mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 15:08:51 +00:00
Auto merge of #17772 - Veykril:debug.ts, r=Veykril
internal: Reorganize debug.ts
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 187 additions and 99 deletions
@ -7,21 +7,15 @@ import { Cargo } from "./toolchain";
import type { Ctx } from "./ctx";
import { prepareEnv } from "./run";
import { execute, isCargoRunnableArgs, unwrapUndefinable } from "./util";
import type { Config } from "./config";
const debugOutput = vscode.window.createOutputChannel("Debug");
type DebugConfigProvider = (
runnable: ra.Runnable,
runnableArgs: ra.CargoRunnableArgs,
executable: string,
env: Record<string, string>,
sourceFileMap?: Record<string, string>,
) => vscode.DebugConfiguration;
export async function makeDebugConfig(ctx: Ctx, runnable: ra.Runnable): Promise<void> {
const scope = ctx.activeRustEditor?.document.uri;
if (!scope) return;
const debugConfig = await getDebugConfiguration(ctx, runnable);
const debugConfig = await getDebugConfiguration(ctx.config, runnable, false);
if (!debugConfig) return;
const wsLaunchSection = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration("launch", scope);
@ -57,7 +51,7 @@ export async function startDebugSession(ctx: Ctx, runnable: ra.Runnable): Promis
message = " (from launch.json)";
} else {
debugConfig = await getDebugConfiguration(ctx, runnable);
debugConfig = await getDebugConfiguration(ctx.config, runnable);
if (!debugConfig) return false;
@ -74,35 +68,35 @@ function createCommandLink(extensionId: string): string {
async function getDebugConfiguration(
ctx: Ctx,
config: Config,
runnable: ra.Runnable,
inheritEnv: boolean = true,
): Promise<vscode.DebugConfiguration | undefined> {
if (!isCargoRunnableArgs(runnable.args)) {
const runnableArgs: ra.CargoRunnableArgs = runnable.args;
const editor = ctx.activeRustEditor;
if (!editor) return;
const debugOptions = config.debug;
const knownEngines: Record<string, DebugConfigProvider> = {
"vadimcn.vscode-lldb": getCodeLldbDebugConfig,
"ms-vscode.cpptools": getCCppDebugConfig,
"webfreak.debug": getNativeDebugConfig,
const debugOptions = ctx.config.debug;
let provider: null | KnownEnginesType = null;
let debugEngine = null;
if (debugOptions.engine === "auto") {
for (var engineId in knownEngines) {
debugEngine = vscode.extensions.getExtension(engineId);
if (debugEngine) break;
for (const engineId in knownEngines) {
const debugEngine = vscode.extensions.getExtension(engineId);
if (debugEngine) {
provider = knownEngines[engineId as keyof typeof knownEngines];
} else if (debugOptions.engine) {
debugEngine = vscode.extensions.getExtension(debugOptions.engine);
const debugEngine = vscode.extensions.getExtension(debugOptions.engine);
if (debugEngine && Object.keys(knownEngines).includes(debugOptions.engine)) {
provider = knownEngines[debugOptions.engine as keyof typeof knownEngines];
if (!debugEngine) {
if (!provider) {
const commandCCpp: string = createCommandLink("ms-vscode.cpptools");
const commandCodeLLDB: string = createCommandLink("vadimcn.vscode-lldb");
const commandNativeDebug: string = createCommandLink("webfreak.debug");
@ -116,7 +110,7 @@ async function getDebugConfiguration(
if (ctx.config.debug.openDebugPane) {
if (config.debug.openDebugPane) {
// folder exists or RA is not active.
@ -131,37 +125,36 @@ async function getDebugConfiguration(
const workspace = unwrapUndefinable(maybeWorkspace);
const wsFolder = path.normalize(workspace.uri.fsPath);
let wsFolder = path.normalize(workspace.uri.fsPath);
if (os.platform() === "win32") {
// in windows, the drive letter can vary in casing for VSCode, so we gotta normalize that first
wsFolder = wsFolder.replace(/^[a-z]:\\/, (c) => c.toUpperCase());
const workspaceQualifier = isMultiFolderWorkspace ? `:${workspace.name}` : "";
function simplifyPath(p: string): string {
// in windows, the drive letter can vary in casing for VSCode, so we gotta normalize that first
if (os.platform() === "win32") {
p = p.replace(/^[a-z]:\\/, (c) => c.toUpperCase());
// see https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-analyzer/pull/5513#issuecomment-663458818 for why this is needed
return path.normalize(p).replace(wsFolder, `\${workspaceFolder${workspaceQualifier}}`);
const env = prepareEnv(runnable.label, runnableArgs, ctx.config.runnablesExtraEnv);
const env = prepareEnv(inheritEnv, runnable.label, runnableArgs, config.runnablesExtraEnv);
const executable = await getDebugExecutable(runnableArgs, env);
let sourceFileMap = debugOptions.sourceFileMap;
if (sourceFileMap === "auto") {
sourceFileMap = {};
const sysroot = env["RUSTC_TOOLCHAIN"];
if (sysroot) {
// let's try to use the default toolchain
const data = await execute(`rustc -V -v`, { cwd: wsFolder, env });
const rx = /commit-hash:\s(.*)$/m;
const commitHash = rx.exec(data)?.[1];
if (commitHash) {
const rustlib = path.normalize(sysroot + "/lib/rustlib/src/rust");
sourceFileMap[`/rustc/${commitHash}/`] = rustlib;
await discoverSourceFileMap(sourceFileMap, env, wsFolder);
const provider = unwrapUndefinable(knownEngines[debugEngine.id]);
const debugConfig = provider(
const debugConfig = getDebugConfig(
@ -186,6 +179,92 @@ async function getDebugConfiguration(
return debugConfig;
async function discoverSourceFileMap(
sourceFileMap: Record<string, string>,
env: Record<string, string>,
cwd: string,
) {
const sysroot = env["RUSTC_TOOLCHAIN"];
if (sysroot) {
// let's try to use the default toolchain
const data = await execute(`rustc -V -v`, { cwd, env });
const rx = /commit-hash:\s(.*)$/m;
const commitHash = rx.exec(data)?.[1];
if (commitHash) {
const rustlib = path.normalize(sysroot + "/lib/rustlib/src/rust");
sourceFileMap[`/rustc/${commitHash}/`] = rustlib;
type PropertyFetcher<Config, Input, Key extends keyof Config> = (
input: Input,
) => [Key, Config[Key]];
type DebugConfigProvider<Type extends string, DebugConfig extends BaseDebugConfig<Type>> = {
executableProperty: keyof DebugConfig;
environmentProperty: PropertyFetcher<DebugConfig, Record<string, string>, keyof DebugConfig>;
runnableArgsProperty: PropertyFetcher<DebugConfig, ra.CargoRunnableArgs, keyof DebugConfig>;
sourceFileMapProperty?: keyof DebugConfig;
type: Type;
additional?: Record<string, unknown>;
type KnownEnginesType = (typeof knownEngines)[keyof typeof knownEngines];
const knownEngines: {
"vadimcn.vscode-lldb": DebugConfigProvider<"lldb", CodeLldbDebugConfig>;
"ms-vscode.cpptools": DebugConfigProvider<"cppvsdbg" | "cppdbg", CCppDebugConfig>;
"webfreak.debug": DebugConfigProvider<"gdb", NativeDebugConfig>;
} = {
"vadimcn.vscode-lldb": {
type: "lldb",
executableProperty: "program",
environmentProperty: (env) => ["env", env],
runnableArgsProperty: (runnableArgs: ra.CargoRunnableArgs) => [
sourceFileMapProperty: "sourceMap",
additional: {
sourceLanguages: ["rust"],
"ms-vscode.cpptools": {
type: os.platform() === "win32" ? "cppvsdbg" : "cppdbg",
executableProperty: "program",
environmentProperty: (env) => [
Object.entries(env).map((entry) => ({
name: entry[0],
value: entry[1],
runnableArgsProperty: (runnableArgs: ra.CargoRunnableArgs) => [
sourceFileMapProperty: "sourceFileMap",
additional: {
osx: {
MIMode: "lldb",
"webfreak.debug": {
type: "gdb",
executableProperty: "target",
runnableArgsProperty: (runnableArgs: ra.CargoRunnableArgs) => [
environmentProperty: (env) => ["env", env],
additional: {
valuesFormatting: "prettyPrinters",
async function getDebugExecutable(
runnableArgs: ra.CargoRunnableArgs,
env: Record<string, string>,
@ -197,71 +276,74 @@ async function getDebugExecutable(
return executable;
function getCCppDebugConfig(
type BaseDebugConfig<type extends string> = {
type: type;
request: "launch";
name: string;
cwd: string;
function getDebugConfig(
provider: KnownEnginesType,
simplifyPath: (p: string) => string,
runnable: ra.Runnable,
runnableArgs: ra.CargoRunnableArgs,
executable: string,
env: Record<string, string>,
sourceFileMap?: Record<string, string>,
): vscode.DebugConfiguration {
const {
} = provider;
const [envProperty, envValue] = environmentProperty(env);
const [argsProperty, argsValue] = runnableArgsProperty(runnableArgs);
return {
type: os.platform() === "win32" ? "cppvsdbg" : "cppdbg",
request: "launch",
name: runnable.label,
program: executable,
args: runnableArgs.executableArgs,
cwd: runnable.args.cwd || runnableArgs.workspaceRoot || ".",
environment: Object.entries(env).map((entry) => ({
name: entry[0],
value: entry[1],
cwd: simplifyPath(runnable.args.cwd || runnableArgs.workspaceRoot || "."),
[executableProperty]: simplifyPath(executable),
[envProperty]: envValue,
[argsProperty]: argsValue,
...(sourceFileMapProperty ? { [sourceFileMapProperty]: sourceFileMap } : {}),
type CCppDebugConfig = {
program: string;
args: string[];
sourceFileMap: Record<string, string> | undefined;
environment: {
name: string;
value: string;
// See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-analyzer/issues/16901#issuecomment-2024486941
osx: {
MIMode: "lldb",
MIMode: "lldb";
} & BaseDebugConfig<"cppvsdbg" | "cppdbg">;
function getCodeLldbDebugConfig(
runnable: ra.Runnable,
runnableArgs: ra.CargoRunnableArgs,
executable: string,
env: Record<string, string>,
sourceFileMap?: Record<string, string>,
): vscode.DebugConfiguration {
return {
type: "lldb",
request: "launch",
name: runnable.label,
program: executable,
args: runnableArgs.executableArgs,
cwd: runnable.args.cwd || runnableArgs.workspaceRoot || ".",
sourceMap: sourceFileMap,
sourceLanguages: ["rust"],
type CodeLldbDebugConfig = {
program: string;
args: string[];
sourceMap: Record<string, string> | undefined;
sourceLanguages: ["rust"];
env: Record<string, string>;
} & BaseDebugConfig<"lldb">;
function getNativeDebugConfig(
runnable: ra.Runnable,
runnableArgs: ra.CargoRunnableArgs,
executable: string,
env: Record<string, string>,
_sourceFileMap?: Record<string, string>,
): vscode.DebugConfiguration {
return {
type: "gdb",
request: "launch",
name: runnable.label,
target: executable,
type NativeDebugConfig = {
target: string;
// See https://github.com/WebFreak001/code-debug/issues/359
arguments: quote(runnableArgs.executableArgs),
cwd: runnable.args.cwd || runnableArgs.workspaceRoot || ".",
valuesFormatting: "prettyPrinters",
arguments: string;
env: Record<string, string>;
valuesFormatting: "prettyPrinters";
} & BaseDebugConfig<"gdb">;
// Based on https://github.com/ljharb/shell-quote/blob/main/quote.js
function quote(xs: string[]) {
@ -65,9 +65,14 @@ export class RunnableQuickPick implements vscode.QuickPickItem {
export function prepareBaseEnv(base?: Record<string, string>): Record<string, string> {
export function prepareBaseEnv(
inheritEnv: boolean,
base?: Record<string, string>,
): Record<string, string> {
const env: Record<string, string> = { RUST_BACKTRACE: "short" };
if (inheritEnv) {
Object.assign(env, process.env);
if (base) {
Object.assign(env, base);
@ -75,11 +80,12 @@ export function prepareBaseEnv(base?: Record<string, string>): Record<string, st
export function prepareEnv(
inheritEnv: boolean,
label: string,
runnableArgs: ra.CargoRunnableArgs,
runnableEnvCfg?: RunnableEnvCfg,
): Record<string, string> {
const env = prepareBaseEnv(runnableArgs.environment);
const env = prepareBaseEnv(inheritEnv, runnableArgs.environment);
const platform = process.platform;
const checkPlatform = (it: RunnableEnvCfgItem) => {
@ -134,7 +140,7 @@ export async function createTaskFromRunnable(
options = {
cwd: runnableArgs.workspaceRoot || ".",
env: prepareEnv(runnable.label, runnableArgs, config.runnablesExtraEnv),
env: prepareEnv(true, runnable.label, runnableArgs, config.runnablesExtraEnv),
} else {
const runnableArgs = runnable.args;
@ -145,7 +151,7 @@ export async function createTaskFromRunnable(
options = {
cwd: runnableArgs.cwd,
env: prepareBaseEnv(),
env: prepareBaseEnv(true),
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ function makeRunnable(label: string): ra.Runnable {
function fakePrepareEnv(runnableName: string, config?: RunnableEnvCfg): Record<string, string> {
const runnable = makeRunnable(runnableName);
const runnableArgs = runnable.args as ra.CargoRunnableArgs;
return prepareEnv(runnable.label, runnableArgs, config);
return prepareEnv(false, runnable.label, runnableArgs, config);
export async function getTests(ctx: Context) {
Add table
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