mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 14:57:03 +00:00
* Prevent duplicate company names
* Fix output indentation
* Search full profile content using lunr.js
* Remove extra stop words
This wasn't really working correctly - the stop word 'work' would leave
instances of 'working' and 'works' in the index for example.
* Change company name description from "Name" to "Company name"
* Pre-process query:
- Search for terms in AND mode, per
- Discard non-alphanumeric characters from the search
- Better handling of contractions and searching for stop words
* Display search query and results in the console
* Add special search token: _incomplete
* Add a link to search for incomplete profiles
* Revert "Add a link to search for incomplete profiles"
This reverts commit f6384c90cb
* Add link to search documentation
* Improve search explanation appearance when it spans multiple lines
* Fix searching for contractions
Previously, searching for e.g. "don't" wasn't working correctly. After
trimming the contraction, "do" is a stop word, so it should be ignored.
* Improve "empty search" message
* Prefer matches other than "company name" in search excerpts
* Move inline scripts before external scripts
This probably doesn't matter right now due to the way the scripts are
currently structured, but it might matter one day and it's more logical
this way.
* Fix search engine index progress
* Improve script indentation
* I got 99 problems and they're all bots
* Update script exit code
When a Node.js error occurs the exit code is probably going to be 1, so
we should use a different code.
* Fix the tests
* Update documentation
This was wrong (out of date), but the correct version is obvious from
reading the code.
* Make download progress work in both Chrome and Firefox
See https://stackoverflow.com/a/32799706
285 lines
8.5 KiB
Executable file
285 lines
8.5 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env node
const fs = require( 'fs' );
const path = require( 'path' );
const util = require( 'util' );
const cheerio = require( 'cheerio' );
const phin = require( 'phin' );
const rimraf = require( 'rimraf' );
const swig = require( 'swig-templates' );
const {
} = require( '../lib' );
const contentPath = path.join( __dirname, '..' );
const sitePath = path.join( __dirname, '..', 'site' );
const siteBuildPath = path.join( sitePath, 'build' );
// If we are inside the site build path, this is going to cause problems since
// we blow away this directory before regenerating the site
// Error message (in node core): path.js:1086 cwd = process.cwd();
// Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, uv_cwd
function checkPath( wd ) {
const checkWorkingPath = path.resolve( wd ) + path.sep;
const checkBuildPath = siteBuildPath + path.sep;
if ( checkWorkingPath.substring( 0, checkBuildPath.length ) === checkBuildPath ) {
throw new Error(
"Please change out of the 'site/build' directory before running this script"
checkPath( process.cwd() );
if ( process.env.INIT_CWD ) {
// This script was run via npm; check the original working directory
// because npm barfs in this situation too
checkPath( process.env.INIT_CWD );
// Parse the content from the Markdown files
console.log( 'Parsing content' );
const data = parseFromDirectory( contentPath );
// Stop if there were any errors
if ( data.errors && data.errors.length > 0 ) {
data.errors.forEach( err => {
err.message.split( '\n' ).forEach( line => {
console.log( '%s: %s', err.filename, line );
} );
} );
process.exit( 1 );
// Otherwise, OK to continue building the static site
const assetCacheBuster = Date.now();
// https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/17871 :(
process.on( 'unhandledRejection', err => {
console.error( 'Unhandled promise rejection:', err );
process.exit( 1 );
} );
* Perform an HTTP request to a URL and return the request body.
async function request( url ) {
'Requesting URL "%s"',
url.length > 70
? url.substring( 0, 67 ) + '...'
: url
const res = await phin.promisified( url );
if ( res.statusCode !== 200 ) {
throw new Error(
'HTTP response code ' + res.statusCode
+ ' for URL: ' + url
return res.body.toString();
* Write a file to site/build/assets/ (from memory or from an existing file in
* site/assets/) and include a cache buster in the new name. Return the URL to
* the asset file.
function copyAssetToBuild( filename, content = null, addSuffix = true ) {
let destFilename = filename;
if ( addSuffix ) {
destFilename = destFilename
.replace( /(\.[^.]+)$/, '-' + assetCacheBuster + '$1' );
const destPath = path.join( siteBuildPath, 'assets', destFilename );
if ( ! content ) {
const srcPath = path.join( sitePath, 'assets', filename );
content = fs.readFileSync( srcPath );
fs.writeFileSync( destPath, content );
return '/assets/' + destFilename;
* Return a URL to edit a page on GitHub.
function githubEditUrl( filename ) {
return (
+ filename
* Write a page's contents to an HTML file.
function writePage( filename, pageContent ) {
filename = path.join( siteBuildPath, filename );
if ( ! fs.existsSync( path.dirname( filename ) ) ) {
fs.mkdirSync( path.dirname( filename ) );
fs.writeFileSync( filename, pageContent );
* The main function that prepares the static site.
async function buildSite() {
// Load the HTML from the WP.com blog site
const $ = cheerio.load( await request( 'https://blog.remoteintech.company/' ) );
// Load stylesheets from the WP.com blog site
const wpcomStylesheets = $( 'style, link[rel=stylesheet]' ).map( ( i, el ) => {
const $el = $( el );
const stylesheet = {
id: $el.attr( 'id' ) || null,
media: $el.attr( 'media' ) || null,
if ( $el.is( 'style' ) ) {
stylesheet.content = $el.html();
} else {
stylesheet.url = $el.attr( 'href' );
if ( /^\/\//.test( stylesheet.url ) ) {
stylesheet.url = 'https:' + stylesheet.url;
return stylesheet;
} ).toArray();
// Fetch the contents of stylesheets included via <link> tags
await Promise.all(
wpcomStylesheets.filter( s => !! s.url ).map( stylesheet => {
return request( stylesheet.url ).then( content => {
stylesheet.content = content;
} );
} )
// TODO: Most URLs that appear inside these CSS files are broken because
// they refer to relative URLs against s[012].wp.com
const wpcomStylesheetContent = wpcomStylesheets
.filter( stylesheet => !! stylesheet.content.trim() )
.map( stylesheet => {
const lines = [ '/**' ];
const idString = (
stylesheet.id ? ' (id="' + stylesheet.id + '")' : ''
if ( stylesheet.url ) {
lines.push( ' * WP.com external style' + idString );
lines.push( ' * ' + stylesheet.url );
} else {
lines.push( ' * WP.com inline style' + idString );
lines.push( ' */' );
if ( stylesheet.media && stylesheet.media !== 'all' ) {
lines.push( '@media ' + stylesheet.media + ' {' );
lines.push( stylesheet.content.trim() );
if ( stylesheet.media && stylesheet.media !== 'all' ) {
lines.push( '} /* @media ' + stylesheet.media + ' */' );
return lines.join( '\n' );
} ).join( '\n\n' ) + '\n';
// Use the emoji code from WP.com
// Most platforms will display emoji natively, but e.g. Linux does not
let wpcomEmojiScript = null;
$( 'script' ).each( ( i, el ) => {
const scriptContents = $( el ).html();
if ( /\bwindow\._wpemojiSettings\s*=\s*{/.test( scriptContents ) ) {
wpcomEmojiScript = scriptContents;
} );
// Set up the site build directory (start fresh each time)
rimraf.sync( siteBuildPath );
fs.mkdirSync( siteBuildPath );
fs.mkdirSync( path.join( siteBuildPath, 'assets' ) );
copyAssetToBuild( 'remoteintech.png', null, false );
// Set up styles/scripts to be included on all pages
const stylesheets = [ {
url: copyAssetToBuild( 'wpcom-blog-styles.css', wpcomStylesheetContent ),
}, {
url: '//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Sans+Pro:r%7CSource+Sans+Pro:r,i,b,bi&subset=latin,latin-ext,latin,latin-ext',
}, {
url: copyAssetToBuild( 'site.css' ),
} ];
const scripts = [];
if ( wpcomEmojiScript ) {
scripts.push( {
url: copyAssetToBuild( 'wpcom-emoji.js', wpcomEmojiScript ),
} );
// Set up styles/scripts for specific pages
const indexScripts = [ {
url: '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lunr.js/2.3.7/lunr.min.js',
}, {
url: copyAssetToBuild( 'companies-table.js' ),
} ];
// Copy favicon files
console.log( 'Copying favicon files' );
const faviconPath = path.join( sitePath, 'assets', 'favicon-package' );
fs.readdirSync( faviconPath ).forEach( f => {
fs.copyFileSync( path.join( faviconPath, f ), path.join( siteBuildPath, f ) );
} );
// Generate search index
console.log( 'Generating search index' );
const searchIndexData = JSON.stringify( buildSearchData( data ) );
const searchIndexFilename = copyAssetToBuild(
// Generate the index.html file from the main README
// TODO: Build this page and its table dynamically; more filters
const readmeTemplate = swig.compileFile(
path.join( sitePath, 'templates', 'index.html' )
console.log( 'Writing main page' );
writePage( 'index.html', readmeTemplate( {
scripts: scripts.concat( indexScripts ),
inlineScripts: [
'\n\t\tvar searchIndexFilename = ' + JSON.stringify( searchIndexFilename ) + ';'
+ '\n\t\tvar searchIndexSize = ' + JSON.stringify( searchIndexData.length ) + ';'
+ '\n\t\t',
pageContent: data.readmeContent,
editUrl: githubEditUrl( 'README.md' ),
} ) );
// Generate the page for each company
const companyTemplate = swig.compileFile(
path.join( sitePath, 'templates', 'company.html' )
process.stdout.write( 'Writing company pages..' );
data.companies.forEach( ( company, i ) => {
const dirname = company.linkedFilename.replace( /\.md$/, '' );
const missingHeadings = Object.keys( headingPropertyNames )
.filter( h => ! company.profileContent[ h ] );
writePage( path.join( dirname, 'index.html' ), companyTemplate( {
inlineScripts: [],
editUrl: githubEditUrl( 'company-profiles/' + company.linkedFilename ),
} ) );
if ( i % 10 === 0 ) {
process.stdout.write( '.' );
} );
console.log( 'Site files are ready in "site/build/"' );