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synced 2025-01-05 17:18:45 +00:00
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using IF.Lastfm.Core.Api;
using IF.Lastfm.Core.Objects;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using RestSharp;
using Roadie.Library.Caching;
using Roadie.Library.Configuration;
using Roadie.Library.Extensions;
using Roadie.Library.MetaData.Audio;
using Roadie.Library.SearchEngines.MetaData;
using Roadie.Library.SearchEngines.MetaData.LastFm;
using Roadie.Library.Utility;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Roadie.Library.MetaData.LastFm
public class LastFmHelper : MetaDataProviderBase, IArtistSearchEngine, IReleaseSearchEngine, ILastFmHelper
public override bool IsEnabled
// return this.Configuration.GetValue<bool>("Integrations:LastFmProviderEnabled", true) &&
// !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ApiKey.Key);
return false;
public LastFmHelper(IRoadieSettings configuration, ICacheManager cacheManager, ILogger logger) : base(configuration, cacheManager, logger)
this._apiKey = configuration.Integrations.ApiKeys.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ApiName == "LastFMApiKey") ?? new ApiKey();
public async Task<OperationResult<IEnumerable<ArtistSearchResult>>> PerformArtistSearch(string query, int resultsCount)
this.Logger.LogTrace("LastFmHelper:PerformArtistSearch:{0}", query);
var auth = new LastAuth(this.ApiKey.Key, this.ApiKey.KeySecret);
var albumApi = new ArtistApi(auth);
var response = await albumApi.GetInfoAsync(query);
if (!response.Success)
return new OperationResult<IEnumerable<ArtistSearchResult>>();
var lastFmArtist = response.Content;
var result = new ArtistSearchResult
ArtistName = lastFmArtist.Name,
LastFMId = lastFmArtist.Id,
MusicBrainzId = lastFmArtist.Mbid,
Bio = lastFmArtist.Bio != null ? lastFmArtist.Bio.Content : null
if (lastFmArtist.Tags != null)
result.Tags = lastFmArtist.Tags.Select(x => x.Name).ToList();
if (lastFmArtist.MainImage != null && (lastFmArtist.MainImage.ExtraLarge != null || lastFmArtist.MainImage.Large != null))
result.ArtistThumbnailUrl = (lastFmArtist.MainImage.ExtraLarge ?? lastFmArtist.MainImage.Large).ToString();
if (lastFmArtist.Url != null)
result.Urls = new string[] { lastFmArtist.Url.ToString() };
return new OperationResult<IEnumerable<ArtistSearchResult>>
IsSuccess = response.Success,
Data = new List<ArtistSearchResult> { result }
catch (Exception ex)
this.Logger.LogError(ex, ex.Serialize());
return new OperationResult<IEnumerable<ArtistSearchResult>>();
public async Task<OperationResult<IEnumerable<ReleaseSearchResult>>> PerformReleaseSearch(string artistName, string query, int resultsCount)
var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
var client = new RestClient(string.Format("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=album.getinfo&api_key={0}&artist={1}&album={2}&format=xml", this.ApiKey.Key, artistName, query));
var responseData = await client.ExecuteTaskAsync<lfm>(request);
ReleaseSearchResult result = null;
var response = responseData != null && responseData.Data != null ? responseData.Data : null;
if (response != null && response.album != null)
var lastFmAlbum = response.album;
result = new ReleaseSearchResult
ReleaseTitle = lastFmAlbum.name,
MusicBrainzId = lastFmAlbum.mbid
if (lastFmAlbum.image != null)
result.ImageUrls = lastFmAlbum.image.Where(x => x.size == "extralarge").Select(x => x.Value).ToList();
if (lastFmAlbum.tags != null)
result.Tags = lastFmAlbum.tags.Select(x => x.name).ToList();
if (lastFmAlbum.tracks != null)
var tracks = new List<TrackSearchResult>();
foreach (var lastFmTrack in lastFmAlbum.tracks)
tracks.Add(new TrackSearchResult
TrackNumber = SafeParser.ToNumber<short?>(lastFmTrack.rank),
Title = lastFmTrack.name,
Duration = SafeParser.ToNumber<int?>(lastFmTrack.duration),
Urls = string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastFmTrack.url) ? new string[] { lastFmTrack.url } : null,
result.ReleaseMedia = new List<ReleaseMediaSearchResult>
new ReleaseMediaSearchResult
ReleaseMediaNumber = 1,
Tracks = tracks
return new OperationResult<IEnumerable<ReleaseSearchResult>>
IsSuccess = result != null,
Data = new List<ReleaseSearchResult> { result }
public async Task<IEnumerable<AudioMetaData>> TracksForRelease(string artist, string Release)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(artist) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Release))
return null;
var result = new List<AudioMetaData>();
var responseCacheKey = string.Format("uri:lastFm:artistAndRelease:{0}:{1}", artist, Release);
LastAlbum releaseInfo = this.CacheManager.Get<LastAlbum>(responseCacheKey);
if (releaseInfo == null)
var auth = new LastAuth(this.ApiKey.Key, this.ApiKey.KeySecret);
var albumApi = new AlbumApi(auth); // this is an unauthenticated call to the API
var response = await albumApi.GetInfoAsync(artist, Release);
releaseInfo = response.Content;
if (releaseInfo != null)
this.CacheManager.Add(responseCacheKey, releaseInfo);
this.Logger.LogWarning("LastFmAPI: Error Getting Tracks For Artist [{0}], Release [{1}]", artist, Release);
if (releaseInfo != null && releaseInfo.Tracks != null && releaseInfo.Tracks.Any())
var tracktotal = releaseInfo.Tracks.Where(x => x.Rank.HasValue).Max(x => x.Rank);
List<AudioMetaDataImage> images = null;
if (releaseInfo.Images != null)
images = releaseInfo.Images.Select(x => new AudioMetaDataImage
Url = x.AbsoluteUri
foreach (var track in releaseInfo.Tracks)
result.Add(new AudioMetaData
Artist = track.ArtistName,
Release = track.AlbumName,
Title = track.Name,
Year = releaseInfo.ReleaseDateUtc != null ? (int?)releaseInfo.ReleaseDateUtc.Value.Year : null,
TrackNumber = (short?)track.Rank,
TotalTrackNumbers = tracktotal,
Time = track.Duration,
LastFmId = track.Id,
ReleaseLastFmId = releaseInfo.Id,
ReleaseMusicBrainzId = releaseInfo.Mbid,
MusicBrainzId = track.Mbid,
Images = images
catch (System.Exception ex)
this.Logger.LogError(ex, string.Format("LastFm: Error Getting Tracks For Artist [{0}], Release [{1}]", artist, Release));
return result;
} |