//! Eager expansion related utils //! //! Here is a dump of a discussion from Vadim Petrochenkov about Eager Expansion and //! Its name resolution : //! //! > Eagerly expanded macros (and also macros eagerly expanded by eagerly expanded macros, //! > which actually happens in practice too!) are resolved at the location of the "root" macro //! > that performs the eager expansion on its arguments. //! > If some name cannot be resolved at the eager expansion time it's considered unresolved, //! > even if becomes available later (e.g. from a glob import or other macro). //! //! > Eagerly expanded macros don't add anything to the module structure of the crate and //! > don't build any speculative module structures, i.e. they are expanded in a "flat" //! > way even if tokens in them look like modules. //! //! > In other words, it kinda works for simple cases for which it was originally intended, //! > and we need to live with it because it's available on stable and widely relied upon. //! //! //! See the full discussion : use base_db::CrateId; use span::Span; use syntax::{ted, Parse, SyntaxElement, SyntaxNode, TextSize, WalkEvent}; use triomphe::Arc; use crate::{ ast::{self, AstNode}, db::ExpandDatabase, mod_path::ModPath, AstId, EagerCallInfo, ExpandError, ExpandResult, ExpandTo, ExpansionSpanMap, InFile, Intern, MacroCallId, MacroCallKind, MacroCallLoc, MacroDefId, MacroDefKind, }; pub fn expand_eager_macro_input( db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, krate: CrateId, macro_call: &ast::MacroCall, ast_id: AstId, def: MacroDefId, call_site: Span, resolver: &dyn Fn(ModPath) -> Option, ) -> ExpandResult> { let expand_to = ExpandTo::from_call_site(macro_call); // Note: // When `lazy_expand` is called, its *parent* file must already exist. // Here we store an eager macro id for the argument expanded subtree // for that purpose. let arg_id = MacroCallLoc { def, krate, kind: MacroCallKind::FnLike { ast_id, expand_to: ExpandTo::Expr, eager: None }, call_site, } .intern(db); let ExpandResult { value: (arg_exp, arg_exp_map), err: parse_err } = db.parse_macro_expansion(arg_id.as_macro_file()); let mut arg_map = ExpansionSpanMap::empty(); let ExpandResult { value: expanded_eager_input, err } = { eager_macro_recur( db, &arg_exp_map, &mut arg_map, TextSize::new(0), InFile::new(arg_id.as_file(), arg_exp.syntax_node()), krate, call_site, resolver, ) }; let err = parse_err.or(err); if cfg!(debug_assertions) { arg_map.finish(); } let Some((expanded_eager_input, _mapping)) = expanded_eager_input else { return ExpandResult { value: None, err }; }; let mut subtree = mbe::syntax_node_to_token_tree(&expanded_eager_input, arg_map, call_site); subtree.delimiter.kind = crate::tt::DelimiterKind::Invisible; let loc = MacroCallLoc { def, krate, kind: MacroCallKind::FnLike { ast_id, expand_to, eager: Some(Arc::new(EagerCallInfo { arg: Arc::new(subtree), arg_id, error: err.clone(), })), }, call_site, }; ExpandResult { value: Some(loc.intern(db)), err } } fn lazy_expand( db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, def: &MacroDefId, macro_call: &ast::MacroCall, ast_id: AstId, krate: CrateId, call_site: Span, ) -> ExpandResult<(InFile>, Arc)> { let expand_to = ExpandTo::from_call_site(macro_call); let id = def.make_call( db, krate, MacroCallKind::FnLike { ast_id, expand_to, eager: None }, call_site, ); let macro_file = id.as_macro_file(); db.parse_macro_expansion(macro_file) .map(|parse| (InFile::new(macro_file.into(), parse.0), parse.1)) } fn eager_macro_recur( db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, span_map: &ExpansionSpanMap, expanded_map: &mut ExpansionSpanMap, mut offset: TextSize, curr: InFile, krate: CrateId, call_site: Span, macro_resolver: &dyn Fn(ModPath) -> Option, ) -> ExpandResult> { let original = curr.value.clone_for_update(); let mut replacements = Vec::new(); // FIXME: We only report a single error inside of eager expansions let mut error = None; let mut children = original.preorder_with_tokens(); // Collect replacement while let Some(child) = children.next() { let call = match child { WalkEvent::Enter(SyntaxElement::Node(child)) => match ast::MacroCall::cast(child) { Some(it) => { children.skip_subtree(); it } _ => continue, }, WalkEvent::Enter(_) => continue, WalkEvent::Leave(child) => { if let SyntaxElement::Token(t) = child { let start = t.text_range().start(); offset += t.text_range().len(); expanded_map.push(offset, span_map.span_at(start)); } continue; } }; let def = match call.path().and_then(|path| { ModPath::from_src(db, path, &mut |range| span_map.span_at(range.start()).ctx) }) { Some(path) => match macro_resolver(path.clone()) { Some(def) => def, None => { error = Some(ExpandError::other(format!("unresolved macro {}", path.display(db)))); offset += call.syntax().text_range().len(); continue; } }, None => { error = Some(ExpandError::other("malformed macro invocation")); offset += call.syntax().text_range().len(); continue; } }; let ast_id = db.ast_id_map(curr.file_id).ast_id(&call); let ExpandResult { value, err } = match def.kind { MacroDefKind::BuiltInEager(..) => { let ExpandResult { value, err } = expand_eager_macro_input( db, krate, &call, curr.with_value(ast_id), def, call_site, macro_resolver, ); match value { Some(call_id) => { let ExpandResult { value: (parse, map), err: err2 } = db.parse_macro_expansion(call_id.as_macro_file()); map.iter().for_each(|(o, span)| expanded_map.push(o + offset, span)); let syntax_node = parse.syntax_node(); ExpandResult { value: Some(( syntax_node.clone_for_update(), offset + syntax_node.text_range().len(), )), err: err.or(err2), } } None => ExpandResult { value: None, err }, } } MacroDefKind::Declarative(_) | MacroDefKind::BuiltIn(..) | MacroDefKind::BuiltInAttr(..) | MacroDefKind::BuiltInDerive(..) | MacroDefKind::ProcMacro(..) => { let ExpandResult { value: (parse, tm), err } = lazy_expand(db, &def, &call, curr.with_value(ast_id), krate, call_site); // replace macro inside let ExpandResult { value, err: error } = eager_macro_recur( db, &tm, expanded_map, offset, // FIXME: We discard parse errors here parse.as_ref().map(|it| it.syntax_node()), krate, call_site, macro_resolver, ); let err = err.or(error); ExpandResult { value, err } } }; if err.is_some() { error = err; } // check if the whole original syntax is replaced if call.syntax() == &original { return ExpandResult { value, err: error }; } match value { Some((insert, new_offset)) => { replacements.push((call, insert)); offset = new_offset; } None => offset += call.syntax().text_range().len(), } } replacements.into_iter().rev().for_each(|(old, new)| ted::replace(old.syntax(), new)); ExpandResult { value: Some((original, offset)), err: error } }