os: linux
dist: bionic
language: c
    # The next declaration is the encrypted COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN, created via
    # the "travis encrypt" command using the project repo's public key
    - secure: "Uodrn3x36plX2yk4+c7eimCuv7j6p6n1XCNbNEYxibRX77730eQMCVS0BvM40OgD7m5K9s2hIQaMV7EMj3qKuRmemULDVJVTgNd1fbx6t4BhYh+Hrf6FhsNcm9nFxvQQrdJAVSOwIAlrUilVFotDRt9qKqLwwZiBKIs5gBPcHQY="

      name: "DaveDavenport/rofi"
      description: "Build submitted via Travis CI"
    notification_email: qball@gmpclient.org
    # TODO: What do these actually do?
    build_command_prepend: "meson setup build"
    build_command: "ninja -C build"
    branch_pattern: coverity_scan
      - discount
      - doxygen
      - fluxbox
      - gdb
      - graphviz
      - jq
      - lcov
      - libpango1.0-dev
      - libstartup-notification0-dev
      - libxcb-ewmh-dev
      - libxcb-icccm4-dev
      - libxcb-randr0-dev
      - libxcb-util0-dev
      - libxcb-xinerama0-dev
      - libxcb-xkb-dev
      - libxcb-xrm-dev
      - libxcb-cursor-dev
      - libxkbcommon-dev
      - libxkbcommon-dev
      - libxkbcommon-x11-dev
      - ninja-build
      - python3-pip
      - python3-setuptools
      - python3-wheel
      - texi2html
      - texinfo
      - xdotool
      - xfonts-base
      - xterm
      - xutils-dev

# TODO: Potentially switch to coverxygen (active project with the same goal) at
# some point in the future?
  # doxy-coverage is not packaged in Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic), clone the helper
  # scripts manually:
  - git clone https://github.com/alobbs/doxy-coverage
  # Ubuntu 18.04 ships an outdated version of check. Install a more recent
  # version instead:
  - curl -L https://github.com/libcheck/check/releases/download/0.14.0/check-0.14.0.tar.gz | tar xzf -
  - cd check-0.14.0
  - ./configure
  - make
  # Disable tests for non-"debug" runs (as these tests can take several minutes
  # to complete):
  #- make check
  - sudo make install
  - sudo ldconfig
  - cd ..

# YAML anchor, ignored by Travis CI (albeit present in the JSON render):
.autotools: &autotools
  before_script: &autotools_before_script
    # prettier-ignore
    # Generate the configure script:
    - autoreconf --install
    # Make the build directory:
    - mkdir build
    # Change into the build directory:
    - cd build
    # Configure the build directory
    - ../configure
  # TODO: Fix X11 tests (and check whether or not changing the user's resource
  #       limit is still required for the X11 tests).
  script: &autotools_script # Build the project:
    - make
    # Run tests:
    - make distcheck
    # Code coverage:
    - make doxy 2>&1 > doxygen.log
    # Check for warnings in doxygen.log:
    - test $(grep -c warning doxygen.log) -eq 0
    - ../doxy-coverage/doxy-coverage.py doc/html/xml/

# YAML anchor, ignored by Travis CI (albeit present in the JSON render):
.meson: &meson
  install: &meson_install
    # Ubuntu's meson version is outdated. Use pip to install a more recent
    # release:
    - pip3 install --user meson
    # ~/.local/bin is not a part of $PATH by default. Update $PATH to include it:
    - PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin"
    &meson_before_script # Configure the build directory with meson:
    - meson setup build  -Db_coverage=true
  # TODO: Fix X11 tests (and check whether or not changing the user's resource
  #       limit is still required for the X11 tests).
  script: &meson_script # Build the project:
    - ninja -C build
    # Run tests:
    - ninja -C build test
    #- ulimit -c unlimited
    #- ninja -C build test-x
    - ninja -C build doc/html 2>&1 > doxygen.log
    - test $(grep -c warning doxygen.log) -eq 0
    - ./doxy-coverage/doxy-coverage.py build/doc/html/xml/

  - bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)

# Travis CI doesn't propagate the compiler key to individual jobs. Define
# a _single_ compiler for each job, as a list will only result in the first
# compiler being used!

    - name: "Autotools - Clang"
      compiler: clang
      # Merge keys from the .autotools map:
      <<: *autotools
    - name: "Autotools - GCC"
      compiler: gcc
      # Merge keys from the .autotools map:
      <<: *autotools
    - name: "Meson - Clang"
      compiler: clang
      # Merge keys from the .meson map:
      <<: *meson
    - name: "Meson - GCC"
      compiler: gcc
      # Merge keys from the .meson map:
      <<: *meson

      - secure: "AqDM5SkWJPSBeCiyGdXzHYLnFCML/vKxWW/0wE00ocX+97Fa5ixeU7apMJ0OMZ0ZQVXG96xVtlJ513ZSpnRYHx6FF+Ivvw5pYeZjKHqtxThEhOueW1YynYWMX7HJrA4P19ollqRLrtsJqG6x7BhVEnIyhyu9eXtgj6hiI70F0SE="
    on_success: change
# vim: et sw=2 ts=2