const { expect } = require( 'chai' ); const { runValidationWithFixtures } = require( './lib' ); describe( 'validation script', () => { it( 'should pass with valid data', () => { expect( runValidationWithFixtures( 'valid' ) ).to.eql( { exitCode: 0, output: [], } ); } ); it( 'should pass with valid data and incomplete profiles, and count headings', () => { const env = { REPORT_PROFILE_HEADINGS: 'y' }; expect( runValidationWithFixtures( 'valid-incomplete', env ) ).to.eql( { exitCode: 0, output: [ 'Profile headings by count (7 total profiles):', 'Company blurb: 7', 'Company size: 4', 'Remote status: 4', 'Region: 4', 'Company technologies: 3', 'How to apply: 3', 'Office locations: 1', ], } ); } ); } );