#!/usr/bin/env node const fs = require( 'fs' ); const path = require( 'path' ); const cheerio = require( 'cheerio' ); const marked = require( 'marked' ); let errorCount = 0; /** * Build list of Markdown files containing company profiles. */ const profilesPath = path.join( __dirname, '..', 'company-profiles' ); const profileFilenames = fs.readdirSync( profilesPath ); /** * Scan the company table in the readme. */ const readmeCompanies = []; const readmeMarkdown = fs.readFileSync( path.join( __dirname, '..', 'README.md' ), 'utf8' ); const $ = cheerio.load( marked( readmeMarkdown ) ); function readmeError( msg, ...params ) { errorCount++; console.log( 'README.md: ' + msg, ...params ); } $( 'tr' ).each( ( i, tr ) => { if ( i === 0 ) { // Skip the table header row. return; } const $td = $( tr ).children( 'td' ); if ( $td.length !== 3 ) { readmeError( 'Expected 3 table cells but found %d: %s', $td.length, $( tr ).html().replace( /\n/g, '' ) ); } const entry = { name: $td.eq( 0 ).text(), website: $td.eq( 1 ).text(), shortRegion: $td.eq( 2 ).text(), }; if ( ! entry.name ) { readmeError( 'Missing company name: %s', $( tr ).html() ); } const profileLink = $td.eq( 0 ).find( 'a' ).attr( 'href' ); if ( profileLink ) { const match = profileLink.match( /^\/company-profiles\/(.*\.md)$/ ); if ( match ) { entry.linkedFilename = match[ 1 ]; if ( profileFilenames.indexOf( entry.linkedFilename ) === -1 ) { readmeError( 'Broken link to company "%s": "%s"', entry.name, profileLink ); } } else { readmeError( 'Invalid link to company "%s": "%s"', entry.name, profileLink ); } } else { // We're not ready to do this check yet! /* readmeError( 'Company "%s" has no linked Markdown profile', entry.name ); */ } readmeCompanies.push( entry ); } ); /** * Scan the individual Markdown files containing the company profiles. */ profileFilenames.forEach( filename => { function error( msg, ...params ) { errorCount++; console.log( filename + ': ' + msg, ...params ); } const profileMarkdown = fs.readFileSync( path.join( profilesPath, filename ), 'utf8' ); const $ = cheerio.load( marked( profileMarkdown ) ); if ( $( 'h1' ).length !== 1 ) { error( 'Expected 1 first-level heading but found %d', $( 'h1' ).length ); } const companyName = $( 'h1' ).text(); if ( ! /[a-z]/i.test( companyName ) ) { error( 'Company name looks wrong: "%s"', companyName ); } const filenameBase = filename.replace( /\.md$/, '' ); const filenameExpected = companyName.toLowerCase() .replace( /&/g, ' and ' ) .replace( /[^a-z0-9]+/gi, '-' ) .replace( /^-|-$/g, '' ); if ( filenameBase !== filenameExpected && // Some profile files just have shorter names than the company name, // which is fine. filenameExpected.substring( 0, filenameBase.length + 1 ) !== filenameBase + '-' ) { error( 'Expected filename "%s.md" for company "%s"', filenameExpected, companyName ); } if ( filename !== 'example.md' && ! readmeCompanies.some( entry => entry.linkedFilename === filename ) ) { error( 'No link to company profile from readme' ); } } ); console.log(); console.log( '%d problem%s detected', errorCount, ( errorCount === 1 ? '' : 's' ) ); process.exitCode = Math.min( errorCount, 99 );