2020-02-26 22:13:48 +00:00
//! Renders a bit of code as HTML.
use ra_db::SourceDatabase;
use ra_syntax::AstNode;
use crate::{FileId, HighlightedRange, RootDatabase};
use super::highlight;
pub(crate) fn highlight_as_html(db: &RootDatabase, file_id: FileId, rainbow: bool) -> String {
let parse = db.parse(file_id);
fn rainbowify(seed: u64) -> String {
use rand::prelude::*;
let mut rng = SmallRng::seed_from_u64(seed);
h = rng.gen_range::<u16, _, _>(0, 361),
s = rng.gen_range::<u16, _, _>(42, 99),
l = rng.gen_range::<u16, _, _>(40, 91),
let mut ranges = highlight(db, file_id, None);
ranges.sort_by_key(|it| it.range.start());
// quick non-optimal heuristic to intersect token ranges and highlighted ranges
let mut frontier = 0;
let mut could_intersect: Vec<&HighlightedRange> = Vec::new();
let mut buf = String::new();
let tokens = parse.tree().syntax().descendants_with_tokens().filter_map(|it| it.into_token());
for token in tokens {
could_intersect.retain(|it| token.text_range().start() <= it.range.end());
while let Some(r) = ranges.get(frontier) {
if r.range.start() <= token.text_range().end() {
frontier += 1;
} else {
let text = html_escape(&token.text());
let ranges = could_intersect
.filter(|it| token.text_range().is_subrange(&it.range))
if ranges.is_empty() {
} else {
let classes = ranges
.map(|it| it.highlight.to_string().replace('.', " "))
.join(" ");
let binding_hash = ranges.first().and_then(|x| x.binding_hash);
let color = match (rainbow, binding_hash) {
(true, Some(hash)) => format!(
" data-binding-hash=\"{}\" style=\"color: {};\"",
_ => "".into(),
buf.push_str(&format!("<span class=\"{}\"{}>{}</span>", classes, color, text));
//FIXME: like, real html escaping
fn html_escape(text: &str) -> String {
text.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">")
const STYLE: &str = "
body { margin: 0; }
pre { color: #DCDCCC; background: #3F3F3F; font-size: 22px; padding: 0.4em; }
2020-02-28 13:47:33 +00:00
2020-02-26 22:13:48 +00:00
.comment { color: #7F9F7F; }
2020-02-28 13:47:33 +00:00
.struct, .enum { color: #7CB8BB; }
.enum_variant { color: #BDE0F3; }
.string_literal { color: #CC9393; }
2020-02-26 22:13:48 +00:00
.field { color: #94BFF3; }
.function { color: #93E0E3; }
.parameter { color: #94BFF3; }
.text { color: #DCDCCC; }
.type { color: #7CB8BB; }
2020-02-28 13:47:33 +00:00
.builtin_type { color: #8CD0D3; }
.type_param { color: #DFAF8F; }
2020-02-26 22:13:48 +00:00
.attribute { color: #94BFF3; }
2020-02-28 13:47:33 +00:00
.numeric_literal { color: #BFEBBF; }
2020-02-26 22:13:48 +00:00
.macro { color: #94BFF3; }
.module { color: #AFD8AF; }
.variable { color: #DCDCCC; }
2020-02-28 13:47:33 +00:00
.mutable { text-decoration: underline; }
2020-02-26 22:13:48 +00:00
2020-02-28 13:47:33 +00:00
.keyword { color: #F0DFAF; font-weight: bold; }
.keyword.unsafe { color: #BC8383; font-weight: bold; }
.control { font-style: italic; }
2020-02-26 22:13:48 +00:00