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synced 2025-03-14 13:57:06 +00:00
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@ -8,24 +8,25 @@ Contributions are very welcome! Please read the [contribution guidelines](CONTRI
Name | Website | Region
------------ | ------- | -------
[&yet](/company-profiles/andyet.md) | https://andyet.com | Everywhere
[10up](/company-profiles/10up.md) | http://10up.com/ | Everywhere
[&yet](/company-profiles/andyet.md) | https://andyet.com | Worldwide
[10up](/company-profiles/10up.md) | http://10up.com/ | Worldwide
112 Tech | http://www.112tech.com/ |
[17hats](/company-profiles/17hats.md) | https://www.17hats.com/ |
[18F](/company-profiles/18F.md) | https://18f.gsa.gov/ | USA
[Acquia](/company-profiles/acquia.md) | http://www.acquia.com/ | Everywhere
[Acquia](/company-profiles/acquia.md) | http://www.acquia.com/ | Worldwide
Android Authority | http://www.androidauthority.com |
AngularClass | https://angularclass.com | PST Timezone
[apartment therapy](/company-profiles/apartmenttherapy.md) | http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/ | USA
Appstractor Corporation | http://www.appstractor.com |
Arkency | http://arkency.com/ |
Articulate | https://www.articulate.com |
Atomic Squirrel | http://www.atomic-squirrel.net/ | Everywhere
Atomic Squirrel | http://www.atomic-squirrel.net/ | Worldwide
Auth0 | https://auth0.com/ |
[Automattic](/company-profiles/automattic.md) | https://automattic.com/ | Everywhere
[Bandcamp](/company-profiles/bandcamp.md) | https://bandcamp.com/ | Everywhere
[Bandzoogle](/company-profiles/bandzoogle.md) | https://bandzoogle.com/ | Everywhere
[Basecamp](/company-profiles/basecamp.md) | https://basecamp.com/ | Everywhere
[Automattic](/company-profiles/automattic.md) | https://automattic.com/ | Worldwide
[Bandcamp](/company-profiles/bandcamp.md) | https://bandcamp.com/ | Worldwide
[Bandzoogle](/company-profiles/bandzoogle.md) | https://bandzoogle.com/ | Worldwide
[Baremetrics](/company-profiles/baremetrics.md) | https://baremetrics.com/ | Worldwide
[Basecamp](/company-profiles/basecamp.md) | https://basecamp.com/ | Worldwide
basho | http://basho.com/ |
BeBanjo | http://bebanjo.com/ |
Betable | https://corp.betable.com/ |
@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ Bluespark | https://www.bluespark.com/ |
Bounty Most Wanted | https://bountymostwanted.com | Brazil & Germany
Brave Investments | http://www.braveinvest.com.br | Brazil
Bright Funds | https://www.brightfunds.org |
[Buffer](/company-profiles/buffer.md) | https://buffer.com/ | Everywhere
[Buffer](/company-profiles/buffer.md) | https://buffer.com/ | Worldwide
BuySellAds | https://buysellads.com |
[Canonical](/company-profiles/canonical.md) | http://www.canonical.com/ |
Cards Against Humanity | https://cardsagainsthumanity.com/ |
@ -46,90 +47,91 @@ Cards Against Humanity | https://cardsagainsthumanity.com/ |
CartStack | http://cartstack.com |
[Casumo](/company-profiles/casumo.md) | https://www.casumo.com/ | Europe
Catalyze | https://catalyze.io/ |
[Chargify](/company-profiles/chargify.md) | https://www.chargify.com/ | USA
charity: water | http://www.charitywater.org/ |
Chef | https://www.chef.io/ |
CircleCI | https://circleci.com/ |
[Citrusbyte](/company-profiles/citrusbyte.md) | https://citrusbyte.com/ | Everywhere
Clevertech | http://www.clevertech.biz/ |
[Citrusbyte](/company-profiles/citrusbyte.md) | https://citrusbyte.com/ | Worldwide
[Clevertech](/company-profiles/clevertech.md) | http://www.clevertech.biz/ | Worldwide
Close.io | http://close.io |
Codeship | https://codeship.com/ |
[Colivre](/company-profiles/colivre.md) | http://colivre.coop.br/ | Everywhere
[Colivre](/company-profiles/colivre.md) | http://colivre.coop.br/ | Worldwide
Collabora | https://www.collabora.com/ |
Compose | https://www.compose.io/ |
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau | http://www.consumerfinance.gov |
Core-Apps | http://www.core-apps.com/ | USA
CoreOS | https://coreos.com/ |
[Corgibytes](/company-profiles/corgibytes.md) | http://corgibytes.com | US East Coast
[Crew](/company-profiles/crew.md) | https://crew.co | Everywhere
Crossover | https://www.crossover.com | Everywhere
Datadog | http://www.datadoghq.com | Everywhere (offices in NY, Boston, Paris and many remote around the world)
[Crew](/company-profiles/crew.md) | https://crew.co | Worldwide
Crossover | https://www.crossover.com | Worldwide
Datadog | http://www.datadoghq.com | Worldwide (offices in NY, Boston, Paris and many remote around the world)
DataStax | http://www.datastax.com/ |
DealDash | http://www.dealdash.com |
Delighted | https://delighted.com |
[DigitalOcean](/company-profiles/digitalocean.md) | https://www.digitalocean.com/ | Everywhere
[DNSimple](/company-profiles/dnsimple.md) | https://dnsimple.com/ | Everywhere
+[Discourse](/company-profiles/discourse.md) | https://discourse.org/ | Everywhere
[DigitalOcean](/company-profiles/digitalocean.md) | https://www.digitalocean.com/ | Worldwide
[DNSimple](/company-profiles/dnsimple.md) | https://dnsimple.com/ | Worldwide
[Discourse](/company-profiles/discourse.md) | https://discourse.org/ | Worldwide
Docker | https://www.docker.com |
Doist | https://doist.io |
[DramaFever](/company-profiles/dramafever.md) | http://www.dramafever.com | USA
DuckDuckGo | https://duckduckgo.com/ |
[Edgar](/company-profiles/edgar.md) | http://meetedgar.com/ |
[Elastic](/company-profiles/elastic.md) | https://www.elastic.co/ | Everywhere
[Elastic](/company-profiles/elastic.md) | https://www.elastic.co/ | Worldwide
Emetech | http://www.emetech.net/ |
EngineYard (Support Team) | https://www.engineyard.com/ |
Enjoei | https://www.enjoei.com.br/ | Brazil
Estately | http://www.estately.com/ |
[Etsy](company-profiles/etsy.md) | https://www.etsy.com/ | Everywhere
[Etsy](company-profiles/etsy.md) | https://www.etsy.com/ | Worldwide
EVELO | https://evelo.workable.com |
[Eyeo (Adblock Plus)](company-profiles/eyeo.md) | https://eyeo.com/ | Everywhere
[Eyeo (Adblock Plus)](company-profiles/eyeo.md) | https://eyeo.com/ | Worldwide
Fastly | https://www.fastly.com/ |
Featurist | http://www.featurist.co.uk/ |
Fetlife | https://fetlife.com/ | Everywhere
Fetlife | https://fetlife.com/ | Worldwide
Filament Group | https://www.filamentgroup.com/ |
Fire Engine Red | http://fire-engine-red.com/ |
[Formstack](/company-profiles/formstack.md) | https://www.formstack.com/ | Everywhere
[Freeagent](/company-profiles/freeagent.md) | http://www.freeagent.com/ | Everywhere
[Formstack](/company-profiles/formstack.md) | https://www.formstack.com/ | Worldwide
[Freeagent](/company-profiles/freeagent.md) | http://www.freeagent.com/ | Worldwide
[FullFabric](/company-profiles/fullfabric.md) | http://fullfabric.com/ | Europe
Functionite | http://functionite.com/ |
General Assembly | https://generalassemb.ly/ |
Ghost | https://ghost.org/ |
Giant Swarm | https://giantswarm.io | Everywhere
[The Ghost Foundation](/company-profiles/ghost.md) | https://ghost.org/ | Worldwide
Giant Swarm | https://giantswarm.io | Worldwide
[GigSalad](/company-profiles/gigsalad.md) | https://www.gigsalad.com/ | USA
Gitbook | https://www.gitbook.com/ |
[GitHub](/company-profiles/github.md) | https://github.com/ | Everywhere
GitLab | https://about.gitlab.com/ | Everywhere
[GitPrime](/company-profiles/gitprime.md) | http://gitprime.com/ | Everywhere
[GitHub](/company-profiles/github.md) | https://github.com/ | Worldwide
GitLab | https://about.gitlab.com/ | Worldwide
[GitPrime](/company-profiles/gitprime.md) | http://gitprime.com/ | Worldwide
Glue Networks | http://gluenetworks.com/ |
GoHiring | http://www.gohiring.com/ | Everywhere
GoHiring | http://www.gohiring.com/ | Worldwide
[Gorman Health Group](/company-profiles/gormanhealthgroup.md) | https://www.gormanhealthgroup.com/ | USA
GotSoccer, LLC | http://www.gotsoccerpro.com |
Graylog | https://www.graylog.com/ |
[Gridium](/company-profiles/gridium.md) | http://gridium.com | USA
Haiku Learning | http://www.haikulearning.com/ |
Happy Cog | http://happycog.com/ | USA
[Harvest](/company-profiles/harvest.md) | https://www.getharvest.com/ | Everywhere
[Harvest](/company-profiles/harvest.md) | https://www.getharvest.com/ | Worldwide
HashiCorp | https://www.hashicorp.com/ |
Healthfinch | http://www.healthfinch.com/ |
Heap | https://heapanalytics.com/ | Everywhere
Heap | https://heapanalytics.com/ | Worldwide
Helpscout | http://www.helpscout.net/ |
Heroku | https://www.heroku.com/ |
Hireology | https://www.hireology.com | US
Hireology | https://www.hireology.com | US
Honeybadger | https://www.honeybadger.io/ |
[Hudl](/company-profiles/hudl.md) | http://www.hudl.com/ | US & UK
[Hugo](/company-profiles/hugo.md) | https://hugo.events | Everywhere
[Hypothesis](/company-profiles/hypothesis.md) | https://hypothes.is | Everywhere
[Hugo](/company-profiles/hugo.md) | https://hugo.events | Worldwide
[Hypothesis](/company-profiles/hypothesis.md) | https://hypothes.is | Worldwide
IBM | http://www.ibm.com/ |
Igalia | http://www.igalia.com/ |
[Incsub](company-profiles/incsub.md) | https://incsub.com/ | Everywhere
InfluxDB | https://influxdb.com/ |
Inpsyde | http://inpsyde.com/en/ |
Intellum | http://www.intellum.com |
[Interactive Intelligence](/company-profiles/inin.md) | http://www.inin.com | Everywhere
[Intercom](/company-profiles/intercom.md) | https://www.intercom.io/ | Everywhere
[Interactive Intelligence](/company-profiles/inin.md) | http://www.inin.com | Worldwide
[Intercom](/company-profiles/intercom.md) | https://www.intercom.io/ | Worldwide
Interpersonal Frequency (I.F.) | https://ifsight.com/ |
InVision | http://www.invisionapp.com/ |
IPS Group, Inc. | http://www.ipsgroupinc.com/ |
[iwantmyname](/company-profiles/iwantmyname.md) | https://iwantmyname.com/ | Everywhere
[iwantmyname](/company-profiles/iwantmyname.md) | https://iwantmyname.com/ | Worldwide
Jolly Good Code | http://www.jollygoodcode.com |
Keen IO | https://keen.io/ |
Khan Academy | https://www.khanacademy.org/ |
@ -143,8 +145,8 @@ Linaro | https://www.linaro.org/ |
Linux Foundation | http://www.linuxfoundation.org/ |
LivingSocial | https://www.livingsocial.com/ |
[Loadsys Web Strategies](/company-profiles/loadsys.md) | https://www.loadsys.com | US Only
[Localistico](/company-profiles/localistico.md) | [https://localistico.com](http://localistico.com/team/#hiring) | Everywhere
[Lullabot](/company-profiles/lullabot.md) | https://www.lullabot.com/ | Everywhere
[Localistico](/company-profiles/localistico.md) | [https://localistico.com](http://localistico.com/team/#hiring) | Worldwide
[Lullabot](/company-profiles/lullabot.md) | https://www.lullabot.com/ | Worldwide
[Mapbox](/company-profiles/mapbox.md) | https://www.mapbox.com/ |
Marketade | http://www.marketade.com |
Memberful | https://memberful.com |
@ -161,7 +163,7 @@ npm | https://www.npmjs.com/ |
O'Reilly Media | http://www.oreilly.com/ |
[OmniTI](/company-profiles/omniti.md) | https://omniti.com/ | USA
OpenCraft | http://opencraft.com/ |
Oracle | http://www.oracle.com/ | Everywhere
Oracle | http://www.oracle.com/ | Worldwide
Our-Hometown Inc. | http://our-hometown.com/ | US Only
Parker Wallace | http://parkerwallace.com |
Parsely | http://www.parsely.com/ |
@ -204,7 +206,7 @@ SoftwareMill | https://softwaremill.com/ |
Soostone | http://www.soostone.com/ |
[Spoqa](/company-profiles/spoqa.md) | http://www.spoqa.com/ | South Korea and Japan
Sqwiggle | https://www.sqwiggle.com/ |
[Stack Exchange](/company-profiles/stackexchange.md) | http://stackexchange.com/ | Everywhere
[Stack Exchange](/company-profiles/stackexchange.md) | http://stackexchange.com/ | Worldwide
Stitch Fix | https://www.stitchfix.com |
[Stripe](/company-profiles/stripe.md) | https://stripe.com/ | Worldwide
Strongloop | https://strongloop.com/ |
@ -213,7 +215,7 @@ SUSE | https://www.suse.com/ | Worldwide
Sutherland Global Services - CloudSource | https://www.sutherlandcloudsource.com |
SweetRush | http://www.sweetrush.com |
Sysdig | http://www.sysdig.org/ |
Tag1 Consulting | http://tag1consulting.com/ | Everywhere
Tag1 Consulting | http://tag1consulting.com/ | Worldwide
teamed. | http://www.teamed.io/ |
TeamSnap | https://www.teamsnap.com |
[Tech-Angels](/company-profiles/tech-angels.md) | http://www.tech-angels.com | United States, Canada, and France
@ -228,15 +230,15 @@ The Remote Lab | http://theremotelab.io |
ThreatSim | http://threatsim.com/ |
ThreatStream | https://www.threatstream.com/company/careers | United States
TIDY Homekeeping | http://www.gotidy.com/ | United States
[toggl](/company-profiles/toggl.md) | https://toggl.com/ | Everywhere
[toggl](/company-profiles/toggl.md) | https://toggl.com/ | Worldwide
[Toptal](company-profiles/toptal.md) | http://www.toptal.com/ | Worldwide
Tower / fournova | http://www.fournova.com/ |
[Transloadit](/company-profiles/transloadit.md) | https://transloadit.com/ | Everywhere
[Transloadit](/company-profiles/transloadit.md) | https://transloadit.com/ | Worldwide
Travis CI | https://travis-ci.org/ |
[Treehouse](/company-profiles/treehouse.md) | https://teamtreehouse.com/ | United States
Trello | https://trello.com/ |
Tribe | http://www.tribe.net/welcome |
Typesafe | http://www.typesafe.com/ | Everywhere
Typesafe | http://www.typesafe.com/ | Worldwide
Twin Technologies | https://www.twintechs.com/ |
UpTrending | http://uptrending.com |
Upwork Pro | https://www.upwork.com |
@ -250,5 +252,5 @@ Wikimedia Foundation | https://wikimediafoundation.org | San Francisco, Californ
Word to the Wise | https://wordtothewise.com |
X-Team | http://x-team.com/ |
YouCanBook.me Ltd | https://youcanbook.me |
Zapier | https://zapier.com/ |
[Zapier](/company-profiles/zapier.md) | https://zapier.com/ | Worldwide
[Zeit.io](/company-profiles/zeitio.md) | http://zeit.io/ | Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, Chile
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# Baremetrics
## Company blurb
Who we are, what we’re about & what we do, yo. Baremetrics is pretty much the bee’s knees. We're the best Stripe analytics tool out there. Period.
We are a small, tightknit team. We are proud of every piece of work that rolls out. We know what we want to build, where it should go and how we’ll get there. We go out, kill it and drag it home.
Since launching, we’ve added some great customers, received some killer press and are hiring like crazy. We’re growing fast, and have been since day 1. So, if you’d like to chat about what it’s like here, who works here, why it matters and what our favorite snacks are...just reach out.
## Company size
## Remote status
[100% Remote](https://baremetrics.com/jobs)
## Region
## Company technologies
PHP, jQuery
## Office Locations
None, 100% remote.
## How to apply
Jobs and info is posted at the [jobs page](https://baremetrics.com/jobs)
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# Chargify
## Company blurb
We've been around for 6 years, supporting almost every kind of organization that needs to bill people over and over: online software businesses, churches, schools, storage unit owners, shippers of recurring packages, and many others.
And over that time, with that variety of merchants using Chargify, we've developed our software to support just about every common business model and pricing model. Chargify is a recurring billing system designed for Web 2.0 and SaaS companies. Chargify frees you from worrying about billing so you can focus on building innovative web applications.
## Company size
24 employees listed on the [About Us](https://www.chargify.com/about-us/) page.
## Remote status
[Development team is 100% remote. Remote positions for applicants based in the US. You are free to work anywhere.
You're expected to maintain a regular day-to-day schedule and be in the 'office' & responsive during your chosen worktime. That said, we offer lots of flexibility for adjusting your schedule based on personal/family needs. Some travel is required (typically 2 or 3 week-long trips a year).](http://chargify.theresumator.com/apply/GdC1L7/Junior-Developer-USA-Remote)
## Region
Worldwide - Mainly US based employees but with one in Brazil and another in Australia. A [map](https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=zLsPehD3_vdo.k8yC1yRzgqKU&usp=sharing) shows employee rough locations on the [About Us](https://www.chargify.com/about-us/) page
## Company technologies
RoR, AWS, Docker
## Office Locations
Head office is located in Needham, MA
## How to apply
Chargify openings are listed on the [jobs](https://www.chargify.com/jobs) page.
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# Clevertech
## Company blurb
Clevertech have been developing apps since 2000. Clevertech is a team of business analysts, developers and designers. We tackle complex business issues and engineer simplicity. We work with visionary leaders who want full service partners for successful product launches.
## Company size
Nearly 100 employees
## Remote status
100% remote over 6 continents. Schedules are flexible—you work when you're in flow, from wherever you wish.
## Region
[Worldwide](http://www.clevertech.biz/press.html#contact) - A globally located community of talented business analysts, developers and designers.
## Company technologies
JS, node, Python, RoR, PHP, Java,
## Office Locations
379 W Broadway, 2nd Floor, New York, NY
## How to apply
Learn [why](http://why.clevertech.biz/) you'd want to work at Clevertech, then look to see what the team are [hiring](https://hire.clevertech.biz/) for.
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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
# The Ghost Foundation
## Company blurb
Ghost is a design-led Open Source project. We're focused on the details. The end user. The experience from start to finish. We believe that free and open don't need to be synonymous with "clunky". We're creating a sustainable Open Source company with a full time team dedicated to enabling beautiful publishing around the world.
Here are just a few of the perks of working with us:
• Work with a world-class team of designers, developers & writers.
• Choose where you work and how you work. It's entirely up to you.
• We don't count hours. Take flexible time off when you need it.
• Conferences, books, and memberships covered
• Remote office costs covered
• Retreats abroad a few times a year with the entire company
[The Ghost Foundation](https://ghost.org/about/) oversees the Ghost project and and run the hosted platform for Ghost(Pro).
## Company size
Less than 20 employees.
## Remote status
Our headquarters is the internet. If you have a wifi connection, we have an office near you. We're a distributed team working online from all corners of the planet. We don't care about counting the number of hours you spend in a chair at a desk in a small room each week. You can live wherever you want, and work however you like. As long as you're online, you can be "at work".
## Region
Worldwide (See above)
## Company technologies
Ember.js, node.js, Grunt,
## Office Locations
No physical office.
The Ghost foundation is a Not for Profit Organisation registered in the United Kingdom (company number 8540663), who can be contacted by post at the following address:
Ghost Foundation
145 - 157 St John Street
United Kingdom
## How to apply
Jobs with The Ghost Foundation are listed on the [careers](https://ghost.org/careers/) page.
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# Zapier
## Company blurb
For the past four years, Zapier has been helping people across the world automate the boring and tedious parts of their job. We do that by helping everyone connect the web applications they already use and love.
## Company size
30 team members listed on the [about page](https://zapier.com/about/)
## Remote status
If you want to work remote, that's great. If you want to work near others, that's cool too. Our team is distributed across California, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Illinois and the UK because it lets us work with the best people. You don't have to be located in the USA either. Some of the team live in the United Kingdom, Thailand, New Zealand and Australia. You just have to be talented!
## Region
## Company technologies
Python/Django, Backbone.js, Linode, nginx, Gunicorn, MySQL, Redis and RabbitMQ
## Office Locations
## How to apply
Applying is fairly straightforward:
Send an email to [platformjobs@zapier.com](platformjobs@zapier.com) (be sure to include the title of the role you are applying for!)
Tell us about yourself (include how you heard about Zapier and the position)
Tell us about the most difficult API/library/software bug you've tackled (we love real life stories!)
Tell us about a time you helped a customer or a partner be successful
Tell us about something you've maintained after the initial development was complete
Include links to your portfolio/Github profile (or provide us with 500+ LOC)
Add table
Reference in a new issue