#!/usr/bin/env node const { parseFromDirectory } = require( '../lib' ); const fs = require( 'fs' ); const path = require( 'path' ); // Accept an optional directory name where the content files live. const contentPath = ( process.argv[ 2 ] ? path.resolve( process.argv[ 2 ] ) : path.join( __dirname, '..' ) ); // Parse the content from the directory. const result = parseFromDirectory( contentPath ); // Report any errors. const errorCount = result.errors ? result.errors.length : 0; ( result.errors || [] ).forEach( err => { err.message.split( '\n' ).forEach( line => { console.log( '%s: %s', err.filename, line ); } ); } ); // Count all profile headings, if requested. if ( process.env.REPORT_PROFILE_HEADINGS ) { console.log(); console.log( 'Profile headings by count (%d total profiles):', result.profileFilenames.length ); Object.keys( result.profileHeadingCounts ).forEach( heading => { console.log( '%s: %d', heading, result.profileHeadingCounts[ heading ] ); } ); } console.log(); console.log( '%d problem%s detected', errorCount, ( errorCount === 1 ? '' : 's' ) ); process.exitCode = ( errorCount > 0 ? 3 : 0 );