/* * rofi * * MIT/X11 License * Copyright © 2013-2017 Qball Cow * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ /** The log domain of this dialog. */ #define G_LOG_DOMAIN "Dialogs.Script" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rofi.h" #include "dialogs/script.h" #include "helper.h" #include "widgets/textbox.h" #include "mode-private.h" #include "rofi-icon-fetcher.h" #include "dialogs/dmenuscriptshared.h" typedef struct { /** ID of the current script. */ unsigned int id; /** List of visible items. */ DmenuScriptEntry *cmd_list; /** length list of visible items. */ unsigned int cmd_list_length; /** Urgent list */ struct rofi_range_pair * urgent_list; unsigned int num_urgent_list; /** Active list */ struct rofi_range_pair * active_list; unsigned int num_active_list; /** Configuration settings. */ char *message; char *prompt; gboolean do_markup; } ScriptModePrivateData; /** * Shared function between DMENU and Script mode. */ void dmenuscript_parse_entry_extras ( G_GNUC_UNUSED Mode *sw, DmenuScriptEntry *entry, char *buffer, size_t length ) { size_t length_key = 0;//strlen ( line ); while ( length_key <= length && buffer[length_key] != '\x1f' ) { length_key++; } if ( length_key < length ) { buffer[length_key] = '\0'; char *value = buffer + length_key + 1; if ( strcasecmp(buffer, "icon" ) == 0 ) { entry->icon_name = g_strdup(value); } } } /** * End of shared functions. */ static void parse_header_entry ( Mode *sw, char *line, ssize_t length ) { ScriptModePrivateData *pd = (ScriptModePrivateData *) sw->private_data; ssize_t length_key = 0;//strlen ( line ); while ( length_key <= length && line[length_key] != '\x1f' ) { length_key++; } if ( length_key < length ) { line[length_key] = '\0'; char *value = line + length_key + 1; if ( strcasecmp ( line, "message" ) == 0 ) { g_free ( pd->message ); pd->message = strlen ( value ) ? g_strdup ( value ) : NULL; } else if ( strcasecmp ( line, "prompt" ) == 0 ) { g_free ( pd->prompt ); pd->prompt = g_strdup ( value ); sw->display_name = pd->prompt; } else if ( strcasecmp ( line, "markup-rows" ) == 0 ) { pd->do_markup = ( strcasecmp ( value, "true" ) == 0 ); } else if ( strcasecmp ( line, "urgent" ) == 0 ) { parse_ranges ( value, &( pd->urgent_list ), &( pd->num_urgent_list ) ); } else if ( strcasecmp ( line, "active" ) == 0 ) { parse_ranges ( value, &( pd->active_list ), &( pd->num_active_list ) ); } } } static DmenuScriptEntry *get_script_output ( Mode *sw, char *command, char *arg, unsigned int *length ) { int fd = -1; GError *error = NULL; DmenuScriptEntry *retv = NULL; char **argv = NULL; int argc = 0; *length = 0; if ( g_shell_parse_argv ( command, &argc, &argv, &error ) ) { argv = g_realloc ( argv, ( argc + 2 ) * sizeof ( char* ) ); argv[argc] = g_strdup ( arg ); argv[argc + 1] = NULL; g_spawn_async_with_pipes ( NULL, argv, NULL, G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &fd, NULL, &error ); } if ( error != NULL ) { char *msg = g_strdup_printf ( "Failed to execute: '%s'\nError: '%s'", command, error->message ); rofi_view_error_dialog ( msg, FALSE ); g_free ( msg ); // print error. g_error_free ( error ); fd = -1; } if ( fd >= 0 ) { FILE *inp = fdopen ( fd, "r" ); if ( inp ) { char *buffer = NULL; size_t buffer_length = 0; ssize_t read_length = 0; size_t actual_size = 0; while ( ( read_length = getline ( &buffer, &buffer_length, inp ) ) > 0 ) { // Filter out line-end. if ( buffer[read_length - 1] == '\n' ) { buffer[read_length - 1] = '\0'; } if ( buffer[0] == '\0' ) { parse_header_entry ( sw, &buffer[1], read_length - 1 ); } else { if ( actual_size < ( ( *length ) + 2 ) ) { actual_size += 256; retv = g_realloc ( retv, ( actual_size ) * sizeof ( DmenuScriptEntry ) ); } size_t buf_length = strlen(buffer)+1; retv[( *length )].entry = g_memdup ( buffer, buf_length); retv[( *length )].icon_name = NULL; retv[(*length)].icon_fetch_uid = 0; if ( buf_length > 0 && (read_length > (ssize_t)buf_length) ) { dmenuscript_parse_entry_extras ( sw, &(retv[(*length)]), buffer+buf_length, read_length-buf_length); } retv[( *length ) + 1].entry = NULL; ( *length )++; } } if ( buffer ) { free ( buffer ); } if ( fclose ( inp ) != 0 ) { g_warning ( "Failed to close stdout off executor script: '%s'", g_strerror ( errno ) ); } } } return retv; } static DmenuScriptEntry *execute_executor ( Mode *sw, char *result, unsigned int *length ) { DmenuScriptEntry *retv = get_script_output ( sw, sw->ed, result, length ); return retv; } static void script_switcher_free ( Mode *sw ) { if ( sw == NULL ) { return; } g_free ( sw->name ); g_free ( sw->ed ); g_free ( sw ); } static int script_mode_init ( Mode *sw ) { if ( sw->private_data == NULL ) { ScriptModePrivateData *pd = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( *pd ) ); sw->private_data = (void *) pd; pd->cmd_list = get_script_output ( sw, (char *) sw->ed, NULL, &( pd->cmd_list_length ) ); } return TRUE; } static unsigned int script_mode_get_num_entries ( const Mode *sw ) { const ScriptModePrivateData *rmpd = (const ScriptModePrivateData *) sw->private_data; return rmpd->cmd_list_length; } static void script_mode_reset_highlight ( Mode *sw ) { ScriptModePrivateData *rmpd = (ScriptModePrivateData *) sw->private_data; rmpd->num_urgent_list = 0; g_free ( rmpd->urgent_list ); rmpd->urgent_list = NULL; rmpd->num_active_list = 0; g_free ( rmpd->active_list ); rmpd->active_list = NULL; } static ModeMode script_mode_result ( Mode *sw, int mretv, char **input, unsigned int selected_line ) { ScriptModePrivateData *rmpd = (ScriptModePrivateData *) sw->private_data; ModeMode retv = MODE_EXIT; DmenuScriptEntry *new_list = NULL; unsigned int new_length = 0; if ( ( mretv & MENU_NEXT ) ) { retv = NEXT_DIALOG; } else if ( ( mretv & MENU_PREVIOUS ) ) { retv = PREVIOUS_DIALOG; } else if ( ( mretv & MENU_QUICK_SWITCH ) ) { retv = ( mretv & MENU_LOWER_MASK ); } else if ( ( mretv & MENU_OK ) && rmpd->cmd_list[selected_line].entry != NULL ) { script_mode_reset_highlight ( sw ); new_list = execute_executor ( sw, rmpd->cmd_list[selected_line].entry, &new_length ); } else if ( ( mretv & MENU_CUSTOM_INPUT ) && *input != NULL && *input[0] != '\0' ) { script_mode_reset_highlight ( sw ); new_list = execute_executor ( sw, *input, &new_length ); } // If a new list was generated, use that an loop around. if ( new_list != NULL ) { for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < rmpd->cmd_list_length; i++ ){ g_free ( rmpd->cmd_list[i].entry ); g_free ( rmpd->cmd_list[i].icon_name ); } g_free ( rmpd->cmd_list ); rmpd->cmd_list = new_list; rmpd->cmd_list_length = new_length; retv = RESET_DIALOG; } return retv; } static void script_mode_destroy ( Mode *sw ) { ScriptModePrivateData *rmpd = (ScriptModePrivateData *) sw->private_data; if ( rmpd != NULL ) { for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < rmpd->cmd_list_length; i++ ){ g_free ( rmpd->cmd_list[i].entry ); g_free ( rmpd->cmd_list[i].icon_name ); } g_free ( rmpd->cmd_list ); g_free ( rmpd->message ); g_free ( rmpd->prompt ); g_free ( rmpd->urgent_list ); g_free ( rmpd->active_list ); g_free ( rmpd ); sw->private_data = NULL; } } static inline unsigned int get_index ( unsigned int length, int index ) { if ( index >= 0 ) return index; if ( ((unsigned int)-index) <= length ) return (length+index); // Out of range. return UINT_MAX; } static char *_get_display_value ( const Mode *sw, unsigned int selected_line, G_GNUC_UNUSED int *state, G_GNUC_UNUSED GList **list, int get_entry ) { ScriptModePrivateData *pd = sw->private_data; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < pd->num_active_list; i++ ) { unsigned int start = get_index ( pd->cmd_list_length, pd->active_list[i].start ); unsigned int stop = get_index ( pd->cmd_list_length, pd->active_list[i].stop ); if ( selected_line >= start && selected_line <= stop ) { *state |= ACTIVE; } } for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < pd->num_urgent_list; i++ ) { unsigned int start = get_index ( pd->cmd_list_length, pd->urgent_list[i].start ); unsigned int stop = get_index ( pd->cmd_list_length, pd->urgent_list[i].stop ); if ( selected_line >= start && selected_line <= stop ) { *state |= URGENT; } } if ( pd->do_markup ) { *state |= MARKUP; } return get_entry ? g_strdup ( pd->cmd_list[selected_line].entry ) : NULL; } static int script_token_match ( const Mode *sw, rofi_int_matcher **tokens, unsigned int index ) { ScriptModePrivateData *rmpd = sw->private_data; return helper_token_match ( tokens, rmpd->cmd_list[index].entry ); } static char *script_get_message ( const Mode *sw ) { ScriptModePrivateData *pd = sw->private_data; return g_strdup ( pd->message ); } static cairo_surface_t *script_get_icon ( const Mode *sw, unsigned int selected_line, int height ) { ScriptModePrivateData *pd = (ScriptModePrivateData *) mode_get_private_data ( sw ); g_return_val_if_fail ( pd->cmd_list != NULL, NULL ); DmenuScriptEntry *dr = &( pd->cmd_list[selected_line] ); if ( dr->icon_name == NULL ) { return NULL; } if ( dr->icon_fetch_uid > 0 ) { return rofi_icon_fetcher_get ( dr->icon_fetch_uid ); } dr->icon_fetch_uid = rofi_icon_fetcher_query ( dr->icon_name, height ); return rofi_icon_fetcher_get ( dr->icon_fetch_uid ); } #include "mode-private.h" Mode *script_switcher_parse_setup ( const char *str ) { Mode *sw = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( *sw ) ); char *endp = NULL; char *parse = g_strdup ( str ); unsigned int index = 0; const char *const sep = ":"; for ( char *token = strtok_r ( parse, sep, &endp ); token != NULL; token = strtok_r ( NULL, sep, &endp ) ) { if ( index == 0 ) { sw->name = g_strdup ( token ); } else if ( index == 1 ) { sw->ed = (void *) rofi_expand_path ( token ); } index++; } g_free ( parse ); if ( index == 2 ) { sw->free = script_switcher_free; sw->_init = script_mode_init; sw->_get_num_entries = script_mode_get_num_entries; sw->_result = script_mode_result; sw->_destroy = script_mode_destroy; sw->_token_match = script_token_match; sw->_get_message = script_get_message; sw->_get_icon = script_get_icon; sw->_get_completion = NULL, sw->_preprocess_input = NULL, sw->_get_display_value = _get_display_value; return sw; } fprintf ( stderr, "The script command '%s' has %u options, but needs 2: :