//! Lexing `&str` into a sequence of Rust tokens. //! //! Note that strictly speaking the parser in this crate is not required to work //! on tokens which originated from text. Macros, eg, can synthesize tokens out //! of thin air. So, ideally, lexer should be an orthogonal crate. It is however //! convenient to include a text-based lexer here! //! //! Note that these tokens, unlike the tokens we feed into the parser, do //! include info about comments and whitespace. use std::ops; use crate::{ SyntaxKind::{self, *}, T, }; pub struct LexedStr<'a> { text: &'a str, kind: Vec, start: Vec, error: Vec, } struct LexError { msg: String, token: u32, } impl<'a> LexedStr<'a> { pub fn new(text: &'a str) -> LexedStr<'a> { let mut conv = Converter::new(text); if let Some(shebang_len) = rustc_lexer::strip_shebang(text) { conv.res.push(SHEBANG, conv.offset); conv.offset = shebang_len; }; for token in rustc_lexer::tokenize(&text[conv.offset..]) { let token_text = &text[conv.offset..][..token.len]; conv.extend_token(&token.kind, token_text); } conv.finalize_with_eof() } pub fn single_token(text: &'a str) -> Option<(SyntaxKind, Option)> { if text.is_empty() { return None; } let token = rustc_lexer::first_token(text); if token.len != text.len() { return None; } let mut conv = Converter::new(text); conv.extend_token(&token.kind, text); match &*conv.res.kind { [kind] => Some((*kind, conv.res.error.pop().map(|it| it.msg.clone()))), _ => None, } } pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str { self.text } pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.kind.len() - 1 } pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.len() == 0 } pub fn kind(&self, i: usize) -> SyntaxKind { assert!(i < self.len()); self.kind[i] } pub fn text(&self, i: usize) -> &str { self.range_text(i..i + 1) } pub fn range_text(&self, r: ops::Range) -> &str { assert!(r.start < r.end && r.end <= self.len()); let lo = self.start[r.start] as usize; let hi = self.start[r.end] as usize; &self.text[lo..hi] } // Naming is hard. pub fn text_range(&self, i: usize) -> ops::Range { assert!(i < self.len()); let lo = self.start[i] as usize; let hi = self.start[i + 1] as usize; lo..hi } pub fn text_start(&self, i: usize) -> usize { assert!(i <= self.len()); self.start[i] as usize } pub fn text_len(&self, i: usize) -> usize { assert!(i < self.len()); let r = self.text_range(i); r.end - r.start } pub fn error(&self, i: usize) -> Option<&str> { assert!(i < self.len()); let err = self.error.binary_search_by_key(&(i as u32), |i| i.token).ok()?; Some(self.error[err].msg.as_str()) } pub fn errors(&self) -> impl Iterator + '_ { self.error.iter().map(|it| (it.token as usize, it.msg.as_str())) } fn push(&mut self, kind: SyntaxKind, offset: usize) { self.kind.push(kind); self.start.push(offset as u32); } } struct Converter<'a> { res: LexedStr<'a>, offset: usize, } impl<'a> Converter<'a> { fn new(text: &'a str) -> Self { Self { res: LexedStr { text, kind: Vec::new(), start: Vec::new(), error: Vec::new() }, offset: 0, } } fn finalize_with_eof(mut self) -> LexedStr<'a> { self.res.push(EOF, self.offset); self.res } fn push(&mut self, kind: SyntaxKind, len: usize, err: Option<&str>) { self.res.push(kind, self.offset); self.offset += len; if let Some(err) = err { let token = self.res.len() as u32; let msg = err.to_string(); self.res.error.push(LexError { msg, token }); } } fn extend_token(&mut self, kind: &rustc_lexer::TokenKind, token_text: &str) { // A note on an intended tradeoff: // We drop some useful information here (see patterns with double dots `..`) // Storing that info in `SyntaxKind` is not possible due to its layout requirements of // being `u16` that come from `rowan::SyntaxKind`. let mut err = ""; let syntax_kind = { match kind { rustc_lexer::TokenKind::LineComment { doc_style: _ } => COMMENT, rustc_lexer::TokenKind::BlockComment { doc_style: _, terminated } => { if !terminated { err = "Missing trailing `*/` symbols to terminate the block comment"; } COMMENT } rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Whitespace => WHITESPACE, rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Ident if token_text == "_" => UNDERSCORE, rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Ident => { SyntaxKind::from_keyword(token_text).unwrap_or(IDENT) } rustc_lexer::TokenKind::RawIdent => IDENT, rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Literal { kind, .. } => { self.extend_literal(token_text, kind); return; } rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Lifetime { starts_with_number } => { if *starts_with_number { err = "Lifetime name cannot start with a number"; } LIFETIME_IDENT } rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Semi => T![;], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Comma => T![,], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Dot => T![.], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::OpenParen => T!['('], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::CloseParen => T![')'], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::OpenBrace => T!['{'], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::CloseBrace => T!['}'], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::OpenBracket => T!['['], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::CloseBracket => T![']'], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::At => T![@], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Pound => T![#], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Tilde => T![~], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Question => T![?], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Colon => T![:], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Dollar => T![$], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Eq => T![=], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Bang => T![!], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Lt => T![<], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Gt => T![>], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Minus => T![-], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::And => T![&], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Or => T![|], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Plus => T![+], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Star => T![*], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Slash => T![/], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Caret => T![^], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Percent => T![%], rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Unknown => ERROR, } }; let err = if err.is_empty() { None } else { Some(err) }; self.push(syntax_kind, token_text.len(), err); } fn extend_literal(&mut self, token_text: &str, kind: &rustc_lexer::LiteralKind) { let mut err = ""; let syntax_kind = match *kind { rustc_lexer::LiteralKind::Int { empty_int, base: _ } => { if empty_int { err = "Missing digits after the integer base prefix"; } INT_NUMBER } rustc_lexer::LiteralKind::Float { empty_exponent, base: _ } => { if empty_exponent { err = "Missing digits after the exponent symbol"; } // In order to correctly parse nested tuple accesses like `tup.0.0`, where the `0.0` // is lexed as a float, we split floats that contain a `.` into 3 tokens. // To ensure that later stages can always reconstruct the token correctly, the first // token in the sequence indicates the number of following tokens that are part of // the float literal. if let Some((before, after)) = token_text.split_once('.') { let err = if err.is_empty() { None } else { Some(err) }; assert!(!before.is_empty()); let tok = if after.is_empty() { FLOAT_NUMBER_START_1 } else { FLOAT_NUMBER_START_2 }; self.push(tok, before.len(), None); self.push(DOT, 1, None); if !after.is_empty() { self.push(FLOAT_NUMBER_PART, after.len(), err); } return; } FLOAT_NUMBER_START_0 } rustc_lexer::LiteralKind::Char { terminated } => { if !terminated { err = "Missing trailing `'` symbol to terminate the character literal"; } CHAR } rustc_lexer::LiteralKind::Byte { terminated } => { if !terminated { err = "Missing trailing `'` symbol to terminate the byte literal"; } BYTE } rustc_lexer::LiteralKind::Str { terminated } => { if !terminated { err = "Missing trailing `\"` symbol to terminate the string literal"; } STRING } rustc_lexer::LiteralKind::ByteStr { terminated } => { if !terminated { err = "Missing trailing `\"` symbol to terminate the byte string literal"; } BYTE_STRING } rustc_lexer::LiteralKind::RawStr { err: raw_str_err, .. } => { if let Some(raw_str_err) = raw_str_err { err = match raw_str_err { rustc_lexer::RawStrError::InvalidStarter { .. } => "Missing `\"` symbol after `#` symbols to begin the raw string literal", rustc_lexer::RawStrError::NoTerminator { expected, found, .. } => if expected == found { "Missing trailing `\"` to terminate the raw string literal" } else { "Missing trailing `\"` with `#` symbols to terminate the raw string literal" }, rustc_lexer::RawStrError::TooManyDelimiters { .. } => "Too many `#` symbols: raw strings may be delimited by up to 65535 `#` symbols", }; }; STRING } rustc_lexer::LiteralKind::RawByteStr { err: raw_str_err, .. } => { if let Some(raw_str_err) = raw_str_err { err = match raw_str_err { rustc_lexer::RawStrError::InvalidStarter { .. } => "Missing `\"` symbol after `#` symbols to begin the raw byte string literal", rustc_lexer::RawStrError::NoTerminator { expected, found, .. } => if expected == found { "Missing trailing `\"` to terminate the raw byte string literal" } else { "Missing trailing `\"` with `#` symbols to terminate the raw byte string literal" }, rustc_lexer::RawStrError::TooManyDelimiters { .. } => "Too many `#` symbols: raw byte strings may be delimited by up to 65535 `#` symbols", }; }; BYTE_STRING } }; let err = if err.is_empty() { None } else { Some(err) }; self.push(syntax_kind, token_text.len(), err); } }