using Roadie.Library.Caching; using Roadie.Library.Extensions; using Roadie.Library.FilePlugins; using Roadie.Library.Utility; using Roadie.Library.Logging; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; using Roadie.Library.Data; namespace Roadie.Library.Processors { public sealed class FolderProcessor : ProcessorBase { private readonly FileProcessor _fileProcessor; private FileProcessor FileProcessor { get { return this._fileProcessor; } } public int? ProcessLimit { get; set; } public FolderProcessor(IConfiguration configuration,string destinationRoot, IRoadieDbContext context, ICacheManager cacheManager, ILogger loggingService) : base(configuration, destinationRoot, context, cacheManager, loggingService) { SimpleContract.Requires(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(destinationRoot), "Invalid Destination Folder"); this._fileProcessor = new FileProcessor(configuration, destinationRoot, context, cacheManager, loggingService); } public async Task> Process(DirectoryInfo inboundFolder, bool doJustInfo, int? submissionId = null) { var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); this.PrePrecessFolder(inboundFolder, doJustInfo); int processedFiles = 0; var pluginResultInfos = new List(); var errors = new List(); this.FileProcessor.SubmissionId = submissionId; foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(inboundFolder.FullName, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToArray()) { var operation = await this.FileProcessor.Process(file, doJustInfo); if(operation != null && operation.AdditionalData != null && operation.AdditionalData.ContainsKey(PluginResultInfo.AdditionalDataKeyPluginResultInfo)) { pluginResultInfos.Add(operation.AdditionalData[PluginResultInfo.AdditionalDataKeyPluginResultInfo] as PluginResultInfo); } if(operation == null) { var fileExtensionsToDelete = this.Configuration.GetValue("FileExtensionsToDelete", new string[0]); if (fileExtensionsToDelete.Any(x => x.Equals(Path.GetExtension(file), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { if (!doJustInfo) { if (!Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).ToLower().Equals("cover")) { File.Delete(file); this.LoggingService.Info("x Deleted File [{0}], Was foud in in FileExtensionsToDelete", file); } } } } processedFiles++; if (this.ProcessLimit.HasValue && processedFiles > this.ProcessLimit.Value) { break; } } await this.PostProcessFolder(inboundFolder, pluginResultInfos, doJustInfo); sw.Stop(); this.LoggingService.Info("** Completed! Processed Folder [{0}]: Processed Files [{1}] : Elapsed Time [{2}]", inboundFolder.FullName.ToString(), processedFiles, sw.Elapsed); return new OperationResult { IsSuccess = !errors.Any(), AdditionalData = new Dictionary { { "processedFiles", processedFiles }, { "newArtists", this.ArtistFactory.AddedArtistIds.Count() }, { "newReleases", this.ReleaseFactory.AddedReleaseIds.Count() }, { "newTracks", this.ReleaseFactory.AddedTrackIds.Count() } }, OperationTime = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds }; } /// /// Perform any operations to the given folder before processing /// private bool PrePrecessFolder(DirectoryInfo inboundFolder, bool doJustInfo = false) { // If Folder name starts with "~" then remove the tilde and set all files in the folder artist to the folder name if (this.Configuration.GetValue("Processing:DoFolderArtistNameSet", true) && inboundFolder.Name.StartsWith("~")) { var artist = inboundFolder.Name.Replace("~", ""); this.LoggingService.Info("Setting Folder File Tags To [{0}]", artist); if (!doJustInfo) { foreach (var file in inboundFolder.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { var extension = file.Extension.ToLower(); if (extension.Equals(".mp3") || extension.Equals(".flac")) { var tagFile = TagLib.File.Create(file.FullName); tagFile.Tag.Performers = null; tagFile.Tag.Performers = new[] { artist }; tagFile.Save(); } } } } return true; } /// /// Perform any operations to the given folder and the plugin results after processing /// private async Task PostProcessFolder(DirectoryInfo inboundFolder, IEnumerable pluginResults, bool doJustInfo) { SimpleContract.Requires(inboundFolder != null, "Invalid InboundFolder"); if (!doJustInfo) { this.DeleteEmptyFolders(inboundFolder); } if (pluginResults != null) { //await Task.Run(() => Parallel.ForEach(pluginResults.GroupBy(x => x.ReleaseId).Select(x => x.First()), async releasesInfo => //{ // await this.ReleaseFactory.ScanReleaseFolder(releasesInfo.ReleaseId, this.DestinationRoot, doJustInfo); //})); foreach (var releasesInfo in pluginResults.GroupBy(x => x.ReleaseId).Select(x => x.First())) { await this.ReleaseFactory.ScanReleaseFolder(releasesInfo.ReleaseId, this.DestinationRoot, doJustInfo); } } return true; } public OperationResult DeleteEmptyFolders(DirectoryInfo processingFolder) { var result = new OperationResult(); try { result.IsSuccess = FolderPathHelper.DeleteEmptyFolders(processingFolder); } catch (Exception ex) { this.LoggingService.Error(ex, string.Format("Error Deleting Empty Folder [{0}] Error [{1}]", processingFolder.FullName, ex.Serialize())); } return result; } } }