2020-04-25 13:02:09 +00:00
//! Simple hierarchical profiler
use std ::{
cell ::RefCell ,
collections ::{ BTreeMap , HashSet } ,
io ::{ stderr , Write } ,
sync ::{
atomic ::{ AtomicBool , Ordering } ,
RwLock ,
} ,
time ::{ Duration , Instant } ,
} ;
use once_cell ::sync ::Lazy ;
/// Filtering syntax
/// env RA_PROFILE=* // dump everything
/// env RA_PROFILE=foo|bar|baz // enabled only selected entries
/// env RA_PROFILE=*@3>10 // dump everything, up to depth 3, if it takes more than 10 ms
pub fn init ( ) {
let spec = std ::env ::var ( " RA_PROFILE " ) . unwrap_or_default ( ) ;
init_from ( & spec ) ;
pub fn init_from ( spec : & str ) {
let filter = if spec . is_empty ( ) { Filter ::disabled ( ) } else { Filter ::from_spec ( spec ) } ;
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filter . install ( ) ;
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pub type Label = & 'static str ;
/// This function starts a profiling scope in the current execution stack with a given description.
/// It returns a Profile structure and measure elapsed time between this method invocation and Profile structure drop.
/// It supports nested profiling scopes in case when this function invoked multiple times at the execution stack. In this case the profiling information will be nested at the output.
/// Profiling information is being printed in the stderr.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use ra_prof::{profile, set_filter, Filter};
/// let f = Filter::from_spec("profile1|profile2@2");
/// set_filter(f);
/// profiling_function1();
/// fn profiling_function1() {
/// let _p = profile("profile1");
/// profiling_function2();
/// }
/// fn profiling_function2() {
/// let _p = profile("profile2");
/// }
/// ```
/// This will print in the stderr the following:
/// ```text
/// 0ms - profile
/// 0ms - profile2
/// ```
pub fn profile ( label : Label ) -> Profiler {
assert! ( ! label . is_empty ( ) ) ;
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let enabled = PROFILING_ENABLED . load ( Ordering ::Relaxed )
& & PROFILE_STACK . with ( | stack | stack . borrow_mut ( ) . push ( label ) ) ;
let label = if enabled { Some ( label ) } else { None } ;
Profiler { label , detail : None }
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pub struct Profiler {
label : Option < Label > ,
detail : Option < String > ,
impl Profiler {
pub fn detail ( mut self , detail : impl FnOnce ( ) -> String ) -> Profiler {
if self . label . is_some ( ) {
self . detail = Some ( detail ( ) )
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static PROFILING_ENABLED : AtomicBool = AtomicBool ::new ( false ) ;
static FILTER : Lazy < RwLock < Filter > > = Lazy ::new ( Default ::default ) ;
thread_local! ( static PROFILE_STACK : RefCell < ProfileStack > = RefCell ::new ( ProfileStack ::new ( ) ) ) ;
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#[ derive(Default, Clone, Debug) ]
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struct Filter {
depth : usize ,
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allowed : HashSet < String > ,
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longer_than : Duration ,
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version : usize ,
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impl Filter {
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fn new ( depth : usize , allowed : HashSet < String > , longer_than : Duration ) -> Filter {
Filter { depth , allowed , longer_than , version : 0 }
fn disabled ( ) -> Filter {
Filter ::default ( )
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fn from_spec ( mut spec : & str ) -> Filter {
let longer_than = if let Some ( idx ) = spec . rfind ( '>' ) {
let longer_than = spec [ idx + 1 .. ] . parse ( ) . expect ( " invalid profile longer_than " ) ;
spec = & spec [ .. idx ] ;
Duration ::from_millis ( longer_than )
} else {
Duration ::new ( 0 , 0 )
} ;
let depth = if let Some ( idx ) = spec . rfind ( '@' ) {
let depth : usize = spec [ idx + 1 .. ] . parse ( ) . expect ( " invalid profile depth " ) ;
spec = & spec [ .. idx ] ;
} else {
} ;
let allowed =
2020-04-25 17:29:41 +00:00
if spec = = " * " { HashSet ::new ( ) } else { spec . split ( '|' ) . map ( String ::from ) . collect ( ) } ;
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Filter ::new ( depth , allowed , longer_than )
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fn install ( mut self ) {
PROFILING_ENABLED . store ( self . depth > 0 , Ordering ::SeqCst ) ;
let mut old = FILTER . write ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
self . version = old . version + 1 ;
* old = self ;
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struct ProfileStack {
starts : Vec < Instant > ,
messages : Vec < Message > ,
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filter : Filter ,
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struct Message {
level : usize ,
duration : Duration ,
label : Label ,
detail : Option < String > ,
impl ProfileStack {
fn new ( ) -> ProfileStack {
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ProfileStack { starts : Vec ::new ( ) , messages : Vec ::new ( ) , filter : Default ::default ( ) }
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fn push ( & mut self , label : Label ) -> bool {
if self . starts . is_empty ( ) {
if let Ok ( f ) = FILTER . try_read ( ) {
if f . version > self . filter . version {
self . filter = f . clone ( ) ;
} ;
if self . starts . len ( ) > self . filter . depth {
return false ;
let allowed = & self . filter . allowed ;
if self . starts . is_empty ( ) & & ! allowed . is_empty ( ) & & ! allowed . contains ( label ) {
return false ;
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self . starts . push ( Instant ::now ( ) ) ;
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pub fn pop ( & mut self , label : Label , detail : Option < String > ) {
let start = self . starts . pop ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let duration = start . elapsed ( ) ;
let level = self . starts . len ( ) ;
self . messages . push ( Message { level , duration , label , detail } ) ;
if level = = 0 {
let stdout = stderr ( ) ;
let longer_than = self . filter . longer_than ;
// Convert to millis for comparison to avoid problems with rounding
// (otherwise we could print `0ms` despite user's `>0` filter when
// `duration` is just a few nanos).
if duration . as_millis ( ) > longer_than . as_millis ( ) {
print ( & self . messages , longer_than , & mut stdout . lock ( ) ) ;
self . messages . clear ( ) ;
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impl Drop for Profiler {
fn drop ( & mut self ) {
match self {
Profiler { label : Some ( label ) , detail } = > {
PROFILE_STACK . with ( | stack | {
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stack . borrow_mut ( ) . pop ( label , detail . take ( ) ) ;
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} ) ;
Profiler { label : None , .. } = > ( ) ,
fn print ( msgs : & [ Message ] , longer_than : Duration , out : & mut impl Write ) {
if msgs . is_empty ( ) {
return ;
let children_map = idx_to_children ( msgs ) ;
let root_idx = msgs . len ( ) - 1 ;
print_for_idx ( root_idx , & children_map , msgs , longer_than , out ) ;
fn print_for_idx (
current_idx : usize ,
children_map : & [ Vec < usize > ] ,
msgs : & [ Message ] ,
longer_than : Duration ,
out : & mut impl Write ,
) {
let current = & msgs [ current_idx ] ;
let current_indent = " " . repeat ( current . level ) ;
let detail = current . detail . as_ref ( ) . map ( | it | format! ( " @ {} " , it ) ) . unwrap_or_default ( ) ;
writeln! (
out ,
" {}{:5}ms - {}{} " ,
current_indent ,
current . duration . as_millis ( ) ,
current . label ,
detail ,
. expect ( " printing profiling info " ) ;
let longer_than_millis = longer_than . as_millis ( ) ;
let children_indices = & children_map [ current_idx ] ;
let mut accounted_for = Duration ::default ( ) ;
let mut short_children = BTreeMap ::new ( ) ; // Use `BTreeMap` to get deterministic output.
for child_idx in children_indices . iter ( ) {
let child = & msgs [ * child_idx ] ;
if child . duration . as_millis ( ) > longer_than_millis {
print_for_idx ( * child_idx , children_map , msgs , longer_than , out ) ;
} else {
let pair = short_children . entry ( child . label ) . or_insert ( ( Duration ::default ( ) , 0 ) ) ;
pair . 0 + = child . duration ;
pair . 1 + = 1 ;
accounted_for + = child . duration ;
for ( child_msg , ( duration , count ) ) in short_children . iter ( ) {
let millis = duration . as_millis ( ) ;
writeln! ( out , " {}{:5}ms - {} ({} calls) " , current_indent , millis , child_msg , count )
. expect ( " printing profiling info " ) ;
let unaccounted_millis = ( current . duration - accounted_for ) . as_millis ( ) ;
if ! children_indices . is_empty ( )
& & unaccounted_millis > 0
& & unaccounted_millis > longer_than_millis
writeln! ( out , " {}{:5}ms - ??? " , current_indent , unaccounted_millis )
. expect ( " printing profiling info " ) ;
/// Returns a mapping from an index in the `msgs` to the vector with the indices of its children.
/// This assumes that the entries in `msgs` are in the order of when the calls to `profile` finish.
/// In other words, a postorder of the call graph. In particular, the root is the last element of
/// `msgs`.
fn idx_to_children ( msgs : & [ Message ] ) -> Vec < Vec < usize > > {
// Initialize with the index of the root; `msgs` and `ancestors` should be never empty.
assert! ( ! msgs . is_empty ( ) ) ;
let mut ancestors = vec! [ msgs . len ( ) - 1 ] ;
let mut result : Vec < Vec < usize > > = vec! [ vec! [ ] ; msgs . len ( ) ] ;
for ( idx , msg ) in msgs [ .. msgs . len ( ) - 1 ] . iter ( ) . enumerate ( ) . rev ( ) {
// We need to find the parent of the current message, i.e., the last ancestor that has a
// level lower than the current message.
while msgs [ * ancestors . last ( ) . unwrap ( ) ] . level > = msg . level {
ancestors . pop ( ) ;
result [ * ancestors . last ( ) . unwrap ( ) ] . push ( idx ) ;
ancestors . push ( idx ) ;
// Note that above we visited all children from the last to the first one. Let's reverse vectors
// to get the more natural order where the first element is the first child.
for vec in result . iter_mut ( ) {
vec . reverse ( ) ;
#[ cfg(test) ]
mod tests {
use super ::* ;
#[ test ]
fn test_basic_profile ( ) {
let s = vec! [ " profile1 " . to_string ( ) , " profile2 " . to_string ( ) ] ;
let f = Filter ::new ( 2 , s , Duration ::new ( 0 , 0 ) ) ;
set_filter ( f ) ;
profiling_function1 ( ) ;
fn profiling_function1 ( ) {
let _p = profile ( " profile1 " ) ;
profiling_function2 ( ) ;
fn profiling_function2 ( ) {
let _p = profile ( " profile2 " ) ;
#[ test ]
fn test_longer_than ( ) {
let mut result = vec! [ ] ;
let msgs = vec! [
Message { level : 1 , duration : Duration ::from_nanos ( 3 ) , label : " bar " , detail : None } ,
Message { level : 1 , duration : Duration ::from_nanos ( 2 ) , label : " bar " , detail : None } ,
Message { level : 0 , duration : Duration ::from_millis ( 1 ) , label : " foo " , detail : None } ,
] ;
print ( & msgs , Duration ::from_millis ( 0 ) , & mut result ) ;
// The calls to `bar` are so short that they'll be rounded to 0ms and should get collapsed
// when printing.
assert_eq! (
std ::str ::from_utf8 ( & result ) . unwrap ( ) ,
" 1ms - foo \n 0ms - bar (2 calls) \n "
) ;
#[ test ]
fn test_unaccounted_for_topmost ( ) {
let mut result = vec! [ ] ;
let msgs = vec! [
Message { level : 1 , duration : Duration ::from_millis ( 2 ) , label : " bar " , detail : None } ,
Message { level : 0 , duration : Duration ::from_millis ( 5 ) , label : " foo " , detail : None } ,
] ;
print ( & msgs , Duration ::from_millis ( 0 ) , & mut result ) ;
assert_eq! (
std ::str ::from_utf8 ( & result ) . unwrap ( ) . lines ( ) . collect ::< Vec < _ > > ( ) ,
vec! [
" 5ms - foo " ,
" 2ms - bar " ,
" 3ms - ??? " ,
// Dummy comment to improve formatting
) ;
#[ test ]
fn test_unaccounted_for_multiple_levels ( ) {
let mut result = vec! [ ] ;
let msgs = vec! [
Message { level : 2 , duration : Duration ::from_millis ( 3 ) , label : " baz " , detail : None } ,
Message { level : 1 , duration : Duration ::from_millis ( 5 ) , label : " bar " , detail : None } ,
Message { level : 2 , duration : Duration ::from_millis ( 2 ) , label : " baz " , detail : None } ,
Message { level : 1 , duration : Duration ::from_millis ( 4 ) , label : " bar " , detail : None } ,
Message { level : 0 , duration : Duration ::from_millis ( 9 ) , label : " foo " , detail : None } ,
] ;
print ( & msgs , Duration ::from_millis ( 0 ) , & mut result ) ;
assert_eq! (
std ::str ::from_utf8 ( & result ) . unwrap ( ) . lines ( ) . collect ::< Vec < _ > > ( ) ,
vec! [
" 9ms - foo " ,
" 5ms - bar " ,
" 3ms - baz " ,
" 2ms - ??? " ,
" 4ms - bar " ,
" 2ms - baz " ,
" 2ms - ??? " ,
) ;