# X-Team

## Company blurb

Since 2006, X-Team has provided trusted, motivated developers to companies looking to scale their teams.

## Company size


## Remote status

100% Remote

## Region


## Company technologies

Taken from their [fb](https://www.facebook.com/x.team/) page:
_"X-Teamers work with just about every at least semi-mainstream stack. Generally speaking, a majority of the projects we’re working on have React as the frontend, with the backend running on Node, or to a lesser degree Laravel or Symfony. Of course, there have also been projects with Vue, Angular, and even a rare Elm frontend. On the backend, Golang, Java, and Python also aren’t unheard of. Android and iOS are also in the mix, both natively and through cross-platform tech like Xamarin and React Native. And who could get anything done in 2018 without Docker and AWS?"_

## Office locations

They doesn't have any HQ, but it was founded in Melbourne, Australia.

## How to apply

Fill up [this](https://x-team.com/join-application/) form.