# Heap

## Company blurb

Heap is building analytics infrastructure for the web. Our goal is to make data science accessible to every online business. Our product help 3,000+ companies make data-driven decisions about their users.

## Company size

~25. [Meet us!](https://heapanalytics.com/about)

## Remote status

We care about hiring the best engineers, no matter where they live. Our engineers live all around the world: Estonia, Australia, Canada, Austin TX, Orange County CA, and San Francisco CA.

We also have a writing-heavy culture, which lends itself well to remote work. Instead of sitting in meetings, we develop our ideas in writing, asynchronously. We think written proposals encourage clearer thought and more thorough deliberation. A useful side-effect is that our plans are always documented.

## Region

We hire engineers worldwide.

## Company technologies

Our app-layer stack is TypeScript, Backbone, Marionette, Node.js, Redis, and PostgreSQL. Under the hood, Heap is powered by CoffeeScript, Scala, ZooKeeper, Kafka, Akka, and CitusDB.

## Office Locations

San Francisco, CA, USA

## How to apply

Fill out the form at the bottom of our [job post](https://heapanalytics.com/jobs#engineer).