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//! Mixer that plays multiple sounds at the same time.
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::time::Duration;
use crate::source::{SeekError, Source, UniformSourceIterator};
use crate::Sample;
/// Builds a new mixer.
/// You can choose the characteristics of the output thanks to this constructor. All the sounds
/// added to the mixer will be converted to these values.
/// After creating a mixer, you can add new sounds with the controller.
pub fn mixer<S>(
channels: u16,
sample_rate: u32,
) -> (Arc<DynamicMixerController<S>>, DynamicMixer<S>)
S: Sample + Send + 'static,
let input = Arc::new(DynamicMixerController {
has_pending: AtomicBool::new(false),
pending_sources: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
let output = DynamicMixer {
current_sources: Vec::with_capacity(16),
input: input.clone(),
sample_count: 0,
still_pending: vec![],
still_current: vec![],
(input, output)
/// The input of the mixer.
pub struct DynamicMixerController<S> {
has_pending: AtomicBool,
pending_sources: Mutex<Vec<Box<dyn Source<Item = S> + Send>>>,
channels: u16,
sample_rate: u32,
impl<S> DynamicMixerController<S>
S: Sample + Send + 'static,
/// Adds a new source to mix to the existing ones.
pub fn add<T>(&self, source: T)
T: Source<Item = S> + Send + 'static,
let uniform_source = UniformSourceIterator::new(source, self.channels, self.sample_rate);
.push(Box::new(uniform_source) as Box<_>);
self.has_pending.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst); // TODO: can we relax this ordering?
/// The output of the mixer. Implements `Source`.
pub struct DynamicMixer<S> {
// The current iterator that produces samples.
current_sources: Vec<Box<dyn Source<Item = S> + Send>>,
// The pending sounds.
input: Arc<DynamicMixerController<S>>,
// The number of samples produced so far.
sample_count: usize,
// A temporary vec used in start_pending_sources.
still_pending: Vec<Box<dyn Source<Item = S> + Send>>,
// A temporary vec used in sum_current_sources.
still_current: Vec<Box<dyn Source<Item = S> + Send>>,
impl<S> Source for DynamicMixer<S>
S: Sample + Send + 'static,
fn current_frame_len(&self) -> Option<usize> {
fn channels(&self) -> u16 {
fn sample_rate(&self) -> u32 {
fn total_duration(&self) -> Option<Duration> {
fn try_seek(&mut self, _: Duration) -> Result<(), SeekError> {
Err(SeekError::NotSupported {
underlying_source: std::any::type_name::<Self>(),
// uncomment when #510 is implemented (query position of playback)
// let mut org_positions = Vec::with_capacity(self.current_sources.len());
// let mut encounterd_err = None;
// for source in &mut self.current_sources {
// let pos = /* source.playback_pos() */ todo!();
// if let Err(e) = source.try_seek(pos) {
// encounterd_err = Some(e);
// break;
// } else {
// // store pos in case we need to roll back
// org_positions.push(pos);
// }
// }
// if let Some(e) = encounterd_err {
// // rollback seeks that happend before err
// for (pos, source) in org_positions
// .into_iter()
// .zip(self.current_sources.iter_mut())
// {
// source.try_seek(pos)?;
// }
// Err(e)
// } else {
// Ok(())
// }
impl<S> Iterator for DynamicMixer<S>
S: Sample + Send + 'static,
type Item = S;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<S> {
if self.input.has_pending.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
self.sample_count += 1;
let sum = self.sum_current_sources();
if self.current_sources.is_empty() {
} else {
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
(0, None)
impl<S> DynamicMixer<S>
S: Sample + Send + 'static,
// Samples from the #next() function are interlaced for each of the channels.
// We need to ensure we start playing sources so that their samples are
// in-step with the modulo of the samples produced so far. Otherwise, the
// sound will play on the wrong channels, e.g. left / right will be reversed.
fn start_pending_sources(&mut self) {
let mut pending = self.input.pending_sources.lock().unwrap(); // TODO: relax ordering?
for source in pending.drain(..) {
let in_step = self.sample_count % source.channels() as usize == 0;
if in_step {
} else {
std::mem::swap(&mut self.still_pending, &mut pending);
let has_pending = !pending.is_empty();
self.input.has_pending.store(has_pending, Ordering::SeqCst); // TODO: relax ordering?
fn sum_current_sources(&mut self) -> S {
let mut sum = S::zero_value();
for mut source in self.current_sources.drain(..) {
if let Some(value) = source.next() {
sum = sum.saturating_add(value);
std::mem::swap(&mut self.still_current, &mut self.current_sources);
mod tests {
use crate::buffer::SamplesBuffer;
use crate::dynamic_mixer;
use crate::source::Source;
fn basic() {
let (tx, mut rx) = dynamic_mixer::mixer(1, 48000);
tx.add(SamplesBuffer::new(1, 48000, vec![10i16, -10, 10, -10]));
tx.add(SamplesBuffer::new(1, 48000, vec![5i16, 5, 5, 5]));
assert_eq!(rx.channels(), 1);
assert_eq!(rx.sample_rate(), 48000);
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(15));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(-5));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(15));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(-5));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), None);
fn channels_conv() {
let (tx, mut rx) = dynamic_mixer::mixer(2, 48000);
tx.add(SamplesBuffer::new(1, 48000, vec![10i16, -10, 10, -10]));
tx.add(SamplesBuffer::new(1, 48000, vec![5i16, 5, 5, 5]));
assert_eq!(rx.channels(), 2);
assert_eq!(rx.sample_rate(), 48000);
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(15));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(15));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(-5));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(-5));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(15));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(15));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(-5));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(-5));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), None);
fn rate_conv() {
let (tx, mut rx) = dynamic_mixer::mixer(1, 96000);
tx.add(SamplesBuffer::new(1, 48000, vec![10i16, -10, 10, -10]));
tx.add(SamplesBuffer::new(1, 48000, vec![5i16, 5, 5, 5]));
assert_eq!(rx.channels(), 1);
assert_eq!(rx.sample_rate(), 96000);
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(15));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(5));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(-5));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(5));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(15));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(5));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(-5));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), None);
fn start_afterwards() {
let (tx, mut rx) = dynamic_mixer::mixer(1, 48000);
tx.add(SamplesBuffer::new(1, 48000, vec![10i16, -10, 10, -10]));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(10));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(-10));
tx.add(SamplesBuffer::new(1, 48000, vec![5i16, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7]));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(15));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(-5));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(6));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(6));
tx.add(SamplesBuffer::new(1, 48000, vec![2i16]));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(9));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(7));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), Some(7));
assert_eq!(rx.next(), None);