/* * rofi * * MIT/X11 License * Copyright © 2013-2023 Qball Cow * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ /** The Rofi View log domain */ #define G_LOG_DOMAIN "View" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rofi.h" #include "settings.h" #include "timings.h" #include "display.h" #include "helper-theme.h" #include "helper.h" #include "mode.h" #include "xrmoptions.h" #include "view-internal.h" #include "view.h" #include "theme.h" #ifdef ENABLE_XCB #include "xcb-internal.h" #include "xcb.h" #else #include "xcb-dummy.h" #endif static const view_proxy *proxy; void view_init(const view_proxy *view_in) { proxy = view_in; } /** Thread pool used for filtering */ GThreadPool *tpool = NULL; /** Global pointer to the currently active RofiViewState */ RofiViewState *current_active_menu = NULL; struct _rofi_view_cache_state CacheState = { .main_window = XCB_WINDOW_NONE, .flags = MENU_NORMAL, .views = G_QUEUE_INIT, .refilter_timeout = 0, .refilter_timeout_count = 0, .max_refilter_time = 0.0, .delayed_mode = FALSE, .user_timeout = 0, .entry_history_enable = TRUE, .entry_history = NULL, .entry_history_length = 0, .entry_history_index = 0, }; static char *get_matching_state(void) { if (config.case_sensitive) { if (config.sort) { return "±"; } else { return "-"; } } else { if (config.sort) { return "+"; } } return " "; } /** * Levenshtein Sorting. */ static int lev_sort(const void *p1, const void *p2, void *arg) { const int *a = p1; const int *b = p2; int *distances = arg; return distances[*a] - distances[*b]; } /** * Stores a screenshot of Rofi at that point in time. */ void rofi_capture_screenshot(void) { RofiViewState *state = current_active_menu; if (state == NULL || state->main_window == NULL) { g_warning("Nothing to screenshot."); return; } const char *outp = g_getenv("ROFI_PNG_OUTPUT"); const char *xdg_pict_dir = g_get_user_special_dir(G_USER_DIRECTORY_PICTURES); if (outp == NULL && xdg_pict_dir == NULL) { g_warning("XDG user picture directory or ROFI_PNG_OUTPUT is not set. " "Cannot store screenshot."); return; } // Get current time. GDateTime *now = g_date_time_new_now_local(); // Format filename. char *timestmp = g_date_time_format(now, "rofi-%Y-%m-%d-%H%M"); char *filename = g_strdup_printf("%s-%05d.png", timestmp, 0); // Build full path char *fpath = NULL; if (outp == NULL) { int index = 0; fpath = g_build_filename(xdg_pict_dir, filename, NULL); while (g_file_test(fpath, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS) && index < 99999) { g_free(fpath); g_free(filename); // Try the next index. index++; // Format filename. filename = g_strdup_printf("%s-%05d.png", timestmp, index); // Build full path fpath = g_build_filename(xdg_pict_dir, filename, NULL); } } else { fpath = g_strdup(outp); } fprintf(stderr, color_green "Storing screenshot %s\n" color_reset, fpath); cairo_surface_t *surf = cairo_image_surface_create( CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, state->width, state->height); cairo_status_t status = cairo_surface_status(surf); if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { g_warning("Failed to produce screenshot '%s', got error: '%s'", fpath, cairo_status_to_string(status)); } else { cairo_t *draw = cairo_create(surf); status = cairo_status(draw); if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { g_warning("Failed to produce screenshot '%s', got error: '%s'", fpath, cairo_status_to_string(status)); } else { widget_draw(WIDGET(state->main_window), draw); status = cairo_surface_write_to_png(surf, fpath); if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { g_warning("Failed to produce screenshot '%s', got error: '%s'", fpath, cairo_status_to_string(status)); } } cairo_destroy(draw); } // Cleanup cairo_surface_destroy(surf); g_free(fpath); g_free(filename); g_free(timestmp); g_date_time_unref(now); } static void rofi_view_update_prompt(RofiViewState *state) { if (state->prompt) { const char *str = mode_get_display_name(state->sw); textbox_text(state->prompt, str); } } extern GList *list_of_warning_msgs; static void rofi_view_reload_message_bar(RofiViewState *state) { if (state->mesg_box == NULL) { return; } char *msg = mode_get_message(state->sw); if (msg || list_of_warning_msgs) { /** we want to popin warning here. */ GString *emesg = g_string_new(msg); if (list_of_warning_msgs) { if (msg) { g_string_append_c(emesg, '\n'); } g_string_append( emesg, "The following warnings were detected when starting rofi:\n"); GList *iter = g_list_first(list_of_warning_msgs); int index = 0; for (; iter != NULL && index < 2; iter = g_list_next(iter)) { GString *in_msg = (GString *)(iter->data); g_string_append(emesg, "\n\n"); g_string_append(emesg, in_msg->str); index++; } if (g_list_length(iter) > 1) { g_string_append_printf(emesg, "\nThere are %u more errors.", g_list_length(iter) - 1); } } textbox_text(state->mesg_tb, emesg->str); widget_enable(WIDGET(state->mesg_box)); g_string_free(emesg, TRUE); g_free(msg); } else { widget_disable(WIDGET(state->mesg_box)); } } static void rofi_view_take_action(const char *name) { ThemeWidget *wid = rofi_config_find_widget(name, NULL, TRUE); if (wid) { /** Check string property */ Property *p = rofi_theme_find_property(wid, P_STRING, "action", TRUE); if (p != NULL && p->type == P_STRING) { const char *action = p->value.s; guint id = key_binding_get_action_from_name(action); if (id != UINT32_MAX) { rofi_view_trigger_action(rofi_view_get_active(), SCOPE_GLOBAL, id); } else { g_warning("Failed to parse keybinding: %s\r\n", action); } } } } static gboolean rofi_view_user_timeout(G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer data) { CacheState.user_timeout = 0; rofi_view_take_action("timeout"); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } static void rofi_view_set_user_timeout(G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer data) { if (CacheState.user_timeout > 0) { g_source_remove(CacheState.user_timeout); CacheState.user_timeout = 0; } { /** Find the widget */ ThemeWidget *wid = rofi_config_find_widget("timeout", NULL, TRUE); if (wid) { /** Check string property */ Property *p = rofi_theme_find_property(wid, P_INTEGER, "delay", TRUE); if (p != NULL && p->type == P_INTEGER && p->value.i > 0) { int delay = p->value.i; CacheState.user_timeout = g_timeout_add(delay * 1000, rofi_view_user_timeout, NULL); } else { Property *p = rofi_theme_find_property(wid, P_DOUBLE, "delay", TRUE); if (p != NULL && p->type == P_DOUBLE && p->value.f > 0.01) { double delay = p->value.f; CacheState.user_timeout = g_timeout_add(delay * 1000, rofi_view_user_timeout, NULL); } } } } } void rofi_view_restart(RofiViewState *state) { state->quit = FALSE; state->retv = MENU_CANCEL; } RofiViewState *rofi_view_get_active(void) { return current_active_menu; } void rofi_view_remove_active(RofiViewState *state) { if (state == current_active_menu) { rofi_view_set_active(NULL); } else if (state) { g_queue_remove(&(CacheState.views), state); } } void rofi_view_set_active(RofiViewState *state) { if (current_active_menu != NULL && state != NULL) { g_queue_push_head(&(CacheState.views), current_active_menu); // TODO check. current_active_menu = state; g_debug("stack view."); rofi_view_window_update_size(current_active_menu); rofi_view_queue_redraw(); return; } else if (state == NULL && !g_queue_is_empty(&(CacheState.views))) { g_debug("pop view."); current_active_menu = g_queue_pop_head(&(CacheState.views)); rofi_view_window_update_size(current_active_menu); rofi_view_queue_redraw(); return; } g_assert((current_active_menu == NULL && state != NULL) || (current_active_menu != NULL && state == NULL)); current_active_menu = state; rofi_view_queue_redraw(); } void rofi_view_set_selected_line(RofiViewState *state, unsigned int selected_line) { state->selected_line = selected_line; // Find the line. unsigned int selected = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; ((state->selected_line)) < UINT32_MAX && !selected && i < state->filtered_lines; i++) { if (state->line_map[i] == (state->selected_line)) { selected = i; break; } } listview_set_selected(state->list_view, selected); #ifdef ENABLE_XCB if (config.backend == DISPLAY_XCB) { xcb_clear_area(xcb->connection, CacheState.main_window, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1); xcb_flush(xcb->connection); } #endif } void rofi_view_free(RofiViewState *state) { if (state->tokens) { helper_tokenize_free(state->tokens); state->tokens = NULL; } // Do this here? // Wait for final release? widget_free(WIDGET(state->main_window)); g_free(state->line_map); g_free(state->distance); // Free the switcher boxes. // When state is free'ed we should no longer need these. g_free(state->modes); state->num_modes = 0; g_free(state); } MenuReturn rofi_view_get_return_value(const RofiViewState *state) { return state->retv; } unsigned int rofi_view_get_selected_line(const RofiViewState *state) { return state->selected_line; } unsigned int rofi_view_get_next_position(const RofiViewState *state) { unsigned int next_pos = state->selected_line; unsigned int selected = listview_get_selected(state->list_view); if ((selected + 1) < state->num_lines) { (next_pos) = state->line_map[selected + 1]; } return next_pos; } unsigned int rofi_view_get_completed(const RofiViewState *state) { return state->quit; } const char *rofi_view_get_user_input(const RofiViewState *state) { if (state->text) { return state->text->text; } return NULL; } /** * Create a new, 0 initialized RofiViewState structure. * * @returns a new 0 initialized RofiViewState */ static RofiViewState *__rofi_view_state_create(void) { return g_malloc0(sizeof(RofiViewState)); } /** * Thread state for workers started for the view. */ typedef struct _thread_state_view { /** Generic thread state. */ thread_state st; /** Condition. */ GCond *cond; /** Lock for condition. */ GMutex *mutex; /** Count that is protected by lock. */ unsigned int *acount; /** Current state. */ RofiViewState *state; /** Start row for this worker. */ unsigned int start; /** Stop row for this worker. */ unsigned int stop; /** Rows processed. */ unsigned int count; /** Pattern input to filter. */ const char *pattern; /** Length of pattern. */ glong plen; } thread_state_view; /** * @param data A thread_state object. * @param user_data User data to pass to thread_state callback * * Small wrapper function that is internally used to pass a job to a worker. */ static void rofi_view_call_thread(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { thread_state *t = (thread_state *)data; t->callback(t, user_data); } static void filter_elements(thread_state *ts, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer user_data) { thread_state_view *t = (thread_state_view *)ts; for (unsigned int i = t->start; i < t->stop; i++) { int match = mode_token_match(t->state->sw, t->state->tokens, i); // If each token was matched, add it to list. if (match) { t->state->line_map[t->start + t->count] = i; if (config.sort) { // This is inefficient, need to fix it. char *str = mode_get_completion(t->state->sw, i); glong slen = g_utf8_strlen(str, -1); switch (config.sorting_method_enum) { case SORT_FZF: t->state->distance[i] = rofi_scorer_fuzzy_evaluate(t->pattern, t->plen, str, slen); break; case SORT_NORMAL: default: t->state->distance[i] = levenshtein(t->pattern, t->plen, str, slen); break; } g_free(str); } t->count++; } } if (t->acount != NULL) { g_mutex_lock(t->mutex); (*(t->acount))--; g_cond_signal(t->cond); g_mutex_unlock(t->mutex); } } void input_history_initialize(void) { if (CacheState.entry_history_enable == FALSE) { return; } CacheState.entry_history = NULL; CacheState.entry_history_index = 0; CacheState.entry_history_length = 0; gchar *path = g_build_filename(cache_dir, "rofi-entry-history.txt", NULL); if (g_file_test(path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { FILE *fp = fopen(path, "r"); if (fp) { char *line = NULL; size_t len = 0; ssize_t nread; while ((nread = getline(&line, &len, fp)) != -1) { CacheState.entry_history = g_realloc( CacheState.entry_history, sizeof(EntryHistoryIndex) * (CacheState.entry_history_length + 1)); if (line[nread - 1] == '\n') { line[nread - 1] = '\0'; nread--; } CacheState.entry_history[CacheState.entry_history_length].string = g_strdup(line); CacheState.entry_history[CacheState.entry_history_length].index = strlen(line); CacheState.entry_history_length++; CacheState.entry_history_index++; } free(line); fclose(fp); } } g_free(path); CacheState.entry_history = g_realloc( CacheState.entry_history, sizeof(EntryHistoryIndex) * (CacheState.entry_history_length + 1)); CacheState.entry_history[CacheState.entry_history_length].string = g_strdup(""); CacheState.entry_history[CacheState.entry_history_length].index = 0; CacheState.entry_history_length++; } void input_history_save(void) { if (CacheState.entry_history_enable == FALSE) { return; } if (CacheState.entry_history_length > 0) { // History max. int max_history = 20; ThemeWidget *wid = rofi_config_find_widget("entry", NULL, TRUE); if (wid) { Property *p = rofi_theme_find_property(wid, P_INTEGER, "max-history", TRUE); if (p != NULL && p->type == P_INTEGER) { max_history = p->value.i; } } gchar *path = g_build_filename(cache_dir, "rofi-entry-history.txt", NULL); g_debug("Entry filename output: '%s'", path); FILE *fp = fopen(path, "w"); if (fp) { gssize start = MAX(0, (CacheState.entry_history_length - max_history)); for (gssize i = start; i < CacheState.entry_history_length; i++) { if (strlen(CacheState.entry_history[i].string) > 0) { fprintf(fp, "%s\n", CacheState.entry_history[i].string); } } fclose(fp); } g_free(path); } // Cleanups. if (CacheState.entry_history != NULL) { for (ssize_t i = 0; i < CacheState.entry_history_length; i++) { g_free(CacheState.entry_history[i].string); } g_free(CacheState.entry_history); CacheState.entry_history = NULL; CacheState.entry_history_length = 0; CacheState.entry_history_index = 0; } } /** * Nav helper functions, to avoid duplicate code. */ /** * @param state The current RofiViewState * * Tab handling. */ static void rofi_view_nav_row_tab(RofiViewState *state) { if (state->filtered_lines == 1) { state->retv = MENU_OK; (state->selected_line) = state->line_map[listview_get_selected(state->list_view)]; state->quit = 1; return; } // Double tab! if (state->filtered_lines == 0 && ROW_TAB == state->prev_action) { state->retv = MENU_NEXT; (state->selected_line) = 0; state->quit = TRUE; } else { listview_nav_down(state->list_view); } state->prev_action = ROW_TAB; } /** * @param state The current RofiViewState * * complete current row. */ inline static void rofi_view_nav_row_select(RofiViewState *state) { if (state->list_view == NULL) { return; } unsigned int selected = listview_get_selected(state->list_view); // If a valid item is selected, return that.. if (selected < state->filtered_lines) { char *str = mode_get_completion(state->sw, state->line_map[selected]); textbox_text(state->text, str); g_free(str); textbox_keybinding(state->text, MOVE_END); state->refilter = TRUE; } } /** * @param state The current RofiViewState * * Move the selection to first row. */ inline static void rofi_view_nav_first(RofiViewState *state) { // state->selected = 0; listview_set_selected(state->list_view, 0); } /** * @param state The current RofiViewState * * Move the selection to last row. */ inline static void rofi_view_nav_last(RofiViewState *state) { // If no lines, do nothing. if (state->filtered_lines == 0) { return; } // state->selected = state->filtered_lines - 1; listview_set_selected(state->list_view, -1); } static void selection_changed_callback(G_GNUC_UNUSED listview *lv, unsigned int index, void *udata) { RofiViewState *state = (RofiViewState *)udata; if (state->tb_current_entry) { if (index < state->filtered_lines) { int fstate = 0; char *text = mode_get_display_value(state->sw, state->line_map[index], &fstate, NULL, TRUE); textbox_text(state->tb_current_entry, text); g_free(text); } else { textbox_text(state->tb_current_entry, ""); } } if (state->icon_current_entry) { if (index < state->filtered_lines) { int icon_height = widget_get_desired_height(WIDGET(state->icon_current_entry), WIDGET(state->icon_current_entry)->w); cairo_surface_t *icon = mode_get_icon(state->sw, state->line_map[index], icon_height); icon_set_surface(state->icon_current_entry, icon); } else { icon_set_surface(state->icon_current_entry, NULL); } } } static void update_callback(textbox *t, icon *ico, unsigned int index, void *udata, TextBoxFontType *type, gboolean full) { RofiViewState *state = (RofiViewState *)udata; if (full) { GList *add_list = NULL; int fstate = 0; char *text = mode_get_display_value(state->sw, state->line_map[index], &fstate, &add_list, TRUE); (*type) |= fstate; if (ico) { int icon_height = widget_get_desired_height(WIDGET(ico), WIDGET(ico)->w); cairo_surface_t *icon = mode_get_icon(state->sw, state->line_map[index], icon_height); icon_set_surface(ico, icon); } if (t) { // TODO needed for markup. textbox_font(t, *type); // Move into list view. textbox_text(t, text); PangoAttrList *list = textbox_get_pango_attributes(t); if (list != NULL) { pango_attr_list_ref(list); } else { list = pango_attr_list_new(); } if (state->tokens) { RofiHighlightColorStyle th = {ROFI_HL_BOLD | ROFI_HL_UNDERLINE, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}}; th = rofi_theme_get_highlight(WIDGET(t), "highlight", th); helper_token_match_get_pango_attr(th, state->tokens, textbox_get_visible_text(t), list); } for (GList *iter = g_list_first(add_list); iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next(iter)) { pango_attr_list_insert(list, (PangoAttribute *)(iter->data)); } textbox_set_pango_attributes(t, list); pango_attr_list_unref(list); } g_list_free(add_list); g_free(text); } else { // Never called. int fstate = 0; mode_get_display_value(state->sw, state->line_map[index], &fstate, NULL, FALSE); (*type) |= fstate; // TODO needed for markup. textbox_font(t, *type); } } static void _rofi_view_reload_row(RofiViewState *state) { g_free(state->line_map); g_free(state->distance); state->num_lines = mode_get_num_entries(state->sw); state->line_map = g_malloc0_n(state->num_lines, sizeof(unsigned int)); state->distance = g_malloc0_n(state->num_lines, sizeof(int)); listview_set_max_lines(state->list_view, state->num_lines); rofi_view_reload_message_bar(state); } static gboolean rofi_view_refilter_real(RofiViewState *state) { CacheState.refilter_timeout = 0; CacheState.refilter_timeout_count = 0; if (state->sw == NULL) { return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } GTimer *timer = g_timer_new(); TICK_N("Filter start"); if (state->reload) { _rofi_view_reload_row(state); state->reload = FALSE; } TICK_N("Filter reload rows"); if (state->tokens) { helper_tokenize_free(state->tokens); state->tokens = NULL; } TICK_N("Filter tokenize"); if (state->text && strlen(state->text->text) > 0) { listview_set_filtered(state->list_view, TRUE); unsigned int j = 0; gchar *pattern = mode_preprocess_input(state->sw, state->text->text); glong plen = pattern ? g_utf8_strlen(pattern, -1) : 0; state->tokens = helper_tokenize(pattern, config.case_sensitive); /** * On long lists it can be beneficial to parallelize. * If number of threads is 1, no thread is spawn. * If number of threads > 1 and there are enough (> 1000) items, spawn jobs * for the thread pool. For large lists with 8 threads I see a factor three * speedup of the whole function. */ unsigned int nt = MAX(1, state->num_lines / 500); // Limit the number of jobs, it could cause stack overflow if we don´t // limit. nt = MIN(nt, config.threads * 4); thread_state_view states[nt]; GCond cond; GMutex mutex; g_mutex_init(&mutex); g_cond_init(&cond); unsigned int count = nt; unsigned int steps = (state->num_lines + nt) / nt; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nt; i++) { states[i].state = state; states[i].start = i * steps; states[i].stop = MIN(state->num_lines, (i + 1) * steps); states[i].count = 0; states[i].cond = &cond; states[i].mutex = &mutex; states[i].acount = &count; states[i].plen = plen; states[i].pattern = pattern; states[i].st.callback = filter_elements; states[i].st.priority = G_PRIORITY_HIGH; if (i > 0) { g_thread_pool_push(tpool, &states[i], NULL); } } // Run one in this thread. rofi_view_call_thread(&states[0], NULL); // No need to do this with only one thread. if (nt > 1) { g_mutex_lock(&mutex); while (count > 0) { g_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex); } g_mutex_unlock(&mutex); } g_cond_clear(&cond); g_mutex_clear(&mutex); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nt; i++) { if (j != states[i].start) { memmove(&(state->line_map[j]), &(state->line_map[states[i].start]), sizeof(unsigned int) * (states[i].count)); } j += states[i].count; } if (config.sort) { g_qsort_with_data(state->line_map, j, sizeof(int), lev_sort, state->distance); } // Cleanup + bookkeeping. state->filtered_lines = j; g_free(pattern); double elapsed = g_timer_elapsed(timer, NULL); CacheState.max_refilter_time = elapsed; } else { listview_set_filtered(state->list_view, FALSE); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < state->num_lines; i++) { state->line_map[i] = i; } state->filtered_lines = state->num_lines; } TICK_N("Filter matching done"); listview_set_num_elements(state->list_view, state->filtered_lines); if (state->tb_filtered_rows) { char *r = g_strdup_printf("%u", state->filtered_lines); textbox_text(state->tb_filtered_rows, r); g_free(r); } if (state->tb_total_rows) { char *r = g_strdup_printf("%u", state->num_lines); textbox_text(state->tb_total_rows, r); g_free(r); } TICK_N("Update filter lines"); if (config.auto_select == TRUE && state->filtered_lines == 1 && state->num_lines > 1) { (state->selected_line) = state->line_map[listview_get_selected(state->list_view)]; state->retv = MENU_OK; state->quit = TRUE; } // Size the window. int height = rofi_view_calculate_window_height(state); if (height != state->height) { state->height = height; rofi_view_calculate_window_position(state); rofi_view_window_update_size(state); g_debug("Resize based on re-filter"); } TICK_N("Filter resize window based on window "); state->refilter = FALSE; TICK_N("Filter done"); rofi_view_update(state, TRUE); g_timer_destroy(timer); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } void rofi_view_refilter(RofiViewState *state) { CacheState.refilter_timeout_count++; if (CacheState.refilter_timeout != 0) { g_source_remove(CacheState.refilter_timeout); CacheState.refilter_timeout = 0; } if (CacheState.max_refilter_time > (config.refilter_timeout_limit / 1000.0) && state->text && strlen(state->text->text) > 0 && CacheState.refilter_timeout_count < 25) { if (CacheState.delayed_mode == FALSE) { g_warning( "Filtering took %f seconds ( %f ), switching to delayed filter\n", CacheState.max_refilter_time, config.refilter_timeout_limit / 1000.0); CacheState.delayed_mode = TRUE; } CacheState.refilter_timeout = g_timeout_add(200, (GSourceFunc)rofi_view_refilter_real, state); } else { if (CacheState.delayed_mode == TRUE && state->text && strlen(state->text->text) > 0 && CacheState.refilter_timeout_count < 25) { g_warning( "Filtering took %f seconds , switching back to instant filter\n", CacheState.max_refilter_time); CacheState.delayed_mode = FALSE; } rofi_view_refilter_real(state); } } static void rofi_view_refilter_force(RofiViewState *state) { if (CacheState.refilter_timeout != 0) { g_source_remove(CacheState.refilter_timeout); CacheState.refilter_timeout = 0; } if (state->refilter) { rofi_view_refilter_real(state); } } /** * @param state The Menu Handle * * Check if a finalize function is set, and if sets executes it. */ void process_result(RofiViewState *state); void rofi_view_finalize(RofiViewState *state) { if (state && state->finalize != NULL) { state->finalize(state); } } /** * This function should be called when the input of the entry is changed. * TODO: Evaluate if this needs to be a 'signal' on textbox? */ static void rofi_view_input_changed(void) { rofi_view_take_action("inputchange"); RofiViewState *state = current_active_menu; if (CacheState.entry_history_enable && state) { if (CacheState.entry_history[CacheState.entry_history_index].string != NULL) { g_free(CacheState.entry_history[CacheState.entry_history_index].string); } CacheState.entry_history[CacheState.entry_history_index].string = textbox_get_text(state->text); CacheState.entry_history[CacheState.entry_history_index].index = textbox_get_cursor(state->text); } } static void rofi_view_trigger_global_action(KeyBindingAction action) { RofiViewState *state = rofi_view_get_active(); switch (action) { // Handling of paste case PASTE_PRIMARY: #ifdef ENABLE_XCB if (config.backend == DISPLAY_XCB) { xcb_convert_selection(xcb->connection, CacheState.main_window, XCB_ATOM_PRIMARY, xcb->ewmh.UTF8_STRING, xcb->ewmh.UTF8_STRING, XCB_CURRENT_TIME); xcb_flush(xcb->connection); } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_WAYLAND if (config.backend == DISPLAY_WAYLAND) { char *d = display_get_clipboard_data(CLIPBOARD_PRIMARY); if (d != NULL) { rofi_view_handle_text(current_active_menu, d); } } #endif break; case PASTE_SECONDARY: #ifdef ENABLE_XCB if (config.backend == DISPLAY_XCB) { xcb_convert_selection(xcb->connection, CacheState.main_window, netatoms[CLIPBOARD], xcb->ewmh.UTF8_STRING, xcb->ewmh.UTF8_STRING, XCB_CURRENT_TIME); xcb_flush(xcb->connection); } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_WAYLAND if (config.backend == DISPLAY_WAYLAND) { char *d = display_get_clipboard_data(CLIPBOARD_DEFAULT); if (d != NULL) { rofi_view_handle_text(current_active_menu, d); } } #endif break; case COPY_SECONDARY: { char *data = NULL; unsigned int selected = listview_get_selected(state->list_view); if (selected < state->filtered_lines) { data = mode_get_completion(state->sw, state->line_map[selected]); } else if (state->text && state->text->text) { data = g_strdup(state->text->text); } if (data) { #ifdef ENABLE_XCB if (config.backend == DISPLAY_XCB) { xcb_stuff_set_clipboard(data); xcb_set_selection_owner(xcb->connection, CacheState.main_window, netatoms[CLIPBOARD], XCB_CURRENT_TIME); xcb_flush(xcb->connection); } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_WAYLAND if (config.backend == DISPLAY_WAYLAND) { // TODO } #endif } } break; case SCREENSHOT: rofi_capture_screenshot(); break; case CHANGE_ELLIPSIZE: if (state->list_view) { listview_toggle_ellipsizing(state->list_view); } break; case TOGGLE_SORT: if (state->case_indicator != NULL) { config.sort = !config.sort; state->refilter = TRUE; textbox_text(state->case_indicator, get_matching_state()); } break; case MODE_PREVIOUS: state->retv = MENU_PREVIOUS; (state->selected_line) = 0; state->quit = TRUE; break; // Menu navigation. case MODE_NEXT: state->retv = MENU_NEXT; (state->selected_line) = 0; state->quit = TRUE; break; case MODE_COMPLETE: { unsigned int selected = listview_get_selected(state->list_view); state->selected_line = UINT32_MAX; if (selected < state->filtered_lines) { state->selected_line = state->line_map[selected]; } state->retv = MENU_COMPLETE; state->quit = TRUE; break; } // Toggle case sensitivity. case TOGGLE_CASE_SENSITIVITY: if (state->case_indicator != NULL) { config.case_sensitive = !config.case_sensitive; (state->selected_line) = 0; state->refilter = TRUE; textbox_text(state->case_indicator, get_matching_state()); } break; // Special delete entry command. case DELETE_ENTRY: { unsigned int selected = listview_get_selected(state->list_view); if (selected < state->filtered_lines) { (state->selected_line) = state->line_map[selected]; state->retv = MENU_ENTRY_DELETE; state->quit = TRUE; } break; } case SELECT_ELEMENT_1: case SELECT_ELEMENT_2: case SELECT_ELEMENT_3: case SELECT_ELEMENT_4: case SELECT_ELEMENT_5: case SELECT_ELEMENT_6: case SELECT_ELEMENT_7: case SELECT_ELEMENT_8: case SELECT_ELEMENT_9: case SELECT_ELEMENT_10: { unsigned int index = action - SELECT_ELEMENT_1; if (index < state->filtered_lines) { state->selected_line = state->line_map[index]; state->retv = MENU_OK; state->quit = TRUE; } break; } case CUSTOM_1: case CUSTOM_2: case CUSTOM_3: case CUSTOM_4: case CUSTOM_5: case CUSTOM_6: case CUSTOM_7: case CUSTOM_8: case CUSTOM_9: case CUSTOM_10: case CUSTOM_11: case CUSTOM_12: case CUSTOM_13: case CUSTOM_14: case CUSTOM_15: case CUSTOM_16: case CUSTOM_17: case CUSTOM_18: case CUSTOM_19: { state->selected_line = UINT32_MAX; unsigned int selected = listview_get_selected(state->list_view); if (selected < state->filtered_lines) { (state->selected_line) = state->line_map[selected]; } state->retv = MENU_CUSTOM_COMMAND | ((action - CUSTOM_1) & MENU_LOWER_MASK); state->quit = TRUE; break; } // If you add a binding here, make sure to add it to // rofi_view_keyboard_navigation too case CANCEL: state->retv = MENU_CANCEL; state->quit = TRUE; break; case ELEMENT_NEXT: listview_nav_next(state->list_view); break; case ELEMENT_PREV: listview_nav_prev(state->list_view); break; case ROW_UP: listview_nav_up(state->list_view); break; case ROW_TAB: rofi_view_nav_row_tab(state); break; case ROW_DOWN: listview_nav_down(state->list_view); break; case ROW_LEFT: listview_nav_left(state->list_view); break; case ROW_RIGHT: listview_nav_right(state->list_view); break; case PAGE_PREV: listview_nav_page_prev(state->list_view); break; case PAGE_NEXT: listview_nav_page_next(state->list_view); break; case ROW_FIRST: rofi_view_nav_first(state); break; case ROW_LAST: rofi_view_nav_last(state); break; case ROW_SELECT: rofi_view_nav_row_select(state); break; // If you add a binding here, make sure to add it to textbox_keybinding too case MOVE_CHAR_BACK: { if (textbox_keybinding(state->text, action) == 0) { listview_nav_left(state->list_view); } break; } case MOVE_CHAR_FORWARD: { if (textbox_keybinding(state->text, action) == 0) { listview_nav_right(state->list_view); } break; } case CLEAR_LINE: case MOVE_FRONT: case MOVE_END: case REMOVE_TO_EOL: case REMOVE_TO_SOL: case REMOVE_WORD_BACK: case REMOVE_WORD_FORWARD: case REMOVE_CHAR_FORWARD: case MOVE_WORD_BACK: case MOVE_WORD_FORWARD: case REMOVE_CHAR_BACK: { int rc = textbox_keybinding(state->text, action); if (rc == 1) { // Entry changed. state->refilter = TRUE; rofi_view_input_changed(); } else if (rc == 2) { // Movement. } break; } case ACCEPT_ALT: { rofi_view_refilter_force(state); unsigned int selected = listview_get_selected(state->list_view); state->selected_line = UINT32_MAX; if (selected < state->filtered_lines) { (state->selected_line) = state->line_map[selected]; state->retv = MENU_OK; } else { // Nothing entered and nothing selected. state->retv = MENU_CUSTOM_INPUT; } state->retv |= MENU_CUSTOM_ACTION; state->quit = TRUE; break; } case ACCEPT_CUSTOM: { rofi_view_refilter_force(state); state->selected_line = UINT32_MAX; state->retv = MENU_CUSTOM_INPUT; state->quit = TRUE; break; } case ACCEPT_CUSTOM_ALT: { rofi_view_refilter_force(state); state->selected_line = UINT32_MAX; state->retv = MENU_CUSTOM_INPUT | MENU_CUSTOM_ACTION; state->quit = TRUE; break; } case ACCEPT_ENTRY: { rofi_view_refilter_force(state); // If a valid item is selected, return that.. unsigned int selected = listview_get_selected(state->list_view); state->selected_line = UINT32_MAX; if (selected < state->filtered_lines) { (state->selected_line) = state->line_map[selected]; state->retv = MENU_OK; } else { // Nothing entered and nothing selected. state->retv = MENU_CUSTOM_INPUT; } state->quit = TRUE; break; } case ENTRY_HISTORY_DOWN: { if (CacheState.entry_history_enable && state->text) { CacheState.entry_history[CacheState.entry_history_index].index = textbox_get_cursor(state->text); if (CacheState.entry_history_index > 0) { CacheState.entry_history_index--; } if (state->text) { textbox_text( state->text, CacheState.entry_history[CacheState.entry_history_index].string); textbox_cursor( state->text, CacheState.entry_history[CacheState.entry_history_index].index); state->refilter = TRUE; } } break; } case ENTRY_HISTORY_UP: { if (CacheState.entry_history_enable && state->text) { if (CacheState.entry_history[CacheState.entry_history_index].string != NULL) { g_free(CacheState.entry_history[CacheState.entry_history_index].string); } CacheState.entry_history[CacheState.entry_history_index].string = textbox_get_text(state->text); CacheState.entry_history[CacheState.entry_history_index].index = textbox_get_cursor(state->text); // Don't create up if current is empty. if (strlen( CacheState.entry_history[CacheState.entry_history_index].string) > 0) { CacheState.entry_history_index++; if (CacheState.entry_history_index >= CacheState.entry_history_length) { CacheState.entry_history = g_realloc(CacheState.entry_history, sizeof(EntryHistoryIndex) * (CacheState.entry_history_length + 1)); CacheState.entry_history[CacheState.entry_history_length].string = g_strdup(""); CacheState.entry_history[CacheState.entry_history_length].index = 0; CacheState.entry_history_length++; } } textbox_text( state->text, CacheState.entry_history[CacheState.entry_history_index].string); textbox_cursor( state->text, CacheState.entry_history[CacheState.entry_history_index].index); state->refilter = TRUE; } break; } } } gboolean rofi_view_check_action(RofiViewState *state, BindingsScope scope, guint action) { switch (scope) { case SCOPE_GLOBAL: return TRUE; case SCOPE_MOUSE_LISTVIEW: case SCOPE_MOUSE_LISTVIEW_ELEMENT: case SCOPE_MOUSE_EDITBOX: case SCOPE_MOUSE_SCROLLBAR: case SCOPE_MOUSE_MODE_SWITCHER: { gint x = state->mouse.x, y = state->mouse.y; widget *target = widget_find_mouse_target(WIDGET(state->main_window), (WidgetType)scope, x, y); if (target == NULL) { return FALSE; } widget_xy_to_relative(target, &x, &y); switch (widget_check_action(target, action, x, y)) { case WIDGET_TRIGGER_ACTION_RESULT_IGNORED: return FALSE; case WIDGET_TRIGGER_ACTION_RESULT_GRAB_MOTION_END: case WIDGET_TRIGGER_ACTION_RESULT_GRAB_MOTION_BEGIN: case WIDGET_TRIGGER_ACTION_RESULT_HANDLED: return TRUE; } break; } } return FALSE; } void rofi_view_trigger_action(RofiViewState *state, BindingsScope scope, guint action) { rofi_view_set_user_timeout(NULL); switch (scope) { case SCOPE_GLOBAL: rofi_view_trigger_global_action(action); return; case SCOPE_MOUSE_LISTVIEW: case SCOPE_MOUSE_LISTVIEW_ELEMENT: case SCOPE_MOUSE_EDITBOX: case SCOPE_MOUSE_SCROLLBAR: case SCOPE_MOUSE_MODE_SWITCHER: { gint x = state->mouse.x, y = state->mouse.y; // If we already captured a motion, always forward action to this widget. widget *target = state->mouse.motion_target; // If we have not a previous captured motion, lookup widget. if (target == NULL) { target = widget_find_mouse_target(WIDGET(state->main_window), (WidgetType)scope, x, y); } if (target == NULL) { return; } widget_xy_to_relative(target, &x, &y); switch (widget_trigger_action(target, action, x, y)) { case WIDGET_TRIGGER_ACTION_RESULT_IGNORED: return; case WIDGET_TRIGGER_ACTION_RESULT_GRAB_MOTION_END: target = NULL; /* FALLTHRU */ case WIDGET_TRIGGER_ACTION_RESULT_GRAB_MOTION_BEGIN: state->mouse.motion_target = target; /* FALLTHRU */ case WIDGET_TRIGGER_ACTION_RESULT_HANDLED: return; } break; } } } void rofi_view_handle_text(RofiViewState *state, char *text) { if (textbox_append_text(state->text, text, strlen(text))) { state->refilter = TRUE; rofi_view_input_changed(); } } #if 0 static X11CursorType rofi_cursor_type_to_x11_cursor_type ( RofiCursorType type ) { switch ( type ) { case ROFI_CURSOR_DEFAULT: return CURSOR_DEFAULT; case ROFI_CURSOR_POINTER: return CURSOR_POINTER; case ROFI_CURSOR_TEXT: return CURSOR_TEXT; } return CURSOR_DEFAULT; } #endif static RofiCursorType rofi_view_resolve_cursor(RofiViewState *state, gint x, gint y) { widget *target = widget_find_mouse_target(WIDGET(state->main_window), WIDGET_TYPE_UNKNOWN, x, y); return target != NULL ? target->cursor_type : ROFI_CURSOR_DEFAULT; } void rofi_view_handle_mouse_motion(RofiViewState *state, gint x, gint y, gboolean find_mouse_target) { state->mouse.x = x; state->mouse.y = y; RofiCursorType cursor_type = rofi_view_resolve_cursor(state, x, y); rofi_view_set_cursor(cursor_type); if (find_mouse_target) { widget *target = widget_find_mouse_target( WIDGET(state->main_window), WIDGET_TYPE_LISTVIEW_ELEMENT, x, y); if (target != NULL) { state->mouse.motion_target = target; } } if (state->mouse.motion_target != NULL) { widget_xy_to_relative(state->mouse.motion_target, &x, &y); widget_motion_notify(state->mouse.motion_target, x, y); if (find_mouse_target) { state->mouse.motion_target = NULL; } } } WidgetTriggerActionResult textbox_button_trigger_action( widget *wid, MouseBindingMouseDefaultAction action, G_GNUC_UNUSED gint x, G_GNUC_UNUSED gint y, G_GNUC_UNUSED void *user_data) { RofiViewState *state = (RofiViewState *)user_data; switch (action) { case MOUSE_CLICK_DOWN: { const char *type = rofi_theme_get_string(wid, "action", NULL); if (type) { if (state->list_view) { (state->selected_line) = state->line_map[listview_get_selected(state->list_view)]; } else { (state->selected_line) = UINT32_MAX; } guint id = key_binding_get_action_from_name(type); if (id != UINT32_MAX) { rofi_view_trigger_global_action(id); } state->skip_absorb = TRUE; return WIDGET_TRIGGER_ACTION_RESULT_HANDLED; } } case MOUSE_CLICK_UP: case MOUSE_DCLICK_DOWN: case MOUSE_DCLICK_UP: break; } return WIDGET_TRIGGER_ACTION_RESULT_IGNORED; } static WidgetTriggerActionResult textbox_sidebar_modes_trigger_action( widget *wid, MouseBindingMouseDefaultAction action, G_GNUC_UNUSED gint x, G_GNUC_UNUSED gint y, G_GNUC_UNUSED void *user_data) { RofiViewState *state = (RofiViewState *)user_data; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < state->num_modes; i++) { if (WIDGET(state->modes[i]) == wid) { break; } } if (i == state->num_modes) { return WIDGET_TRIGGER_ACTION_RESULT_IGNORED; } switch (action) { case MOUSE_CLICK_DOWN: state->retv = MENU_QUICK_SWITCH | (i & MENU_LOWER_MASK); state->quit = TRUE; state->skip_absorb = TRUE; return WIDGET_TRIGGER_ACTION_RESULT_HANDLED; case MOUSE_CLICK_UP: case MOUSE_DCLICK_DOWN: case MOUSE_DCLICK_UP: break; } return WIDGET_TRIGGER_ACTION_RESULT_IGNORED; } // @TODO don't like this construction. static void rofi_view_listview_mouse_activated_cb(listview *lv, gboolean custom, void *udata) { RofiViewState *state = (RofiViewState *)udata; state->retv = MENU_OK; if (custom) { state->retv |= MENU_CUSTOM_ACTION; } (state->selected_line) = state->line_map[listview_get_selected(lv)]; // Quit state->quit = TRUE; state->skip_absorb = TRUE; } static void rofi_view_add_widget(RofiViewState *state, widget *parent_widget, const char *name) { char *defaults = NULL; widget *wid = NULL; /** * MAINBOX */ if (strcmp(name, "mainbox") == 0) { wid = (widget *)box_create(parent_widget, name, ROFI_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL); box_add((box *)parent_widget, WIDGET(wid), TRUE); if (config.sidebar_mode) { defaults = "inputbar,message,listview,mode-switcher"; } else { defaults = "inputbar,message,listview"; } } /** * INPUTBAR */ else if (strcmp(name, "inputbar") == 0) { wid = (widget *)box_create(parent_widget, name, ROFI_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL); defaults = "prompt,entry,overlay,case-indicator"; box_add((box *)parent_widget, WIDGET(wid), FALSE); } /** * PROMPT */ else if (strcmp(name, "prompt") == 0) { if (state->prompt != NULL) { g_error("Prompt widget can only be added once to the layout."); return; } // Prompt box. state->prompt = textbox_create(parent_widget, WIDGET_TYPE_TEXTBOX_TEXT, name, TB_AUTOWIDTH | TB_AUTOHEIGHT, NORMAL, "", 0, 0); rofi_view_update_prompt(state); box_add((box *)parent_widget, WIDGET(state->prompt), FALSE); defaults = NULL; } else if (strcmp(name, "num-rows") == 0) { state->tb_total_rows = textbox_create(parent_widget, WIDGET_TYPE_TEXTBOX_TEXT, name, TB_AUTOWIDTH | TB_AUTOHEIGHT, NORMAL, "", 0, 0); box_add((box *)parent_widget, WIDGET(state->tb_total_rows), FALSE); defaults = NULL; } else if (strcmp(name, "num-filtered-rows") == 0) { state->tb_filtered_rows = textbox_create(parent_widget, WIDGET_TYPE_TEXTBOX_TEXT, name, TB_AUTOWIDTH | TB_AUTOHEIGHT, NORMAL, "", 0, 0); box_add((box *)parent_widget, WIDGET(state->tb_filtered_rows), FALSE); defaults = NULL; } else if (strcmp(name, "textbox-current-entry") == 0) { state->tb_current_entry = textbox_create(parent_widget, WIDGET_TYPE_TEXTBOX_TEXT, name, TB_MARKUP | TB_AUTOHEIGHT, NORMAL, "", 0, 0); box_add((box *)parent_widget, WIDGET(state->tb_current_entry), FALSE); defaults = NULL; } else if (strcmp(name, "icon-current-entry") == 0) { state->icon_current_entry = icon_create(parent_widget, name); box_add((box *)parent_widget, WIDGET(state->icon_current_entry), FALSE); defaults = NULL; } /** * CASE INDICATOR */ else if (strcmp(name, "case-indicator") == 0) { if (state->case_indicator != NULL) { g_error("Case indicator widget can only be added once to the layout."); return; } state->case_indicator = textbox_create(parent_widget, WIDGET_TYPE_TEXTBOX_TEXT, name, TB_AUTOWIDTH | TB_AUTOHEIGHT, NORMAL, "*", 0, 0); // Add small separator between case indicator and text box. box_add((box *)parent_widget, WIDGET(state->case_indicator), FALSE); textbox_text(state->case_indicator, get_matching_state()); } /** * ENTRY BOX */ else if (strcmp(name, "entry") == 0) { if (state->text != NULL) { g_error("Entry textbox widget can only be added once to the layout."); return; } // Entry box TextboxFlags tfl = TB_EDITABLE; tfl |= ((state->menu_flags & MENU_PASSWORD) == MENU_PASSWORD) ? TB_PASSWORD : 0; state->text = textbox_create(parent_widget, WIDGET_TYPE_EDITBOX, name, tfl | TB_AUTOHEIGHT, NORMAL, NULL, 0, 0); box_add((box *)parent_widget, WIDGET(state->text), TRUE); } /** * MESSAGE */ else if (strcmp(name, "message") == 0) { if (state->mesg_box != NULL) { g_error("Message widget can only be added once to the layout."); return; } state->mesg_box = container_create(parent_widget, name); state->mesg_tb = textbox_create( WIDGET(state->mesg_box), WIDGET_TYPE_TEXTBOX_TEXT, "textbox", TB_AUTOHEIGHT | TB_MARKUP | TB_WRAP, NORMAL, NULL, 0, 0); container_add(state->mesg_box, WIDGET(state->mesg_tb)); rofi_view_reload_message_bar(state); box_add((box *)parent_widget, WIDGET(state->mesg_box), FALSE); } /** * LISTVIEW */ else if (strcmp(name, "listview") == 0) { if (state->list_view != NULL) { g_error("Listview widget can only be added once to the layout."); return; } state->list_view = listview_create(parent_widget, name, update_callback, state, config.element_height, 0); listview_set_selection_changed_callback( state->list_view, selection_changed_callback, (void *)state); box_add((box *)parent_widget, WIDGET(state->list_view), TRUE); listview_set_scroll_type(state->list_view, config.scroll_method); listview_set_mouse_activated_cb( state->list_view, rofi_view_listview_mouse_activated_cb, state); listview_set_max_lines(state->list_view, state->num_lines); } /** * MODE SWITCHER */ else if (strcmp(name, "mode-switcher") == 0 || strcmp(name, "sidebar") == 0) { if (state->sidebar_bar != NULL) { g_error("Mode-switcher can only be added once to the layout."); return; } state->sidebar_bar = box_create(parent_widget, name, ROFI_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL); box_add((box *)parent_widget, WIDGET(state->sidebar_bar), FALSE); state->num_modes = rofi_get_num_enabled_modes(); state->modes = g_malloc0(state->num_modes * sizeof(textbox *)); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < state->num_modes; j++) { const Mode *mode = rofi_get_mode(j); state->modes[j] = textbox_create( WIDGET(state->sidebar_bar), WIDGET_TYPE_MODE_SWITCHER, "button", TB_AUTOHEIGHT, (mode == state->sw) ? HIGHLIGHT : NORMAL, mode_get_display_name(mode), 0.5, 0.5); box_add(state->sidebar_bar, WIDGET(state->modes[j]), TRUE); widget_set_trigger_action_handler( WIDGET(state->modes[j]), textbox_sidebar_modes_trigger_action, state); } } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(name, "overlay") == 0) { state->overlay = textbox_create( WIDGET(parent_widget), WIDGET_TYPE_TEXTBOX_TEXT, "overlay", TB_AUTOWIDTH | TB_AUTOHEIGHT, URGENT, "blaat", 0.5, 0); box_add((box *)parent_widget, WIDGET(state->overlay), FALSE); widget_disable(WIDGET(state->overlay)); } else if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(name, "textbox", 7) == 0) { textbox *t = textbox_create(parent_widget, WIDGET_TYPE_TEXTBOX_TEXT, name, TB_AUTOHEIGHT | TB_WRAP, NORMAL, "", 0, 0); box_add((box *)parent_widget, WIDGET(t), TRUE); } else if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(name, "button", 6) == 0) { textbox *t = textbox_create(parent_widget, WIDGET_TYPE_EDITBOX, name, TB_AUTOHEIGHT | TB_WRAP, NORMAL, "", 0, 0); box_add((box *)parent_widget, WIDGET(t), TRUE); widget_set_trigger_action_handler(WIDGET(t), textbox_button_trigger_action, state); } else if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(name, "icon", 4) == 0) { icon *t = icon_create(parent_widget, name); /* small hack to make it clickable */ const char *type = rofi_theme_get_string(WIDGET(t), "action", NULL); if (type) { WIDGET(t)->type = WIDGET_TYPE_EDITBOX; } box_add((box *)parent_widget, WIDGET(t), TRUE); widget_set_trigger_action_handler(WIDGET(t), textbox_button_trigger_action, state); } else { wid = (widget *)box_create(parent_widget, name, ROFI_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL); box_add((box *)parent_widget, WIDGET(wid), TRUE); // g_error("The widget %s does not exists. Invalid layout.", name); } if (wid) { GList *list = rofi_theme_get_list_strings(wid, "children"); if (list == NULL) { if (defaults) { char **a = g_strsplit(defaults, ",", 0); for (int i = 0; a && a[i]; i++) { rofi_view_add_widget(state, wid, a[i]); } g_strfreev(a); } } else { for (const GList *iter = g_list_first(list); iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next(iter)) { rofi_view_add_widget(state, wid, (const char *)iter->data); } g_list_free_full(list, g_free); } } } RofiViewState *rofi_view_create(Mode *sw, const char *input, MenuFlags menu_flags, void (*finalize)(RofiViewState *)) { TICK(); RofiViewState *state = __rofi_view_state_create(); state->menu_flags = menu_flags; state->sw = sw; state->selected_line = UINT32_MAX; state->retv = MENU_CANCEL; state->distance = NULL; state->quit = FALSE; state->skip_absorb = FALSE; // We want to filter on the first run. state->refilter = TRUE; state->finalize = finalize; state->mouse_seen = FALSE; // Request the lines to show. state->num_lines = mode_get_num_entries(sw); if (state->sw) { char *title = g_strdup_printf("rofi - %s", mode_get_display_name(state->sw)); rofi_view_set_window_title(title); g_free(title); } else { rofi_view_set_window_title("rofi"); } TICK_N("Startup notification"); // Get active monitor size. TICK_N("Get active monitor"); state->main_window = box_create(NULL, "window", ROFI_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL); // Get children. GList *list = rofi_theme_get_list_strings(WIDGET(state->main_window), "children"); if (list == NULL) { rofi_view_add_widget(state, WIDGET(state->main_window), "mainbox"); } else { for (const GList *iter = list; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next(iter)) { rofi_view_add_widget(state, WIDGET(state->main_window), (const char *)iter->data); } g_list_free_full(list, g_free); } if (state->text && input) { textbox_text(state->text, input); textbox_cursor_end(state->text); } // filtered list state->line_map = g_malloc0_n(state->num_lines, sizeof(unsigned int)); state->distance = (int *)g_malloc0_n(state->num_lines, sizeof(int)); rofi_view_calculate_window_width(state); // Only needed when window is fixed size. if ((CacheState.flags & MENU_NORMAL_WINDOW) == MENU_NORMAL_WINDOW) { listview_set_fixed_num_lines(state->list_view); } state->height = rofi_view_calculate_window_height(state); // Move the window to the correct x,y position. rofi_view_calculate_window_position(state); rofi_view_window_update_size(state); state->quit = FALSE; rofi_view_refilter(state); rofi_view_update(state, TRUE); #ifdef ENABLE_XCB if (xcb->connection) { xcb_map_window(xcb->connection, CacheState.main_window); } #endif widget_queue_redraw(WIDGET(state->main_window)); rofi_view_ping_mouse(state); #ifdef ENABLE_XCB if (xcb->connection) { xcb_flush(xcb->connection); } #endif rofi_view_set_user_timeout(NULL); /* When Override Redirect, the WM will not let us know we can take focus, so * just steal it */ if (((menu_flags & MENU_NORMAL_WINDOW) == 0)) { display_set_input_focus(CacheState.main_window); } #ifdef ENABLE_XCB if (xcb->sncontext != NULL) { sn_launchee_context_complete(xcb->sncontext); } #endif return state; } int rofi_view_error_dialog(const char *msg, int markup) { RofiViewState *state = __rofi_view_state_create(); state->retv = MENU_CANCEL; state->menu_flags = MENU_ERROR_DIALOG; state->finalize = process_result; state->main_window = box_create(NULL, "window", ROFI_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL); box *box = box_create(WIDGET(state->main_window), "error-message", ROFI_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL); box_add(state->main_window, WIDGET(box), TRUE); state->text = textbox_create(WIDGET(box), WIDGET_TYPE_TEXTBOX_TEXT, "textbox", (TB_AUTOHEIGHT | TB_WRAP) + ((markup) ? TB_MARKUP : 0), NORMAL, (msg != NULL) ? msg : "", 0, 0); box_add(box, WIDGET(state->text), TRUE); // Make sure we enable fixed num lines when in normal window mode. if ((CacheState.flags & MENU_NORMAL_WINDOW) == MENU_NORMAL_WINDOW) { listview_set_fixed_num_lines(state->list_view); } rofi_view_calculate_window_width(state); state->height = rofi_view_calculate_window_height(state); // Calculate window position. rofi_view_calculate_window_position(state); // Move the window to the correct x,y position. rofi_view_window_update_size(state); #ifdef ENABLE_XCB // Display it. if (config.backend == DISPLAY_XCB) { xcb_map_window(xcb->connection, CacheState.main_window); } #endif widget_queue_redraw(WIDGET(state->main_window)); #ifdef ENABLE_XCB if (xcb->sncontext != NULL) { sn_launchee_context_complete(xcb->sncontext); } #endif // Set it as current window. rofi_view_set_active(state); return TRUE; } static int rofi_thread_workers_sort(gconstpointer a,gconstpointer b, gpointer data G_GNUC_UNUSED) { thread_state *tsa = (thread_state *)a; thread_state *tsb = (thread_state *)b; // lower number is lower priority.. a is sorted above is a > b. return tsa->priority-tsb->priority; } void rofi_view_workers_initialize(void) { TICK_N("Setup Threadpool, start"); if (config.threads == 0) { config.threads = 1; long procs = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF); if (procs > 0) { config.threads = MIN(procs, 128l); } } // Create thread pool GError *error = NULL; tpool = g_thread_pool_new(rofi_view_call_thread, NULL, config.threads, FALSE, &error); if (error == NULL) { // Idle threads should stick around for a max of 60 seconds. g_thread_pool_set_max_idle_time(60000); // We are allowed to have g_thread_pool_set_max_threads(tpool, config.threads, &error); } // If error occurred during setup of pool, tell user and exit. if (error != NULL) { g_warning("Failed to setup thread pool: '%s'", error->message); g_error_free(error); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } g_thread_pool_set_sort_function(tpool, rofi_thread_workers_sort, NULL); TICK_N("Setup Threadpool, done"); } void rofi_view_workers_finalize(void) { if (tpool) { g_thread_pool_free(tpool, TRUE, TRUE); tpool = NULL; } } Mode *rofi_view_get_mode(RofiViewState *state) { return state->sw; } void rofi_view_set_overlay(RofiViewState *state, const char *text) { if (state->overlay == NULL || state->list_view == NULL) { return; } if (text == NULL) { widget_disable(WIDGET(state->overlay)); return; } widget_enable(WIDGET(state->overlay)); textbox_text(state->overlay, text); // We want to queue a repaint. rofi_view_queue_redraw(); } void rofi_view_clear_input(RofiViewState *state) { if (state->text) { textbox_text(state->text, ""); rofi_view_set_selected_line(state, 0); } } void rofi_view_ellipsize_listview(RofiViewState *state, PangoEllipsizeMode mode) { listview_set_ellipsize(state->list_view, mode); } void rofi_view_switch_mode(RofiViewState *state, Mode *mode) { state->sw = mode; // Update prompt; if (state->prompt) { rofi_view_update_prompt(state); } if (state->sw) { char *title = g_strdup_printf("rofi - %s", mode_get_display_name(state->sw)); rofi_view_set_window_title(title); g_free(title); } else { rofi_view_set_window_title("rofi"); } if (state->sidebar_bar) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < state->num_modes; j++) { const Mode *tb_mode = rofi_get_mode(j); textbox_font(state->modes[j], (tb_mode == state->sw) ? HIGHLIGHT : NORMAL); } } rofi_view_restart(state); state->reload = TRUE; state->refilter = TRUE; rofi_view_refilter_force(state); rofi_view_update(state, TRUE); } /** ------ */ void rofi_view_update(RofiViewState *state, gboolean qr) { proxy->update(state, qr); } void rofi_view_maybe_update(RofiViewState *state) { proxy->maybe_update(state); } void rofi_view_temp_configure_notify(RofiViewState *state, xcb_configure_notify_event_t *xce) { proxy->temp_configure_notify(state, xce); } void rofi_view_temp_click_to_exit(RofiViewState *state, xcb_window_t target) { proxy->temp_click_to_exit(state, target); } void rofi_view_frame_callback(void) { proxy->frame_callback(); } void rofi_view_queue_redraw(void) { proxy->queue_redraw(); } void rofi_view_set_window_title(const char *title) { proxy->set_window_title(title); } void rofi_view_calculate_window_position(RofiViewState *state) { proxy->calculate_window_position(state); } void rofi_view_calculate_window_width(struct RofiViewState *state) { proxy->calculate_window_width(state); } int rofi_view_calculate_window_height(RofiViewState *state) { return proxy->calculate_window_height(state); } void rofi_view_window_update_size(RofiViewState *state) { proxy->window_update_size(state); } void rofi_view_set_cursor(RofiCursorType type) { proxy->set_cursor(type); } void rofi_view_cleanup(void) { proxy->cleanup(); } void rofi_view_hide(void) { proxy->hide(); } void rofi_view_reload(void) { proxy->reload(); } void __create_window(MenuFlags menu_flags) { proxy->__create_window(menu_flags); } xcb_window_t rofi_view_get_window(void) { return proxy->get_window(); } void rofi_view_get_current_monitor(int *width, int *height) { proxy->get_current_monitor(width, height); } void rofi_view_set_size(RofiViewState *state, gint width, gint height) { proxy->set_size(state, width, height); } void rofi_view_get_size(RofiViewState *state, gint *width, gint *height) { proxy->get_size(state, width, height); } void rofi_view_ping_mouse(RofiViewState *state) { proxy->ping_mouse(state); } void rofi_view_pool_refresh(void) { proxy->pool_refresh(); }