Refactor vscode extension

This commit is contained in:
Adolfo Ochagavía 2018-10-07 22:44:25 +02:00
parent e4fdfd1501
commit 69de7e2fd7
14 changed files with 518 additions and 415 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import * as applySourceChange from './commands/apply_source_change';
import * as extendSelection from './commands/extend_selection';
import * as joinLines from './commands/join_lines';
import * as matchingBrace from './commands/matching_brace';
import * as parentModule from './commands/parent_module';
import * as runnables from './commands/runnables';
import * as syntaxTree from './commands/syntaxTree';
export {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as lc from 'vscode-languageclient'
import { Server } from '../server';
interface FileSystemEdit {
type: string;
uri?: string;
src?: string;
dst?: string;
export interface SourceChange {
label: string,
sourceFileEdits: lc.TextDocumentEdit[],
fileSystemEdits: FileSystemEdit[],
cursorPosition?: lc.TextDocumentPositionParams,
export async function handle(change: SourceChange) {
console.log(`applySOurceChange ${JSON.stringify(change)}`)
let wsEdit = new vscode.WorkspaceEdit()
for (let sourceEdit of change.sourceFileEdits) {
let uri = Server.client.protocol2CodeConverter.asUri(sourceEdit.textDocument.uri)
let edits = Server.client.protocol2CodeConverter.asTextEdits(sourceEdit.edits)
wsEdit.set(uri, edits)
let created;
let moved;
for (let fsEdit of change.fileSystemEdits) {
if (fsEdit.type == "createFile") {
let uri = vscode.Uri.parse(fsEdit.uri!)
created = uri
} else if (fsEdit.type == "moveFile") {
let src = vscode.Uri.parse(fsEdit.src!)
let dst = vscode.Uri.parse(fsEdit.dst!)
wsEdit.renameFile(src, dst)
moved = dst
} else {
console.error(`unknown op: ${JSON.stringify(fsEdit)}`)
let toOpen = created || moved
let toReveal = change.cursorPosition
await vscode.workspace.applyEdit(wsEdit)
if (toOpen) {
let doc = await vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(toOpen)
await vscode.window.showTextDocument(doc)
} else if (toReveal) {
let uri = Server.client.protocol2CodeConverter.asUri(toReveal.textDocument.uri)
let position = Server.client.protocol2CodeConverter.asPosition(toReveal.position)
let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
if (!editor || editor.document.uri.toString() != uri.toString()) return
if (!editor.selection.isEmpty) return
editor!.selection = new vscode.Selection(position, position)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { TextDocumentIdentifier, Range } from "vscode-languageclient";
import { Server } from '../server';
interface ExtendSelectionParams {
textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier;
selections: Range[];
interface ExtendSelectionResult {
selections: Range[];
export async function handle() {
let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor
if (editor == null || editor.document.languageId != "rust") return
let request: ExtendSelectionParams = {
textDocument: { uri: editor.document.uri.toString() },
selections: => {
return Server.client.code2ProtocolConverter.asRange(s)
let response = await Server.client.sendRequest<ExtendSelectionResult>("m/extendSelection", request)
editor.selections = Range) => {
let r = Server.client.protocol2CodeConverter.asRange(range)
return new vscode.Selection(r.start, r.end)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { TextDocumentIdentifier, Range } from "vscode-languageclient";
import { Server } from '../server';
import { handle as applySourceChange, SourceChange } from './apply_source_change';
interface JoinLinesParams {
textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier;
range: Range;
export async function handle() {
let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor
if (editor == null || editor.document.languageId != "rust") return
let request: JoinLinesParams = {
textDocument: { uri: editor.document.uri.toString() },
range: Server.client.code2ProtocolConverter.asRange(editor.selection),
let change = await Server.client.sendRequest<SourceChange>("m/joinLines", request)
await applySourceChange(change)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { TextDocumentIdentifier, Position } from "vscode-languageclient";
import { Server } from '../server';
interface FindMatchingBraceParams {
textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier;
offsets: Position[];
export async function handle() {
let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor
if (editor == null || editor.document.languageId != "rust") return
let request: FindMatchingBraceParams = {
textDocument: { uri: editor.document.uri.toString() },
offsets: => {
return Server.client.code2ProtocolConverter.asPosition(
let response = await Server.client.sendRequest<Position[]>("m/findMatchingBrace", request)
editor.selections =, idx) => {
let active = Server.client.protocol2CodeConverter.asPosition(response[idx])
let anchor = sel.isEmpty ? active : sel.anchor
return new vscode.Selection(anchor, active)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { TextDocumentIdentifier, Location } from "vscode-languageclient";
import { Server } from '../server';
export async function handle() {
let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor
if (editor == null || editor.document.languageId != "rust") return
let request: TextDocumentIdentifier = {
uri: editor.document.uri.toString()
let response = await Server.client.sendRequest<Location[]>("m/parentModule", request)
let loc = response[0]
if (loc == null) return
let uri = Server.client.protocol2CodeConverter.asUri(loc.uri)
let range = Server.client.protocol2CodeConverter.asRange(loc.range)
let doc = await vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(uri)
let e = await vscode.window.showTextDocument(doc)
e.selection = new vscode.Selection(range.start, range.start)
e.revealRange(range, vscode.TextEditorRevealType.InCenter)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as lc from 'vscode-languageclient'
import { Server } from '../server';
interface RunnablesParams {
textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier,
position?: lc.Position,
interface Runnable {
range: lc.Range;
label: string;
bin: string;
args: string[];
env: { [index: string]: string },
class RunnableQuickPick implements vscode.QuickPickItem {
label: string;
description?: string | undefined;
detail?: string | undefined;
picked?: boolean | undefined;
constructor(public runnable: Runnable) {
this.label = runnable.label
interface CargoTaskDefinition extends vscode.TaskDefinition {
type: 'cargo';
label: string;
command: string;
args: Array<string>;
env?: { [key: string]: string };
function createTask(spec: Runnable): vscode.Task {
const TASK_SOURCE = 'Rust';
let definition: CargoTaskDefinition = {
type: 'cargo',
label: 'cargo',
command: spec.bin,
args: spec.args,
env: spec.env
let execCmd = `${definition.command} ${definition.args.join(' ')}`;
let execOption: vscode.ShellExecutionOptions = {
cwd: '.',
env: definition.env,
let exec = new vscode.ShellExecution(`clear; ${execCmd}`, execOption);
let f = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders![0]
let t = new vscode.Task(definition, f, definition.label, TASK_SOURCE, exec, ['$rustc']);
return t;
let prevRunnable: RunnableQuickPick | undefined = undefined
export async function handle() {
let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor
if (editor == null || editor.document.languageId != "rust") return
let textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier = {
uri: editor.document.uri.toString()
let params: RunnablesParams = {
position: Server.client.code2ProtocolConverter.asPosition(
let runnables = await Server.client.sendRequest<Runnable[]>('m/runnables', params)
let items: RunnableQuickPick[] = []
if (prevRunnable) {
for (let r of runnables) {
if (prevRunnable && JSON.stringify(prevRunnable.runnable) == JSON.stringify(r)) {
items.push(new RunnableQuickPick(r))
let item = await vscode.window.showQuickPick(items)
if (item) {
item.detail = "rerun"
prevRunnable = item
let task = createTask(item.runnable)
return await vscode.tasks.executeTask(task)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { TextDocumentIdentifier } from 'vscode-languageclient';
import { Server } from '../server';
export const syntaxTreeUri = vscode.Uri.parse('ra-lsp://syntaxtree');
export class TextDocumentContentProvider implements vscode.TextDocumentContentProvider {
public eventEmitter = new vscode.EventEmitter<vscode.Uri>()
public syntaxTree: string = "Not available"
public provideTextDocumentContent(uri: vscode.Uri): vscode.ProviderResult<string> {
let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
if (editor == null) return ""
let request: SyntaxTreeParams = {
textDocument: { uri: editor.document.uri.toString() }
return Server.client.sendRequest<SyntaxTreeResult>("m/syntaxTree", request);
get onDidChange(): vscode.Event<vscode.Uri> {
return this.eventEmitter.event
interface SyntaxTreeParams {
textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier;
type SyntaxTreeResult = string;
// Opens the virtual file that will show the syntax tree
// The contents of the file come from the `TextDocumentContentProvider`
export async function handle() {
let document = await vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(syntaxTreeUri)
return vscode.window.showTextDocument(document, vscode.ViewColumn.Two, true)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
import * as changeActiveTextEditor from './events/change_active_text_editor'
import * as changeTextDocument from './events/change_text_document';
export {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
import { TextEditor } from "vscode";
import { TextDocumentIdentifier } from "vscode-languageclient";
import { Server } from "../server";
import { Decoration } from "../highlighting";
export async function handle(editor: TextEditor | undefined) {
if (!Server.config.highlightingOn || !editor || editor.document.languageId != 'rust') return
let params: TextDocumentIdentifier = {
uri: editor.document.uri.toString()
let decorations = await Server.client.sendRequest<Decoration[]>("m/decorationsRequest", params)
Server.highlighter.setHighlights(editor, decorations)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { syntaxTreeUri, TextDocumentContentProvider } from '../commands/syntaxTree';
export function createHandler(textDocumentContentProvider: TextDocumentContentProvider) {
return (event: vscode.TextDocumentChangeEvent) => {
let doc = event.document
if (doc.languageId != "rust") return
afterLs(() => {;
// We need to order this after LS updates, but there's no API for that.
// Hence, good old setTimeout.
function afterLs(f: () => any) {
setTimeout(f, 10)

View file

@ -1,434 +1,45 @@
'use strict';
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as lc from 'vscode-languageclient'
let client: lc.LanguageClient;
let uris = {
syntaxTree: vscode.Uri.parse('ra-lsp://syntaxtree')
let highlightingOn = true;
import * as commands from './commands'
import * as events from './events'
import { Server } from './server';
import { TextDocumentContentProvider } from './commands/syntaxTree';
export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
let applyHighlightingOn = () => {
let config = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('ra-lsp');
if (config.has('highlightingOn')) {
highlightingOn = config.get('highlightingOn') as boolean;
if (!highlightingOn) {
// Apply the highlightingOn config now and whenever the config changes
vscode.workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(_ => {
let textDocumentContentProvider = new TextDocumentContentProvider()
let dispose = (disposable: vscode.Disposable) => {
function disposeOnDeactivation(disposable: vscode.Disposable) {
let registerCommand = (name: string, f: any) => {
dispose(vscode.commands.registerCommand(name, f))
function registerCommand(name: string, f: any) {
disposeOnDeactivation(vscode.commands.registerCommand(name, f))
registerCommand('ra-lsp.syntaxTree', () => openDoc(uris.syntaxTree))
registerCommand('ra-lsp.extendSelection', async () => {
let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor
if (editor == null || editor.document.languageId != "rust") return
let request: ExtendSelectionParams = {
textDocument: { uri: editor.document.uri.toString() },
selections: => {
return client.code2ProtocolConverter.asRange(s)
let response = await client.sendRequest<ExtendSelectionResult>("m/extendSelection", request)
editor.selections = => {
let r = client.protocol2CodeConverter.asRange(range)
return new vscode.Selection(r.start, r.end)
registerCommand('ra-lsp.matchingBrace', async () => {
let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor
if (editor == null || editor.document.languageId != "rust") return
let request: FindMatchingBraceParams = {
textDocument: { uri: editor.document.uri.toString() },
offsets: => {
return client.code2ProtocolConverter.asPosition(
let response = await client.sendRequest<lc.Position[]>("m/findMatchingBrace", request)
editor.selections =, idx) => {
let active = client.protocol2CodeConverter.asPosition(response[idx])
let anchor = sel.isEmpty ? active : sel.anchor
return new vscode.Selection(anchor, active)
registerCommand('ra-lsp.joinLines', async () => {
let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor
if (editor == null || editor.document.languageId != "rust") return
let request: JoinLinesParams = {
textDocument: { uri: editor.document.uri.toString() },
range: client.code2ProtocolConverter.asRange(editor.selection),
let change = await client.sendRequest<SourceChange>("m/joinLines", request)
await applySourceChange(change)
registerCommand('ra-lsp.parentModule', async () => {
let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor
if (editor == null || editor.document.languageId != "rust") return
let request: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier = {
uri: editor.document.uri.toString()
let response = await client.sendRequest<lc.Location[]>("m/parentModule", request)
let loc = response[0]
if (loc == null) return
let uri = client.protocol2CodeConverter.asUri(loc.uri)
let range = client.protocol2CodeConverter.asRange(loc.range)
registerCommand('ra-lsp.syntaxTree', commands.syntaxTree.handle)
registerCommand('ra-lsp.extendSelection', commands.extendSelection.handle);
registerCommand('ra-lsp.matchingBrace', commands.matchingBrace.handle);
registerCommand('ra-lsp.joinLines', commands.joinLines.handle);
registerCommand('ra-lsp.parentModule', commands.parentModule.handle);
registerCommand('', commands.runnables.handle);
registerCommand('ra-lsp.applySourceChange', commands.applySourceChange.handle);
let doc = await vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(uri)
let e = await vscode.window.showTextDocument(doc)
e.selection = new vscode.Selection(range.start, range.start)
e.revealRange(range, vscode.TextEditorRevealType.InCenter)
let prevRunnable: RunnableQuickPick | undefined = undefined
registerCommand('', async () => {
let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor
if (editor == null || editor.document.languageId != "rust") return
let textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier = {
uri: editor.document.uri.toString()
let params: RunnablesParams = {
position: client.code2ProtocolConverter.asPosition(
let runnables = await client.sendRequest<Runnable[]>('m/runnables', params)
let items: RunnableQuickPick[] = []
if (prevRunnable) {
for (let r of runnables) {
if (prevRunnable && JSON.stringify(prevRunnable.runnable) == JSON.stringify(r)) {
items.push(new RunnableQuickPick(r))
let item = await vscode.window.showQuickPick(items)
if (item) {
item.detail = "rerun"
prevRunnable = item
let task = createTask(item.runnable)
return await vscode.tasks.executeTask(task)
registerCommand('ra-lsp.applySourceChange', applySourceChange)
let textDocumentContentProvider = new TextDocumentContentProvider()
vscode.workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument((event: vscode.TextDocumentChangeEvent) => {
let doc = event.document
if (doc.languageId != "rust") return
afterLs(() => {
}, null, context.subscriptions)
vscode.window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor(async (editor) => {
if (!highlightingOn || !editor || editor.document.languageId != 'rust') return
let params: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier = {
uri: editor.document.uri.toString()
let decorations = await client.sendRequest<Decoration[]>("m/decorationsRequest", params)
setHighlights(editor, decorations)
// We need to order this after LS updates, but there's no API for that.
// Hence, good old setTimeout.
function afterLs(f: () => any) {
setTimeout(f, 10)
export function deactivate(): Thenable<void> {
if (!client) {
if (!Server.client) {
return Promise.resolve();
return client.stop();
function startServer() {
let run: lc.Executable = {
command: "ra_lsp_server",
options: { cwd: "." }
let serverOptions: lc.ServerOptions = {
debug: run
let clientOptions: lc.LanguageClientOptions = {
documentSelector: [{ scheme: 'file', language: 'rust' }],
client = new lc.LanguageClient(
'rust-analyzer languge server',
client.onReady().then(() => {
(params: PublishDecorationsParams) => {
let editor = vscode.window.visibleTextEditors.find(
(editor) => editor.document.uri.toString() == params.uri
if (!highlightingOn || !editor) return;
async function openDoc(uri: vscode.Uri) {
let document = await vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(uri)
return vscode.window.showTextDocument(document, vscode.ViewColumn.Two, true)
class TextDocumentContentProvider implements vscode.TextDocumentContentProvider {
public eventEmitter = new vscode.EventEmitter<vscode.Uri>()
public syntaxTree: string = "Not available"
public provideTextDocumentContent(uri: vscode.Uri): vscode.ProviderResult<string> {
let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
if (editor == null) return ""
let request: SyntaxTreeParams = {
textDocument: { uri: editor.document.uri.toString() }
return client.sendRequest<SyntaxTreeResult>("m/syntaxTree", request);
get onDidChange(): vscode.Event<vscode.Uri> {
return this.eventEmitter.event
let decorations: { [index: string]: vscode.TextEditorDecorationType } = {};
function initDecorations() {
const decor = (obj: any) => vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({ color: obj })
decorations = {
background: decor("#3F3F3F"),
error: vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
borderColor: "red",
borderStyle: "none none dashed none",
comment: decor("#7F9F7F"),
string: decor("#CC9393"),
keyword: decor("#F0DFAF"),
function: decor("#93E0E3"),
parameter: decor("#94BFF3"),
builtin: decor("#DD6718"),
text: decor("#DCDCCC"),
attribute: decor("#BFEBBF"),
literal: decor("#DFAF8F"),
function removeHighlights() {
for (let tag in decorations) {
decorations = {};
function setHighlights(
editor: vscode.TextEditor,
highlights: Array<Decoration>
) {
// Initialize decorations if necessary
// Note: decoration objects need to be kept around so we can dispose them
// if the user disables syntax highlighting
if (Object.keys(decorations).length === 0) {
let byTag: Map<string, vscode.Range[]> = new Map()
for (let tag in decorations) {
byTag.set(tag, [])
for (let d of highlights) {
if (!byTag.get(d.tag)) {
console.log(`unknown tag ${d.tag}`)
for (let tag of byTag.keys()) {
let dec: vscode.TextEditorDecorationType = decorations[tag]
let ranges = byTag.get(tag)!
editor.setDecorations(dec, ranges)
interface SyntaxTreeParams {
textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier;
type SyntaxTreeResult = string
interface ExtendSelectionParams {
textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier;
selections: lc.Range[];
interface ExtendSelectionResult {
selections: lc.Range[];
interface FindMatchingBraceParams {
textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier;
offsets: lc.Position[];
interface JoinLinesParams {
textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier;
range: lc.Range;
interface PublishDecorationsParams {
uri: string,
decorations: Decoration[],
interface RunnablesParams {
textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier,
position?: lc.Position,
interface Runnable {
range: lc.Range;
label: string;
bin: string;
args: string[];
env: { [index: string]: string },
class RunnableQuickPick implements vscode.QuickPickItem {
label: string;
description?: string | undefined;
detail?: string | undefined;
picked?: boolean | undefined;
constructor(public runnable: Runnable) {
this.label = runnable.label
interface Decoration {
range: lc.Range,
tag: string,
interface CargoTaskDefinition extends vscode.TaskDefinition {
type: 'cargo';
label: string;
command: string;
args: Array<string>;
env?: { [key: string]: string };
function createTask(spec: Runnable): vscode.Task {
const TASK_SOURCE = 'Rust';
let definition: CargoTaskDefinition = {
type: 'cargo',
label: 'cargo',
command: spec.bin,
args: spec.args,
env: spec.env
let execCmd = `${definition.command} ${definition.args.join(' ')}`;
let execOption: vscode.ShellExecutionOptions = {
cwd: '.',
env: definition.env,
let exec = new vscode.ShellExecution(`clear; ${execCmd}`, execOption);
let f = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders![0]
let t = new vscode.Task(definition, f, definition.label, TASK_SOURCE, exec, ['$rustc']);
return t;
interface FileSystemEdit {
type: string;
uri?: string;
src?: string;
dst?: string;
interface SourceChange {
label: string,
sourceFileEdits: lc.TextDocumentEdit[],
fileSystemEdits: FileSystemEdit[],
cursorPosition?: lc.TextDocumentPositionParams,
async function applySourceChange(change: SourceChange) {
console.log(`applySOurceChange ${JSON.stringify(change)}`)
let wsEdit = new vscode.WorkspaceEdit()
for (let sourceEdit of change.sourceFileEdits) {
let uri = client.protocol2CodeConverter.asUri(sourceEdit.textDocument.uri)
let edits = client.protocol2CodeConverter.asTextEdits(sourceEdit.edits)
wsEdit.set(uri, edits)
let created;
let moved;
for (let fsEdit of change.fileSystemEdits) {
if (fsEdit.type == "createFile") {
let uri = vscode.Uri.parse(fsEdit.uri!)
created = uri
} else if (fsEdit.type == "moveFile") {
let src = vscode.Uri.parse(fsEdit.src!)
let dst = vscode.Uri.parse(fsEdit.dst!)
wsEdit.renameFile(src, dst)
moved = dst
} else {
console.error(`unknown op: ${JSON.stringify(fsEdit)}`)
let toOpen = created || moved
let toReveal = change.cursorPosition
await vscode.workspace.applyEdit(wsEdit)
if (toOpen) {
let doc = await vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(toOpen)
await vscode.window.showTextDocument(doc)
} else if (toReveal) {
let uri = client.protocol2CodeConverter.asUri(toReveal.textDocument.uri)
let position = client.protocol2CodeConverter.asPosition(toReveal.position)
let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
if (!editor || editor.document.uri.toString() != uri.toString()) return
if (!editor.selection.isEmpty) return
editor!.selection = new vscode.Selection(position, position)
return Server.client.stop();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as lc from 'vscode-languageclient'
import { Server } from './server';
export interface Decoration {
range: lc.Range,
tag: string,
export class Highlighter {
private decorations: { [index: string]: vscode.TextEditorDecorationType };
constructor() {
this.decorations = {};
removeHighlights() {
for (let tag in this.decorations) {
this.decorations = {};
editor: vscode.TextEditor,
highlights: Array<Decoration>
) {
// Initialize decorations if necessary
// Note: decoration objects need to be kept around so we can dispose them
// if the user disables syntax highlighting
if (Object.keys(this.decorations).length === 0) {
let byTag: Map<string, vscode.Range[]> = new Map()
for (let tag in this.decorations) {
byTag.set(tag, [])
for (let d of highlights) {
if (!byTag.get(d.tag)) {
console.log(`unknown tag ${d.tag}`)
for (let tag of byTag.keys()) {
let dec: vscode.TextEditorDecorationType = this.decorations[tag]
let ranges = byTag.get(tag)!
editor.setDecorations(dec, ranges)
private initDecorations() {
const decor = (obj: any) => vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({ color: obj })
this.decorations = {
background: decor("#3F3F3F"),
error: vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
borderColor: "red",
borderStyle: "none none dashed none",
comment: decor("#7F9F7F"),
string: decor("#CC9393"),
keyword: decor("#F0DFAF"),
function: decor("#93E0E3"),
parameter: decor("#94BFF3"),
builtin: decor("#DD6718"),
text: decor("#DCDCCC"),
attribute: decor("#BFEBBF"),
literal: decor("#DFAF8F"),

View file

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as lc from 'vscode-languageclient'
import { Highlighter, Decoration } from './highlighting';
export class Config {
highlightingOn = true;
constructor() {
vscode.workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(_ => this.userConfigChanged());
userConfigChanged() {
let config = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('ra-lsp');
if (config.has('highlightingOn')) {
this.highlightingOn = config.get('highlightingOn') as boolean;
if (!this.highlightingOn) {
export class Server {
static highlighter = new Highlighter();
static config = new Config();
static client: lc.LanguageClient;
static start() {
let run: lc.Executable = {
command: "ra_lsp_server",
options: { cwd: "." }
let serverOptions: lc.ServerOptions = {
debug: run
let clientOptions: lc.LanguageClientOptions = {
documentSelector: [{ scheme: 'file', language: 'rust' }],
Server.client = new lc.LanguageClient(
'rust-analyzer languge server',
Server.client.onReady().then(() => {
(params: PublishDecorationsParams) => {
let editor = vscode.window.visibleTextEditors.find(
(editor) => editor.document.uri.toString() == params.uri
if (!Server.config.highlightingOn || !editor) return;
interface PublishDecorationsParams {
uri: string,
decorations: Decoration[],