/** * rofi-file_browser * * MIT/X11 License * Copyright (c) 2017 Qball Cow * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dialogs/filebrowser.h" #include "helper.h" #include "history.h" #include "mode-private.h" #include "mode.h" #include "rofi.h" #include "theme.h" #include #include "rofi-icon-fetcher.h" #define FILEBROWSER_CACHE_FILE "rofi3.filebrowsercache" /** * The internal data structure holding the private data of the TEST Mode. */ enum FBFileType { UP, DIRECTORY, RFILE, NUM_FILE_TYPES, }; /** * Possible sorting methods */ enum FBSortingMethod { FB_SORT_NAME, FB_SORT_TIME, }; /** * Type of time to sort by */ enum FBSortingTime { FB_MTIME, FB_ATIME, FB_CTIME, }; /** Icons to use for the file type */ const char *icon_name[NUM_FILE_TYPES] = {"go-up", "folder", "gtk-file"}; typedef struct { char *name; char *path; enum FBFileType type; uint32_t icon_fetch_uid; gboolean link; time_t time; } FBFile; typedef struct { GFile *current_dir; FBFile *array; unsigned int array_length; } FileBrowserModePrivateData; /** * The sorting settings used in file-browser. */ struct { /** Field to sort on. */ enum FBSortingMethod sorting_method; /** If sorting on time, what time entry. */ enum FBSortingTime sorting_time; /** If we want to display directories above files. */ gboolean directories_first; } file_browser_config = { .sorting_method = FB_SORT_NAME, .sorting_time = FB_MTIME, .directories_first = TRUE, }; static void free_list(FileBrowserModePrivateData *pd) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pd->array_length; i++) { FBFile *fb = &(pd->array[i]); g_free(fb->name); g_free(fb->path); } g_free(pd->array); pd->array = NULL; pd->array_length = 0; } #include #include static gint compare_name(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer data) { FBFile *fa = (FBFile *)a; FBFile *fb = (FBFile *)b; if (file_browser_config.directories_first && fa->type != fb->type) { return fa->type - fb->type; } return g_strcmp0(fa->name, fb->name); } static gint compare_time(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer data) { FBFile *fa = (FBFile *)a; FBFile *fb = (FBFile *)b; if (file_browser_config.directories_first && fa->type != fb->type) { return fa->type - fb->type; } if (fa->time < 0) { return -1; } if (fb->time < 0) { return 1; } return fb->time - fa->time; } static gint compare(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer data) { GCompareDataFunc comparator = NULL; switch (file_browser_config.sorting_method) { case FB_SORT_NAME: comparator = compare_name; break; case FB_SORT_TIME: comparator = compare_time; break; default: comparator = compare_name; break; } return comparator(a, b, data); } static time_t get_time(const GStatBuf *statbuf) { switch (file_browser_config.sorting_time) { case FB_MTIME: return statbuf->st_mtim.tv_sec; case FB_ATIME: return statbuf->st_atim.tv_sec; case FB_CTIME: return statbuf->st_ctim.tv_sec; default: return 0; } } static void set_time(FBFile *file) { // GError *error = NULL; // gchar *path = g_filename_from_utf8(file->path, -1, NULL, NULL, &error); // if (error) { // g_warning("Failed to convert filename: %s: %s", file->path, // error->message); g_error_free(error); return; // } GStatBuf statbuf; if (g_lstat(file->path, &statbuf) == 0) { file->time = get_time(&statbuf); } else { g_warning("Failed to stat file: %s, %s", file->path, strerror(errno)); } // g_free(path); } static void get_file_browser(Mode *sw) { FileBrowserModePrivateData *pd = (FileBrowserModePrivateData *)mode_get_private_data(sw); /** * Get the entries to display. * this gets called on plugin initialization. */ char *cdir = g_file_get_path(pd->current_dir); DIR *dir = opendir(cdir); if (dir) { struct dirent *rd = NULL; while ((rd = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if (g_strcmp0(rd->d_name, "..") == 0) { pd->array = g_realloc(pd->array, (pd->array_length + 1) * sizeof(FBFile)); // Rofi expects utf-8, so lets convert the filename. pd->array[pd->array_length].name = g_strdup(".."); pd->array[pd->array_length].path = NULL; pd->array[pd->array_length].type = UP; pd->array[pd->array_length].icon_fetch_uid = 0; pd->array[pd->array_length].link = FALSE; pd->array[pd->array_length].time = -1; pd->array_length++; continue; } if (rd->d_name[0] == '.') { continue; } switch (rd->d_type) { case DT_BLK: case DT_CHR: case DT_FIFO: case DT_UNKNOWN: case DT_SOCK: default: break; case DT_REG: case DT_DIR: pd->array = g_realloc(pd->array, (pd->array_length + 1) * sizeof(FBFile)); // Rofi expects utf-8, so lets convert the filename. pd->array[pd->array_length].name = g_filename_to_utf8(rd->d_name, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (pd->array[pd->array_length].name == NULL) { pd->array[pd->array_length].name = g_strdup("Invalid UTF-8 filename."); } pd->array[pd->array_length].path = g_build_filename(cdir, rd->d_name, NULL); pd->array[pd->array_length].type = (rd->d_type == DT_DIR) ? DIRECTORY : RFILE; pd->array[pd->array_length].icon_fetch_uid = 0; pd->array[pd->array_length].link = FALSE; if (file_browser_config.sorting_method == FB_SORT_TIME) { set_time(&pd->array[pd->array_length]); } pd->array_length++; break; case DT_LNK: pd->array = g_realloc(pd->array, (pd->array_length + 1) * sizeof(FBFile)); // Rofi expects utf-8, so lets convert the filename. pd->array[pd->array_length].name = g_filename_to_utf8(rd->d_name, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (pd->array[pd->array_length].name == NULL) { pd->array[pd->array_length].name = g_strdup("Invalid UTF-8 filename."); } pd->array[pd->array_length].path = g_build_filename(cdir, rd->d_name, NULL); pd->array[pd->array_length].icon_fetch_uid = 0; pd->array[pd->array_length].link = TRUE; // Default to file. pd->array[pd->array_length].type = RFILE; { // If we have link, use a stat to fine out what it is, if we fail, we // mark it as file. // TODO have a 'broken link' mode? // Convert full path to right encoding. // DD: Path should be in file encoding, not utf-8 // char *file = // g_filename_from_utf8(pd->array[pd->array_length].path, // -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (pd->array[pd->array_length].path) { GStatBuf statbuf; if (g_stat(pd->array[pd->array_length].path, &statbuf) == 0) { if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { pd->array[pd->array_length].type = DIRECTORY; } else if (S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)) { pd->array[pd->array_length].type = RFILE; } if (file_browser_config.sorting_method == FB_SORT_TIME) { pd->array[pd->array_length].time = get_time(&statbuf); } } else { g_warning("Failed to stat file: %s, %s", pd->array[pd->array_length].path, strerror(errno)); } // g_free(file); } } pd->array_length++; break; } } closedir(dir); } g_free(cdir); g_qsort_with_data(pd->array, pd->array_length, sizeof(FBFile), compare, NULL); } static void file_browser_mode_init_config(Mode *sw) { char *msg = NULL; gboolean found_error = FALSE; ThemeWidget *wid = rofi_config_find_widget(sw->name, NULL, TRUE); Property *p = rofi_theme_find_property(wid, P_STRING, "sorting-method", TRUE); if (p != NULL && p->type == P_STRING) { if (g_strcmp0(p->value.s, "name") == 0) { file_browser_config.sorting_method = FB_SORT_NAME; } else if (g_strcmp0(p->value.s, "mtime") == 0) { file_browser_config.sorting_method = FB_SORT_TIME; file_browser_config.sorting_time = FB_MTIME; } else if (g_strcmp0(p->value.s, "atime") == 0) { file_browser_config.sorting_method = FB_SORT_TIME; file_browser_config.sorting_time = FB_ATIME; } else if (g_strcmp0(p->value.s, "ctime") == 0) { file_browser_config.sorting_method = FB_SORT_TIME; file_browser_config.sorting_time = FB_CTIME; } else { found_error = TRUE; msg = g_strdup_printf("\"%s\" is not a valid filebrowser sorting method", p->value.s); } } p = rofi_theme_find_property(wid, P_BOOLEAN, "directories-first", TRUE); if (p != NULL && p->type == P_BOOLEAN) { file_browser_config.directories_first = p->value.b; } if (found_error) { rofi_view_error_dialog(msg, FALSE); g_free(msg); } } static void file_browser_mode_init_current_dir(Mode *sw) { FileBrowserModePrivateData *pd = (FileBrowserModePrivateData *)mode_get_private_data(sw); ThemeWidget *wid = rofi_config_find_widget(sw->name, NULL, TRUE); Property *p = rofi_theme_find_property(wid, P_STRING, "directory", TRUE); gboolean config_has_valid_dir = p != NULL && p->type == P_STRING && g_file_test(p->value.s, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR); if (config_has_valid_dir) { pd->current_dir = g_file_new_for_path(p->value.s); } else { char *current_dir = NULL; char *cache_file = g_build_filename(cache_dir, FILEBROWSER_CACHE_FILE, NULL); if (g_file_get_contents(cache_file, ¤t_dir, NULL, NULL)) { if (g_file_test(current_dir, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) { pd->current_dir = g_file_new_for_path(current_dir); } g_free(current_dir); } // Store it based on the unique identifiers (desktop_id). g_free(cache_file); } if (pd->current_dir == NULL) { pd->current_dir = g_file_new_for_path(g_get_home_dir()); } } static int file_browser_mode_init(Mode *sw) { /** * Called on startup when enabled (in modi list) */ if (mode_get_private_data(sw) == NULL) { FileBrowserModePrivateData *pd = g_malloc0(sizeof(*pd)); mode_set_private_data(sw, (void *)pd); file_browser_mode_init_config(sw); file_browser_mode_init_current_dir(sw); // Load content. get_file_browser(sw); } return TRUE; } static unsigned int file_browser_mode_get_num_entries(const Mode *sw) { const FileBrowserModePrivateData *pd = (const FileBrowserModePrivateData *)mode_get_private_data(sw); return pd->array_length; } static ModeMode file_browser_mode_result(Mode *sw, int mretv, char **input, unsigned int selected_line) { ModeMode retv = MODE_EXIT; FileBrowserModePrivateData *pd = (FileBrowserModePrivateData *)mode_get_private_data(sw); if (mretv & MENU_NEXT) { retv = NEXT_DIALOG; } else if (mretv & MENU_PREVIOUS) { retv = PREVIOUS_DIALOG; } else if (mretv & MENU_QUICK_SWITCH) { retv = (mretv & MENU_LOWER_MASK); } else if (mretv & MENU_CUSTOM_COMMAND) { retv = (mretv & MENU_LOWER_MASK); } else if ((mretv & MENU_OK)) { if (selected_line < pd->array_length) { if (pd->array[selected_line].type == UP) { GFile *new = g_file_get_parent(pd->current_dir); if (new) { g_object_unref(pd->current_dir); pd->current_dir = new; free_list(pd); get_file_browser(sw); return RESET_DIALOG; } } else if (pd->array[selected_line].type == DIRECTORY) { char *path = g_build_filename(cache_dir, FILEBROWSER_CACHE_FILE, NULL); g_file_set_contents(path, pd->array[selected_line].path, -1, NULL); g_free(path); GFile *new = g_file_new_for_path(pd->array[selected_line].path); g_object_unref(pd->current_dir); pd->current_dir = new; free_list(pd); get_file_browser(sw); return RESET_DIALOG; } else if (pd->array[selected_line].type == RFILE) { // char *d = g_filename_from_utf8(pd->array[selected_line].path, // -1, NULL, // NULL, NULL); char *d_esc = g_shell_quote(pd->array[selected_line].path); char *cmd = g_strdup_printf("xdg-open %s", d_esc); g_free(d_esc); char *cdir = g_file_get_path(pd->current_dir); helper_execute_command(cdir, cmd, FALSE, NULL); g_free(cdir); g_free(cmd); return MODE_EXIT; } } retv = RELOAD_DIALOG; } else if ((mretv & MENU_CUSTOM_INPUT) && *input) { char *p = rofi_expand_path(*input); char *dir = g_filename_from_utf8(p, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_free(p); if (g_file_test(dir, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { if (g_file_test(dir, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) { g_object_unref(pd->current_dir); pd->current_dir = g_file_new_for_path(dir); g_free(dir); free_list(pd); get_file_browser(sw); return RESET_DIALOG; } } g_free(dir); retv = RELOAD_DIALOG; } else if ((mretv & MENU_ENTRY_DELETE) == MENU_ENTRY_DELETE) { retv = RELOAD_DIALOG; } return retv; } static void file_browser_mode_destroy(Mode *sw) { FileBrowserModePrivateData *pd = (FileBrowserModePrivateData *)mode_get_private_data(sw); if (pd != NULL) { g_object_unref(pd->current_dir); free_list(pd); g_free(pd); mode_set_private_data(sw, NULL); } } static char *_get_display_value(const Mode *sw, unsigned int selected_line, G_GNUC_UNUSED int *state, G_GNUC_UNUSED GList **attr_list, int get_entry) { FileBrowserModePrivateData *pd = (FileBrowserModePrivateData *)mode_get_private_data(sw); // Only return the string if requested, otherwise only set state. if (!get_entry) { return NULL; } if (pd->array[selected_line].type == UP) { return g_strdup(" .."); } if (pd->array[selected_line].link) { return g_strconcat("@", pd->array[selected_line].name, NULL); } return g_strdup(pd->array[selected_line].name); } /** * @param sw The mode object. * @param tokens The tokens to match against. * @param index The index in this plugin to match against. * * Match the entry. * * @returns try when a match. */ static int file_browser_token_match(const Mode *sw, rofi_int_matcher **tokens, unsigned int index) { FileBrowserModePrivateData *pd = (FileBrowserModePrivateData *)mode_get_private_data(sw); // Call default matching function. return helper_token_match(tokens, pd->array[index].name); } static cairo_surface_t *_get_icon(const Mode *sw, unsigned int selected_line, int height) { FileBrowserModePrivateData *pd = (FileBrowserModePrivateData *)mode_get_private_data(sw); g_return_val_if_fail(pd->array != NULL, NULL); FBFile *dr = &(pd->array[selected_line]); if (dr->icon_fetch_uid > 0) { return rofi_icon_fetcher_get(dr->icon_fetch_uid); } if (rofi_icon_fetcher_file_is_image(dr->path)) { dr->icon_fetch_uid = rofi_icon_fetcher_query(dr->path, height); } else { dr->icon_fetch_uid = rofi_icon_fetcher_query(icon_name[dr->type], height); } return rofi_icon_fetcher_get(dr->icon_fetch_uid); } static char *_get_message(const Mode *sw) { FileBrowserModePrivateData *pd = (FileBrowserModePrivateData *)mode_get_private_data(sw); if (pd->current_dir) { char *dirname = g_file_get_parse_name(pd->current_dir); char *str = g_markup_printf_escaped("Current directory: %s", dirname); g_free(dirname); return str; } return "n/a"; } static char *_get_completion(const Mode *sw, unsigned int index) { FileBrowserModePrivateData *pd = (FileBrowserModePrivateData *)mode_get_private_data(sw); char *d = g_strescape(pd->array[index].path, NULL); return d; } Mode *create_new_file_browser(void) { Mode *sw = g_malloc0(sizeof(Mode)); *sw = file_browser_mode; sw->private_data = NULL; return sw; } #if 1 ModeMode file_browser_mode_completer(Mode *sw, int mretv, char **input, unsigned int selected_line, char **path) { ModeMode retv = MODE_EXIT; FileBrowserModePrivateData *pd = (FileBrowserModePrivateData *)mode_get_private_data(sw); if (mretv & MENU_NEXT) { retv = NEXT_DIALOG; } else if (mretv & MENU_PREVIOUS) { retv = PREVIOUS_DIALOG; } else if (mretv & MENU_QUICK_SWITCH) { retv = (mretv & MENU_LOWER_MASK); } else if ((mretv & MENU_OK)) { if (selected_line < pd->array_length) { if (pd->array[selected_line].type == UP) { GFile *new = g_file_get_parent(pd->current_dir); if (new) { g_object_unref(pd->current_dir); pd->current_dir = new; free_list(pd); get_file_browser(sw); return RESET_DIALOG; } } else if (pd->array[selected_line].type == DIRECTORY) { GFile *new = g_file_new_for_path(pd->array[selected_line].path); g_object_unref(pd->current_dir); pd->current_dir = new; free_list(pd); get_file_browser(sw); return RESET_DIALOG; } else if (pd->array[selected_line].type == RFILE) { *path = g_strescape(pd->array[selected_line].path, NULL); return MODE_EXIT; } } retv = RELOAD_DIALOG; } else if ((mretv & MENU_CUSTOM_INPUT) && *input) { char *p = rofi_expand_path(*input); char *dir = g_filename_from_utf8(p, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_free(p); if (g_file_test(dir, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { if (g_file_test(dir, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) { g_object_unref(pd->current_dir); pd->current_dir = g_file_new_for_path(dir); g_free(dir); free_list(pd); get_file_browser(sw); return RESET_DIALOG; } } g_free(dir); retv = RELOAD_DIALOG; } else if ((mretv & MENU_ENTRY_DELETE) == MENU_ENTRY_DELETE) { retv = RELOAD_DIALOG; } return retv; } #endif Mode file_browser_mode = { .display_name = NULL, .abi_version = ABI_VERSION, .name = "filebrowser", .cfg_name_key = "display-filebrowser", ._init = file_browser_mode_init, ._get_num_entries = file_browser_mode_get_num_entries, ._result = file_browser_mode_result, ._destroy = file_browser_mode_destroy, ._token_match = file_browser_token_match, ._get_display_value = _get_display_value, ._get_icon = _get_icon, ._get_message = _get_message, ._get_completion = _get_completion, ._preprocess_input = NULL, .private_data = NULL, .free = NULL, };