core/macros/RsMacroExpansionTest.kt #[test] fn test_path() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ i:path) => { fn foo() { let a = $ i; } } } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { foo }", "fn foo () {let a = foo ;}"); assert_expansion( &rules, "foo! { bar::::baz:: }", "fn foo () {let a = bar ::< u8 >:: baz ::< u8 > ;}", ); } #[test] fn test_two_paths() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ i:path, $ j:path) => { fn foo() { let a = $ i; let b = $j; } } } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { foo, bar }", "fn foo () {let a = foo ; let b = bar ;}"); } #[test] fn test_path_with_path() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ i:path) => { fn foo() { let a = $ i :: bar; } } } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { foo }", "fn foo () {let a = foo :: bar ;}"); } #[test] fn test_expr() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ i:expr) => { fn bar() { $ i; } } } "#, ); assert_expansion( &rules, "foo! { 2 + 2 * baz(3).quux() }", "fn bar () {2 + 2 * baz (3) . quux () ;}", ); } #[test] fn test_expr_order() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ i:expr) => { fn bar() { $ i * 2; } } } "#, ); assert_eq!( expand_to_items(&rules, "foo! { 1 + 1 }").syntax().debug_dump().trim(), r#"MACRO_ITEMS@[0; 15) FN_DEF@[0; 15) FN_KW@[0; 2) "fn" NAME@[2; 5) IDENT@[2; 5) "bar" PARAM_LIST@[5; 7) L_PAREN@[5; 6) "(" R_PAREN@[6; 7) ")" BLOCK@[7; 15) L_CURLY@[7; 8) "{" EXPR_STMT@[8; 14) BIN_EXPR@[8; 13) BIN_EXPR@[8; 11) LITERAL@[8; 9) INT_NUMBER@[8; 9) "1" PLUS@[9; 10) "+" LITERAL@[10; 11) INT_NUMBER@[10; 11) "1" STAR@[11; 12) "*" LITERAL@[12; 13) INT_NUMBER@[12; 13) "2" SEMI@[13; 14) ";" R_CURLY@[14; 15) "}""#, ); } #[test] fn test_last_expr() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! vec { ($($item:expr),*) => { { let mut v = Vec::new(); $( v.push($item); )* v } }; } "#, ); assert_expansion( &rules, "vec!(1,2,3)", "{let mut v = Vec :: new () ; v . push (1) ; v . push (2) ; v . push (3) ; v}", ); } #[test] fn test_ty() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ i:ty) => ( fn bar() -> $ i { unimplemented!() } ) } "#, ); assert_expansion( &rules, "foo! { Baz }", "fn bar () -> Baz < u8 > {unimplemented ! ()}", ); } #[test] fn test_ty_with_complex_type() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ i:ty) => ( fn bar() -> $ i { unimplemented!() } ) } "#, ); // Reference lifetime struct with generic type assert_expansion( &rules, "foo! { &'a Baz }", "fn bar () -> & 'a Baz < u8 > {unimplemented ! ()}", ); // extern "Rust" func type assert_expansion( &rules, r#"foo! { extern "Rust" fn() -> Ret }"#, r#"fn bar () -> extern "Rust" fn () -> Ret {unimplemented ! ()}"#, ); } #[test] fn test_pat_() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ i:pat) => { fn foo() { let $ i; } } } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { (a, b) }", "fn foo () {let (a , b) ;}"); } #[test] fn test_stmt() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ i:stmt) => ( fn bar() { $ i; } ) } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { 2 }", "fn bar () {2 ;}"); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { let a = 0 }", "fn bar () {let a = 0 ;}"); } #[test] fn test_single_item() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ i:item) => ( $ i ) } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! {mod c {}}", "mod c {}"); } #[test] fn test_all_items() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ ($ i:item)*) => ($ ( $ i )*) } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, r#" foo! { extern crate a; mod b; mod c {} use d; const E: i32 = 0; static F: i32 = 0; impl G {} struct H; enum I { Foo } trait J {} fn h() {} extern {} type T = u8; } "#, r#"extern crate a ; mod b ; mod c {} use d ; const E : i32 = 0 ; static F : i32 = 0 ; impl G {} struct H ; enum I {Foo} trait J {} fn h () {} extern {} type T = u8 ;"#); } #[test] fn test_block() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ i:block) => { fn foo() $ i } } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, "foo! { { 1; } }", "fn foo () {1 ;}"); } #[test] fn test_meta() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ i:meta) => ( #[$ i] fn bar() {} ) } "#, ); assert_expansion( &rules, r#"foo! { cfg(target_os = "windows") }"#, r#"# [cfg (target_os = "windows")] fn bar () {}"#, ); } #[test] // fn test_tt_block() { // let rules = create_rules( // r#" // macro_rules! foo { // ($ i:tt) => { fn foo() $ i } // } // "#, // ); // assert_expansion(&rules, r#"foo! { { 1; } }"#, r#"fn foo () {1 ;}"#); // } // #[test] // fn test_tt_group() { // let rules = create_rules( // r#" // macro_rules! foo { // ($($ i:tt)*) => { $($ i)* } // } // "#, // ); // assert_expansion(&rules, r#"foo! { fn foo() {} }"#, r#"fn foo () {}"#); // } #[test] fn test_lifetime() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ lt:lifetime) => { struct Ref<$ lt>{ s: &$ lt str } } } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, r#"foo!{'a}"#, r#"struct Ref <'a > {s : &'a str}"#); } #[test] fn test_literal() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ type:ty $ lit:literal) => { const VALUE: $ type = $ lit;}; } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, r#"foo!(u8 0)"#, r#"const VALUE : u8 = 0 ;"#); } #[test] fn test_vis() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! foo { ($ vis:vis $ name:ident) => { $ vis fn $ name() {}}; } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, r#"foo!(pub foo);"#, r#"pub fn foo () {}"#); } // The following tests are based on real world situations #[test] fn test_vec() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! vec { ($($item:expr),*) => { { let mut v = Vec::new(); $( v.push($item); )* v } }; } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, r#"vec!();"#, r#"{let mut v = Vec :: new () ; v}"#); assert_expansion( &rules, r#"vec![1u32,2]"#, r#"{let mut v = Vec :: new () ; v . push (1u32) ; v . push (2) ; v}"#, ); assert_eq!( expand_to_expr(&rules, r#"vec![1u32,2]"#).syntax().debug_dump().trim(), r#"BLOCK_EXPR@[0; 45) BLOCK@[0; 45) L_CURLY@[0; 1) "{" LET_STMT@[1; 20) LET_KW@[1; 4) "let" BIND_PAT@[4; 8) MUT_KW@[4; 7) "mut" NAME@[7; 8) IDENT@[7; 8) "v" EQ@[8; 9) "=" CALL_EXPR@[9; 19) PATH_EXPR@[9; 17) PATH@[9; 17) PATH@[9; 12) PATH_SEGMENT@[9; 12) NAME_REF@[9; 12) IDENT@[9; 12) "Vec" COLONCOLON@[12; 14) "::" PATH_SEGMENT@[14; 17) NAME_REF@[14; 17) IDENT@[14; 17) "new" ARG_LIST@[17; 19) L_PAREN@[17; 18) "(" R_PAREN@[18; 19) ")" SEMI@[19; 20) ";" EXPR_STMT@[20; 33) METHOD_CALL_EXPR@[20; 32) PATH_EXPR@[20; 21) PATH@[20; 21) PATH_SEGMENT@[20; 21) NAME_REF@[20; 21) IDENT@[20; 21) "v" DOT@[21; 22) "." NAME_REF@[22; 26) IDENT@[22; 26) "push" ARG_LIST@[26; 32) L_PAREN@[26; 27) "(" LITERAL@[27; 31) INT_NUMBER@[27; 31) "1u32" R_PAREN@[31; 32) ")" SEMI@[32; 33) ";" EXPR_STMT@[33; 43) METHOD_CALL_EXPR@[33; 42) PATH_EXPR@[33; 34) PATH@[33; 34) PATH_SEGMENT@[33; 34) NAME_REF@[33; 34) IDENT@[33; 34) "v" DOT@[34; 35) "." NAME_REF@[35; 39) IDENT@[35; 39) "push" ARG_LIST@[39; 42) L_PAREN@[39; 40) "(" LITERAL@[40; 41) INT_NUMBER@[40; 41) "2" R_PAREN@[41; 42) ")" SEMI@[42; 43) ";" PATH_EXPR@[43; 44) PATH@[43; 44) PATH_SEGMENT@[43; 44) NAME_REF@[43; 44) IDENT@[43; 44) "v" R_CURLY@[44; 45) "}""# ); } #[test] fn test_winapi_struct() { // from https://github.com/retep998/winapi-rs/blob/a7ef2bca086aae76cf6c4ce4c2552988ed9798ad/src/macros.rs#L366 let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! STRUCT { ($(#[$attrs:meta])* struct $name:ident { $($field:ident: $ftype:ty,)+ }) => ( #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy)] $(#[$attrs])* pub struct $name { $(pub $field: $ftype,)+ } impl Clone for $name { #[inline] fn clone(&self) -> $name { *self } } #[cfg(feature = "impl-default")] impl Default for $name { #[inline] fn default() -> $name { unsafe { $crate::_core::mem::zeroed() } } } ); } "#, ); // from https://github.com/retep998/winapi-rs/blob/a7ef2bca086aae76cf6c4ce4c2552988ed9798ad/src/shared/d3d9caps.rs assert_expansion(&rules, r#"STRUCT!{struct D3DVSHADERCAPS2_0 {Caps: u8,}}"#, "# [repr (C)] # [derive (Copy)] pub struct D3DVSHADERCAPS2_0 {pub Caps : u8 ,} impl Clone for D3DVSHADERCAPS2_0 {# [inline] fn clone (& self) -> D3DVSHADERCAPS2_0 {* self}} # [cfg (feature = \"impl-default\")] impl Default for D3DVSHADERCAPS2_0 {# [inline] fn default () -> D3DVSHADERCAPS2_0 {unsafe {$crate :: _core :: mem :: zeroed ()}}}"); assert_expansion(&rules, r#"STRUCT!{#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "x86", repr(packed))] struct D3DCONTENTPROTECTIONCAPS {Caps : u8 ,}}"#, "# [repr (C)] # [derive (Copy)] # [cfg_attr (target_arch = \"x86\" , repr (packed))] pub struct D3DCONTENTPROTECTIONCAPS {pub Caps : u8 ,} impl Clone for D3DCONTENTPROTECTIONCAPS {# [inline] fn clone (& self) -> D3DCONTENTPROTECTIONCAPS {* self}} # [cfg (feature = \"impl-default\")] impl Default for D3DCONTENTPROTECTIONCAPS {# [inline] fn default () -> D3DCONTENTPROTECTIONCAPS {unsafe {$crate :: _core :: mem :: zeroed ()}}}"); } #[test] fn test_int_base() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! int_base { ($Trait:ident for $T:ident as $U:ident -> $Radix:ident) => { #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")] impl fmt::$Trait for $T { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { $Radix.fmt_int(*self as $U, f) } } } } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, r#" int_base!{Binary for isize as usize -> Binary}"#, "# [stable (feature = \"rust1\" , since = \"1.0.0\")] impl fmt ::Binary for isize {fn fmt (& self , f : & mut fmt :: Formatter < \'_ >) -> fmt :: Result {Binary . fmt_int (* self as usize , f)}}" ); } #[test] fn test_generate_pattern_iterators() { // from https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/316a391dcb7d66dc25f1f9a4ec9d368ef7615005/src/libcore/str/mod.rs let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! generate_pattern_iterators { { double ended; with $(#[$common_stability_attribute:meta])*, $forward_iterator:ident, $reverse_iterator:ident, $iterty:ty } => { fn foo(){} } } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, r#"generate_pattern_iterators ! ( double ended ; with # [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" ) ] , Split , RSplit , & 'a str )"#, "fn foo () {}"); } #[test] fn test_impl_fn_for_zst() { // from https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/5d20ff4d2718c820632b38c1e49d4de648a9810b/src/libcore/internal_macros.rs let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! impl_fn_for_zst { { $( $( #[$attr: meta] )* struct $Name: ident impl$( <$( $lifetime : lifetime ),+> )? Fn = |$( $arg: ident: $ArgTy: ty ),*| -> $ReturnTy: ty $body: block; )+ } => { fn foo(){} } } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, r#" impl_fn_for_zst ! { # [ derive ( Clone ) ] struct CharEscapeDebugContinue impl Fn = | c : char | -> char :: EscapeDebug { c . escape_debug_ext ( false ) } ; # [ derive ( Clone ) ] struct CharEscapeUnicode impl Fn = | c : char | -> char :: EscapeUnicode { c . escape_unicode ( ) } ; # [ derive ( Clone ) ] struct CharEscapeDefault impl Fn = | c : char | -> char :: EscapeDefault { c . escape_default ( ) } ; } "#, "fn foo () {}"); } #[test] fn test_impl_nonzero_fmt() { // from https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/316a391dcb7d66dc25f1f9a4ec9d368ef7615005/src/libcore/num/mod.rs#L12 let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! impl_nonzero_fmt { ( #[$stability: meta] ( $( $Trait: ident ),+ ) for $Ty: ident ) => { fn foo() {} } } "#, ); assert_expansion(&rules, r#"impl_nonzero_fmt ! { # [ stable ( feature = "nonzero" , since = "1.28.0" ) ] ( Debug , Display , Binary , Octal , LowerHex , UpperHex ) for NonZeroU8 }"#, "fn foo () {}"); } }