## Company blurb

As a Leading Digital Transformation Partner, CANCOM is not only a reliable IT service provider for its customers, but rather the holistic business partner for companies, organizations and the public sector. CANCOM turns IT into the future!

## Company size


## Remote status

CANCOM is currently remote-friendly, and flexible.

## Region

Germany, Austria, Slovakia

## Company technologies

VMWare, OpenStack, Hyper-V, Linux, Python, Java, Go, K8s, Docker, Terraform, Zabbix, Puppet, Ansible, Git(Lab), CI/CD, PostreSQL, MySQL, NodeJS, Angular, NetApp, Fortigate, Citrix, AWS, Azure, XaaS and more.

## Office locations

CANCOM Headquarters – Munich
Erika-Mann-Straße 69, 80636 München

[CANCOM Office Locations](https://www.cancom.com/company/locations/)

## How to apply

[CANCOM Careers](https://career.cancom.com/)