Add multi-byte token support in tkn tree to ast

This commit is contained in:
Edwin Cheng 2019-04-05 03:39:54 +08:00
parent 7713416477
commit c23408751c
3 changed files with 139 additions and 20 deletions

Cargo.lock generated
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@ -1040,6 +1040,7 @@ dependencies = [
name = "ra_mbe"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"itertools 0.8.0 (registry+",
"ra_parser 0.1.0",
"ra_syntax 0.1.0",
"ra_tt 0.1.0",

View file

@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ authors = ["rust-analyzer developers"]
ra_syntax = { path = "../ra_syntax" }
ra_parser = { path = "../ra_parser" }
tt = { path = "../ra_tt", package = "ra_tt" }
itertools = "0.8.0"
rustc-hash = "1.0.0"

View file

@ -113,6 +113,51 @@ struct TtToken {
text: SmolStr,
// Some helper functions
fn to_punct(tt: &tt::TokenTree) -> Option<&tt::Punct> {
if let tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Punct(pp)) = tt {
return Some(pp);
struct TokenPeek<'a, I>
I: Iterator<Item = &'a tt::TokenTree>,
iter: itertools::MultiPeek<I>,
impl<'a, I> TokenPeek<'a, I>
I: Iterator<Item = &'a tt::TokenTree>,
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&tt::TokenTree> {
fn current_punct2(&mut self, p: &tt::Punct) -> Option<((char, char), bool)> {
if p.spacing != tt::Spacing::Joint {
return None;
let p1 = to_punct(self.iter.peek()?)?;
Some(((p.char, p1.char), p1.spacing == tt::Spacing::Joint))
fn current_punct3(&mut self, p: &tt::Punct) -> Option<((char, char, char), bool)> {
self.current_punct2(p).and_then(|((p0, p1), last_joint)| {
if !last_joint {
} else {
let p2 = to_punct(*self.iter.peek()?)?;
Some(((p0, p1, p2.char), p2.spacing == tt::Spacing::Joint))
impl TtTokenSource {
fn new(tt: &tt::Subtree) -> TtTokenSource {
let mut res = TtTokenSource { tokens: Vec::new() };
@ -121,16 +166,27 @@ impl TtTokenSource {
fn convert_subtree(&mut self, sub: &tt::Subtree) {
self.push_delim(sub.delimiter, false);
sub.token_trees.iter().for_each(|tt| self.convert_tt(tt));
let mut peek = TokenPeek { iter: itertools::multipeek(sub.token_trees.iter()) };
while let Some(tt) = {
self.convert_tt(tt, &mut peek);
self.push_delim(sub.delimiter, true)
fn convert_tt(&mut self, tt: &tt::TokenTree) {
fn convert_tt<'a, I>(&mut self, tt: &tt::TokenTree, iter: &mut TokenPeek<'a, I>)
I: Iterator<Item = &'a tt::TokenTree>,
match tt {
tt::TokenTree::Leaf(token) => self.convert_token(token),
tt::TokenTree::Leaf(token) => self.convert_token(token, iter),
tt::TokenTree::Subtree(sub) => self.convert_subtree(sub),
fn convert_token(&mut self, token: &tt::Leaf) {
fn convert_token<'a, I>(&mut self, token: &tt::Leaf, iter: &mut TokenPeek<'a, I>)
I: Iterator<Item = &'a tt::TokenTree>,
let tok = match token {
tt::Leaf::Literal(l) => TtToken {
kind: SyntaxKind::INT_NUMBER, // FIXME
@ -138,6 +194,9 @@ impl TtTokenSource {
text: l.text.clone(),
tt::Leaf::Punct(p) => {
if let Some(tt) = Self::convert_multi_char_punct(p, iter) {
} else {
let kind = match p.char {
// lexer may produce combpund tokens for these ones
'.' => DOT,
@ -154,6 +213,7 @@ impl TtTokenSource {
TtToken { kind, is_joint_to_next: p.spacing == tt::Spacing::Joint, text }
tt::Leaf::Ident(ident) => {
let kind = SyntaxKind::from_keyword(ident.text.as_str()).unwrap_or(IDENT);
TtToken { kind, is_joint_to_next: false, text: ident.text.clone() }
@ -161,6 +221,64 @@ impl TtTokenSource {
fn convert_multi_char_punct<'a, I>(
p: &tt::Punct,
iter: &mut TokenPeek<'a, I>,
) -> Option<TtToken>
I: Iterator<Item = &'a tt::TokenTree>,
if let Some((m, is_joint_to_next)) = iter.current_punct3(p) {
if let Some((kind, text)) = match m {
('<', '<', '=') => Some((SHLEQ, "<<=".into())),
('>', '>', '=') => Some((SHREQ, ">>=".into())),
('.', '.', '.') => Some((DOTDOTDOT, "...".into())),
('.', '.', '=') => Some((DOTDOTEQ, "..=".into())),
_ => None,
} {;;
return Some(TtToken { kind, is_joint_to_next, text });
if let Some((m, is_joint_to_next)) = iter.current_punct2(p) {
if let Some((kind, text)) = match m {
('<', '<') => Some((SHL, "<<".into())),
('>', '>') => Some((SHR, ">>".into())),
('|', '|') => Some((PIPEPIPE, "||".into())),
('&', '&') => Some((AMPAMP, "&&".into())),
('%', '=') => Some((PERCENTEQ, "%=".into())),
('*', '=') => Some((STAREQ, "*=".into())),
('/', '=') => Some((SLASHEQ, "/=".into())),
('^', '=') => Some((CARETEQ, "^=".into())),
('&', '=') => Some((AMPEQ, "&=".into())),
('|', '=') => Some((PIPEEQ, "|=".into())),
('-', '=') => Some((MINUSEQ, "-=".into())),
('+', '=') => Some((PLUSEQ, "+=".into())),
('>', '=') => Some((GTEQ, ">=".into())),
('<', '=') => Some((LTEQ, "<=".into())),
('-', '>') => Some((THIN_ARROW, "->".into())),
('!', '=') => Some((NEQ, "!=".into())),
('=', '>') => Some((FAT_ARROW, "=>".into())),
('=', '=') => Some((EQEQ, "==".into())),
('.', '.') => Some((DOTDOT, "..".into())),
(':', ':') => Some((COLONCOLON, "::".into())),
_ => None,
} {;
return Some(TtToken { kind, is_joint_to_next, text });
fn push_delim(&mut self, d: tt::Delimiter, closing: bool) {
let (kinds, texts) = match d {
tt::Delimiter::Parenthesis => ([L_PAREN, R_PAREN], "()"),