/* * rofi * * MIT/X11 License * Copyright © 2013-2017 Qball Cow * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "settings.h" #include "theme.h" #define DEFAULT_SPACING 2 typedef enum { LISTVIEW = ROFI_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, BARVIEW = ROFI_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, } ViewType; typedef enum { LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 0, RIGHT_TO_LEFT = 1 } MoveDirection; struct _listview { widget widget; ViewType type; // RChanged // Text needs to be repainted. unsigned int rchanged; // Administration unsigned int cur_page; unsigned int last_offset; unsigned int selected; unsigned int element_height; unsigned int element_width; unsigned int max_rows; unsigned int max_elements; // unsigned int cur_columns; unsigned int req_elements; unsigned int cur_elements; RofiDistance spacing; unsigned int menu_lines; unsigned int max_displayed_lines; unsigned int menu_columns; unsigned int fixed_num_lines; unsigned int dynamic; unsigned int eh; unsigned int reverse; gboolean cycle; gboolean multi_select; ScrollType scroll_type; textbox **boxes; scrollbar *scrollbar; listview_update_callback callback; void *udata; gboolean scrollbar_scroll; xcb_timestamp_t last_click; listview_mouse_activated_cb mouse_activated; void *mouse_activated_data; char *listview_name; /** Barview */ struct { MoveDirection direction; unsigned int cur_visible; } barview; }; static int listview_get_desired_height ( widget *wid ); static void listview_free ( widget *wid ) { listview *lv = (listview *) wid; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < lv->cur_elements; i++ ) { widget_free ( WIDGET ( lv->boxes [i] ) ); } g_free ( lv->boxes ); g_free ( lv->listview_name ); widget_free ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ) ); g_free ( lv ); } static unsigned int scroll_per_page_barview ( listview *lv ) { unsigned int offset = lv->last_offset; // selected row is always visible. // If selected is visible do not scroll. if ( lv->selected < lv->last_offset ) { offset = lv->selected; lv->rchanged = TRUE; } else if ( lv->selected >= ( lv->last_offset + lv->barview.cur_visible ) ) { offset = lv->selected; lv->rchanged = TRUE; } return offset; } static unsigned int scroll_per_page ( listview * lv ) { int offset = 0; // selected row is always visible. // If selected is visible do not scroll. if ( ( ( lv->selected - ( lv->last_offset ) ) < ( lv->max_elements ) ) && ( lv->selected >= ( lv->last_offset ) ) ) { offset = lv->last_offset; } else{ // Do paginating unsigned int page = ( lv->max_elements > 0 ) ? ( lv->selected / lv->max_elements ) : 0; offset = page * lv->max_elements; if ( page != lv->cur_page ) { lv->cur_page = page; lv->rchanged = TRUE; } // Set the position //scrollbar_set_handle ( lv->scrollbar, page * lv->max_elements ); } return offset; } static unsigned int scroll_continious ( listview *lv ) { unsigned int middle = ( lv->max_rows - ( ( lv->max_rows & 1 ) == 0 ) ) / 2; unsigned int offset = 0; if ( lv->selected > middle ) { if ( lv->selected < ( lv->req_elements - ( lv->max_rows - middle ) ) ) { offset = lv->selected - middle; } // Don't go below zero. else if ( lv->req_elements > lv->max_rows ) { offset = lv->req_elements - lv->max_rows; } } if ( offset != lv->cur_page ) { //scrollbar_set_handle ( lv->scrollbar, offset ); lv->cur_page = offset; lv->rchanged = TRUE; } return offset; } static void update_element ( listview *lv, unsigned int tb, unsigned int index, gboolean full ) { // Select drawing mode TextBoxFontType type = ( index & 1 ) == 0 ? NORMAL : ALT; type = ( index ) == lv->selected ? HIGHLIGHT : type; if ( lv->callback ) { lv->callback ( lv->boxes[tb], index, lv->udata, type, full ); } } static void barview_draw ( widget *wid, cairo_t *draw ) { unsigned int offset = 0; listview *lv = (listview *) wid; offset = scroll_per_page_barview ( lv ); lv->last_offset = offset; int spacing_hori = distance_get_pixel ( lv->spacing, ROFI_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL ); int left_offset = widget_padding_get_left ( wid ); int right_offset = lv->widget.w - widget_padding_get_right ( wid ); int top_offset = widget_padding_get_top ( wid ); if ( lv->cur_elements > 0 ) { // Set new x/y possition. unsigned int max = MIN ( lv->cur_elements, lv->req_elements - offset ); if ( lv->rchanged ) { int first = TRUE; int width = lv->widget.w; lv->barview.cur_visible = 0; width -= widget_padding_get_padding_width ( wid ); if ( lv->barview.direction == LEFT_TO_RIGHT ) { for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < max && width > 0; i++ ) { update_element ( lv, i, i + offset, TRUE ); int twidth = textbox_get_desired_width ( WIDGET ( lv->boxes[i] ) ); if ( twidth >= width ) { if ( !first ) { break; } twidth = width; } textbox_moveresize ( lv->boxes[i], left_offset, top_offset, twidth, lv->element_height ); widget_draw ( WIDGET ( lv->boxes[i] ), draw ); width -= twidth + spacing_hori; left_offset += twidth + spacing_hori; first = FALSE; lv->barview.cur_visible++; } } else { for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < lv->cur_elements && width > 0 && i <= offset; i++ ) { update_element ( lv, i, offset - i, TRUE ); int twidth = textbox_get_desired_width ( WIDGET ( lv->boxes[i] ) ); if ( twidth >= width ) { if ( !first ) { break; } twidth = width; } right_offset -= twidth; textbox_moveresize ( lv->boxes[i], right_offset, top_offset, twidth, lv->element_height ); widget_draw ( WIDGET ( lv->boxes[i] ), draw ); width -= twidth + spacing_hori; right_offset -= spacing_hori; first = FALSE; lv->barview.cur_visible++; } offset -= lv->barview.cur_visible - 1; lv->last_offset = offset; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < ( lv->barview.cur_visible / 2 ); i++ ) { void * temp = lv->boxes[i]; int sw = lv->barview.cur_visible - i - 1; lv->boxes[i] = lv->boxes[sw]; lv->boxes[sw] = temp; } } lv->rchanged = FALSE; } else { for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < lv->barview.cur_visible; i++ ) { update_element ( lv, i, i + offset, FALSE ); widget_draw ( WIDGET ( lv->boxes[i] ), draw ); } } } } static void listview_draw ( widget *wid, cairo_t *draw ) { unsigned int offset = 0; listview *lv = (listview *) wid; if ( lv->scroll_type == LISTVIEW_SCROLL_CONTINIOUS ) { offset = scroll_continious ( lv ); } else { offset = scroll_per_page ( lv ); } // Set these all together to make sure they update consistently. scrollbar_set_max_value ( lv->scrollbar, lv->req_elements ); scrollbar_set_handle_length ( lv->scrollbar, lv->cur_columns * lv->max_rows ); if ( lv->reverse ) { scrollbar_set_handle ( lv->scrollbar, lv->req_elements - lv->selected - 1 ); } else { scrollbar_set_handle ( lv->scrollbar, lv->selected ); } lv->last_offset = offset; int spacing_vert = distance_get_pixel ( lv->spacing, ROFI_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL ); int spacing_hori = distance_get_pixel ( lv->spacing, ROFI_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL ); int left_offset = widget_padding_get_left ( wid ); int top_offset = widget_padding_get_top ( wid ); /* if ( lv->scrollbar->widget.index == 0 ) { left_offset += spacing_hori + lv->scrollbar->widget.w; } */ if ( lv->cur_elements > 0 && lv->max_rows > 0 ) { // Set new x/y possition. unsigned int max = MIN ( lv->cur_elements, lv->req_elements - offset ); if ( lv->rchanged ) { unsigned int width = lv->widget.w - spacing_hori * ( lv->cur_columns - 1 ); width -= widget_padding_get_padding_width ( wid ); if ( widget_enabled ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ) ) ) { width -= spacing_hori; width -= widget_get_width ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ) ); } unsigned int element_width = ( width ) / lv->cur_columns; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < max; i++ ) { unsigned int ex = left_offset + ( ( i ) / lv->max_rows ) * ( element_width + spacing_hori ); if ( lv->reverse ) { unsigned int ey = wid->h - ( widget_padding_get_bottom ( wid ) + ( ( i ) % lv->max_rows ) * ( lv->element_height + spacing_vert ) ) - lv->element_height; textbox_moveresize ( lv->boxes[i], ex, ey, element_width, lv->element_height ); } else { unsigned int ey = top_offset + ( ( i ) % lv->max_rows ) * ( lv->element_height + spacing_vert ); textbox_moveresize ( lv->boxes[i], ex, ey, element_width, lv->element_height ); } update_element ( lv, i, i + offset, TRUE ); widget_draw ( WIDGET ( lv->boxes[i] ), draw ); } lv->rchanged = FALSE; } else { for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < max; i++ ) { update_element ( lv, i, i + offset, FALSE ); widget_draw ( WIDGET ( lv->boxes[i] ), draw ); } } } widget_draw ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ), draw ); } static WidgetTriggerActionResult listview_element_trigger_action ( widget *wid, MouseBindingListviewElementAction action, gint x, gint y, void *user_data ); static void _listview_draw ( widget *wid, cairo_t *draw ) { listview *lv = (listview *) wid; if ( lv->type == LISTVIEW ) { listview_draw ( wid, draw ); } else { barview_draw ( wid, draw ); } } static void listview_recompute_elements ( listview *lv ) { unsigned int newne = 0; if ( lv->max_rows == 0 ) { return; } if ( lv->req_elements < lv->max_elements ) { newne = lv->req_elements; lv->cur_columns = ( lv->req_elements + ( lv->max_rows - 1 ) ) / lv->max_rows; } else { newne = lv->max_elements; lv->cur_columns = lv->menu_columns; } for ( unsigned int i = newne; i < lv->cur_elements; i++ ) { widget_free ( WIDGET ( lv->boxes[i] ) ); } lv->boxes = g_realloc ( lv->boxes, newne * sizeof ( textbox* ) ); if ( newne > 0 ) { for ( unsigned int i = lv->cur_elements; i < newne; i++ ) { TextboxFlags flags = ( lv->multi_select ) ? TB_INDICATOR : 0; flags |= ( ( config.show_icons ) ? TB_ICON : 0 ); lv->boxes[i] = textbox_create ( WIDGET_TYPE_LISTVIEW_ELEMENT, "element", flags, NORMAL, "", 0, 0 ); widget_set_trigger_action_handler ( WIDGET ( lv->boxes[i] ), listview_element_trigger_action, lv ); } } lv->rchanged = TRUE; lv->cur_elements = newne; } void listview_set_num_elements ( listview *lv, unsigned int rows ) { if ( lv == NULL ) { return; } lv->req_elements = rows; listview_set_selected ( lv, lv->selected ); listview_recompute_elements ( lv ); widget_queue_redraw ( WIDGET ( lv ) ); } unsigned int listview_get_selected ( listview *lv ) { if ( lv != NULL ) { return lv->selected; } return 0; } void listview_set_selected ( listview *lv, unsigned int selected ) { if ( lv && lv->req_elements > 0 ) { lv->selected = MIN ( selected, lv->req_elements - 1 ); lv->barview.direction = LEFT_TO_RIGHT; widget_queue_redraw ( WIDGET ( lv ) ); } } static void listview_resize ( widget *wid, short w, short h ) { listview *lv = (listview *) wid; lv->widget.w = MAX ( 0, w ); lv->widget.h = MAX ( 0, h ); int height = lv->widget.h - widget_padding_get_padding_height ( WIDGET ( lv ) ); int spacing_vert = distance_get_pixel ( lv->spacing, ROFI_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL ); lv->max_rows = ( spacing_vert + height ) / ( lv->element_height + spacing_vert ); lv->max_elements = lv->max_rows * lv->menu_columns; if ( /*lv->scrollbar->widget.index ==*/ 0 ) { widget_move ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ), widget_padding_get_left ( WIDGET ( lv ) ), widget_padding_get_top ( WIDGET ( lv ) ) ); } else { widget_move ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ), lv->widget.w - widget_padding_get_right ( WIDGET ( lv ) ) - widget_get_width ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ) ), widget_padding_get_top ( WIDGET ( lv ) ) ); } widget_resize ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ), widget_get_width ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ) ), height ); if ( lv->type == BARVIEW ) { lv->max_elements = lv->menu_lines; } listview_recompute_elements ( lv ); widget_queue_redraw ( wid ); } static widget *listview_find_mouse_target ( widget *wid, WidgetType type, gint x, gint y ) { widget *target = NULL; gint rx, ry; listview *lv = (listview *) wid; if ( widget_enabled ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ) ) && widget_intersect ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ), x, y ) ) { rx = x - widget_get_x_pos ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ) ); ry = y - widget_get_y_pos ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ) ); target = widget_find_mouse_target ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ), type, rx, ry ); } unsigned int max = MIN ( lv->cur_elements, lv->req_elements - lv->last_offset ); unsigned int i; for ( i = 0; i < max && target == NULL; i++ ) { widget *w = WIDGET ( lv->boxes[i] ); if ( widget_intersect ( w, x, y ) ) { rx = x - widget_get_x_pos ( w ); ry = y - widget_get_y_pos ( w ); target = widget_find_mouse_target ( w, type, rx, ry ); } } return target; } static WidgetTriggerActionResult listview_trigger_action ( widget *wid, MouseBindingListviewAction action, G_GNUC_UNUSED gint x, G_GNUC_UNUSED gint y, G_GNUC_UNUSED void *user_data ) { listview *lv = (listview *) wid; switch ( action ) { case SCROLL_LEFT: listview_nav_left ( lv ); break; case SCROLL_RIGHT: listview_nav_right ( lv ); break; case SCROLL_DOWN: listview_nav_down ( lv ); break; case SCROLL_UP: listview_nav_up ( lv ); break; } return WIDGET_TRIGGER_ACTION_RESULT_HANDLED; } static WidgetTriggerActionResult listview_element_trigger_action ( widget *wid, MouseBindingListviewElementAction action, G_GNUC_UNUSED gint x, G_GNUC_UNUSED gint y, void *user_data ) { listview *lv = (listview *) user_data; unsigned int max = MIN ( lv->cur_elements, lv->req_elements - lv->last_offset ); unsigned int i; for ( i = 0; i < max && WIDGET ( lv->boxes[i] ) != wid; i++ ) { } if ( i == max ) { return WIDGET_TRIGGER_ACTION_RESULT_IGNORED; } gboolean custom = FALSE; switch ( action ) { case SELECT_HOVERED_ENTRY: listview_set_selected ( lv, lv->last_offset + i ); break; case ACCEPT_HOVERED_CUSTOM: custom = TRUE; __attribute__ ( ( fallthrough ) ); case ACCEPT_HOVERED_ENTRY: listview_set_selected ( lv, lv->last_offset + i ); lv->mouse_activated ( lv, custom, lv->mouse_activated_data ); break; } return WIDGET_TRIGGER_ACTION_RESULT_HANDLED; } listview *listview_create ( const char *name, listview_update_callback cb, void *udata, unsigned int eh, gboolean reverse ) { listview *lv = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( listview ) ); gchar *box = g_strjoin ( ".", name, "box", NULL ); widget_init ( WIDGET ( lv ), WIDGET_TYPE_LISTVIEW, box ); g_free ( box ); lv->listview_name = g_strdup ( name ); lv->widget.free = listview_free; lv->widget.resize = listview_resize; lv->widget.draw = _listview_draw; lv->widget.find_mouse_target = listview_find_mouse_target; lv->widget.trigger_action = listview_trigger_action; lv->widget.get_desired_height = listview_get_desired_height; lv->eh = eh; char *n = g_strjoin ( ".", lv->listview_name, "scrollbar", NULL ); lv->scrollbar = scrollbar_create ( n ); g_free ( n ); lv->scrollbar->widget.parent = WIDGET ( lv ); // Calculate height of an element. // textbox *tb = textbox_create ( WIDGET_TYPE_LISTVIEW_ELEMENT, "element", 0, NORMAL, "", 0, 0 ); lv->element_height = textbox_get_estimated_height ( tb, lv->eh ); widget_free ( WIDGET ( tb ) ); lv->callback = cb; lv->udata = udata; // Some settings. lv->spacing = rofi_theme_get_distance ( WIDGET ( lv ), "spacing", DEFAULT_SPACING ); lv->menu_columns = rofi_theme_get_integer ( WIDGET ( lv ), "columns", config.menu_columns ); lv->fixed_num_lines = rofi_theme_get_boolean ( WIDGET ( lv ), "fixed-height", config.fixed_num_lines ); lv->dynamic = rofi_theme_get_boolean ( WIDGET ( lv ), "dynamic", TRUE ); lv->reverse = rofi_theme_get_boolean ( WIDGET ( lv ), "reverse", reverse ); lv->cycle = rofi_theme_get_boolean ( WIDGET ( lv ), "cycle", config.cycle ); lv->type = rofi_theme_get_orientation ( WIDGET ( lv ), "layout", ROFI_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL ); if ( lv->type == LISTVIEW ) { listview_set_show_scrollbar ( lv, rofi_theme_get_boolean ( WIDGET ( lv ), "scrollbar", FALSE ) ); } else { listview_set_show_scrollbar ( lv, FALSE ); } return lv; } /** * Navigation commands. */ static void listview_nav_up_int ( listview *lv ) { if ( lv == NULL ) { return; } if ( lv->req_elements == 0 || ( lv->selected == 0 && !lv->cycle ) ) { return; } if ( lv->selected == 0 ) { lv->selected = lv->req_elements; } lv->selected--; lv->barview.direction = RIGHT_TO_LEFT; widget_queue_redraw ( WIDGET ( lv ) ); } static void listview_nav_down_int ( listview *lv ) { if ( lv == NULL ) { return; } if ( lv->req_elements == 0 || ( lv->selected == ( lv->req_elements - 1 ) && !lv->cycle ) ) { return; } lv->selected = lv->selected < lv->req_elements - 1 ? MIN ( lv->req_elements - 1, lv->selected + 1 ) : 0; lv->barview.direction = LEFT_TO_RIGHT; widget_queue_redraw ( WIDGET ( lv ) ); } void listview_nav_up ( listview *lv ) { if ( lv == NULL ) { return; } if ( lv->reverse ) { listview_nav_down_int ( lv ); } else { listview_nav_up_int ( lv ); } } void listview_nav_down ( listview *lv ) { if ( lv == NULL ) { return; } if ( lv->reverse ) { listview_nav_up_int ( lv ); } else { listview_nav_down_int ( lv ); } } void listview_nav_left ( listview *lv ) { if ( lv == NULL ) { return; } if ( lv->type == BARVIEW ) { listview_nav_up_int ( lv ); return; } if ( lv->selected >= lv->max_rows ) { lv->selected -= lv->max_rows; widget_queue_redraw ( WIDGET ( lv ) ); } } void listview_nav_right ( listview *lv ) { if ( lv == NULL ) { return; } if ( lv->type == BARVIEW ) { listview_nav_down_int ( lv ); return; } if ( ( lv->selected + lv->max_rows ) < lv->req_elements ) { lv->selected += lv->max_rows; widget_queue_redraw ( WIDGET ( lv ) ); } else if ( lv->selected < ( lv->req_elements - 1 ) ) { // We do not want to move to last item, UNLESS the last column is only // partially filled, then we still want to move column and select last entry. // First check the column we are currently in. int col = lv->selected / lv->max_rows; // Check total number of columns. int ncol = lv->req_elements / lv->max_rows; // If there is an extra column, move. if ( col != ncol ) { lv->selected = lv->req_elements - 1; widget_queue_redraw ( WIDGET ( lv ) ); } } } static void listview_nav_page_prev_int ( listview *lv ) { if ( lv == NULL ) { return; } if ( lv->type == BARVIEW ) { if ( lv->last_offset == 0 ) { lv->selected = 0; } else { lv->selected = lv->last_offset - 1; } lv->barview.direction = RIGHT_TO_LEFT; widget_queue_redraw ( WIDGET ( lv ) ); return; } if ( lv->selected < lv->max_elements ) { lv->selected = 0; } else{ lv->selected -= ( lv->max_elements ); } widget_queue_redraw ( WIDGET ( lv ) ); } static void listview_nav_page_next_int ( listview *lv ) { if ( lv == NULL ) { return; } if ( lv->req_elements == 0 ) { return; } if ( lv->type == BARVIEW ) { unsigned int new = lv->last_offset + lv->barview.cur_visible; lv->selected = MIN ( new, lv->req_elements - 1 ); lv->barview.direction = LEFT_TO_RIGHT; widget_queue_redraw ( WIDGET ( lv ) ); return; } lv->selected += ( lv->max_elements ); if ( lv->selected >= lv->req_elements ) { lv->selected = lv->req_elements - 1; } widget_queue_redraw ( WIDGET ( lv ) ); } void listview_nav_page_prev ( listview *lv ) { if ( lv == NULL ) { return; } if ( lv->reverse ) { listview_nav_page_next_int ( lv ); } else { listview_nav_page_prev_int ( lv ); } } void listview_nav_page_next ( listview *lv ) { if ( lv == NULL ) { return; } if ( lv->reverse ) { listview_nav_page_prev_int ( lv ); } else { listview_nav_page_next_int ( lv ); } } static int listview_get_desired_height ( widget *wid ) { listview *lv = (listview *) wid; if ( lv == NULL || lv->widget.enabled == FALSE ) { return 0; } int spacing = distance_get_pixel ( lv->spacing, ROFI_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL ); int h = lv->menu_lines; if ( !( lv->fixed_num_lines ) ) { if ( lv->dynamic ) { h = MIN ( lv->menu_lines, lv->req_elements ); } else { h = MIN ( lv->menu_lines, lv->max_displayed_lines ); } } if ( lv->type == BARVIEW ) { h = MIN ( h, 1 ); } if ( h == 0 ) { if ( lv->dynamic && !lv->fixed_num_lines ) { // Hide widget fully. return 0; } return widget_padding_get_padding_height ( WIDGET ( lv ) ); } int height = widget_padding_get_padding_height ( WIDGET ( lv ) ); height += h * ( lv->element_height + spacing ) - spacing; return height; } void listview_set_show_scrollbar ( listview *lv, gboolean enabled ) { if ( lv ) { if ( enabled ) { widget_enable ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ) ); } else { widget_disable ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ) ); } listview_recompute_elements ( lv ); } } void listview_set_scroll_type ( listview *lv, ScrollType type ) { if ( lv ) { lv->scroll_type = type; } } void listview_set_mouse_activated_cb ( listview *lv, listview_mouse_activated_cb cb, void *udata ) { if ( lv ) { lv->mouse_activated = cb; lv->mouse_activated_data = udata; } } void listview_set_multi_select ( listview *lv, gboolean enable ) { if ( lv ) { lv->multi_select = enable; } } void listview_set_num_lines ( listview *lv, unsigned int num_lines ) { if ( lv ) { lv->menu_lines = num_lines; } } unsigned int listview_get_num_lines ( listview *lv ) { if ( lv ) { return lv->menu_lines; } return 0; } void listview_set_max_lines ( listview *lv, unsigned int max_lines ) { if ( lv ) { lv->max_displayed_lines = max_lines; } } gboolean listview_get_fixed_num_lines ( listview *lv ) { if ( lv ) { return lv->fixed_num_lines; } return FALSE; } void listview_set_fixed_num_lines ( listview *lv ) { if ( lv ) { lv->fixed_num_lines = TRUE; } }