import * as vscode from "vscode"; import * as lc from "vscode-languageclient/node"; import * as ra from "./lsp_ext"; import * as path from "path"; import {Config, prepareVSCodeConfig} from "./config"; import {createClient} from "./client"; import { executeDiscoverProject, isRustDocument, isRustEditor, LazyOutputChannel, log, RustEditor, } from "./util"; import {ServerStatusParams} from "./lsp_ext"; import { Dependency, DependencyFile, RustDependenciesProvider, DependencyId, } from "./dependencies_provider"; import {execRevealDependency} from "./commands"; import {PersistentState} from "./persistent_state"; import {bootstrap} from "./bootstrap"; import {ExecOptions} from "child_process"; // We only support local folders, not eg. Live Share (`vlsl:` scheme), so don't activate if // only those are in use. We use "Empty" to represent these scenarios // (r-a still somewhat works with Live Share, because commands are tunneled to the host) export type Workspace = | { kind: "Empty" } | { kind: "Workspace Folder"; } | { kind: "Detached Files"; files: vscode.TextDocument[]; }; export function fetchWorkspace(): Workspace { const folders = (vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders || []).filter( (folder) => folder.uri.scheme === "file" ); const rustDocuments = vscode.workspace.textDocuments.filter((document) => isRustDocument(document) ); return folders.length === 0 ? rustDocuments.length === 0 ? {kind: "Empty"} : { kind: "Detached Files", files: rustDocuments, } : {kind: "Workspace Folder"}; } export async function discoverWorkspace( files: readonly vscode.TextDocument[], command: string[], options: ExecOptions ): Promise { const paths = => `"${f.uri.fsPath}"`).join(" "); const joinedCommand = command.join(" "); const data = await executeDiscoverProject(`${joinedCommand} ${paths}`, options); return JSON.parse(data) as JsonProject; } export type CommandFactory = { enabled: (ctx: CtxInit) => Cmd; disabled?: (ctx: Ctx) => Cmd; }; export type CtxInit = Ctx & { readonly client: lc.LanguageClient; }; export class Ctx { readonly statusBar: vscode.StatusBarItem; config: Config; readonly workspace: Workspace; private _client: lc.LanguageClient | undefined; private _serverPath: string | undefined; private traceOutputChannel: vscode.OutputChannel | undefined; private outputChannel: vscode.OutputChannel | undefined; private clientSubscriptions: Disposable[]; private state: PersistentState; private commandFactories: Record; private commandDisposables: Disposable[]; private unlinkedFiles: vscode.Uri[]; readonly dependencies: RustDependenciesProvider; readonly treeView: vscode.TreeView; get client() { return this._client; } constructor( readonly extCtx: vscode.ExtensionContext, commandFactories: Record, workspace: Workspace, dependencies: RustDependenciesProvider, treeView: vscode.TreeView ) { extCtx.subscriptions.push(this); this.statusBar = vscode.window.createStatusBarItem(vscode.StatusBarAlignment.Left); this.workspace = workspace; this.clientSubscriptions = []; this.commandDisposables = []; this.commandFactories = commandFactories; this.unlinkedFiles = []; this.dependencies = dependencies; this.treeView = treeView; this.state = new PersistentState(extCtx.globalState); this.config = new Config(extCtx); this.updateCommands("disable" ); this.setServerStatus({ health: "stopped", }); vscode.window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor((e) => { if (e && isRustEditor(e)) { execRevealDependency(e).catch((reason) => { void vscode.window.showErrorMessage(`Dependency error: ${reason}`); }); } }); } dispose() { this.config.dispose(); this.statusBar.dispose(); void this.disposeClient(); this.commandDisposables.forEach((disposable) => disposable.dispose()); } async onWorkspaceFolderChanges() { const workspace = fetchWorkspace(); if (workspace.kind === "Detached Files" && this.workspace.kind === "Detached Files") { if (workspace.files !== this.workspace.files) { if (this.client?.isRunning()) { // Ideally we wouldn't need to tear down the server here, but currently detached files // are only specified at server start await this.stopAndDispose(); await this.start(); } return; } } if (workspace.kind === "Workspace Folder" && this.workspace.kind === "Workspace Folder") { return; } if (workspace.kind === "Empty") { await this.stopAndDispose(); return; } if (this.client?.isRunning()) { await this.restart(); } } private async getOrCreateClient() { if (this.workspace.kind === "Empty") { return; } if (!this.traceOutputChannel) { this.traceOutputChannel = new LazyOutputChannel("Rust Analyzer Language Server Trace"); this.pushExtCleanup(this.traceOutputChannel); } if (!this.outputChannel) { this.outputChannel = vscode.window.createOutputChannel("Rust Analyzer Language Server"); this.pushExtCleanup(this.outputChannel); } if (!this._client) { this._serverPath = await bootstrap(this.extCtx, this.config, this.state).catch( (err) => { let message = "bootstrap error. "; message += 'See the logs in "OUTPUT > Rust Analyzer Client" (should open automatically). '; message += 'To enable verbose logs use { "rust-analyzer.trace.extension": true }'; log.error("Bootstrap error", err); throw new Error(message); } ); const newEnv = Object.assign({}, process.env, this.config.serverExtraEnv); const run: lc.Executable = { command: this._serverPath, options: {env: newEnv}, }; const serverOptions = { run, debug: run, }; let rawInitializationOptions = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration("rust-analyzer"); if (this.workspace.kind === "Detached Files") { rawInitializationOptions = { detachedFiles: => file.uri.fsPath), ...rawInitializationOptions, }; } const discoverProjectCommand = this.config.discoverProjectCommand; if (discoverProjectCommand) { const workspaces: JsonProject[] = await Promise.all( vscode.workspace.textDocuments .filter(isRustDocument) .map(async (file): Promise => { return discoverWorkspace([file], discoverProjectCommand, { cwd: path.dirname(file.uri.fsPath), }); }) ); this.addToDiscoveredWorkspaces(workspaces); } const initializationOptions = prepareVSCodeConfig( rawInitializationOptions, (key, obj) => { // we only want to set discovered workspaces on the right key // and if a workspace has been discovered. if (key === "linkedProjects" && this.config.discoveredWorkspaces.length > 0) { obj["linkedProjects"] = this.config.discoveredWorkspaces; } } ); this._client = await createClient( this.traceOutputChannel, this.outputChannel, initializationOptions, serverOptions, this.config, this.unlinkedFiles ); this.pushClientCleanup( this._client.onNotification(ra.serverStatus, (params) => this.setServerStatus(params) ) ); this.pushClientCleanup( this._client.onNotification(ra.openServerLogs, () => { this.outputChannel!.show(); }) ); } return this._client; } async start() {"Starting language client"); const client = await this.getOrCreateClient(); if (!client) { return; } await client.start(); this.updateCommands(); } async restart() { // FIXME: We should re-use the client, that is ctx.deactivate() if none of the configs have changed await this.stopAndDispose(); await this.start(); } async stop() { if (!this._client) { return; }"Stopping language client"); this.updateCommands("disable"); await this._client.stop(); } async stopAndDispose() { if (!this._client) { return; }"Disposing language client"); this.updateCommands("disable"); await this.disposeClient(); } private async disposeClient() { this.clientSubscriptions?.forEach((disposable) => disposable.dispose()); this.clientSubscriptions = []; await this._client?.dispose(); this._serverPath = undefined; this._client = undefined; } get activeRustEditor(): RustEditor | undefined { const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor; return editor && isRustEditor(editor) ? editor : undefined; } get extensionPath(): string { return this.extCtx.extensionPath; } get subscriptions(): Disposable[] { return this.extCtx.subscriptions; } get serverPath(): string | undefined { return this._serverPath; } addToDiscoveredWorkspaces(workspaces: JsonProject[]) { for (const workspace of workspaces) { const index = this.config.discoveredWorkspaces.indexOf(workspace); if (~index) { this.config.discoveredWorkspaces[index] = workspace; } else { this.config.discoveredWorkspaces.push(workspace); } } } private updateCommands(forceDisable?: "disable") { this.commandDisposables.forEach((disposable) => disposable.dispose()); this.commandDisposables = []; const clientRunning = (!forceDisable && this._client?.isRunning()) ?? false; const isClientRunning = function (_ctx: Ctx): _ctx is CtxInit { return clientRunning; }; for (const [name, factory] of Object.entries(this.commandFactories)) { const fullName = `rust-analyzer.${name}`; let callback; if (isClientRunning(this)) { // we asserted that `client` is defined callback = factory.enabled(this); } else if (factory.disabled) { callback = factory.disabled(this); } else { callback = () => vscode.window.showErrorMessage( `command ${fullName} failed: rust-analyzer server is not running` ); } this.commandDisposables.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand(fullName, callback)); } } setServerStatus(status: ServerStatusParams | { health: "stopped" }) { let icon = ""; const statusBar = this.statusBar;; statusBar.tooltip = new vscode.MarkdownString("", true); statusBar.tooltip.isTrusted = true; switch ( { case "ok": statusBar.tooltip.appendText(status.message ?? "Ready"); statusBar.color = undefined; statusBar.backgroundColor = undefined; statusBar.command = "rust-analyzer.stopServer"; this.dependencies.refresh(); break; case "warning": if (status.message) { statusBar.tooltip.appendText(status.message); } statusBar.color = new vscode.ThemeColor("statusBarItem.warningForeground"); statusBar.backgroundColor = new vscode.ThemeColor( "statusBarItem.warningBackground" ); statusBar.command = "rust-analyzer.openLogs"; icon = "$(warning) "; break; case "error": if (status.message) { statusBar.tooltip.appendText(status.message); } statusBar.color = new vscode.ThemeColor("statusBarItem.errorForeground"); statusBar.backgroundColor = new vscode.ThemeColor("statusBarItem.errorBackground"); statusBar.command = "rust-analyzer.openLogs"; icon = "$(error) "; break; case "stopped": statusBar.tooltip.appendText("Server is stopped"); statusBar.tooltip.appendMarkdown( "\n\n[Start server](command:rust-analyzer.startServer)" ); statusBar.color = undefined; statusBar.backgroundColor = undefined; statusBar.command = "rust-analyzer.startServer"; statusBar.text = `$(stop-circle) rust-analyzer`; return; } if (statusBar.tooltip.value) { statusBar.tooltip.appendText("\n\n"); } statusBar.tooltip.appendMarkdown("\n\n[Open logs](command:rust-analyzer.openLogs)"); statusBar.tooltip.appendMarkdown( "\n\n[Reload Workspace](command:rust-analyzer.reloadWorkspace)" ); statusBar.tooltip.appendMarkdown( "\n\n[Rebuild Proc Macros](command:rust-analyzer.rebuildProcMacros)" ); statusBar.tooltip.appendMarkdown( "\n\n[Restart server](command:rust-analyzer.restartServer)" ); statusBar.tooltip.appendMarkdown("\n\n[Stop server](command:rust-analyzer.stopServer)"); if (!status.quiescent) icon = "$(sync~spin) "; statusBar.text = `${icon}rust-analyzer`; } pushExtCleanup(d: Disposable) { this.extCtx.subscriptions.push(d); } private pushClientCleanup(d: Disposable) { this.clientSubscriptions.push(d); } } export interface Disposable { dispose(): void; } export type Cmd = (...args: any[]) => unknown;