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synced 2025-02-18 15:08:51 +00:00
Use rustup rust-analyzer component when there is a toolchain file override for the opened workspace
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 44 additions and 18 deletions
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ async function getServer(
enableProposedApi: boolean | undefined;
} = context.extension.packageJSON;
// check if the server path is configured explicitly
const explicitPath = process.env["__RA_LSP_SERVER_DEBUG"] ?? config.serverPath;
if (explicitPath) {
if (explicitPath.startsWith("~/")) {
@ -51,12 +52,29 @@ async function getServer(
if (packageJson.releaseTag === null) return "rust-analyzer";
if (vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders?.length === 1) {
// otherwise check if there is a toolchain override for the current vscode workspace
// and if the toolchain of this override has a rust-analyzer component
// if so, use the rust-analyzer component
const toolchainTomlExists = await fileExists(
vscode.Uri.joinPath(vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0]!.uri, "rust-toolchain.toml"),
if (toolchainTomlExists) {
const res = spawnSync("rustup", ["which", "rust-analyzer"], {
encoding: "utf8",
env: { ...process.env },
cwd: vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0]!.uri.fsPath,
if (!res.error && res.status === 0) {
return res.stdout.trim();
// finally, use the bundled one
const ext = process.platform === "win32" ? ".exe" : "";
const bundled = vscode.Uri.joinPath(context.extensionUri, "server", `rust-analyzer${ext}`);
const bundledExists = await vscode.workspace.fs.stat(bundled).then(
() => true,
() => false,
const bundledExists = await fileExists(bundled);
if (bundledExists) {
let server = bundled;
if (await isNixOs()) {
@ -84,6 +102,13 @@ async function getServer(
return undefined;
async function fileExists(uri: vscode.Uri) {
return await vscode.workspace.fs.stat(uri).then(
() => true,
() => false,
export function isValidExecutable(path: string, extraEnv: Env): boolean {
log.debug("Checking availability of a binary at", path);
@ -187,19 +187,7 @@ export class Ctx implements RustAnalyzerExtensionApi {
if (!this._client) {
this._serverPath = await bootstrap(this.extCtx, this.config, this.state).catch(
(err) => {
let message = "bootstrap error. ";
message +=
'See the logs in "OUTPUT > Rust Analyzer Client" (should open automatically). ';
message +=
'To enable verbose logs use { "rust-analyzer.trace.extension": true }';
log.error("Bootstrap error", err);
throw new Error(message);
this._serverPath = await this.bootstrap();
text(spawn(this._serverPath, ["--version"]).stdout.setEncoding("utf-8")).then(
(data) => {
const prefix = `rust-analyzer `;
@ -291,6 +279,19 @@ export class Ctx implements RustAnalyzerExtensionApi {
return this._client;
private async bootstrap(): Promise<string> {
return bootstrap(this.extCtx, this.config, this.state).catch((err) => {
let message = "bootstrap error. ";
message +=
'See the logs in "OUTPUT > Rust Analyzer Client" (should open automatically). ';
message += 'To enable verbose logs use { "rust-analyzer.trace.extension": true }';
log.error("Bootstrap error", err);
throw new Error(message);
async start() {
log.info("Starting language client");
const client = await this.getOrCreateClient();
@ -501,7 +502,7 @@ export class Ctx implements RustAnalyzerExtensionApi {
const toggleCheckOnSave = this.config.checkOnSave ? "Disable" : "Enable";
`[Extension Info](command:analyzer.serverVersion "Show version and server binary info"): Version ${this.version}, Server Version ${this._serverVersion}` +
`[Extension Info](command:rust-analyzer.serverVersion "Show version and server binary info"): Version ${this.version}, Server Version ${this._serverVersion}` +
"\n\n---\n\n" +
'[$(terminal) Open Logs](command:rust-analyzer.openLogs "Open the server logs")' +
"\n\n" +
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