diff --git a/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md index 01b8644f..8f40bb8b 100644 --- a/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md +++ b/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md @@ -1,22 +1,94 @@ -# Contributor Code of Conduct +# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct -As contributors and maintainers of this project, and in the interest of fostering an open and welcoming community, we pledge to respect all people who contribute through reporting issues, posting feature requests, updating documentation, submitting pull requests or patches, and other activities. +## Our Pledge -We are committed to making participation in this project a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or nationality. +We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, +nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. -Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: +We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community. -* The use of sexualized language or imagery -* Personal attacks -* Trolling or insulting/derogatory comments +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our community include: + +* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people +* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences +* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback +* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes, and learning from the experience +* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the overall community + +Examples of unacceptable behavior include: + +* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances of any kind +* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks * Public or private harassment -* Publishing other's private information, such as physical or electronic addresses, without explicit permission -* Other unethical or unprofessional conduct. +* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email address, without their explicit permission +* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting -Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct. By adopting this Code of Conduct, project maintainers commit themselves to fairly and consistently applying these principles to every aspect of managing this project. Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct may be permanently removed from the project team. +## Enforcement Responsibilities -This code of conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community. +Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful. -Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by opening an issue or contacting one or more of the project maintainers. +Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are +not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation decisions when appropriate. -This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org), version 1.2.0, available at [http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/2/0/](http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/2/0/) +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces. +Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed +representative at an online or offline event. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement. Please mention @dougaitken or email him directly `remote at dougaitken dot co dot uk` + +All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly. + +All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the reporter of any incident. + +## Enforcement Guidelines + +Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct: + +### 1. Correction + +**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed unprofessional or unwelcome in the community. + +**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the +behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested. + +### 2. Warning + +**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series of actions. + +**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or permanent ban. + +### 3. Temporary Ban + +**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior. + +**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period. + +Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban. + +### 4. Permanent Ban + +**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals. + +**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within the community. + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 2.1, available at [https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/1/code_of_conduct.html][v2.1]. + +Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by [Mozilla's code of conduct enforcement ladder][Mozilla CoC]. + +For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at [https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq][FAQ]. Translations are available at [https://www.contributor-covenant.org/translations][translations]. + +[homepage]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org +[v2.1]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/1/code_of_conduct.html +[Mozilla CoC]: https://github.com/mozilla/diversity +[FAQ]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq +[translations]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org/translations + +_This superceeds any previous version of the code of conduct_ diff --git a/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md b/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md index 4108a603..67b4be3e 100644 --- a/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ Please send a Pull Request if you have any additions or changes. -Pull requests will be accepted based on the following: +Pull Requests will be accepted based on the following: -1. The pull request adheres to the repository's [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/tree/main/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). +1. The Pull Request adheres to the repository's [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/tree/main/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). 1. The company works, at least partially, remotely. 1. The company appears in alphabetical order in the list. 1. The company includes a website. @@ -12,3 +12,53 @@ Pull requests will be accepted based on the following: 1. The company has a profile page and the company name links to it (see example [here](/company-profiles/example.md)) Thanks for contributing! + +# Docker +### For starting the Docker File + +``` +>remote-jobs $ sudo docker build remote -t remote-jobs +>remote-jobs $ sudo docker images ls +REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE +remote-job latest 971f9317008d 14 minutes ago 204MB +>remote-jobs $ sudo docker run -p 8080:8081 remote-job +> start +> bin/serve-site.js + +Parsing content +Requesting URL "https://blog.remoteintech.company/" +Requesting URL "https://s1.wp.com/_static/??-eJyNktFSAyEMRX9IiGvXVh8cvwXYDKYGliHQDn..." +Requesting URL "https://s1.wp.com/_static/??-eJyVUO1qwzAMfKFpImOk7Mfos7iqmjixLWPLlL..." +Requesting URL "https://s2.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/global-print/global-print.c..." +Requesting URL "https://s0.wp.com/wp-content/themes/h4/global.css?m=1420737423h&css..." +Requesting URL "https://s0.wp.com/?custom-css=1&csblog=9eXnX&cscache=6&csrev=6" +Requesting URL "https://s0.wp.com/_static/??-eJx9jNsKwjAMhl/ILky0sAvxWUobZrYegkkpe3..." +Copying favicon files +Generating search index +Writing main page +Writing company pages.......................................................................... +Writing custom 404 page + +Writing empty robots.txt + +Site files are ready in "site/build/" +Starting up http-server, serving /node/site/build + +http-server version: 14.0.0 + +http-server settings: +CORS: disabled +Cache: 3600 seconds +Connection Timeout: 120 seconds +Directory Listings: visible +AutoIndex: visible +Serve GZIP Files: false +Serve Brotli Files: false +Default File Extension: none + +Available on: + + +Hit CTRL-C to stop the server + +``` diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..197be528 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +--- +name: Bug report +about: Create a report to help us improve +title: "[Bug]" +labels: bug +assignees: '' + +--- + +**Describe the bug** +A clear and concise description of what the bug is. + +**To Reproduce** +Steps to reproduce the behavior: +1. Go to '...' +2. Click on '....' +3. Scroll down to '....' +4. See error + +**Expected behavior** +A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. + +**Screenshots** +If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. + +**Desktop (please complete the following information):** + - OS: [e.g. iOS] + - Browser [e.g. chrome, safari] + - Version [e.g. 22] + +**Smartphone (please complete the following information):** + - Device: [e.g. iPhone6] + - OS: [e.g. iOS8.1] + - Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari] + - Version [e.g. 22] + +**Additional context** +Add any other context about the problem here. diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature-request--add-a-discussion-.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature-request--add-a-discussion-.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7c64ba7d --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature-request--add-a-discussion-.md @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +--- +name: Feature request (Add a Discussion) +about: Suggest an idea for this project +title: '' +labels: '' +assignees: '' + +--- + +PLEASE OPEN A NEW DISCUSSION. + +[Discussions > New > Ideas](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/discussions/new?category=ideas) diff --git a/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.MD b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.MD index b50ef11c..949b43bd 100644 --- a/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.MD +++ b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.MD @@ -1,19 +1,32 @@ -📝Title your pull request descriptively. `[edit X company]` or `[add new company - COMPANY]` +This is a modified version of, and should adhere to, the [Contributing Guidelines](../../main/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md). -ℹ️Please read and check the boxes in the list below that apply! + + +* [ ] This PR contains housekeeping only (URL edits, copy changes etc) - **if this is checked, delete other lines that don't apply** +* [ ] You are an employee of the company mentioned and confirm all included details are correct. +* [ ] You know your alphabet - company is listed in alphabetical order in the README.md file. +* [ ] The company directly hires employees. ** No bootcamps / freelance sites / etc** +* [ ] The company hires remote employees, or positions are available to remote workers and are clearly illustrated as such. +* [ ] A [company profile](/company-profiles/example.md) is included - This is __required__ for new additions. +* [ ] An entry has been added or edited within the [readme.md file](../../main/README.md). +* [ ] __Remote status__ has details regarding how the culture includes remote employees, how the company integrated remote workers, etc +* [ ] __Region__ details the geographic regions in which this company employees can reside. For more details see the instructions in the [example company profile](/company-profiles/example.md#region). +* [ ] __How to apply__ details the best approach for new applications, page on site where open position are listed, and any other help available for job hunters diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml index 4317393b..b852aff5 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml @@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ jobs: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - - uses: actions/checkout@v2 + - uses: actions/checkout@main - name: Use Node.js - uses: actions/setup-node@v1 + uses: actions/setup-node@main - name: Install dependencies run: npm install diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a499016e --- /dev/null +++ b/Dockerfile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +FROM node:alpine + +RUN mkdir node + +COPY . ./node + +WORKDIR /node/ + +RUN npm install + +CMD npm start + + + diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 8587b168..fafcb12f 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -2,10 +2,9 @@ A list of semi to fully remote-friendly companies in or around tech. -Contributions are very welcome! Please -[submit a pull request on GitHub](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/tree/main/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md). -_Some company names have a ⚠ icon next to them. This icon means we don't have much information about this company yet, and we would love a contribution! See each individual company profile for details._ +Contributions are very welcome! Please [review our contributing guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/tree/main/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) and then submit a new entry or update. + ## Companies @@ -27,9 +26,11 @@ Name | Website | Region [Ad Hoc](/company-profiles/ad-hoc.md) | https://www.adhocteam.us/ | USA [Adaface](/company-profiles/adaface.md) | https://www.adaface.com | Asia [AddStructure](/company-profiles/addstructure.md)| https://www.bazaarvoice.com/ | USA +[Adeva](/company-profiles/adeva.md) | https://adevait.com/ | Asia, Africa, Europe, South America, United States [Adzuna](/company-profiles/adzuna.md) | https://www.adzuna.co.uk/ | Worldwide [AE Studio](/company-profiles/aestudio.md) | https://ae.studio/ | USA, BR [Aerolab](/company-profiles/aerolab.md) | https://aerolab.co/ | Latin America +[Aerostrat](/company-profiles/aerostrat.md) | https://aerostratsoftware.com/ | USA [AgFlow](/company-profiles/agflow.md) | https://www.agflow.com | Europe [Aha!](/company-profiles/aha.md) | https://www.aha.io | Worldwide [Aim India](/company-profiles/aim-india.md) | https://www.aimincorp.com/ | India @@ -38,8 +39,9 @@ Name | Website | Region [AirGarage](/company-profiles/airgarage.md) | https://www.airgarage.com/ | USA [AirTreks](/company-profiles/airtreks.md) | https://www.airtreks.com/ | USA [Aivitex](/company-profiles/aivitex.md) | https://aivitex.com/ | Germany +[Alami](/company-profiles/alami.md) | https://alamisharia.co.id/en/ | Indonesia [Algorand](/company-profiles/algorand.md) | https://www.algorand.com/ | USA -[Algorithmia](/company-profiles/algorithmia.md) | https://algorithmia.com/ | the USA or Canada +[Algorithmia](/company-profiles/algorithmia.md) | https://algorithmia.com/ | North America [ALICE](/company-profiles/alice.md) | https://aliceplatform.com | Worldwide [Alight Solutions](/company-profiles/alight-solutions.md) | https://alight.com | Worldwide [Alley](/company-profiles/alley.md) | https://alley.co | USA, Canada, Western Europe @@ -49,18 +51,21 @@ Name | Website | Region [Ambaum](/company-profiles/ambaum.md) | https://ambaum.com/ | USA, Europe [Andela](/company-profiles/andela.md) | https://andela.com/ | Worldwide [Animalz](/company-profiles/animalz.md) | https://www.animalz.co | USA +[Annertech](/company-profiles/annertech.md) | https://www.annertech.com | Ireland [Anomali](/company-profiles/anomali.md) | https://www.anomali.com/company/careers | USA, UK, Singapore [apartment therapy](/company-profiles/apartment-therapy.md) | http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/ | USA [Appinio](/company-profiles/appinio.md) | https://appinio.com/ | Europe +[Applaudo](/company-profiles/applaudo.md) | https://applaudostudios.com | Worldwide [Appstractor Corporation](/company-profiles/appstractor.md) | https://www.appstractor.com/ | USA, UK, Israel [Appwrite](/company-profiles/appwrite.md) | https://appwrite.io | Worldwide [argyle](/company-profiles/argyle.md) | https://argyle.com/ | Worldwide [ARK](/company-profiles/ark.md) | https://www.ark.io/careers | Worldwide [Arkency](/company-profiles/arkency.md) | https://arkency.com/ | Worldwide -[Art & Logic](/company-profiles/art-and-logic.md) | https://artandlogic.com | USA and Canada +[Art & Logic](/company-profiles/art-and-logic.md) | https://artandlogic.com | USA, Canada [Artefactual Systems](/company-profiles/artefactual.md) | https://www.artefactual.com | UTC-8 to UTC+2 [Articulate](/company-profiles/articulate.md) | https://www.articulate.com | Worldwide [Astronomer](/company-profiles/astronomer.md) | https://www.astronomer.io/ | USA +[Atlassian](/company-profiles/atlassian.md) | https://www.atlassian.com/ | USA, Europe, Asia, Australia [Audiense](/company-profiles/audiense.md) | https://www.audiense.com/ | Worldwide [Aula Education](/company-profiles/aula.md) | https://aula.education/ | Worldwide [Auth0](/company-profiles/auth0.md) | https://auth0.com/ | Worldwide @@ -82,21 +87,25 @@ Name | Website | Region [Betable](/company-profiles/betable.md) | https://corp.betable.com/ | USA, Europe [BetaPeak](/company-profiles/betapeak.md) | https://betapeak.com/ | Worldwide [BetterUp](/company-profiles/betterup.md) | https://www.betterup.com/ | USA +[Beyond Company](/company-profiles/beyond-company.md) | https://beyondcompany.com.br/ | Brazil [BeyondPricing](/company-profiles/beyondpricing.md) | https://beyondpricing.com | USA, Europe [Big Cartel](/company-profiles/big-cartel.md) | https://www.bigcartel.com | USA -[Big Wheel Brigade](/company-profiles/big-wheel-brigade.md) | https://www.bigwheelbrigade.com/ | USA [Bill](/company-profiles/bill.md) | https://www.bill.com/ | USA [Bit Zesty](/company-profiles/bit-zesty.md) | https://bitzesty.com/ | Worldwide [Bitnami](/company-profiles/bitnami.md) | https://bitnami.com/ | Worldwide -[Bitovi](/company-profiles/bitovi.md) | https://bitovi.com/ | USA & Worldwide +[Bitovi](/company-profiles/bitovi.md) | https://bitovi.com/ | Worldwide [Bizink](/company-profiles/bizink.md) | https://bizinkonline.com | Worldwide -[Blameless](/company-profiles/blameless.md) | https://www.blameless.com/ | USA, WorldWide +[Blameless](/company-profiles/blameless.md) | https://www.blameless.com/ | North America [Bloc](/company-profiles/bloc.md) | https://www.bloc.io/ | North America +[BlueCat Networks](/company-profiles/bluecat-networks.md) | https://bluecatnetworks.com/ | North America [Bluespark](/company-profiles/bluespark.md) | https://www.bluespark.com/ | USA [Boldare](/company-profiles/boldare.md) | https://boldare.com | Worldwide [Bonsai](/company-profiles/bonsai.md) | https://www.hellobonsai.com | Worldwide +[Bounteous](/company-profiles/bounteous.md) | https://bounteous.com | Worldwide +[Brainstorm Force](/company-profiles/brainstorm-force.md) | https://brainstormforce.com/ | Worldwide [Brave Investments](/company-profiles/brave-investments.md) | https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/brave-investment | Brazil [Bright Funds](/company-profiles/bright-funds.md) | https://www.brightfunds.org | USA +[Brikl](/company-profiles/brikl.md) | https://www.brikl.com/ | North America, Asia [BriteCore](/company-profiles/britecore.md) | https://britecore.com/ | USA, Worldwide [Broadwing](/company-profiles/broadwing.md) | https://www.broadwing.io/ | Worldwide [Buffer](/company-profiles/buffer.md) | https://buffer.com/ | Worldwide @@ -105,10 +114,11 @@ Name | Website | Region [Cabify](/company-profiles/cabify.md) | https://cabify.com/ | Spain [Calamari](/company-profiles/calamari.md) | https://calamari.io/ | Poland [Calibre](/company-profiles/calibre.md) | https://calibreapp.com/ | Worldwide +[CANCOM](/company-profiles/cancom.md) | https://www.cancom.com/ | Germany, Austria, Slovakia [Canonical](/company-profiles/canonical.md) | https://www.canonical.com/ | Worldwide [Capchase](/company-profiles/capchase.md) | https://www.capchase.com/ | Worldwide [Capital One](/company-profiles/capital-one.md) | https://www.capitalonecareers.com/tech | USA -[Carbon Black](/company-profiles/carbon-black.md) | https://www.carbonblack.com/ | USA, Offices in Boston, MA +[Carbon Black](/company-profiles/carbon-black.md) | https://www.carbonblack.com/ | USA [Cards Against Humanity](/company-profiles/cards-against-humanity.md) | https://cardsagainsthumanity.com/ | USA [CareCru](/company-profiles/carecru.md) | https://carecru.com | Worldwide [CareMessage](/company-profiles/caremessage.md) | https://caremessage.org/careers/ | Worldwide @@ -116,20 +126,26 @@ Name | Website | Region [CartStack](/company-profiles/cartstack.md) | https://www.cartstack.com/ | Worldwide [Casumo](/company-profiles/casumo.md) | https://www.casumo.com/ | Europe [Celsius](/company-profiles/celsius.md) | https://celsius.network/ | Worldwide +[ChainLink Labs](/company-profiles/chainlink.md) | https://chainlinklabs.com/ | USA [Chargify](/company-profiles/chargify.md) | https://www.chargify.com/ | USA -[charity: water](/company-profiles/charity-water.md) | https://www.charitywater.org/ | USA, Offices in NY +[charity: water](/company-profiles/charity-water.md) | https://www.charitywater.org/ | USA [ChatGen](/company-profiles/chatgen.md) | https://chatgen.ai/ | India, USA [Checkly](/company-profiles/checkly.md) | https://www.checklyhq.com | Europe (CET -3 / CET +3) [Chef](/company-profiles/chef.md) | https://www.chef.io/ | USA, UK [ChefsClub](/company-profiles/chefsclub.md) | https://www.chefsclub.com.br/ | Brazil +[Chess](/company-profiles/chess.md) | https://www.chess.com/jobs/ | Worldwide [Chroma](/company-profiles/chroma.md) | https://hichroma.com/ | Worldwide [CircleCI](/company-profiles/circleci.md) | https://circleci.com/ | Worldwide [Circonus](/company-profiles/circonus.md) | https://circonus.com/ | USA [CivicActions](/company-profiles/civicactions.md) | https://civicactions.com/ | Worldwide [Civo](/company-profiles/civo.md) | https://www.civo.com | Worldwide [Clevertech](/company-profiles/clevertech.md) | https://clevertech.biz/ | Worldwide +[ClickUp](/company-profiles/clickup.md) | https://clickup.com/ | Worldwide +[Clootrack](/company-profiles/clootrack.md) | https://www.clootrack.com/ | India [Close](/company-profiles/close.md) | https://close.com | Worldwide [CloudApp](/company-profiles/cloudapp.md) | https://getcloudapp.com | North America +[Coalition Technologies](/company-profiles/coalition-technologies.md) | https://coalitiontechnologies.com/ | Worldwide +[Code Like a Girl](/company-profiles/code-like-a-girl.md) | https://codelikeagirl.com | Australia [Codea IT](/company-profiles/codea-it.md) | https://www.codeait.com | Worldwide [CodePen](/company-profiles/codepen.md) | https://codepen.io | Worldwide [CodeSandbox](/company-profiles/codesandbox.md) | https://codesandbox.io | Worldwide @@ -137,7 +153,7 @@ Name | Website | Region [Codestunts](/company-profiles/codestunts.md) | https://codestunts.com/ | Worldwide [Cofense](/company-profiles/cofense.md) | https://cofense.com | USA [Coinbase](/company-profiles/coinbase.md) | https://www.coinbase.com | Worldwide -[Colivre](/company-profiles/colivre.md) | https://colivre.coop.br/ | Worldwide +[Coingape](/company-profiles/coingape.md) | https://coingape.com/ | India [Collabora](/company-profiles/collabora.md) | https://www.collabora.com/ | Worldwide [Comet](/company-profiles/comet.md) | https://www.comet.co/ | France [Compose](/company-profiles/compose.md) | https://www.compose.io/ | Worldwide @@ -148,6 +164,7 @@ Name | Website | Region [Continu](/company-profiles/continu.md) | https://www.continu.co/ | USA [Conversio](/company-profiles/conversio.md) | https://conversio.com/ | Worldwide [Convert](/company-profiles/convert.md) | https://www.convert.com | Worldwide +[Coodesh](/company-profiles/coodesh.md) | https://coodesh.com/ | Brazil [Core-Apps](/company-profiles/core-apps.md) | https://www.core-apps.com/ | USA [CoreOS](/company-profiles/coreos.md) | https://coreos.com/ | USA [Corgibytes](/company-profiles/corgibytes.md) | https://corgibytes.com | USA East Coast @@ -157,13 +174,17 @@ Name | Website | Region [CrowdTangle](/company-profiles/crowdtangle.md) | https://crowdtangle.com | USA [Cueup](/company-profiles/cueup.md) | https://cueup.io/ | Worldwide [Customer.io](/company-profiles/customer-io.md) | https://customer.io | Worldwide +[Cuvette](/company-profiles/cuvette.md) | https://cuvette.tech | Worldwide [CVS Health](/company-profiles/cvs-health.md) | https://jobs.cvshealth.com/ | USA +[CWT](/company-profiles/cwt.md) | https://www.mycwt.com/ | Worldwide [Cyber Whale](/company-profiles/cyber-whale.md) | https://cyberwhale.tech | Europe [Dalenys](/company-profiles/dalenys.md) | https://dalenys.com/ | Europe [DappRadar](/company-profiles/dappradar.md) | https://dappradar.com/ | Worldwide [DareCode](/company-profiles/darecode.md) | https://darecode.com/ | Europe [DashboardHub](/company-profiles/dashboardhub.md) | https://dashboardhub.io | Worldwide +[Dashlane](/company-profiles/dashlane.md) | https://dashlane.com | Worldwide [Data Science Brigade](/company-profiles/data-science-brigade.md) | https://dsbrigade.com/ | Worldwide +[Data Science Dojo](/company-profiles/data-science-dojo.md) | https://datasciencedojo.com/ | Worldwide [DataCamp](/company-profiles/datacamp.md) | https://www.datacamp.com/ | Europe or comparable timezone [Datadog](/company-profiles/datadog.md) | https://www.datadoghq.com/ | Worldwide [DataStax](/company-profiles/datastax.md) | https://www.datastax.com/ | Worldwide @@ -173,22 +194,29 @@ Name | Website | Region [Designcode](/company-profiles/designcode.md) | https://designcode.io/ | Worldwide [Deskpass](/company-profiles/deskpass.md) | https://www.deskpass.com | Worldwide [Dev Spotlight](/company-profiles/dev-spotlight.md) | https://www.devspotlight.com | Worldwide +[Devsquad](/company-profiles/devsquad.md) | https://devsquad.com | Worldwide [Dgraph](/company-profiles/dgraph.md) | https://dgraph.io/ | Americas [DigitalOcean](/company-profiles/digitalocean.md) | https://www.digitalocean.com/ | Worldwide +[Digitise](/company-profiles/digitise.md) | https://jobs.gohire.io/digitise-xwcfqaab/ | Worldwide [Discord](/company-profiles/discord.md) | https://discord.com/ | USA [Discourse](/company-profiles/discourse.md) | https://www.discourse.org/ | Worldwide [DNSimple](/company-profiles/dnsimple.md) | https://dnsimple.com/ | Worldwide [Docker](/company-profiles/docker.md) | https://www.docker.com | USA [Doist](/company-profiles/doist.md) | https://doist.com | Worldwide +[Donut App](/company-profiles/donut.md) | https://www.donut.app/ | USA, EU [DroneDeploy](/company-profiles/dronedeploy.md) | https://www.dronedeploy.com/ | Worldwide +[Dropbox](/company-profiles/dropbox.md) | https://www.dropbox.com/ | Worldwide [Drupal Jedi](/company-profiles/drupal-jedi.md) | https://drupaljedi.com/ | Worldwide [DuckDuckGo](/company-profiles/duckduckgo.md) | https://duckduckgo.com/ | Worldwide [DynaPictures](/company-profiles/dynapictures.md) | https://dynapictures.com/ | Worldwide [EarthOfDrones](/company-profiles/earthofdrones.md) | https://earthofdrones.com/ | Worldwide +[EatStreet](/company-profiles/eatstreet.md) | https://eatstreet.com/ | USA [EBSCO Information Services](/company-profiles/ebsco-information-services.md) | https://www.ebsco.com | USA [Eco-Mind](/company-profiles/eco-mind.md) | https://eco-mind.eu/ | Italy -[Edgar](/company-profiles/edgar.md) | https://meetedgar.com/ | USA & Canada -[Edify](/company-profiles/edify.md) | https://edify.cr/ | Costa Rica & Worldwide +[Edgar](/company-profiles/edgar.md) | https://meetedgar.com/ | USA, Canada +[Edgio](/company-profiles/edgio.md) | https://edg.io/ | Worldwide +[Edify](/company-profiles/edify.md) | https://edify.cr/ | Worldwide +[eFishery](/company-profiles/efishery.md) | https://efishery.com/ | Indonesia [Elastic](/company-profiles/elastic.md) | https://www.elastic.co/ | Worldwide [Emsisoft](/company-profiles/emsisoft.md) | https://www.emsisoft.com/ | Worldwide [EngineYard (Support Team)](/company-profiles/engineyard.md) | https://www.engineyard.com/ | Worldwide @@ -196,7 +224,7 @@ Name | Website | Region [Enok](/company-profiles/enok.md) | https://www.enok.co/ | USA [Entrision](/company-profiles/entrision.md) | https://entrision.com/ | USA [Envato](/company-profiles/envato.md) | https://envato.com/ | Worldwide -[Envoy](/company-profiles/envoy.md) | https://envoy.com/ | USA, Canada & Colombia +[Envoy](/company-profiles/envoy.md) | https://envoy.com/ | USA, Canada, Colombia [Epam](/company-profiles/epam.md) | https://epam.com/ | Worldwide [Epic Games](/company-profiles/epic-games.md) | https://www.epicgames.com/site/en-US/careers | Worldwide [Epilocal](/company-profiles/epilocal.md) | https://www.epilocal.com/ | Worldwide @@ -225,11 +253,13 @@ Name | Website | Region [FingerprintJS](/company-profiles/fingerprintjs.md) | https://fingerprintjs.com | Worldwide [Fire Engine Red](/company-profiles/fire-engine-red.md) | https://fire-engine-red.com/ | Worldwide [Fireball Labs](/company-profiles/fireball-labs.md) | https://www.fireballlabs.com | Germany +[Fiverr](/company-profiles/fiverr.md) | https://www.fiverr.com/ | North America, Asia [FivexL](/company-profiles/fivexl.md) | https://fivexl.io | Worldwide [Flexera](/company-profiles/flexera.md) | https://www.flexera.com/ | USA [FlightAware](/company-profiles/flightaware.md) | https://flightaware.com | USA [Flip](/company-profiles/flip.md) | https://flip.id | Indonesia [Flowing](/company-profiles/flowing.md) | https://flowing.it | Italy +[Fly.io](/company-profiles/fly-io.md) | https://fly.io | Worldwide [FMX](/company-profiles/fmx.md) | https://www.gofmx.com/ | USA [Focusnetworks](/company-profiles/focusnetworks.md) | https://focusnetworks.com.br | Worldwide [fohandboh](/company-profiles/fohandboh.md) | https://fohandboh.com/ | Worldwide @@ -246,6 +276,7 @@ Name | Website | Region [Geckoboard](/company-profiles/geckoboard.md) | https://www.geckoboard.com | UK [General Assembly](/company-profiles/general-assembly.md) | https://generalassemb.ly/ | Worldwide [GEO Jobe](/company-profiles/geo-jobe.md) | https://www.geo-jobe.com/ | USA +[GFT](/company-profiles/gft.md) | https://www.gft.com/ | Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America [Ghost Foundation](/company-profiles/the-ghost-foundation.md) | https://ghost.org/ | Worldwide [Ghost Inspector](/company-profiles/ghost-inspector.md) | https://ghostinspector.com | North America, Latin America, Caribbean [Giant](/company-profiles/giant.md) | https://giantmade.com | UK @@ -257,12 +288,14 @@ Name | Website | Region [GitPrime](/company-profiles/gitprime.md) | https://gitprime.com/ | Worldwide [Glenn Website Design](/company-profiles/glenn-website-design.md) | https://glennwebsitedesign.com/ | Worldwide [Glitch](/company-profiles/glitch.md) | https://www.glitch.com/ | Worldwide -[Gluware](/company-profiles/gluware.md) | https://gluware.com/ | USA, United Kingdom +[Gluware](/company-profiles/gluware.md) | https://gluware.com/ | USA, UK +[GoDaddy](/company-profiles/godaddy.md) | https://www.godaddy.com/ | Worldwide [GoHiring](/company-profiles/gohiring.md) | https://www.gohiring.com/ | Worldwide [Gojob](/company-profiles/gojob.md) | https://gojob.com/ | France -[Gorman Health Group](/company-profiles/gorman-health-group.md) | https://www.gormanhealthgroup.com/ | USA +[Gorman Health Group](/company-profiles/gorman-health-group.md) | https://conveyhealthsolutions.com/ | USA [GotSoccer](/company-profiles/got-soccer.md) | https://www.gotpro.com/ | USA [Grafana Labs](/company-profiles/grafana.md) | https://grafana.com/ | USA and EMEA/EST Timezones +[Granicus](/company-profiles/granicus.md) | https://granicus.com/ | USA, UK, Australia, India [Graylog](/company-profiles/graylog.md) | https://www.graylog.org/ | Worldwide [Gremlin](/company-profiles/gremlin.md) | https://gremlin.com | USA [Gridium](/company-profiles/gridium.md) | https://gridium.com | USA @@ -291,13 +324,14 @@ Name | Website | Region [Honeycomb](/company-profiles/honeycomb.md) | https://honeycomb.tv/ | Worldwide [Hopper](/company-profiles/hopper.md) | https://www.hopper.com/ | USA, CA, UK, BG, PH, CO [Hotjar](/company-profiles/hotjar.md) | https://careers.hotjar.com/ | Worldwide -[Hudl](/company-profiles/hudl.md) | https://www.hudl.com/ | USA & UK +[Hudl](/company-profiles/hudl.md) | https://www.hudl.com/ | USA, UK [Hugo](/company-profiles/hugo.md) | https://hugo.events | Worldwide [Human Made](/company-profiles/human-made.md) | https://hmn.md | Worldwide [HUSL Digital](/company-profiles/husl-digital.md) | https://husldigital.com | USA [Hypergiant](/company-profiles/hypergiant.md) | https://www.hypergiant.com/contact/ | Worldwide [Hyperion](/company-profiles/hyperion.md) | https://hyperiondev.com/jobs | South Africa [Hypothesis](/company-profiles/hypothesis.md) | https://hypothes.is | Worldwide +[IBM](/company-profiles/ibm.md) | https://www.ibm.com | Worldwide [iClinic](/company-profiles/iclinic.md) | https://iclinic.com.br/ | Brazil [IDoneThis](/company-profiles/idonethis.md) | https://idonethis.com/ | Worldwide [iFit](/company-profiles/ifit.md) | https://www.ifit.com/ | USA @@ -307,11 +341,13 @@ Name | Website | Region [Impira](/company-profiles/impira.md) | https://www.impira.com/ | USA [Implisense](/company-profiles/implisense.md) | https://implisense.com/ | Germany [Incsub](/company-profiles/incsub.md) | https://incsub.com/ | Worldwide -[Infinite Red](/company-profiles/infinite-red.md) | https://infinite.red | USA & CA +[Infinite Red](/company-profiles/infinite-red.md) | https://infinite.red | USA, CA [InfluxData](/company-profiles/influxdata.md) | https://influxdata.com | USA, UK, DE, IT [Inpsyde](/company-profiles/inpsyde.md) | https://inpsyde.com/en/ | Europe -[InQuicker](/company-profiles/inquicker.md) | https://inquicker.com | USA & CA +[InQuicker](/company-profiles/inquicker.md) | https://inquicker.com | USA, CA +[Inshorts](/company-profiles/inshorts.md) | https://www.inshorts.com/ | India [Instamobile](/company-profiles/instamobile.md) | https://instamobile.io | Worldwide +[Instructure](/company-profiles/instructure.md) | https://www.instructure.com/ | Europe, North America, Oceania [Intellum](/company-profiles/intellum.md) | https://www.intellum.com | USA [Interactive Intelligence](/company-profiles/interactive-intelligence.md) | https://www.inin.com/ | Worldwide [Intercom](/company-profiles/intercom.md) | https://www.intercom.io/ | Worldwide @@ -324,6 +360,7 @@ Name | Website | Region [iOS App Templates](/company-profiles/ios-app-templates.md) | https://www.iosapptemplates.com/ | Worldwide [IPInfo](/company-profiles/ipinfo.md) | https://ipinfo.io/ | Worldwide [IPS Group, Inc.](/company-profiles/ips-group-inc.md) | https://www.ipsgroupinc.com/ | USA +[IQVIA](/company-profiles/iqvia.md) | https://jobs.iqvia.com/our-company | Worldwide [iRonin](/company-profiles/ironin.md) | https://www.ironin.it/ | Worldwide [Iterative](/company-profiles/iterative.md) | https://www.iterative.ai/ | Worldwide [iwantmyname](/company-profiles/iwantmyname.md) | https://iwantmyname.com/ | Worldwide @@ -332,6 +369,7 @@ Name | Website | Region [JBS Custom Software Solutions](/company-profiles/jbs-custom-software-solutions.md) | https://www.jbssolutions.com/ | USA [Jitbit](/company-profiles/jitbit.md) | https://www.jitbit.com/ | Worldwide [Jitera](/company-profiles/jitera.md) | https://iruuza-inc.com/ | Worldwide +[Jobsity](/company-profiles/jobsity.md) | https://recruitment.jobsity.com/ | USA, LATAM [Jolly Good Code](/company-profiles/jolly-good-code.md) | https://www.jollygoodcode.com | Worldwide [journy.io](/company-profiles/journy-io.md) | https://www.journy.io | Europe [Joyent](/company-profiles/joyent.md) | https://www.joyent.com/careers/ | USA, UK, Canada, SK, SG @@ -342,11 +380,11 @@ Name | Website | Region [Kentik](/company-profiles/kentik.md) | https://www.kentik.com/careers | USA, Europe, APAC [Khan Academy](/company-profiles/khan-academy.md) | https://www.khanacademy.org/ | USA [KickBack Rewards Systems](/company-profiles/kickback-rewards-systems.md) | https://careers.kickbacksystems.com | USA -[Kiprosh](/company-profiles/kiprosh.md) | https://kiprosh.com | USA & India -[Kissmetrics](/company-profiles/kissmetrics.md) | https://www.kissmetrics.com/ | USA & Worldwide -[Klaviyo](/company-profiles/klaviyo.md) | https://www.klaviyo.com/ | USA & UK +[Kiprosh](/company-profiles/kiprosh.md) | https://kiprosh.com | USA, India +[Kissmetrics](/company-profiles/kissmetrics.md) | https://www.kissmetrics.com/ | Worldwide +[Klaviyo](/company-profiles/klaviyo.md) | https://www.klaviyo.com/ | USA, UK [Knack](/company-profiles/knack.md) | https://www.knack.com | USA -[Kodify](/company-profiles/kodify.md) | https://kodify.io | EU & Worldwide +[Kodify](/company-profiles/kodify.md) | https://kodify.io | Worldwide [Koding](/company-profiles/koding.md) | https://koding.com | Worldwide [Komoot](/company-profiles/komoot.md) | https://www.komoot.com | Worldwide [Kona](/company-profiles/kona.md) | https://www.heykona.com | Worldwide @@ -354,14 +392,16 @@ Name | Website | Region [Kraken](/company-profiles/kraken.md) | https://kraken.com | Worldwide [Kuali](/company-profiles/kuali.md) | https://kuali.co | USA [Labelbox](/company-profiles/labelbox.md) | https://labelbox.com/ | Worldwide -[Lambda School](/company-profiles/lambda-school.md) | https://www.lambdaschool.com/ | USA & Europe +[Lambda School](/company-profiles/lambda-school.md) | https://www.lambdaschool.com/ | USA, Europe [Lambert Labs](/company-profiles/lambert-labs.md) | https://lambertlabs.com/ | UK [LaterPay](/company-profiles/laterpay.md) | https://www.laterpay.net/ | Worldwide [Leadership Success](/company-profiles/leadership-success.md) | https://www.leadershipsuccess.co/ | Worldwide -[Leadfeeder](/company-profiles/leadfeeder.md) | https://www.leadfeeder.com | Europe & North America -[Let's Encrypt](/company-profiles/lets-encrypt.md) | https://letsencrypt.org | USA and Canada +[Leadfeeder](/company-profiles/leadfeeder.md) | https://www.leadfeeder.com | Europe, North America +[LeadIQ](/company-profiles/leadiq.md) | https://leadiq.com/ | Worldwide +[Let's Encrypt](/company-profiles/lets-encrypt.md) | https://letsencrypt.org | USA, Canada [Lifetime Value Company](/company-profiles/lifetime-value-company.md) | https://www.ltvco.com/ | Worldwide [Lightbend](/company-profiles/lightbend.md) | https://www.lightbend.com/ | Worldwide +[Lightspeed](/company-profiles/lightspeed.md) | https://www.lightspeedhq.com/ | Worldwide [Linaro](/company-profiles/linaro.md) | https://www.linaro.org/ | Worldwide [Lincoln Loop](/company-profiles/lincoln-loop.md)| https://lincolnloop.com/ | USA [LINE Plus Corporation](/company-profiles/line-plus-corporation.md) | https://linepluscorp.com/ | Republic of Korea @@ -386,6 +426,7 @@ Name | Website | Region [Marketade](/company-profiles/marketade.md) | https://www.marketade.com | USA [MarsBased](/company-profiles/marsbased.md) | https://marsbased.com/ | Worldwide [Maxicus](/company-profiles/maxicus.md) | https://maxicus.com/ | India +[Mayvue](/company-profiles/mayvue.md) | https://mayvue.com/ | USA [Mediacurrent](/company-profiles/mediacurrent.md) | https://www.mediacurrent.com/ | USA [Mediavine](/company-profiles/mediavine.md) | https://www.mediavine.com/ | USA [Medium](/company-profiles/medium.md) | https://medium.com/ | USA @@ -393,40 +434,48 @@ Name | Website | Region [Memory](/company-profiles/memory.md) | https://memory.ai/ | Worldwide [Mercari](/company-profiles/mercari.md) | https://about.mercari.com/en/ | Japan [Merico](/company-profiles/merico.md) | https://merico.dev/ | Worldwide +[MeridianLink](/company-profiles/meridianlink.md) | https://meridianlink.com/ | USA [MetaLab](/company-profiles/metalab.md) | https://metalab.co | Worldwide [MetaMask](/company-profiles/metamask.md) | https://metamask.io | Worldwide +[MeteorOps](/company-profiles/meteorops.md) | https://meteorops.com | Worldwide [Microsoft](/company-profiles/microsoft.md) | https://www.microsoft.com/ | Worldwide +[Mindful](/company-profiles/mindful.md) | https://getmindful.com/ | Worldwide [Mixcloud](/company-profiles/mixcloud.md)| https://www.mixcloud.com/ | Europe [Mixmax](/company-profiles/mixmax.md) | https://mixmax.com | Worldwide [MixRank](/company-profiles/mixrank.md) | https://mixrank.com | Worldwide [Mobile Jazz](/company-profiles/mobile-jazz.md) | https://mobilejazz.com | Worldwide +[Modern Health](/company-profiles/modern-health.md) | https://www.modernhealth.com/ | USA [Modern Tribe](/company-profiles/modern-tribe.md) | https://tri.be/ | Worldwide [Modsquad](/company-profiles/modsquad.md) | https://modsquad.com/ | Worldwide [Molteo](/company-profiles/molteo.md) | https://molteo.com/ | Worldwide [MongoDB](/company-profiles/mongodb.md) | https://mongodb.com | Worldwide [Monthly](/company-profiles/monthly.md) | https://monthly.com | North America [Mozilla](/company-profiles/mozilla.md) | https://www.mozilla.org/ | North America -[mtc.](/company-profiles/mtc.md) | https://www.mtcmedia.co.uk | UK & Europe +[mtc.](/company-profiles/mtc.md) | https://www.mtcmedia.co.uk | UK, Europe [Muck Rack](/company-profiles/muck-rack.md) | https://muckrack.com | Worldwide [Mux](/company-profiles/mux.md) | https://mux.com | Worldwide [Mycelium](/company-profiles/mycelium.md) | https://mycelium.ventures/ | North America, Europe, Oceania [MySQL](/company-profiles/mysql.md) | https://www.mysql.com/ | Worldwide +[Nagarro](/company-profiles/nagarro.md) | https://www.nagarro.com/en | Worldwide [Nationwide](/company-profiles/nationwide.md) | https://www.nationwide.com/ | USA +[NetApp](/company-profiles/netapp.md) | https://www.netapp.com/ | Worldwide [Netguru](/company-profiles/netguru.md) | https://www.netguru.com | Worldwide [Netris](/company-profiles/netris.md) | https://www.netris.ai | Worldwide [Netsparker](/company-profiles/netsparker.md) | https://www.netsparker.com/ | Worldwide -[Nettl Edinburgh](/company-profiles/nettl-edinburgh.md) | https://www.webdesignedinburgh.com | UK & Europe +[Nettl Edinburgh](/company-profiles/nettl-edinburgh.md) | https://www.webdesignedinburgh.com | UK, Europe [New Context](/company-profiles/new-context.md) | https://www.newcontext.com/ | USA [NEXT](/company-profiles/next.md) | https://www.nexttrucking.com/ | USA [No Code No Problem](/company-profiles/no-code-no-problem.md) | https://www.nocodenoprob.com/ | Worldwide [NodeSource](/company-profiles/nodesource.md) | https://nodesource.com/ | Worldwide [NoRedInk](/company-profiles/noredink.md) | https://noredink.com | UTC-8 to UTC+1 -[Novoda](/company-profiles/novoda.md) | https://www.novoda.com/ | UK & Europe +[Novoda](/company-profiles/novoda.md) | https://www.novoda.com/ | UK, Europe [npm](/company-profiles/npm.md) | https://www.npmjs.com/ | USA [Nuage](/company-profiles/nuage.md) | https://nuagebiz.tech/ | India [Nuna](/company-profiles/nuna.md) | https://www.nuna.com/ | USA +[Nvidia](/company-profiles/nvidia.md) | https://www.nvidia.com/ | Worldwide [O'Reilly Media](/company-profiles/oreilly-media.md) | https://www.oreilly.com/ | USA, UK, JPN, CHN [O'Reilly Online Learning](/company-profiles/oreilly-online-learning.md) | https://www.oreilly.com/ | Worldwide +[Ocient](/company-profiles/ocient.md) | https://ocient.com | USA, Europe, India [Octopus Deploy](/company-profiles/octopus-deploy.md) | https://octopus.com/ | Worldwide [Oddball](/company-profiles/oddball.md) | https://oddball.io/ | USA [Okta](/company-profiles/okta.md) | https://www.okta.com | Worldwide @@ -439,10 +488,12 @@ Name | Website | Region [OmniTI](/company-profiles/omniti.md) | https://omniti.com/ | USA [Onna](/company-profiles/onna.md) | https://onna.com/ | USA, Europe [OnTheGoSystems](/company-profiles/on-the-go-systems.md) | https://onthegosystems.com/ | Worldwide +[Opencity Labs](/company-profiles/opencity-labs.md) | https://opencitylabs.it/ | Italy [OpenCraft](/company-profiles/opencraft.md) | https://opencraft.com/ | Worldwide [OpenZeppelin](/company-profiles/openzeppelin.md) | https://openzeppelin.com/ | Worldwide [Optoro](/company-profiles/optoro.md) | https://www.optoro.com/ | Worldwide [Oracle](/company-profiles/oracle.md) | https://www.oracle.com/ | Worldwide +[Ordermentum](/company-profiles/ordermentum.md) | https://www.ordermentum.com/ | Australia [Our-Hometown Inc.](/company-profiles/our-hometown-inc.md) | https://our-hometown.com/ | USA [OutsourcingDev](/company-profiles/outsourcingdev.md) | https://www.outsourcingdev.com/ | Worldwide [Over](/company-profiles/over.md) | https://www.madewithover.com/ | Worldwide @@ -459,7 +510,7 @@ Name | Website | Region [Payfully](/company-profiles/payfully.md) | https://www.payfully.co | Worldwide [Paylocity](/company-profiles/paylocity.md) | https://www.paylocity.com/ | USA [PayScale](/company-profiles/payscale.md) | https://www.payscale.com/ | USA -[Paytm Labs](/company-profiles/paytm-labs.md) | https://paytmlabs.com/ | Canada & USA +[Paytm Labs](/company-profiles/paytm-labs.md) | https://paytmlabs.com/ | Canada, USA [PayU](/company-profiles/payu.md) | https://corporate.payu.com | Worldwide [Peachworks](/company-profiles/peachworks.md) | https://www.getbeyond.com/peachworks-restaurant-management-software/ | USA [PeopleDoc](/company-profiles/peopledoc.md) | https://www.people-doc.com | Europe @@ -472,14 +523,17 @@ Name | Website | Region [Plex](/company-profiles/plex.md) | https://plex.tv | Worldwide [PNC Financial Services ](/company-profiles/pnc-financial-services.md) | https://www.pnc.com/ | USA [Polygon](/company-profiles/polygon.md) | https://polygon.technology/careers/#all-roles | Worldwide -[PowerSchool](/company-profiles/powerschool.md) | https://www.powerschool.com/ | North America +[PowerSchool](/company-profiles/powerschool.md) | https://www.powerschool.com/ | North America / India +[Pragma](/company-profiles/pragma.md) | https://www.pragma.co/ | Latin America [Precision Nutrition](/company-profiles/precision-nutrition.md) | https://www.precisionnutrition.com/ | Worldwide [Predict Mobile](/company-profiles/predict-mobile.md) | https://predictmobile.com/ | UK [Prelude](/company-profiles/prelude.md) | https://www.prelude.co/ | USA [PreviousNext](/company-profiles/previousnext.md) | https://www.previousnext.com.au/ | Australia -[Prezi](/company-profiles/prezi.md) | https://prezi.com/jobs/ | Europe & North America +[Prezi](/company-profiles/prezi.md) | https://prezi.com/jobs/ | Europe, North America [Prezly](/company-profiles/prezly.md) | https://www.prezly.com/ | Worldwide [PricewaterhouseCoopers](/company-profiles/pwc.md) | https://www.pwc.com | USA +[Primer](/company-profiles/primer.md) | https://primer.io/careers | Worldwide +[Prisma](/company-profiles/prisma.md) | https://www.prisma.io/ | Worldwide [PrivacyCloud](/company-profiles/privacycloud.md) | https://www.privacycloud.com/en | Spain [Procenge Tecnologia](/company-profiles/procenge.md) | https://www.procenge.com.br | Brazil [Procurify](/company-profiles/procurify.md) | https://procurify.com/careers | Canada @@ -511,11 +565,13 @@ Name | Website | Region [Remote Garage](/company-profiles/remote-garage.md) | http://www.remotegarage.club/ | India [RemoteBase](/company-profiles/remotebase.md) | https://remotebase.com | Worldwide [RenoFi](/company-profiles/renofi.md) | https://renofi.com/ | Worldwide +[Replit](/company-profiles/replit.md) | https://replit.com | Worldwide [Research Square](/company-profiles/research-square.md) | https://www.researchsquare.com/ | USA [Revolut](/company-profiles/revolut.md) | https://www.revolut.com/ | Worldwide [Roadtrippers](/company-profiles/roadtrippers.md) | https://www.roadtrippers.com | USA [Rocket.Chat](/company-profiles/rocket-chat.md) | https://rocket.chat | Worldwide [rtCamp](/company-profiles/rtcamp-solutions.md) | https://rtcamp.com | Worldwide +[Safeguard Global](/company-profiles/safeguard-global.md) | https://www.safeguardglobal.com/ | Worldwide [Salesforce](/company-profiles/salesforce.md) | https://www.salesforce.com/ | Worldwide [Sandhills Development](/company-profiles/sandhills-development.md) | https://sandhillsdev.com | Worldwide [Scalac](/company-profiles/scalac.md) | https://scalac.io/ | Worldwide @@ -528,6 +584,7 @@ Name | Website | Region [SecurityScorecard](/company-profiles/securityscorecard.md) | https://securityscorecard.com/ | UTC -3 to -5 [Seeq](/company-profiles/seeq.md) | https://www.seeq.com | USA, Worldwide [Semaphore](/company-profiles/semaphore.md) | https://semaphoreci.com | Europe +[Sendwave](/company-profiles/sendwave.md) | https://www.sendwave.com/ | Worldwide [SerpApi](/company-profiles/serpapi.md) | https://serpapi.com/ | Worldwide [Server Density](/company-profiles/server-density.md) | https://www.serverdensity.com | Europe [ServMask](/company-profiles/servmask.md) | https://servmask.com | Worldwide @@ -536,10 +593,10 @@ Name | Website | Region [Shippabo](/company-profiles/shippabo.md) | https://shippabo.com | North America [Shogun](/company-profiles/shogun.md) | https://getshogun.com | Worldwide [Shopify](/company-profiles/shopify.md) | https://www.shopify.com | Worldwide +[Sigma Defense](/company-profiles/sigma-defense.md) | https://sigmadefense.com | USA [SignEasy](/company-profiles/signeasy.md) | https://signeasy.com/ | Worldwide [Silverfin](/company-profiles/silverfin.md) | https://www.silverfin.com/ | Worldwide -[simplabs](/company-profiles/simplabs.md) | https://simplabs.com/ | Europe and Americas -[Simple](/company-profiles/simple.md) | https://www.simple.com/ | USA +[simplabs](/company-profiles/simplabs.md) | https://simplabs.com/ | Europe, Americas [SimpleTexting](/company-profiles/simpletexting.md) | https://simpletexting.com/ | Worldwide [Six to Start](/company-profiles/six-to-start.md) | https://sixtostart.com | Worldwide [Skillcrush](/company-profiles/skillcrush.md) | https://skillcrush.com | Worldwide @@ -547,6 +604,7 @@ Name | Website | Region [Skyrocket Ventures](/company-profiles/skyrocket-ventures.md) | https://www.skyrocketventures.com/ | Worldwide [SmartCash](/company-profiles/smartcash.md) | https://www.smartcash.cc/ | Worldwide [Smile.io](/company-profiles/smile.md) | https://smile.io | Worldwide +[Smmile Digital](/company-profiles/smmile-digital.md) | https://smmile.com | Singapore [SmugMug](/company-profiles/smugmug.md) | https://www.smugmug.com/ | Worldwide [Socket Supply Co.](/company-profiles/socket-supply-co.md) | https://socketsupply.co | Worldwide [SoftwareMill](/company-profiles/softwaremill.md) | https://softwaremill.com/ | Europe @@ -555,13 +613,14 @@ Name | Website | Region [Soshace](/company-profiles/soshace.md) | https://www.soshace.com/ | Worldwide [Spoqa](/company-profiles/spoqa.md) | https://spoqa.co.kr/ | Republic of Korea, Japan [Spotify](/company-profiles/spotify.md) | https://www.spotify.com/ | Worldwide -[Spreaker](/company-profiles/spreaker.md) | https://spreaker.com/ | US - Europe +[Spreaker](/company-profiles/spreaker.md) | https://spreaker.com/ | USA, Europe [Spreedly](/company-profiles/spreedly.md) | https://spreedly.com/ | USA [Spruce](/company-profiles/spruce.md) | https://getspruce.com/ | North America, Latin America [Stack Exchange](/company-profiles/stack-exchange.md) | https://stackexchange.com/ | Worldwide [Stairlin](/company-profiles/stairlin.md) | https://www.stairlin.com/ | Worldwide [Status](/company-profiles/status.md) | https://www.status.im/ | Worldwide -[Stencil](/company-profiles/stencil.md) | https://getstencil.com/ | USA and Canada +[Stencil](/company-profiles/stencil.md) | https://getstencil.com/ | USA, Canada +[Sticker Mule](/company-profiles/sticker-mule.md) | https://www.stickermule.com/ | Worldwide [Stitch Fix](/company-profiles/stitch-fix.md) | https://www.stitchfix.com | USA [StoneCo](/company-profiles/stoneco.md) | https://www.stone.co/ | Brazil [StormX](/company-profiles/stormx.md) | https://stormx.io/ | Worldwide @@ -570,12 +629,12 @@ Name | Website | Region [Stripe](/company-profiles/stripe.md) | https://stripe.com/ | Worldwide [StudySoup](/company-profiles/studysoup.md) | https://studysoup.com/ | Worldwide [Superplayer & Co](/company-profiles/superplayer-and-co.md) | https://superplayer.company/ | Brazil, Latin America -[Surevine](/company-profiles/surevine.md) | https://www.surevine.com/ | United Kingdom +[Surevine](/company-profiles/surevine.md) | https://www.surevine.com/ | UK [SUSE](/company-profiles/suse.md) | https://www.suse.com/ | Worldwide [Sutherland CloudSource](/company-profiles/sutherland-cloudsource.md) | https://www.sutherlandcloudsource.com | Worldwide [SweetRush](/company-profiles/sweetrush.md) | https://www.sweetrush.com | Worldwide [Swimlane](/company-profiles/swimlane.md) | https://www.swimlane.com | USA -[Sysdig](/company-profiles/sysdig.md)️ | https://sysdig.com/ | +[Sysdig](/company-profiles/sysdig.md)️ | https://sysdig.com/ | USA [Tag1 Consulting](/company-profiles/tag1-consulting.md) | https://tag1consulting.com/ | Worldwide [Taledo](/company-profiles/taledo.md) | https://taledo.com/ | Europe [Taplytics](/company-profiles/taplytics.md) | https://taplytics.com/ | USA, Canada @@ -584,26 +643,27 @@ Name | Website | Region [TaxJar](/company-profiles/taxjar.md) | https://www.taxjar.com | USA [Teamflow](/company-profiles/teamflow.md) | https://www.teamflowhq.com/ | Worldwide [TeamSnap](/company-profiles/teamsnap.md) | https://www.teamsnap.com | USA -[TeamUltra](/company-profiles/teamultra.md) | https://www.teamultra.net/ | UK +[TeamUltra](/company-profiles/teamultra.md) | https://www.computacenter.com/ | UK [TED](/company-profiles/ted.md) | https://www.ted.com/ | USA, CA, Brazil [Teleport](/company-profiles/teleport.md) | https://teleport.org/ | USA< Europe [Telerik](/company-profiles/telerik.md) | https://www.telerik.com/ | Worldwide [Telestax](/company-profiles/telestax.md) | https://telestax.com/ | Worldwide [Tenable](/company-profiles/tenable.md) | https://www.tenable.com/ | Worldwide, Primarily USA +[Teravision Technologies](/company-profiles/teravision-technologies.md) | https://teravisiontech.com/ | Latin America [Test Double](/company-profiles/test-double.md) | https://testdouble.com/ | North America [TestGorilla](/company-profiles/testgorilla.md) | https://www.testgorilla.com/ | Worldwide [The Crafters Lab](/company-profiles/the-crafters-lab.md) | https://thecrafterslab.eu/ | Worldwide [The Grid](/company-profiles/the-grid.md) | https://thegrid.io/ | Worldwide -[The Publisher Desk](/company-profiles/the-publisher-desk.md) | https://www.publisherdesk.com | UK and US +[The Publisher Desk](/company-profiles/the-publisher-desk.md) | https://www.publisherdesk.com | UK, USA [The Scale Factory](/company-profiles/the-scale-factory.md) | https://www.scalefactory.com/ | UK [The Wirecutter](/company-profiles/the-wirecutter.md) | https://thewirecutter.com/ | Worldwide -[Theorem](/company-profiles/theorem.md) | https://theorem.co/ | UTC-10 to UTC+2 +[TheoremOne](/company-profiles/theoremone.md) | https://theoremone.co/ | UTC-10 to UTC+2 [Thinkful](/company-profiles/thinkful.md) | https://www.thinkful.com/ | WorldWide [Third Iron](/company-profiles/third-iron.md) | https://thirdiron.com/ | USA [Thorn](/company-profiles/thorn.md) | https://thorn.org/ | USA [TimeSpot](/company-profiles/timespot.md) | https://timespothq.com/ | Worldwide [Tipe](/company-profiles/tipe.md) | https://tipe.io | USA -[Toast](/company-profiles/toast.md) | https://pos.toasttab.com/ | USA and Ireland +[Toast](/company-profiles/toast.md) | https://pos.toasttab.com/ | USA, Ireland [toggl](/company-profiles/toggl.md) | https://toggl.com/ | Worldwide [Toptal](/company-profiles/toptal.md) | https://www.toptal.com/ | Worldwide [Tower](/company-profiles/tower.md) | https://www.git-tower.com/ | Worldwide @@ -617,8 +677,9 @@ Name | Website | Region [Truelogic](/company-profiles/truelogic.md) | https://www.truelogicsoftware.com/ | Latin America [TrussWorks](/company-profiles/trussworks.md) | https://truss.works | USA [Tuft & Needle](/company-profiles/tuft-and-needle.md) | https://www.tuftandneedle.com/ | USA +[Turing ](/company-profiles/turing.md) | https://www.turing.com/ | Worldwide [Twilio](/company-profiles/twilio.md) | https://www.twilio.com/ | Worldwide -[Two](/company-profiles/two.md) | https://www.two.ai/ | USA, India and Korea +[Two](/company-profiles/two.md) | https://www.two.ai/ | USA, India, Korea [Udacity](/company-profiles/udacity.md) | https://www.udacity.com/ | Worldwide [Uhuru](/company-profiles/uhuru.md) | https://uhurunetwork.com/ | Worldwide [Uncapped](/company-profiles/uncapped.md) | https://weareuncapped.com/ | Europe, USA @@ -633,6 +694,8 @@ Name | Website | Region [Vercel](/company-profiles/vercel.md) | https://vercel.com/ | Worldwide [Veryfi](/company-profiles/veryfi.md) | https://veryfi.com/about | Worldwide [Viperdev](/company-profiles/viperdev.md) | https://viperdev.io | Worldwide +[Virta Health](/company-profiles/virta-health.md) | https://www.virtahealth.com | USA +[VMware](/company-profiles/vmware.md) | https://www.vmware.com/in.html | Worldwide [voiio](/company-profiles/voiio.md) | https://voiio.de | Europe [Vox Media (Product Team)](/company-profiles/vox-media.md) | https://www.voxmedia.com/ | USA, UK [Voxy](/company-profiles/voxy.md) | https://boards.greenhouse.io/voxy | Brazil, USA @@ -641,14 +704,14 @@ Name | Website | Region [WebDevStudios](/company-profiles/webdevstudios.md) | https://webdevstudios.com/ | USA [WebFX](/company-profiles/webfx.md) | https://www.webfx.com | Worldwide [Webikon](/company-profiles/webikon.md) | https://www.webikon.sk/en/ | Worldwide -[Wells Fargo](/company-profiles/wells-fargo.md) | https://www.wellsfargo.com/ | +[Wells Fargo](/company-profiles/wells-fargo.md) | https://www.wellsfargo.com/ | USA [wemake.services](/company-profiles/wemake-services.md) | https://wemake.services/ | Worldwide [WeMakeMVP](/company-profiles/wemakemvp.md) | https://www.wemakemvp.com/ | Worldwide [Whitecap SEO](/company-profiles/whitecap-seo.md) | https://www.whitecapseo.com/ | USA [Whitespectre](/company-profiles/whitespectre.md) | https://whitespectre.com | Worldwide [WikiHow](/company-profiles/wikihow.md) | https://www.wikihow.com/wikiHow:About-wikiHow | PST Timezone [Wikimedia Foundation](/company-profiles/wikimedia-foundation.md) | https://wikimediafoundation.org | Worldwide -[Wildbit](/company-profiles/wildbit.md) | https://wildbit.com/ | USA & Worldwide +[Wildbit](/company-profiles/wildbit.md) | https://wildbit.com/ | Worldwide [Wizeline](/company-profiles/wizeline.md) | https://www.wizeline.com/ | Worldwide [Wolfram](/company-profiles/wolfram.md) | https://www.wolfram.com | Worldwide [Wombat Security Technologies](/company-profiles/wombat-security.md) | https://www.wombatsecurity.com/ | USA @@ -669,4 +732,5 @@ Name | Website | Region [ZenRows](/company-profiles/zenrows.md) | https://www.zenrows.com/ | Worldwide [Zignaly.com](/company-profiles/zignaly.md) | https://zignaly.io/ | Worldwide [Zip.co](/company-profiles/zip-co.md) | https://zip.co/us/ | USA, Canada +[Zolar](/company-profiles/zolar.md) | https://www.zolar.de/ | Germany [Zup](/company-profiles/zup.md) | https://zup.com.br/ | Brazil diff --git a/company-profiles/17hats.md b/company-profiles/17hats.md index d1c9ae31..fe08a250 100644 --- a/company-profiles/17hats.md +++ b/company-profiles/17hats.md @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ # 17hats ## Company blurb +At 17hats, we wake up each day with one goal in mind – to help small business owners achieve success. -Are you ready to stop juggling multiple apps to manage your business? From booking clients, to managing projects, to controlling your finances, with 17hats you have everything you need to manage your business and clients anytime, anywhere. Pretty neat if we say so ourselves! We created 17hats specifically for “businesses of one” with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. +Statistics show that one out of five small businesses fails within the first year. Why? Because most business owners lack the proper business foundation. They burn out before they succeed. It is our job as a company, and as a team, to lower that statistic. + +Are you an energetic team player with a passion for small business? If so, we would love you to join 17hats! ## Company size -11-50 +11-50 employees (as of october 2022) ## Remote status -Every engineer on our team works remotely. That being said, we do need someone who can work California business hours (9am-6pm PST) and who is available for emergencies at night. If you live in the LA area, you are welcome to be in our cool office in Pasadena. Bonus points if you can curse in Dutch. +Every engineer on our team works remotely. That being said, we do need someone who can work California business hours (9am-6pm PST) and who is available for emergencies at night. If you live in the LA area, you are welcome to be in our cool office in Pasadena. ## Region @@ -20,6 +23,8 @@ Worldwide iOS, React, Knockout, Rails, Perl, HTML, Sql, Ruby, JQuery -## How to apply +## How to apply + +You can visit to [17hats](https://www.17hats.com/careers) career page for applying. + -Email buford@17hats.com with github and/or CV diff --git a/company-profiles/adaface.md b/company-profiles/adaface.md index 1ca18689..ba4ecc37 100644 --- a/company-profiles/adaface.md +++ b/company-profiles/adaface.md @@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ ReactJs, Socket.IO, Firebase, MySQL, Docker, Django, MongoDb ## How to apply -https://angel.co/company/adaface +https://angel.co/company/adaface/jobs diff --git a/company-profiles/adeva.md b/company-profiles/adeva.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8633181c --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/adeva.md @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# Adeva + +## Company blurb + +Adeva is an award-winning global talent network that connects organizations with distributed tech talent across the world. + +Using a community-driven approach, we engage some of the brightest talents in the industry, enabling organizations to scale engineering teams fast. By cutting out unnecessary expenses and minimizing fees, organizations ensure saving at least 30% per hire annually. At the same time, Adeva creates long-term, remote opportunities for tech talent worldwide. + +Hundreds of companies like Hopin, Imgur, Slice, and Johnson & Johnson work with Adeva to scale their engineering teams quickly and effectively. With 250% growth YOY, Adeva is changing the way work works. + +Adeva is on a mission to enable work without boundaries for 1 million people across the globe by 2030. We are a fully distributed network with a presence in over 30 countries around the world. + +The company was founded in 2014. For more information, please visit [adevait.com](https://adevait.com/). + +## Company size + +51-200 employees + +## Remote status + +Adeva is a fully remote network, our vision is work without bounders. Set your own hours, and as long as you have a laptop and wifi, you’ll enjoy the flexibility to work remotely, on your own terms. + +Our talent fee is 0% which means you can set your own rates and keep 100% of what you earn. + +With an average engagement length of 18+ months and over 50 open positions you can stop worrying what is next. + + +## Region + +Asia, Africa, Europe, South America, United States + + +## Company technologies + +AdonisJS, AngularJS, Haskel, Java, JavaScript, Kafka, Laravel, Node.js, PHP, Python, ReactJS, Ruby on Rails, and VueJS + +## Office locations + +United States + +## How to apply + +Job openings can be found at our [careers page](https://adevait.com/careers/job-openings). Submit your application with basic personal information and a resume. + diff --git a/company-profiles/aerostrat.md b/company-profiles/aerostrat.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cd7a4645 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/aerostrat.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# Aerostrat + +## Company blurb + +Aerostrat was founded in 2015 by both software and airline industry veterans. Our mission is to provide powerful and innovative software that is loved by our customers. Our goal is to be a customer-obsessed, innovative, fast-paced, and transparent company willing to not only listen to our customers but grow with them. We hope that our candid feature discussions, direct developer communication, and 24/7 customer support exemplifies our unique way of working and makes a pleasure to work with as both a customer and a partner. + +## Company size + +20-50 (Oct 2022) + +## Remote status + +Fully remote positions available in the United States of America only. + +## Region + +USA + +## Company technologies + +Angular, C#, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, .NET, SQL Server, Webpack + +## Office locations + +- Seattle, WA, USA + +## How to apply + +https://aerostratsoftware.com/careers/ diff --git a/company-profiles/aim-india.md b/company-profiles/aim-india.md index a5be5a16..df31be14 100644 --- a/company-profiles/aim-india.md +++ b/company-profiles/aim-india.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Keeping in mind the most critical needs in today's context, we came up with weal ## Company size -30000+ (as of January 2017) +11-50 employees (as of October 2022) ## Remote status diff --git a/company-profiles/alami.md b/company-profiles/alami.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7ed83d5e --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/alami.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# Alami + +## Company blurb + +Achieve purpose through the ethical P2P lending. Connecting funders and business owner through ethical-complied projects to a fairer and a more transparent finance. + +## Company size + +500+ + +## Remote status + +* Remote working, forever. Work from home or café, it doesn't matter. +* Four-day Workweek. Friday to Sunday are weekends for spend more time for worship & family. + +## Region + +Indonesia, South East Asia + +## Company technologies + +Go, Java, Spring Boot, Kotlin, Javascript, Python + +## Office locations + +Jakarta, Indonesia. We are 100% remote, #WorkFromAnywhere you want. + +## How to apply + +Career site: https://alamisharia.co.id/en/career/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/company-profiles/annertech.md b/company-profiles/annertech.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f31eb668 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/annertech.md @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# Annertech + +## Company blurb + +Annertech is an Irish digital agency based in Dublin that is delivering ambitious digital experiences and work for digital transformation projects. + +## Company size + +Between 50-250 employees + +## Remote status + +They have Remote working positions worldwide all the time + +## Company technologies + +PHP, Drupal, JavaScript, jQuery, Twig, Drupal Commerce, Platform.sh, Docker, Docksal, Apache, Solr, MySQL, MariaDB, Gitlab, Rest APIs + +## Office locations + +Dublin, Ireland and completely remote positions + +## How to apply + +[Annertech Careers](https://www.annertech.com/careers) diff --git a/company-profiles/applaudo.md b/company-profiles/applaudo.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3019c490 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/applaudo.md @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +# Applaudo + +## Company blurb + +We are a preeminent leader in nearshore technology consulting, that provides full Software Development services, creating new products and effective solutions. We are one of the largest technology powerhouses in Central America with more than 850 software developers, quality assurance engineers, designers, scrum masters, and project managers. + +## Company size + +Over 850 team members. + +## Remote status + +At Applaudo, we believe that remote working is a great way to foster productivity and creativity. We have a remote working culture that allows our collaborators to work from anywhere in the world, as long as they have an internet connection. + +## Region + +We have team members from over 18 countries in Latin America, some of them are located in: + +* El Salvador +* Dominican Republic +* Colombia +* Peru +* Argentina +* Brazil +* Venezuela +* Mexico +* Honduras +* Nicaragua +* Guatemala +* Ecuador +* Paraguay +* United States +* Bolivia +* Chile +* Panama +* Costa Rica +* Canada + +## Company technologies + +Some of the technologies used for software development are: +* React +* Java +* Python +* Node.js +* Angular +* Wordpress +* PHP Backend +* React Native +* Ruby on Rails + +Technologies used for DevOps: +* AWS +* GCP + +Technologies used for Big Data: +* Scala + + +## Office locations + +Applaudo's headquarters are located in San Salvador, El Salvador. We also have commercial offices in Santiago de Chile, Chile. + +## How to apply + +If you want to join our team, check our remote positions [here](https://bit.ly/3yz4YLc) +We also have a Trainee Program that is a full time paid 3-months program, that prepares the software development skills of our candidates, you can apply [here](https://bit.ly/3xWZrNf) diff --git a/company-profiles/atlassian.md b/company-profiles/atlassian.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6f3b2f00 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/atlassian.md @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +# Atlassian + + + +## Company blurb + + + +Over 200,000 people trust Atlassian. + +Behind every great human achievement, there is a team. +From medicine and space travel to disaster response and pizza deliveries, our products help teams all over the planet advance humanity through the power of software. + +Our mission is to help unleash the potential of every team. + + + +## Company size + + + +15,372 employees on LinkedIn + + + +## Remote status + + + +Because we work in a remote environment, we happily hire people from all over the world who share our mission of making sending money as easy as sending a text. + + + +## Region + + +US, Europe, Asia, and Australia + + + +## Company technologies + + +Atlassian is a provider of collaboration, development, and issue tracking software for teams. With over 50,000 global customers (including 85 of the Fortune 100), their advancing the power of collaboration with products including JIRA, Confluence, HipChat, and Bitbucket. + + + +## Office locations + + + + - Sydney, Australia + - Bangalore, India + - San Fransico, USA + - Boston, USA + + + +## How to apply + + + +[Click Here to apply](https://www.atlassian.com/company/careers) diff --git a/company-profiles/automattic.md b/company-profiles/automattic.md index fda16c70..576c7339 100644 --- a/company-profiles/automattic.md +++ b/company-profiles/automattic.md @@ -2,34 +2,38 @@ ## Company blurb -All around the world, -Building a new web, and a -New workplace. Join us! +We are the people behind WordPress.com, WooCommerce, Jetpack, WordPress VIP, Simplenote, Longreads, WPScan, Akismet, Gravatar, Crowdsignal, Cloudup, Tumblr, Day One, Pocket Casts, and more. We believe in making the web a better place. -We are the people behind WordPress.com, WooCommerce, Jetpack, Simplenote, Longreads, VaultPress, Akismet, Gravatar, Crowdsignal, Cloudup, Tumblr, Day One, Pocket Casts and more. We believe in making the web a better place. +[We’re a distributed company](https://distributed.blog/) with 2,044 Automatticians in 98 countries speaking 122 different languages. We’re committed to [diversity, equity, and inclusion](https://automattic.com/diversity-and-inclusion/), and our common goal is to democratize publishing and commerce so that anyone with a story can tell it, and anyone with a product can sell it, regardless of income, gender, politics, language, or where they live in the world. + +[We believe in Open Source](https://github.com/Automattic) and the vast majority of our work is available under the GPL. + +We strive to live by the [Automattic Creed](https://automattic.com/creed/). + +Automattic is a [Most Loved Company](https://mostlovedworkplace.com/companies/automattic-inc/) and [Disability Confident Committed](https://disabilityconfident.campaign.gov.uk/). (Here’s [what that might mean for you](https://happinessengineer.blog/2022/09/08/happiness-for-everyone-working-with-a-disability-at-automattic/).) ## Company size -We’re a distributed company with 1,785 Automatticians in 90 countries speaking 113 different languages, we call ourselves [Automatticians](https://automattic.com/about/). +[We’re a distributed company](https://distributed.blog/) with 2,044 Automatticians in 98 countries speaking 122 different languages. ## Remote status -We've been distributed since day one so [we understand remote work](https://automattic.com/work-with-us/). +We've been distributed since day one (2005!) so [we understand remote work](https://automattic.com/work-with-us/). Choose your own adventure · Everyone works from where they feel works for them. ## Region -Worldwide - our team members hail from all over, every continent except Antarctica (so far!) - this means [over 90 countries](https://automattic.com/map/). +Worldwide - our team members hail from all over, every continent except Antarctica (so far!) - this means [almost 100 countries](https://automattic.com/map/). ## Company technologies -WordPress, JavaScript (Node/React/Redux), PHP, Spark, Kafka, Elasticsearch, Impala/Hive, MySQL, Java, Python +WordPress, JavaScript (Node/React/Redux), PHP, Spark, Kafka, Elasticsearch, Impala/Hive, MySQL, Java, Python, [and more](https://github.com/automattic) ## Office locations -We have no official physical office. +We have no official physical office but have a few spaces the team occassionally works from in San Francisco and New York City. ## How to apply -Come and [work with us](https://automattic.com/work-with-us/). +Come [work with us](https://automattic.com/work-with-us/). diff --git a/company-profiles/axelerant.md b/company-profiles/axelerant.md index 6876f250..c8f3db67 100644 --- a/company-profiles/axelerant.md +++ b/company-profiles/axelerant.md @@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ Worldwide - Axelerant team members work from home, cafes, or co-working spaces. ## How to apply -Vist [Axelerant Careers page](https://www.axelerant.com/careers) for information on how to apply. +Visit [Axelerant Careers page](https://www.axelerant.com/careers) for information on how to apply. diff --git a/company-profiles/axios.md b/company-profiles/axios.md index 4d5a4d13..e94b5e85 100644 --- a/company-profiles/axios.md +++ b/company-profiles/axios.md @@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ USA - Axios team members work from home, cafes, or co-working spaces. ## How to apply -Vist [Axios Careers page](https://www.axios.com/careers/) for information on how to apply. \ No newline at end of file +Visit [Axios Careers page](https://www.axios.com/careers/) for information on how to apply. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/company-profiles/bairesdev.md b/company-profiles/bairesdev.md index 0626dc98..7a43a083 100644 --- a/company-profiles/bairesdev.md +++ b/company-profiles/bairesdev.md @@ -60,4 +60,4 @@ Worldwide ## How to apply -Vist [Bairesdev Careers page](https://www.bairesdev.com/careers/) for information on how to apply. +Visit [Bairesdev Careers page](https://www.bairesdev.com/careers/) for information on how to apply. diff --git a/company-profiles/bebanjo.md b/company-profiles/bebanjo.md index 472621db..e56a9f3d 100644 --- a/company-profiles/bebanjo.md +++ b/company-profiles/bebanjo.md @@ -20,5 +20,5 @@ Santa Monica, CA 90404 (USA) ## How to apply -Vist [Bebanjo Careers page](https://bebanjo.com/careers/) for information on how to apply. +Visit [Bebanjo Careers page](https://bebanjo.com/careers/) for information on how to apply. diff --git a/company-profiles/betable.md b/company-profiles/betable.md index 7cd5b026..594b6249 100644 --- a/company-profiles/betable.md +++ b/company-profiles/betable.md @@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ USA, Europe * Manchester, England ## How to apply -Vist [Betable Careers page](https://corp.betable.com/careers) for information on how to apply. +Visit [Betable Careers page](https://corp.betable.com/careers) for information on how to apply. diff --git a/company-profiles/beyond-company.md b/company-profiles/beyond-company.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..12f0a481 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/beyond-company.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +# Beyond Company + +## Company blurb + +Beyond Company (aka Beyond Co.) is a product company (startup like). We use agile development and cutting edge technology when creating solutions for our customers. Counting on developers, designers and even jurists, our multidisciplinary team offers services such as Artificial Intelligence, G Suite Migration and Customization, Cloud Architecture and Development, evaluating large volumes of data and obtaining great performances in our clients' businesses. More info in our [website](https://beyondcompany.com.br). + +## Company size + +20-50 + +## Remote status + +All the developers are remote. We also have an offices spread across several places in Brazil.. + +## Region + +- Brazil + +## Company technologies + +Our main stack is: +- VueJS +- Javascript/Typescript +- Sequelize + Express/NestJS + +No specific language experience is required. If you have experience in similar fields we want to hear from you. + +## Office locations + +- Recife - Brazil +- Rio de Janeiro - Brazil +- São Paulo - Brazil +- Belo Horizonte - Brazil +- Brasília - Brazil + +## How to apply + +Send email to curriculo+githubremotejobs@beyondcompany.com.br diff --git a/company-profiles/big-wheel-brigade.md b/company-profiles/big-wheel-brigade.md deleted file mode 100644 index a917e7b2..00000000 --- a/company-profiles/big-wheel-brigade.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -# Big Wheel Brigade - -## Company blurb - -Big Wheel Brigade is a web application development shop and also runs a code boot camp, [Omaha Code School](http://www.omahacodeschool.com). - -We reserve 10% of our gross revenue for social good. In 2015, we're planning to use 5% for anti-slavery orgs, 2.5% to foster a diverse and inclusive tech community, and the balance for this and that. - -## Company size - -7, with some overlap between the code school and dev sides of our org. - -## Remote status - -Except for instructors, the everyone else can work from home or from a company-paid co-working space. When the instructors are between sessions, they often provide dev support on the consulting side (which can be done remotely). - -## Region - -US, currently. - -## Company technologies - -Rails, primarily, with some Wordpress clients. - -## Office locations - -Omaha, Nebraska, yo! - -## How to apply - -We currently aren't hiring for a dev position, but are [taking applications for an educator position](http://omahacodeschool.com/educator) for the code school (not remote). diff --git a/company-profiles/blameless.md b/company-profiles/blameless.md index fce17546..2318e6b2 100644 --- a/company-profiles/blameless.md +++ b/company-profiles/blameless.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ ## Remote status -The headquarter of the company is located in the US (California) and some are spread across the world, so you have a chance to work in our head officed (if eligible) or work remotely. We use `Slack` for team collaboarataion and `Zoom` for our stand-up meetings. Currently more than %50 of the engineering team work remotely. +The headquarter of the company is located in the US (California) and some are spread across the world, so you have a chance to work in our head offices (if eligible) or work remotely. We use `Slack` for team collaboration and `Zoom` for our stand-up meetings. Currently more than %50 of the engineering team work remotely. ## Region diff --git a/company-profiles/bluecat-networks.md b/company-profiles/bluecat-networks.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bbc5a110 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/bluecat-networks.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# BlueCat Networks + +## Company blurb + +BlueCat is the Adaptive DNS™ company. Our mission is to help the world’s largest organizations thrive on network complexity, from the edge to the core. To do this, BlueCat re-imagined DNS. The result – Adaptive DNS™ – is a dynamic, open, secure, scalable, and automated resource that supports the most challenging digital transformation initiatives, like adoption of hybrid cloud and rapid application development. + +## Company size + +400+ + +## Remote status + +BlueCat Network is hiring remote engineers across North America. + +## Region + +North America + +## Company technologies + +- Python +- Java +- Javascript +- Go +- Rust + +## Office locations + +- Toronto, Canada + +## How to apply + +[BlueCat Networks Careers Page](https://bluecatnetworks.com/careers/) diff --git a/company-profiles/bluespark.md b/company-profiles/bluespark.md index fb117685..a9bf7e0c 100644 --- a/company-profiles/bluespark.md +++ b/company-profiles/bluespark.md @@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ ## Company blurb Bluespark is a company that was founded in 2009 and provides with IT services. The company specialises in -UX design, open source development, ecommerce. +UX design, open source development, e-commerce. Specialities: -Enterprise Content Management Systems, HigherEd Libraries, Ecommerce, Universities, Libraries, Outdoor Brands, Open Source Development, Online Retail, and Digital Customer Journey Design +Enterprise Content Management Systems, HigherEd Libraries, E-commerce, Universities, Libraries, Outdoor Brands, Open Source Development, Online Retail, and Digital Customer Journey Design ## Company size diff --git a/company-profiles/bounteous.md b/company-profiles/bounteous.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b86253af --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/bounteous.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# Bounteous + +## Company blurb + +We co‑innovate with the world’s most ambitious brands to create transformative digital experiences. Co‑innovation is our unique model of collaborative partnership, proven to help brands compete and win. + +## Company size + +3000+ employees + +## Remote status + +Our open roles include both in-person and remote options across countries, offices and teams + +## Region + +Worldwide + +## Company technologies + +Java, JavaScript, Python, PHP, Node.js, Angular, React, React Native, .NET, AWS, Azure + +## Office locations + +Remote Worldwide, Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, San Luis Obispo, Wilmington, Toronto, Mexico City, Chennai + +## How to apply + +https://www.bounteous.com/careers/ diff --git a/company-profiles/brainstorm-force.md b/company-profiles/brainstorm-force.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ff930dd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/brainstorm-force.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# Brainstorm Force + +## Company blurb + +Helping Businesses Grow Online With Easy & Affordable Solutions + +## Company size + +51-200+ employees (Source: [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/brainstorm-force/)) + +## Remote status + +Our open roles include both in-person and remote options across countries, offices and teams. + +## Region + +Worldwide + +## Company technologies + +WordPress, QA Engineer, Seo, Angular, React, Copywriter, Ui Designer + +## Office locations + +Remote, Pune, Maharashtra + +## How to apply + +https://brainstormforce.com/join/ diff --git a/company-profiles/bright-funds.md b/company-profiles/bright-funds.md index 78e77ee5..7516b10f 100644 --- a/company-profiles/bright-funds.md +++ b/company-profiles/bright-funds.md @@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ Founded in 2012, Bright Funds is on a mission to provide every employee on the planet with the option to give time (volunteering) or money (donations) to the charities of their choice through their workplace. We believe that workplace giving is key to solving the societal imbalances and to provide to those in need around the globe. Bright Funds is proud to work with truly caring employers, providing for hundreds of thousands of employees around the globe. We work with employers of all sizes including a number of Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies. +## Company size + +11-50 (Source: [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/bright-funds/)) + ## Remote status Remote-friendly workplace with a highly-collaborative culture diff --git a/company-profiles/brikl.md b/company-profiles/brikl.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ec369ab5 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/brikl.md @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# Brikl + +## Company blurb + +Brikl is the leading eCommerce MicroStore technology partner for custom and promotional businesses worldwide. Our market-leading features include 15-minute store setup, bulk embellishment, and supplier integrations, vastly reducing the effort, cost, and chaos involved in the selling and customization process. We help build profitable businesses, increase employee happiness and offer internal efficiencies that positively impact the planet, enabling companies to create better across their organizations. + +## Company size + +100-150 Employees + +## Remote status + +5 days work week with flexible hours and WFH policy. + +## Region + +North America, Asia + +## Company technologies + +- NodeJs +- React +- Prisma +- AWS lambda +- GraphQL + +## Office locations + +- Bangkok, Thailand +- Ohio, USA +- Leuven,Belgium + +## How to apply + +[Brikl Careers Page](https://www.brikl.com/jobs) + + diff --git a/company-profiles/britecore.md b/company-profiles/britecore.md index fdf409f0..e38c4b86 100644 --- a/company-profiles/britecore.md +++ b/company-profiles/britecore.md @@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ [BriteCore](https://www.britecore.com/) is an enterprise-level insurance processing suite. Built from the ground up using the latest in modern technology, BriteCore combines core, data, and digital solutions into a single platform. Deployed using the Amazon Web Services cloud, BriteCore is continually updated to guarantee maximum security, efficiency, and durability at scale. Insurance carriers, MGAs, and start-ups rely on BriteCore to increase speed to market, improve competitive position, and support growth. +## Company size + +201-500 (Source: [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/britecore/)) + ## Remote status Currently our Engineers and Staff work in the US and some are spread across the world, however you can also join us at our cool offices in Missouri. A close location might also required for some positions. diff --git a/company-profiles/cancom.md b/company-profiles/cancom.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2629920b --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/cancom.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +# CANCOM + +## Company blurb + +As a Leading Digital Transformation Partner, CANCOM is not only a reliable IT service provider for its customers, but rather the holistic business partner for companies, organizations and the public sector. CANCOM turns IT into the future! + +## Company size + +4,000+ + +## Remote status + +CANCOM is currently remote-friendly, and flexible. + +## Region + +Germany, Austria, Slovakia + +## Company technologies + +VMWare, OpenStack, Hyper-V, Linux, Python, Java, Go, K8s, Docker, Terraform, Zabbix, Puppet, Ansible, Git(Lab), CI/CD, PostreSQL, MySQL, NodeJS, Angular, NetApp, Fortigate, Citrix, AWS, Azure, XaaS and more. + +## Office locations + +CANCOM Headquarters – Munich +Erika-Mann-Straße 69, 80636 München + +[CANCOM Office Locations](https://www.cancom.com/company/locations/) + +## How to apply + +[CANCOM Careers](https://career.cancom.com/) diff --git a/company-profiles/canonical.md b/company-profiles/canonical.md index d67bc3f4..8e6f49dc 100644 --- a/company-profiles/canonical.md +++ b/company-profiles/canonical.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Canonical offers many remote positions across a variety of roles. ## Region -Worldwide, or "home based", their open vacancies can be search by [location or role](https://ldd.tbe.taleo.net/ldd03/ats/careers/jobSearch.jsp?org=CANONICAL&cws=1&rid=86&org=CANONICAL) +Worldwide, or "home based", their open vacancies can be search by [location or role](https://canonical.com/careers) ## Company technologies diff --git a/company-profiles/carbon-black.md b/company-profiles/carbon-black.md index dacc1aab..09c292b9 100644 --- a/company-profiles/carbon-black.md +++ b/company-profiles/carbon-black.md @@ -82,4 +82,4 @@ Sydney NSW 2000 ## How to apply -Vist [Carbon Black Careers page](https://www.carbonblack.com/company/careers/) for information on how to apply. +Visit [Carbon Black Careers page](https://www.carbonblack.com/company/careers/) for information on how to apply. diff --git a/company-profiles/chainlink.md b/company-profiles/chainlink.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d453a5d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/chainlink.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# ChainLink Labs + +## Company blurb + +We’re a world-class team of results-oriented developers, academics, seasoned executives, and startup operators who are building next-generation data infrastructure for smart contracts. + +## Company size + +200+ (as of January 2020) + +## Remote status + +Almost all of us are remote. Headquarters in San Francisco, CA + +## Region + +All roles with Chainlink Labs are globally remote based. We encourage you to apply regardless of your location. + +## Company technologies + +Javascript, Python, Golang, TypeScript, Solidity, Postgres, Terraform, AWS + +## Office locations + +San Francisco, CA + +## How to apply + +Check our careers page: https://chainlinklabs.com/jobs diff --git a/company-profiles/chess.md b/company-profiles/chess.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8c975bdf --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/chess.md @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# Chess + +## Company blurb + +Chess.com is a global team of passionate chess fans and developers. You can meet us [here](https://www.chess.com/about) and read about our company [here](https://www.chess.com/article/view/how-chess-com-virtual-team-works-together). We're always looking for great people to join the team. We have a healthy work environment focused on well-being, respect, and memes/emotes. We communicate with Slack and positive energy beams. + +## Remote status + +All of our jobs are 100% remote. + +## Region + +Worldwide + +## Company technologies + +PHP, React, Node.js, Objective-C, Swift, Python + +## Office locations + +Orem, UT +Founded 2005 +Video Game Publishing + +## How to apply + +[Chess jobs](https://www.chess.com/jobs/) diff --git a/company-profiles/clickup.md b/company-profiles/clickup.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7ffb5ddd --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/clickup.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# ClickUp + +## Company blurb + +ClickUp is one app to replace them all. It's the future of work. More than just task management - ClickUp offers docs, reminders, goals, calendars, and even an inbox. Fully customizable, ClickUp works for every type of team, so all teams can use the same app to plan, organize, and collaborate. ClickUp is trusted by millions of users and over 100,000 teams at the world's best companies like Google, Airbnb, Uber, and Nike. + +## Company size + +929 employees on LinkedIn. + +## Remote status + +The entire team works remotely. + +## Region + +Worldwide + +## Company technologies + +ClickUp uses 55 technology products and services including HTML5, Google Analytics, and jQuery, according to G2 Stack. +ClickUp is actively using 69 technologies for its website, according to BuiltWith. These include Viewport Meta, IPhone / Mobile Compatible, and LetsEncrypt. +## Office locations + +Headquarters- San Diego. + +## How to apply +[Click here to apply](https://clickup.com/careers) diff --git a/company-profiles/clootrack.md b/company-profiles/clootrack.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..abb7e0c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/clootrack.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# Clootrack + +## Company blurb + +Clootrack is a real time customer experience analytics platform that helps brands reduce churn significantly. Clootrack helps brands understand granular qualitative reasons "why" customer experience drops. This helps reduces response time to CX trends and increase profitability. + +## Company size + +100-200. + +## Remote status + +Clootrack offers on-site as well as fully remote jobs. There are a vast number of listings for each type, across multiple job fields. + +## Region + +India + +## Company technologies + +Javascript, HTML, CSS, Webpack, ReactJS, LESS, Python, Django/Flask, PostgreSQL + +## Office locations + +Innovation Coworks, 5th Floor, Gopalan Innovation Mall, Bannerghatta Main Rd, J. P. Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560076 + +## How to apply + +[Click here to apply](https://www.clootrack.com/careers) diff --git a/company-profiles/coalition-technologies.md b/company-profiles/coalition-technologies.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..de2c3b07 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/coalition-technologies.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# Coalition Technologies + +## Company blurb + +Coalition Technologies is a metrics-driven digital agency that offers a fun, thriving work environment with flexible work options and opportunities for growth and advancement. In the past, Coalition Technologies has posted freelance, flexible schedule, and remote jobs in a variety of locations around the world, including work-from-anywhere jobs for global applicants. Past opportunities have included marketing, software development, project management, internet & ecommerce, and graphic design jobs, among others, and some roles are eligible for benefits. Coalition Technologies also boasts "the most competitive profit-sharing bonus plans in the industry," and the company operates according to a set of core values that include metrics-driven marketing, a commitment to client success, and being creatively cutting-edge. + +## Company size + +201-500 Employees + +## Remote status + +Our global workforce is 100% remote. + +## Region + +Worldwide + +## Company technologies + +Coalition is the leading metrics-driven digital agency. We specialize in SEO, PPC, email marketing, social media marketing, and web design & development. + +## Office locations + +100% Remote. Headquartered in Los Angeles + +## How to apply + +Our open positions are listed on our [Careers](https://coalitiontechnologies.com/jobs) page. diff --git a/company-profiles/code-like-a-girl.md b/company-profiles/code-like-a-girl.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a4783010 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/code-like-a-girl.md @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# Code Like a Girl + +## Company blurb + +Code Like a Girl is a social enterprise dedicated to helping women and gender diverse people enter and flourish in the world of coding. We run online coding courses, an internship program,a scholarship programs, and a jobs board, to help people gain the skills and opportunities they need to start a career in tech. + +## Company size + +10+ + +## Remote status + +Our company works 90% remotely. Full-time and part-time employees are located throughout various states of Australia. Employees in Vic have access to a shared office space in Cremorne. Employees in SA have access to a shared office space in Adelaide. We also take on short-term and long-term contractors for project work, 100% remotely. All meetings are held via Zoom, and all collaboration happens using online tools. We have an annual team retreat and occasional social events in Victoria, Aus. + +## Region + +Current openings are for remote positions for people with the rights to work in **Australia** + +## Company technologies + + +* HTML & CSS +* JavaScript +* React.js +* Node.js +* Python +* C# +* AWS +* DynamoDB + +## Office locations + +Melbourne, VIC, Aus + +## How to apply + +[Join Our Team - Code Like a Girl website](https://www.codelikeagirl.com/about/join-our-team/) diff --git a/company-profiles/coingape.md b/company-profiles/coingape.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f43db679 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/coingape.md @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +# Coingape + +## Company blurb + +Coingape is a indian Crypto Media company which provides instant news of the crypto industry as ssoon as possible to people. + +## Company size + +0-50 Employees + +## Region + +**India** + +## Office locations + +ACI Co-work, Gold Souk, Mall, Sec-43, Block C, Sushant Lok Phase I, Sector 43, Gurugram, Haryana 122002 + +## How to apply + +Coingape lists all it's available positions on it's careers page, [here](https://coingape.com/careers/). diff --git a/company-profiles/colivre.md b/company-profiles/colivre.md deleted file mode 100644 index e4e3a52f..00000000 --- a/company-profiles/colivre.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -# Colivre — Free (as in freedom) Technologies Cooperative - -## Company blurb - -[We are](http://colivre.coop.br/sobre/) a cooperative dedicated to FOSS as business model and as way of life, founded in 2006, at Salvador, Brazil. - -## Company size - -Our small size floats. We are approximately 20 persons, and *almost* all are associated to the cooperative. - -## Remote status - -We have remote members working normally since the second year of life of this cooperative. Our default meeting is online, we work connected to IRC (also non IT people), and we always have a remote presence on our local meetings. - -## Region - -We are open to members anywhere. *(We know the possible Mars One members will have problems with real-time communication but we are planning a tachyon beam or a wormhole bridge.)* Talking seriously, There are legal issues for associating people living outside Brazil, but that is a problem that we will be happy to solve when needed. Besides that we must consider language limitations on the role you will play at Colivre. Our primary language is Portuguese. - -## Company technologies - -* Ruby on Rails -* HTML, CSS, SCSS, Javascript, jQuery -* Postgress -* Git -* Server administration *(all meanings that could put here)* - -## Office locations - -Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. - -## How to apply - -Write to contato@colivre.coop.br and point to your FOSS contributions. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/company-profiles/coodesh.md b/company-profiles/coodesh.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..51730e88 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/coodesh.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# Coodesh + +## Company blurb + +Coodesh was born with the purpose of helping other companies build the best and most diverse technology teams. We believe that in the current +context of startups and digital transformation of large companies, efficient tech recruitment with relevant insights for the evolution of hired people +is one of the biggest differentials for success. + +## Company size + +11 - 50 + +## Remote status + +Work in the place that makes you happy, that inspires you daily and that helps you become the person you want to be. We were born with 100% +remote teams and we always will be. + + +## Office locations + +Brazil + +## Company technologies + + HTML/ CSS / Javascript / Typescript / React.js / React Native / Vue.js / Node.js / PHP / Laravel + +## How to apply + +[Linkedin Jobs](https://www.linkedin.com/company/coodesh/jobs/) + +[Coodesh Vacancies](https://coodesh.com/vagas) diff --git a/company-profiles/core-apps.md b/company-profiles/core-apps.md index 93c2e547..3bc5d530 100644 --- a/company-profiles/core-apps.md +++ b/company-profiles/core-apps.md @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ GoExpo is flexible Event Management Software designed to improve efficiency and GoExpo can be utilized to fill a simple gap in your event technology ecosystem, or can be the complete source for all of your event management needs. GoExpo offers several packages and modules from an interactive floor plan and exhibitor directory, to booth applications and invoicing. -The platform also includes an ecommerce shopping cart to generate revenue for booth and sponsorship sales. To complete the technology ecosystem, GoExpo provides session/speaker data management along with an attendee planner and matchmaking networking tool. +The platform also includes an e-commerce shopping cart to generate revenue for booth and sponsorship sales. To complete the technology ecosystem, GoExpo provides session/speaker data management along with an attendee planner and matchmaking networking tool. APIs, webservices, and iFrames are provided free of charge to display your event information, all of which also passes over to our mobile app and wayfinders for consistency across the board. There are no fees for seat licenses with GoExpo and all of the training and support is provided by our dedicated Account Manager. diff --git a/company-profiles/cuvette.md b/company-profiles/cuvette.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bcd0462c --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/cuvette.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +# Cuvette + +## Company blurb + +Cuvette (pronounced as Q-vet) is the #1 way for College students & Early Graduates to get ... Tech. Management. Media. Additional Skills. Software. + +## Company size + + 2-10 employees + +## Remote status + +Yes + +## Region + +Worldwide! We have or have had people based in India + +## Company technologies + +* Javascript +* Git +* CSS +* HTML + +## Office locations + +Bengaluru, Karnataka + +## How to apply + +Check out our [careers](https://cuvette.tech/app/student/login?type=register) page, or just reach out! diff --git a/company-profiles/cwt.md b/company-profiles/cwt.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..73613972 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/cwt.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# CWT + +## Company blurb + +Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT) is a global leader specializing in business travel management. CWT is dedicated to helping companies of all sizes, as well as government institutions and non-governmental organizations, optimize their travel programs and provide best-in-class service and assistance to travelers. + +## Company size + +Over 10,000 employees. + +## Remote status + +CWT offers on-site, fully remote, and hybrid flexible jobs. + +## Region + +Worldwide + +## Company technologies + +AWS, VMware Vsphere, Nutanix Ahv, AppDynamics, Elastic Search, Kibana, JavaScript, CSS/HTML, ASP.NET Web Forms, Java, Jboss, Docker, Ansible, Terraform, Jenkins, Powershell, Packer + +## Office locations + +701 Carlson Parkway, Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305, US (Headquarters) +[Other Offices Worldwide](https://www.mycwt.com/countries/) + +## How to apply + +Check out [https://careers.mycwt.com/](https://careers.mycwt.com/) for remote role positions. diff --git a/company-profiles/cyber-whale.md b/company-profiles/cyber-whale.md index d917b1f1..3df7fed0 100644 --- a/company-profiles/cyber-whale.md +++ b/company-profiles/cyber-whale.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ## Company blurb -SaaS Solutions for Fintech and eCommerce. +SaaS Solutions for Fintech and e-commerce. We value quality, responsibility and holistic approach to creating products. ## Company size diff --git a/company-profiles/dashlane.md b/company-profiles/dashlane.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..75586f86 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/dashlane.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# Dashlane + +## Company blurb + +Dashlane is a web and mobile app that simplifies password management for people and businesses. We empower organizations to protect company and employee data, while helping everyone easily log in to the accounts they need — anytime, anywhere. A better digital future starts with secure access. + +## Company size + +300+ (as of late 2022) + +## Remote status + +Many employees are entirely remote while some are hybrid or in-office. Location is highly flexible depending on preference. + +## Region + +Worldwide. + +## Company technologies + +Primarily TypeScript on both the backend (NodeJS) and frontend (and React, NextJS, Gatsby, or just TypeScript depending on the application). + +## Office locations + +Primary offices are in New York, NY; Paris, France; and Lisbon, Portugal. + +## How to apply + +Check our careers page: https://www.dashlane.com/about/careers \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/company-profiles/data-science-dojo.md b/company-profiles/data-science-dojo.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e216e6d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/data-science-dojo.md @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +# Data Science Dojo + +## Company blurb + +#### About Us +Data Science Dojo is an e-learning company that is redefining the data science education landscape with a simple to understand, digestible, and not to brag ---- engaging curriculum. We believe that data science is for everyone. So, we invest our time in simplifying and educating data science and machine learning concepts that our attendees can apply to generate business value in their respective job functions. Our love of data science is infectious. We have upskilled more than 10,000+ graduates in over 2,500 companies. Our footprint spans over 150 countries. We offer training in different formats: in-person, virtual live instructor-led, and self-paced training for both individuals and corporates. + +#### Our Mission +Our mission is to make data science easier, more practical, and accessible to everyone. + +## Company size + +We are a team of around 50 and looking forward to growing further. + +## Remote status + +The team is currently fully remote, we are based in Redmond, WA, USA. + +## Region + +Worldwide, and all open job listing offer remote. + +## Company technologies + +The current stack is PHP, MySQL, Docker, Kubernetes, and the service runs in Microsoft Azure, AWS (Amazon Web Services), and Google Cloud in multiple regions. + +Also be familiar with: +* JavaScript +* Python +* Moodle +* PowerShell +* Bash + +## Office locations + +1 office location + +## How to apply + +[Data Science Dojo careers page](https://datasciencedojo.com/about/careers) diff --git a/company-profiles/devsquad.md b/company-profiles/devsquad.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bf5a4e1d --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/devsquad.md @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +# Devsquad + +## Company blurb + +DevSquad offers a fully managed dev team with all of the support needed to bring a beautiful product to life: experienced developers, a US-based product manager, DevOps, UI/UX designer, and QA testers. + +Whether you want to launch a new SaaS business quickly or need to outsource to a team because you can’t hire fast enough, we’ll take full ownership of the product as if it were our own. Learn how to get a dedicated development team + +## Company size + +70-100 + +## Remote status + +We’re 100% remote. You’ll have the flexibility to work from home or rent a personal office. + +## Region + +Worldwide. While our management team is based in the US, we hire technical writers all around the world. + +## Company technologies + +Software Development: + +* PHP +* Laravel +* Livewire +* JS +* Vue +* React +* Angular +* Node + +DevOps: + +* AWS +* Heroku +* GitHub Actions +* Laravel Envoyer + +## Office locations + +Utah, USA + +## How to apply + +Check our jobs page: https://apply.workable.com/devsquad + +If your position isn't listed, create it by emailing devsquad@jobs.workablemail.com com and starting a conversation. diff --git a/company-profiles/digitise.md b/company-profiles/digitise.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..41b26667 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/digitise.md @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +# Digitise + +## Company blurb + +We are a dynamic London-based web and digital agency working with clients from well-known brands to innovative start-ups, creating custom websites and e-commerce stores, as well as bespoke apps and CRM systems. + +We believe in investing in people and want to build an organization that everyone benefits from in both the short and long term. Considering this philosophy, we have Investors in People, Living Wage and Disability Confident accreditation, amongst others. + +## Company size + +11-50 employees on LinkedIn [Digitise](https://www.linkedin.com/mwlite/company/digitiseagency)) + +## Remote status + +Purely remote + +## Region + +Worldwide + +## Company technologies + +Unknown + +## Office locations + +Headquarters: +Richmond, United Kingdom + +Remote +Coffee shops to couches around the world + +## How to apply + +[Jobs at Digitise](https://jobs.gohire.io/digitise-xwcfqaab/) diff --git a/company-profiles/donut.md b/company-profiles/donut.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5932380d --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/donut.md @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +# Donut App + +## Company blurb + +Donut App is an online platform that is simple to use, save digital dollar and secure way earn with DeFi. + +Donut’s mission is to create a more inclusive financial world. + +Today, the cornerstones of financial security—buying a house or paying down student debt—are near-impossible. + +Our generation needs better tools to achieve financial independence, so we created the easiest way to grow your wealth with DeFi. + +## Company size + +11-50 employees (as of October 2022) + +## Remote status + +Donut have a flexible remote work policy and also an office in Los Angeles, USA and Berlin, Germany. Staffs are allowed to either work remotely or come to the office if you're around the city. + +## Region + +Current openings are for remote positions in US, EU and Worldwide. + +## Company technologies + +React, Typescript, NodeJS, Go, and many others depending on the team. + +## Office locations + +Los Angeles, Berlin + +## How to apply + +Check our jobs page: https://careers.donut.app/ diff --git a/company-profiles/dropbox.md b/company-profiles/dropbox.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fbda4544 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/dropbox.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +# Dropbox + +## Company blurb + +Dropbox, Inc., headquartered in San Francisco, California, U.S. is a company that offers Dropbox, the cloud storage, file synchronization, personal cloud, and client software. + +## Company size + +2,667 (December 2021) + +## Remote status + +As a remote company since 2020, Dropbox employs a virtual-first mindset with the option of 'Dropbox Studios' for areas with large employee numbers such as Dublin or Seattle. + +## Region + +Worldwide + +## Company technologies + +- Application and Data + - Python + - NGINX + - MySQL +- DevOps + - Sentry + - Pingdom + - Nagios + +## Office locations + +Headquarters in San Francisco with studios in Seattle, Austin and Dublin. + +## How to apply + +Visit [Dropbox's job page](https://www.dropbox.com/jobs) for open positions and to apply! diff --git a/company-profiles/duckduckgo.md b/company-profiles/duckduckgo.md index 950875af..d35936a2 100644 --- a/company-profiles/duckduckgo.md +++ b/company-profiles/duckduckgo.md @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Perl, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Kotlin, Swift ## Office locations -* Paoli, Philadephia, PA, USA +* Paoli, Philadelphia, PA, USA * Toronto, Ontario, Canada ## How to apply diff --git a/company-profiles/eatstreet.md b/company-profiles/eatstreet.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c9667bc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/eatstreet.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# EatStreet + +## Company blurb + +EatStreet is a food delivery platform and service mostly based in the American Midwest. Focusing on providing customers fast and easy food delivery option. + +"EatStreet hustles to hook up people's hungry and we want you to join our tight-knit team of innovators that's been named as one of Madison Magazine's Best Places to Work." + +## Company size + +500 - 1000 + +## Remote status + +Work from most states in the US. Fully remote for tech, HR, and most other business positions with the option to go in office if you wanted. Drivers and Food personel do have to work at designated locations. + +## Region + +USA + +## Company technologies + +JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, Angular, AWS, Java, Ionic Framework. + +## Office locations + +Madison, WI, USA + +## How to apply + +EatStreet's [Career Page](https://eatstreet.com/careers) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/company-profiles/edgio.md b/company-profiles/edgio.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4006a4dd --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/edgio.md @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +# Edgio + +## Company blurb + +At Edgio, we are committed to creating and delivering world-class digital experiences. +We are a globally-scaled, edge-enable solutions provider for businesses looking to meet +the growing consumer demand for fast, secure and frictionless digital experiences. We're +a 100% distributed, asynchronous team living and working all over the world. + +With a leading distributed platform in edge computing and multi-layered cloud security +capabilities, we offer powerful solutions across web applications, content delivery and +video streaming, servicing 20% of global internet traffic and clients in 38 countries +around the world. + +## Company size + +2000+ team members including consultants. + +## Remote status + +We're a team of people living and working remotely in 36+ countries across six continents. + +## Region + +Worldwide + +## Company technologies + +Platforms: + +- Edgio AppOpps and Security +- Edgio Streaming +- Edgio Delivery + +Here are just _some_ of the technologies we use: + +- Edge Computing +- CDN +- Cloud Security +- Cloud Storage +- Python +- Golang +- Javascript +- React (Next.js) +- Angular +- Vue (Nuxt.js) +- Jamstack +- AWS +- Azure +- Kubernetes +- JS Workers +- Edge.js + +## Office locations + +None + +## How to apply + +You can find our open jobs and apply directly here: [https://edg.io/company/careers](https://edg.io/company/careers) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/company-profiles/efishery.md b/company-profiles/efishery.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b6095bb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/efishery.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# eFishery + +## Company blurb + +Founded in 2013, eFishery is the first Aquaculture Technology startup in Asia that develops innovations in the aquaculture field. eFishery disrupts traditional fish farming methods and provides cutting edge solutions in the aquaculture ecosystem by offering an end-to-end platform that provides access to feed, financing, and market to fish and shrimp farmers. eFishery aims to build an aquaculture ecosystem in Indonesia that is not only profitable but also sustainable to the farmers, buyers, and to all stakeholders. + +## Company size + +1,100+ (As of September 2022) + +## Remote status + +Work from anywhere, you can choose to work wherever you like. + +Work From Anywhere (WFA) is a concept that gives eFisherian the option to work anywhere that is convenient, anytime that is convenient, according to the applicable working hours. + +Unlike remote working or hybrid working, eFisherian is not required to work from home or with a mandatory schedule to the office. Work From Anywhere still leaves the possibility for eFisherian to work anywhere; at home, cafe, co-working space , even at the eFishery Head Office if eFisherian wants to work in the office. + +## Region + +Indonesia + +## Company technologies + +IoT, Aquaculture Intellegence + +## Office locations + +Bandung, Indonesia. The internet. + +## How to apply + +Career site: https://efishery.com/career/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/company-profiles/evelo.md b/company-profiles/evelo.md index fa54502f..b508fca9 100644 --- a/company-profiles/evelo.md +++ b/company-profiles/evelo.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ It started with 2 team members.Currently the company is operating with 13 member ## Remote status -The company is a transportation based.So the web team is handling the work from home and logistics and the maintainence team are working as usual. +The company is a transportation based.So the web team is handling the work from home and logistics and the maintenance team are working as usual. ## Region diff --git a/company-profiles/factorialhr.md b/company-profiles/factorialhr.md index f13f711d..ab2f637c 100644 --- a/company-profiles/factorialhr.md +++ b/company-profiles/factorialhr.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Founded in Barcelona in 2016, Factorial serves over 3000+ businesses in over 65 ## Company size -~500 employees +~800 employees ## Remote status @@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ Spain, Brazil, US, Mexico ## How to apply -All current vacancies are listed on the [jobs page](https://factorial.teamtailor.com/jobs) +All current vacancies are listed on the [jobs page](https://careers.factorialhr.com) diff --git a/company-profiles/featurist.md b/company-profiles/featurist.md index 83b0a1c0..cb618aeb 100644 --- a/company-profiles/featurist.md +++ b/company-profiles/featurist.md @@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ Remote workers are welcomed. Worldwide. +## Office locations + +* London, United Kingdom +* Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France + ## How to apply https://www.featurist.co.uk/careers/ diff --git a/company-profiles/ffw-agency.md b/company-profiles/ffw-agency.md index 1fd3ae2e..5d5643d5 100644 --- a/company-profiles/ffw-agency.md +++ b/company-profiles/ffw-agency.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Between 450-650 employees ## Remote status -They have Remote working positions wordlwide all the time +They have Remote working positions worldwide all the time ## Company technologies diff --git a/company-profiles/findify.md b/company-profiles/findify.md index f4e6c6bd..0af32812 100644 --- a/company-profiles/findify.md +++ b/company-profiles/findify.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ The only solution that can deliver real time, fully automated personalization, o In less than a year, Findify’s breakthrough technology has aggregated data across more than 1,000 stores in over 50 countries to deliver unparalleled real-time, 1:1 personalization for everyone. -Amazon-grade personalization - automated out of the box - available as a simple integration on any eCommerce platform or hand-coded website. +Amazon-grade personalization - automated out of the box - available as a simple integration on any e-commerce platform or hand-coded website. - Top-rated Shopify Search & preferred Shopify Plus Tech Partner - The only advanced A.I. driven personalization engine available to the mid-market diff --git a/company-profiles/fire-engine-red.md b/company-profiles/fire-engine-red.md index 98011067..e14725d4 100644 --- a/company-profiles/fire-engine-red.md +++ b/company-profiles/fire-engine-red.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Fire Engine RED is a fully remote marketing, data, technology, and consulting se ## Remote status -Fully remote compay with teammembers working/living in the U.S, Brazil, Canada and Peru. The goal ist to empower team members to do their best. +Fully remote company with teammembers working/living in the U.S, Brazil, Canada and Peru. The goal ist to empower team members to do their best. At Fire Engine RED, we value diversity and believe that employing people who have different perspectives and life experiences makes us a better, more innovative company. So, no matter your race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, culture, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, or disability, we value you and your skills, and hope you apply. ## Region diff --git a/company-profiles/fireball-labs.md b/company-profiles/fireball-labs.md index 94c81287..29115a15 100644 --- a/company-profiles/fireball-labs.md +++ b/company-profiles/fireball-labs.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ## Company blurb -Fireball Labs GmbH was established in 2016 and is a profitable, self-funded, **100% remote** tech startup based in Germany. With our platform we buy and sell advertising space globally, collect and aggregate statitics and try to optimize and automate this process as much as possible. We aim to be a leading player in traffic monetization and are therefore looking for highly motivated new colleagues. +Fireball Labs GmbH was established in 2016 and is a profitable, self-funded, **100% remote** tech startup based in Germany. With our platform we buy and sell advertising space globally, collect and aggregate statistics and try to optimize and automate this process as much as possible. We aim to be a leading player in traffic monetization and are therefore looking for highly motivated new colleagues. ## Company size diff --git a/company-profiles/fiverr.md b/company-profiles/fiverr.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..24be8d66 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/fiverr.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# Fiverr + +## Company blurb + +Fiverr is a global platform connecting businesses with on-demand freelancers in the simplest way possible, helping anyone anywhere succeed. + +## Company size + +201 - 500 + +## Remote status + +Work in the place that makes you happy, that inspires you daily and that helps you become the person you want to be. We were born with 100% +remote teams and we always will be. + +## Office locations + +North America, Asia + +## Company technologies + + HTML/ CSS / Javascript / Typescript / React.js / Node.js / Ruby / Java / Kotlin + +## How to apply + +[Fiverr Careers](https://www.fiverr.com/jobs/teams) diff --git a/company-profiles/flowing.md b/company-profiles/flowing.md index 1a71e716..aa9a5011 100644 --- a/company-profiles/flowing.md +++ b/company-profiles/flowing.md @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ Our team are cross functional: business strategy, UX, development, operations, a ## Remote status -Full remote, you can choose to work wherever you like, being your home or a coworiking. We do have flexibile working hours, so it is important to have good communication skills, both synchronous and asynchronous. +Full remote, you can choose to work wherever you like, being your home or a coworking. We do have flexible working hours, so it is important to have good communication skills, both synchronous and asynchronous. -We do do have a registered office in Ancona, but it is not used as operating office. When team's members feel the need to meet in person we exploit the most conveninent coworking nearby +We do do have a registered office in Ancona, but it is not used as operating office. When team's members feel the need to meet in person we exploit the most convenient coworking nearby ## Region @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Italy. We are distributed all across the region, thought the majority of us is l We consider ourselves Agile and Lean pratictioners from top to bottom focusing on delivering the best value we can We truly believe trust is the key for successful projects, we always aim to build a trust relationship with our clients -We feel confortable with several web related technologies +We feel comfortable with several web related technologies backend: Javascript, Typescript, Java, PHP diff --git a/company-profiles/fly-io.md b/company-profiles/fly-io.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a0e674a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/fly-io.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# Fly.io + +## Company blurb + +[Fly.io](https://fly.io/) is a platform for running full stack apps and databases close to your users (edge computing) all around the world. + +## Company size + +33 (as of October 2022) + +## Remote status + +Everyone is remote, but there is an office in Chicago for those who would like to use it. + +## Region + +Current openings are for remote positions anywhere in the world. + +## Company technologies + +Elixir, Rust and Ruby + +## Office locations + +Chicago, Illinois + +## How to apply + +Check the jobs page: [Jobs - Fly.io](https://fly.io/jobs/) diff --git a/company-profiles/focusnetworks.md b/company-profiles/focusnetworks.md index 9e5af9cb..e973a74f 100644 --- a/company-profiles/focusnetworks.md +++ b/company-profiles/focusnetworks.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Focusnetworks is a Digital Business Group that unites Marketing and Technology t ## Company size -51-200, according to [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/focusnetworks-interactive/) +11-50, according to [crunchbase](https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/focusnetworks) ## Remote status diff --git a/company-profiles/fraudio.md b/company-profiles/fraudio.md index 2af55aa9..3d770ec0 100644 --- a/company-profiles/fraudio.md +++ b/company-profiles/fraudio.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ## Company blurb -Our startup https://fraudio.com is bringing the latest AI technology to the finance and payments sector and is looking to disrupt it. We use cutting-edge technology and research-driven techniques to create tools that productionize AI for our clients, to combat various illicit activites such as transaction fraud, merchant fraud and money laundering. +Our startup https://fraudio.com is bringing the latest AI technology to the finance and payments sector and is looking to disrupt it. We use cutting-edge technology and research-driven techniques to create tools that productionize AI for our clients, to combat various illicit activities such as transaction fraud, merchant fraud and money laundering. Fraudio is currently comprised of around 25 people from many countries and cultures, which we believe is a strength. We promote transparency, ownership, collaboration, continuous improvement, quality, and having fun while working together. diff --git a/company-profiles/fuel-made.md b/company-profiles/fuel-made.md index d3b9f0b6..bae00fde 100644 --- a/company-profiles/fuel-made.md +++ b/company-profiles/fuel-made.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ## Company blurb -We're a small remote team focused 100% on building the best ecommerce experiences on the web using Shopify. We're engaged in interesting projects for nationally recognized brands, rapidly growing ecommerce startups and lots of folks in between. +We're a small remote team focused 100% on building the best e-commerce experiences on the web using Shopify. We're engaged in interesting projects for nationally recognized brands, rapidly growing e-commerce startups and lots of folks in between. ## Company size diff --git a/company-profiles/gft.md b/company-profiles/gft.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..02a4e781 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/gft.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +# GFT + +## Company blurb + +GFT Technologies SE (GFT) is a business and technology consultancy trusted by the world's leading financial institutions to solve their business challenges. GFT responds to the constant current regulatory change and continuously innovates to meet the demands of the digital revolution. GFT combines advice, creativity and technology with innovation and specialized knowledge of the financial sector to transform the businesses of its clients. + +## Company size + +GFT has +10.000 employees over Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America. + +## Remote status + +Full-remote and "work-from-home" policies are common across all regions where GFT has presence. + +## Region + +Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America. + +### Region Details + +* Asia: China, Singapore, Vietnam. +* Europe: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, UK. +* Latin America: Brasil, Costa Rica, Mexico. +* North America: Canada, USA. + +## Company technologies + +JavaScript, jQuery, React, HTML5, Java, MySQL, NGINX, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, TypeScript, ES6, AngularJS, Redis, GraphQL, React Native, Redux, Heroku, AWS Lambda, Spring Boot, Kafka, RabbitMQ, Apache Tomcat, Scala, Google App Engine, Ionic... + +## Office locations + +GFT was founded in St. Georgen, Germany. Actually its headquarters are located in Sttugart, Germany. + +## How to apply + +You can check their [jobs](https://jobs.gft.com/) webpage where you can find job openings all over the globe, specifying what kind of remote policy apply to every vacancy. diff --git a/company-profiles/gitlab.md b/company-profiles/gitlab.md index 0bd88bb2..77b8adaa 100644 --- a/company-profiles/gitlab.md +++ b/company-profiles/gitlab.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ ## Remote status -100% Remote Only. Maintainers of [www.remoteonly.org](https://www.remoteonly.org/). Writers of the [The Remote Manefesto](https://about.gitlab.com/2015/04/08/the-remote-manifesto/) +100% Remote Only. Maintainers of [www.remoteonly.org](https://www.remoteonly.org/). Writers of the [The Remote Manifesto](https://about.gitlab.com/2015/04/08/the-remote-manifesto/) ## Region diff --git a/company-profiles/godaddy.md b/company-profiles/godaddy.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..09503aad --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/godaddy.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# GoDaddy + +## Company blurb + +We’re the world’s largest web services platform. Our mission is to make opportunity more inclusive for all and fuel a new generation of entrepreneurial endeavors — commercial, civic, creative. Join our diverse collective of 9k+ employees across 47 global locations. + +## Company size + +10k - 50k + +## Remote status + +We're chatting with candidates remotely, and we're super flexible around schedules, kids and dogs. Our onboarding has gone remote, too. + +## Region + +Worldwide + +## Company technologies + +AWS , Java , Javascript , PHP , GO . + +## Office locations + +Godaddy.com LLC, 14455 N Hayden Rd, Scottsdale, AZ, Information Technology Services , Tempe , Arizona , United States. + +## How to apply + +Check our jobs page: https://careers.godaddy.com/ diff --git a/company-profiles/gojob.md b/company-profiles/gojob.md index f66e4f97..17682611 100644 --- a/company-profiles/gojob.md +++ b/company-profiles/gojob.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ To reach this goal, we are a team of 18 tech lovers working continuously on the ## Remote status -Our team is divided betweeen full remote and no-remote developers. +Our team is divided between full remote and no-remote developers. Some of us work in the Aix-en-provence offices, and some of us, from anywhere they see fit to (within France). We refund lodging and transport fees in case you need to be present in the office for a special event. diff --git a/company-profiles/gorman-health-group.md b/company-profiles/gorman-health-group.md index f4347fe0..52aac30b 100644 --- a/company-profiles/gorman-health-group.md +++ b/company-profiles/gorman-health-group.md @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ Gorman Health Group is a long-time leader in US healthcare consulting, and we re We're looking for passionate, creative developers who are excited about writing code that solves new problems. But we’re also looking for leadership: trailblazers attracted to green-field opportunities, who thrive when there’s a personal stake in their work and the outcome. +(Now part of Convey Health Solutions: https://conveyhealthsolutions.com/) + ## Company size 200-250 (but less than 10 in our new and [growing][careers] engineering department). @@ -36,4 +38,4 @@ Meatspace headquarters are allegedly in Washington, DC. Many of us have never ve 2. Get career 3. Profit -[careers]: https://www.gormanhealthgroup.com/careers/ +[careers]: https://conveyhealthsolutions.com/careers/ diff --git a/company-profiles/granicus.md b/company-profiles/granicus.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5c2ef2df --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/granicus.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +# Granicus + +## Company blurb + +Granicus connects people and government with a unified experience that integrates website, online services, digital communications, and more to serve every resident equally and inclusively. + +Granicus supports the missions of over 5,500 government customers. Every day, roughly 110,000 people sign up to receive information from government through Granicus. This powerful Network of 300 million citizens - and these numbers are growing every day. + +## Company size + +900-1000 and growing. + +## Remote status + +Granicus supports Remote-First work culture. Work is not where you are but the impact you make. That’s why most of our roles are fully remote, while also accommodating hybrid and in-person arrangements. + +## Region + +* USA +* UK +* Australia +* India + +## Company technologies + +Granicus' cloud-based technology helps better connect people and government with no- and low-code solutions; unified, intuitive digital experiences; expanded reach to access your community; easy collaboration; and rich resident feedback. Purpose-built for government, our solutions are built with the infrastructure, scale, and security to empower public servant leaders across state, federal, national, and local agencies. + +## Office locations + +Denver, St. Paul, Chicagoland, Washington, D.C., United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Armenia and India + +## How to apply + +[Click Here for all Open Positions](https://granicus.com/careers/) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/company-profiles/harvest.md b/company-profiles/harvest.md index ed62a5ec..11c7a40e 100644 --- a/company-profiles/harvest.md +++ b/company-profiles/harvest.md @@ -2,19 +2,17 @@ ## Company blurb -We believe software should be useful, simple, and fast – so you can work better, get more accomplished, and make smarter decisions for your business. +Time — everyone has something to say about it, and yet it often goes unmentioned. We believe time should be treated with respect and used with intention. It’s precious, it’s personal, and it’s the shared resource that turns talent into impact. That’s why we make tools that help teams understand the value of their time and shape how they use it. -Harvest was founded by Danny Wen and Shawn Liu in 2006, at a small office in downtown New York City. During the years leading up to launching Harvest, we ran a web design studio called Iridesco. As our business grew, we looked for tools to help us scale. We searched for a way to easily track time and invoice for our services. We wanted a well designed application that took user experience seriously. We wanted a service that innovated with technology. We couldn’t find one... - -So we decided to invest our own time, energy and money into creating what we knew was a better way to run our business – and Harvest was born. +Harvest first began in 2006 as a tool two designers built for themselves to help their business grow. At a small web design agency in downtown New York City, Danny Wen and Shawn Liu made the tool they couldn’t find: a well-designed, innovative application to track time and invoice. They built Harvest. Since then, it’s grown into a tool used by thousands of teams around the world to track and understand their time. ## Company size -44 based on the team shown on Harvest's [meet the team page](https://www.getharvest.com/about/meet-the-team) +68 based on the team shown on Harvest's [meet the team page](https://www.getharvest.com/about/meet-the-team) ## Remote status -The team is remote across most functions within the company, an [employee map](https://www.getharvest.com/made-on-earth) is available on the webiste. +The team is fully remote, with members working across half a dozen time zones. ## Region @@ -22,11 +20,11 @@ Worldwide ## Company technologies -Docker, Chef, Ansible, Ruby, AWS & Rackspace Cloud, MySQL, Nginx, Graphite, StatsD, Sensu, Git, Redis +JavaScript, React, Docker, Chef, Ansible, Ruby, AWS & Rackspace Cloud, MySQL, Nginx, Graphite, StatsD, Sensu, Git, Redis ## Office locations -[Harvest, 16 W 22nd St, 8th Floor New York, NY 10010](https://www.google.com/maps/place/16+W+22nd+St,+New+York,+NY+10010/@40.7412079,-73.9934994,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x89c259a386c20bd5:0x6da26b75635d4e84?hl=en) +[Harvest, 2248 Broadway #1103, New York, NY 10024, United States](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2248+Broadway+%231103,+New+York,+NY+10024/@40.784819,-73.9811,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c258863d26d5a9:0x99b09e1ea9c101ea!8m2!3d40.784815!4d-73.978906) ## How to apply diff --git a/company-profiles/he-labs.md b/company-profiles/he-labs.md index 28d50eb4..5b622d4c 100644 --- a/company-profiles/he-labs.md +++ b/company-profiles/he-labs.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ We are a team of agile designers and developers, and we can turn your idea into ## Remote status -100% Remote. We also have a beatifull office in (Rio)[https://journal.helabs.com/what-if-your-company-takes-you-to-rio-de-janeiro-966e9ec4a1aa#.20slfxsp2] +100% Remote. We also have a beautiful office in (Rio)[https://journal.helabs.com/what-if-your-company-takes-you-to-rio-de-janeiro-966e9ec4a1aa#.20slfxsp2] ## Region diff --git a/company-profiles/headway.md b/company-profiles/headway.md index 22f76179..c5299d90 100644 --- a/company-profiles/headway.md +++ b/company-profiles/headway.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ We're remote-first, but you can work in our beautiful new offices in Green Bay, ## Region -USA. Anyone legally able to be employed in the United States is elligible to apply to work at Headway. +USA. Anyone legally able to be employed in the United States is eligible to apply to work at Headway. ## Company technologies diff --git a/company-profiles/husl-digital.md b/company-profiles/husl-digital.md index 6c871dcc..426a06f8 100644 --- a/company-profiles/husl-digital.md +++ b/company-profiles/husl-digital.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ HUSL Digital is a digital agency that work with clients on marketing strategy an ## Remote status -HUSL Digital has a fully remote cultutre (pre and post COVID) +HUSL Digital has a fully remote culture (pre and post COVID) ## Region diff --git a/company-profiles/hypergiant.md b/company-profiles/hypergiant.md index c1cfcc04..d93a9667 100644 --- a/company-profiles/hypergiant.md +++ b/company-profiles/hypergiant.md @@ -36,4 +36,4 @@ DALLAS, TEXAS 75240 ## How to apply -See [this](https://www.hypergiant.com/contact/) page for job inquiry (available currently). +See [this](https://www.hypergiant.com/careers/) page for job inquiry (available currently). diff --git a/company-profiles/ibm.md b/company-profiles/ibm.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ac23d975 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/ibm.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# IBM + +## Company blurb + +International Business Machines Corporation is an American multinational technology corporation headquartered in Armonk, +New York, with operations in over 171 countries. + +## Company size + +Over 280,000 + +## Remote status + +Fully remote at the moment + +## Region + +Worldwide + +## Company technologies + +C++, C#, Java, .NET, React, Angular, Vue, Typescript, Swift, Salesforce + +## Office locations + +Worldwide locations + +## How to apply + +Find jobs: [careers website](https://www.ibm.com/employment/?lnk=fab#jobs). diff --git a/company-profiles/iclinic.md b/company-profiles/iclinic.md index aaed2618..088c1562 100644 --- a/company-profiles/iclinic.md +++ b/company-profiles/iclinic.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ iClinic is one of the fastest growing health technology startups in Brazil. We s ## Remote status -The most of development and product team are fully remote. You can find more informations in our [career instagram](https://www.instagram.com/carreirasiclinic/?hl=en) +The most of development and product team are fully remote. You can find more information in our [career instagram](https://www.instagram.com/carreirasiclinic/?hl=en) ## Region diff --git a/company-profiles/inshorts.md b/company-profiles/inshorts.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..85c8ff60 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/inshorts.md @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +# Inshorts + +## Company blurb + +Inshorts is a news app that selects latest and best news from multiple national and international sources and summarises them to present in a short and crisp 60 words or less format, personalized for you, in both, English or Hindi. +All summarised stories contain only headlines and facts, no opinions, to help you stay informed of the current affairs. +Whether it’s the latest government policies or shakeups in bollywood, we get them covered and delivered super fast! +Get updated with the latest news and current affairs in a jiffy! + +## Company size + +1000+ and growing, spread across web engineering, systems, design, project management, strategy/accounts, and operations. + +## Remote status + +inshorts has integrate remote work – we intended to be remote from the start! Being remote allows us to find talent no matter where they're located, scale up to meet needs with relative fluidity, and have been bootstrapped from the start. We also recognize the challenges of working remotely, and put a lot of effort into in-person meetups, communication tools, and ensuring that employees have the benefits and support they need no matter where they are. + +## Region + +We have employees mostly, from across India. Most are currently located in various diffrent stats of the nation, a number travel frequently, and some even work nomadically. + +## Company technologies + +* WordPress +* PHP +* Sass +* Git +* Vagrant +* Nginx +* Memcache +* Sheets +* Trello + +## Office locations + +Noida, India; or everywhere! + +## How to apply + +Check out our [careers page](https://inshorts.zohorecruit.com/careers) and send an email to careers@inshorts.com. diff --git a/company-profiles/instamobile.md b/company-profiles/instamobile.md index 9648c81e..12acc3a1 100644 --- a/company-profiles/instamobile.md +++ b/company-profiles/instamobile.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Next time you start developing a new mobile app from scratch, consider using a f ## Remote status -A team of developers spread across libraries, cafes, co-working spaces and home offices all over the world. We get together all day and night on slack for development and design. We are flexble enough whether you work from home or from your favorite coffee shops and create awesome apps. Make your own schedule. +A team of developers spread across libraries, cafes, co-working spaces and home offices all over the world. We get together all day and night on slack for development and design. We are flexible enough whether you work from home or from your favorite coffee shops and create awesome apps. Make your own schedule. ## Region diff --git a/company-profiles/instructure.md b/company-profiles/instructure.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6b3ebac4 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/instructure.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# Instructure + +## Company blurb + +At Instructure, we believe in the power of people to grow and succeed throughout their lives. Our goal is to amplify that power by creating intuitive products that simplify learning and personal development, facilitate meaningful relationships, and inspire people to go further in their education and careers. We do this by giving smart, creative, passionate people opportunities to create awesome solutions. + +## Company size + +1000+ + +## Remote status + +*How* you work is much more important than *where* you work. We offer work-from-home flexibility and flex time off ('cause we're all grown-ups here, and we trust our employees to kick some buns and get stuff done). + +## Region + +Europe +North America +Oceania (this includes Australia) + +## Company technologies + +Ruby, Rails, Javascript, MySQL, and our platform runs on AWS. + +## Office locations + +* Salt Lake City, UT (USA) + +## How to apply + +Visit our [Careers page](https://www.instructure.com/about/careers) for information on how to apply. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/company-profiles/intellum.md b/company-profiles/intellum.md index 086ac551..702c3f27 100644 --- a/company-profiles/intellum.md +++ b/company-profiles/intellum.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Here at Intellum we help companies increase revenue and improve customer retention. As we combine customer experience and education we help large brands and fast-moving companies to achieve thier business outcomes. -For 20 years we have been succeeding in our mission through observing and rethinking how people learn and collaborate. Founded in the year 2000 we launched the world's first cloud LMS (Learning Management System) and threafter through the years introducing cloud course and assessment authoring, deliverying course and assessments over the web, development of the Tribe Social and Tribe Chat... and much more. +For 20 years we have been succeeding in our mission through observing and rethinking how people learn and collaborate. Founded in the year 2000 we launched the world's first cloud LMS (Learning Management System) and threafter through the years introducing cloud course and assessment authoring, delivering course and assessments over the web, development of the Tribe Social and Tribe Chat... and much more. Company Website: https://www.intellum.com/ @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ USA - Atlanta, Georgia. ## How to apply You can see a listing of opportunities here https://apply.workable.com/intellum-inc/ and on Intellum's LinkedIn profile. -Intellum's website does not seem to have a career oppotunity section. +Intellum's website does not seem to have a career opportunity section. diff --git a/company-profiles/interpersonal-frequency-i-f.md b/company-profiles/interpersonal-frequency-i-f.md index 39338243..660fed48 100644 --- a/company-profiles/interpersonal-frequency-i-f.md +++ b/company-profiles/interpersonal-frequency-i-f.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Interpersonal Frequency (I.F.) builds and supports award-winning Drupal websites They are actually working via remote. Testimony: -> I love working remote and not having a commute. But video conferencing rules mean we still "see" each other on screen. There is still a strong sense of 'team'. I'm not alone despite working from home. ~ Senior Project Manager @glassdoor.com.mx +> I love working remote and not having a commute. But video conferencing rules mean we still "see" each other on screen. There is still a strong sense of 'team'. I'm not alone despite working from home. ~ Senior Project Manager @Glassdoor.com.mx ## Region @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Worldwide ## Company technologies -HTML5, Google Analytics, and jQuery, acording to G2 Stack. +HTML5, Google Analytics, and jQuery, according to G2 Stack. ## Office locations diff --git a/company-profiles/iohk.md b/company-profiles/iohk.md index 2ee06714..e785ccef 100644 --- a/company-profiles/iohk.md +++ b/company-profiles/iohk.md @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ IOHK is a company focused on decentralization and disruption, and the people tha ## Region -Wolrdwide. +Worldwide. ## Company technologies diff --git a/company-profiles/iqvia.md b/company-profiles/iqvia.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..df07b35c --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/iqvia.md @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# IQVIA + +## Company blurb + +IQVIA is the Human Data Science Company™ +By harnessing advances in technology, data science, and domain expertise, Human Data Science enables our best thinking and problem solving in healthcare. It brings together machine learning, predictive analytics, and the right expertise needed to answer challenging questions and uncover new insights. + + +## Company size + +72,718 employees on LinkedIn + +## Remote status + +Half of the tech jobs are remote. The rest are hybrid jobs or location based jobs. + +## Region + +Worldwide + +## Company technologies + +Healthcare Locator SDK- +Make developing health apps easier through pre-integration with one of the world's largest and most accurate sources of healthcare provider data + +OCE Apps- +A platform to enable customization and integration of client instances of OCE + +API Marketplace- +A centralized portal of developer tools for healthcare and the life sciences +Healthcare Authenticator SDK +Simplify sign-on user authentication, and identity verification for mobile and web apps + +## Office locations + +Main Headquarters- +Danbury HQ +83 Wooster Heights + +[Access worldwide locations here](https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Iqvia/locations) + +## How to apply +[Access their career site here](https://jobs.iqvia.com/) diff --git a/company-profiles/jobsity.md b/company-profiles/jobsity.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..59940ef4 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/jobsity.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# Jobsity + +## Company blurb + +Josity is a Nearshore which provides augmentation staff to companies in the USA + +## Company size + +200+ (as of October 2022) + +## Remote status + +Almost all of us are remote. We also have an office in Quito Ecudor, Colombia and New York City that everyone is welcome to use when they're in the city, but even Quito locals pop in just a few days a week. + +## Region + +Current openings are for remote positions in US and LATAM. + +## Company technologies + +Go, Rust, React, TypeScript, Swift, Kubernetes, and many others depending on the client. + +## Office locations + +Quito, Colombia, New York + +## How to apply + +Check our jobs page: https://recruitment.jobsity.com/applylp diff --git a/company-profiles/joyent.md b/company-profiles/joyent.md index 56a09f54..b37c495c 100644 --- a/company-profiles/joyent.md +++ b/company-profiles/joyent.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Since its inception, Joyent has lived on the leading edge of technical innovatio ## Remote status -The majority of engeering is remote. Employees that live near office locations are welcome to work at the office. +The majority of engineering is remote. Employees that live near office locations are welcome to work at the office. ## Region diff --git a/company-profiles/laterpay.md b/company-profiles/laterpay.md index e3c5d61e..30dd5e9d 100644 --- a/company-profiles/laterpay.md +++ b/company-profiles/laterpay.md @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ See https://www.laterpay.net/team ## Remote status -Around 80% of the team is distributed and a few people work in an office in Munich. We have a remote-first mentality when it comes to our communication, and work mostly in an asychronous way. +Around 80% of the team is distributed and a few people work in an office in Munich. We have a remote-first mentality when it comes to our communication, and work mostly in an asynchronous way. ## Region diff --git a/company-profiles/leadership-success.md b/company-profiles/leadership-success.md index a565785a..9d210f97 100644 --- a/company-profiles/leadership-success.md +++ b/company-profiles/leadership-success.md @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Leadership success is committed to being 100% remote where possible. As our ser ## Region -We currently provide services wordlwide +We currently provide services worldwide ## Company technologies diff --git a/company-profiles/leadiq.md b/company-profiles/leadiq.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f5569f76 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/leadiq.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +# LeadIQ + +## Company blurb + +LeadIQ was founded in 2015 with a mission to create a world where every professional has the capability and access to responsibly connect with others. Today we're a leader in sales technology with over 10,000 users ranging from Fortune 500 Companies to Unicorn startups. + +The company was founded in 2015. For more information, please visit [leadiq.com](https://leadiq.com/). + +## Company size + +(as of October 2022) +180+ Teammates +20+ Nationalities + +## Remote status + +100% remote +Almost all of us are remote. We also have an office in San Francisco, California + +## Region + +Current openings are for remote positions in Worldwide. + +## Company technologies + +Vue.js, Javascript, Kubernetes. + +## Office locations + +548 Market Street, +PMB 20371, +San Francisco, California 94104, US + +## How to apply + +Check our jobs page: https://leadiq.com/careers diff --git a/company-profiles/lightspeed.md b/company-profiles/lightspeed.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d0f8d1d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/lightspeed.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +# Lightspeed + +## Company blurb + +Lightspeed Commerce is a point-of-sale and e-commerce software provider based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. +It was founded in 2005 by Dax da Silva who served as the CEO of the company until February 2, 2022. +It has offices in Montreal, New York, Ottawa, Toronto, Belfast, Amsterdam and Ghent. + +## Company size + +1,001-5,000 employees + +## Remote status + +Company hires in-house, hybrid and fully remote. +Being remote for Lightspeed has still some challenges but they're +investing on making it better. + +## Region + +Worldwide + +## Company technologies + +Golang, PHP, Apache Kafka, Microservices, AWS + +## Office locations + +- 700 Rue Saint Antoine E #300, Montreal, Canada +- 1901 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, USA + +## How to apply + +[Lightspeed careers](https://www.lightspeedhq.com/careers/) + +[Lightspeed Linkedin jobs](https://www.linkedin.com/company/lightspeedcommerce/jobs/) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/company-profiles/mapbox.md b/company-profiles/mapbox.md index 02e717ea..ee2c4e56 100644 --- a/company-profiles/mapbox.md +++ b/company-profiles/mapbox.md @@ -57,4 +57,4 @@ We are located in DC, SF, Ayacucho, Bangalore and Berlin. ## How to apply Check the [job listings](https://www.mapbox.com/jobs/). -Read this [blog post](https://blog.mapbox.com/how-we-hire-at-mapbox-cd946418299f) for info on how Mapbox hires. +Read this [blog post](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-we-hire-mapbox-nate-perkins) for info on how Mapbox hires. diff --git a/company-profiles/mayvue.md b/company-profiles/mayvue.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b1d469d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/mayvue.md @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +# Mayvue Solutions + +## Company blurb + +Mayvue is a team of highly skilled and passionate strategists, experts, software engineers, analysts, and testers that create products for transportation professionals. + +More about Mayvue: + +Founded in January 2019, Mayvue is the premier software solutions provider to public agencies as they build and maintain the critical infrastructure necessary for today and into the future. With 75% of all infrastructure in the United States being funded and maintained by state and local agencies, it is critical that the most up-to-date tools and expertise are available to empower them to efficiently and effectively maintain infrastructure assets. + +Building on the industry skills and experience of our founding team, Mayvue re-envisions the technologies used by public agencies to further their impact and to guide them into the future. + +## Company size + +11-50 + +## Remote status + +In office or remote options + +Mayvue has an office, however employees can work remote. There are employee meetups & events to promote culture + +## Region + +USA + +## Company technologies + +C#, .NET, Vue + +## Office locations + +Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA + +## How to apply + +Website to view available positions: https://mayvue.com/careers/ +Email to apply: careers@mayvue.com +Additional info: +Mayvue has success hiring tech elevator grads diff --git a/company-profiles/meridianlink.md b/company-profiles/meridianlink.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d30ee48c --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/meridianlink.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# MeridianLink + +## Company blurb + +The MeridianLink platform features SaaS cloud-based products and services that span the entire digital lending journey, end-to-end. Our industry-trusted digital lending, deposit account opening, collections, and data solutions—for consumer and mortgage lending—easily integrate within our platform. + +## Company size + +700 - 800 (Oct 2022) + +## Remote status + +Full time in US. + +## Region + +United States + +## Company technologies + +The MeridianLink One platform delivers ROI for lenders of all sizes. MeridianLink provides streamlined digital lending experience for Banks, Credit Unions and Mortgage Lenders. + +## Office locations + +- 3560 Hyland Ave - Suite #200, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 + +## How to apply + +https://www.meridianlink.com/careers diff --git a/company-profiles/meteorops.md b/company-profiles/meteorops.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5ff60a5f --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/meteorops.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# MeteorOps + +## Company blurb + +[MeteorOps](https://meteorops.com/about) is the all-in-one DevOps services company. + +## Company size + +10-50 + +## Remote status + +Fully remote, flexible timezone, flexible work hours. + +## Region + +* Worlwide + +## Company technologies + +Different with each client, but mostly the following tools and platforms: +AWS, GCP, Terraform, Pulumi, Kubernetes, Prometheus, Docker, Python, NodeJS, Linux, Ansible, Jenkins, Helm. + +## Office locations + +Tel-Aviv, Israel + +## How to apply + +Check out our [careers page](https://meteorops.com/careers) for applying and getting information about what it is like to work at [MeteorOps](https://meteorops.com). + diff --git a/company-profiles/mindful.md b/company-profiles/mindful.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d12aef77 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/mindful.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# Mindful + +## Company blurb + +Mindful is a SaaS company in the CX space with roots in patented call back tech. +Our platform helps make life better for customers trying to communicate with brands; +and for employees of these brands who are trying to deliver great customer experiences +while also enjoying their jobs. We're growing fast, come join us! + +## Company size + +170+ (as of September 2022) + +## Remote status + +Fully remote with a few teams in Client Support and Corporate IT working hybrid from our Akron, OH HQ. +We also have an office in Nashville, TN that everyone is welcome to use when they're in the city. + +## Region + +Current openings are for remote positions in US. + +## Company technologies + +Javascript/Typescript (NodeJS + React), Ruby, Ruby on Rails, .NET (C#), C++, Python, DBT, Snowflake, Looker, Terraform, Ansible, Kubernetes, AWS + +## Office locations + +Akron, Ohio (US); Nashville, Tennessee (US) + +## How to apply + +10-second application - Check our jobs page: https://getmindful.com/careers/ diff --git a/company-profiles/modern-health.md b/company-profiles/modern-health.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e3369465 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/modern-health.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# Modern Health + +## Company blurb +Modern Health is a mental well-being platform that helps innovative companies and their employees thrive. We empower organizations to help their teams be the best version of themselves, and believe in meeting people wherever they are in their mental health journey. That's why we created a platform of mental health resources for every need. Whether employees are looking for meditations, group support, clinical one-on-one care, or self-guided resources, we make it easy for people to access the care that's right for them, all through a single platform. + + + +## Company size + +300+ + +## Remote status + +Remote First work environment + +## Region + +United States + +## Company technologies +Python, React, Node, JavaScript, Django, Ruby on Rails + +## Office locations + +No physical office + +## How to apply + +To apply click here [Modern Health](https://boards.greenhouse.io/modernhealth) diff --git a/company-profiles/mtc.md b/company-profiles/mtc.md index 5d6b7aa3..75174f54 100644 --- a/company-profiles/mtc.md +++ b/company-profiles/mtc.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ## Company blurb -Formed in 1999, and based in Edinburgh and Dundee, mtc offers a completely rounded web design and development service. We provide the expertise and know-how to deliver web solutions to clients across a wide range of sectors. From branding, website development, eCommerce, content management systems and intranets, to search engine optimisation and email marketing. +Formed in 1999, and based in Edinburgh and Dundee, mtc offers a completely rounded web design and development service. We provide the expertise and know-how to deliver web solutions to clients across a wide range of sectors. From branding, website development, e-commerce, content management systems and intranets, to search engine optimisation and email marketing. ## Company size @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ We primarily accept applications from the UK and European countries, as we work ## Company technologies -For backend we mainly adopt Linux, Apache, MySQL & PHP - utilizing the Laravel framework for more recent projects. We also have built our own custom CMS, eCommerce platform and other tools that we utilise daily. +For backend we mainly adopt Linux, Apache, MySQL & PHP - utilizing the Laravel framework for more recent projects. We also have built our own custom CMS, e-commerce platform and other tools that we utilise daily. Front-end uses LESS/jQuery/VueJS. diff --git a/company-profiles/nagarro.md b/company-profiles/nagarro.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a65c5965 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/nagarro.md @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +# Nagarro + +## Company blurb + +[Nagarro](https://www.nagarro.com/en) | We excel at digital product engineering. We solve complex business challenges through agility and innovation. We call it thinking breakthroughs. See how we have helped industry leaders embrace digitalization and accelerate technology-led innovation. We care. Caring is our superpower. +It drives us to deliver excellence to our clients. + + + +## Company size + +Currently 16000+ Nagarrian + +## Remote status + +We believe in freedom! With this, Nagarrian can work from wherever they want, whether it's a home office, in our offices or a hybrid model. + +[Careers](https://www.nagarro.com/en/careers) + +## Region + +Worldwide + +## Company technologies + +- Kotlin/Java +- Spring +- Kubernetes +- Go +- Swift +- low code +- Blockchain +- Cloud + +## Office locations + +Our offices are located in Austria, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Germany, Poland, India, USA, Romania + +## How to apply + +We are hiring, visit [Nagarro](https://www.nagarro.com/en/careers) or [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/company/nagarro/) diff --git a/company-profiles/netapp.md b/company-profiles/netapp.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b314529c --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/netapp.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# NetApp + +## Company blurb + +NetApp, Inc. is an American hybrid cloud data services and data management company headquartered in San Jose, California. It has ranked in the Fortune 500 from 2012–2021 and has services worldwide. Founded in 1992 with an IPO in 1995, NetApp offers cloud data services for management of applications and data both online and physically. + +## Company size + +It has 11,000+ employees with offices across the world. + +## Remote status + +NetApp is currently remote-friendly, and flexible. + +## Region + +Worldwide + +## Company technologies + +NodeJS, Python, JAVA, Go, K8s, Docker, Mesos, Terraform, Vault, Consul, Grafana, Perl, Ruby, Kafka, Prometheus, MySQL, Git + +## Office locations + +3060 Olsen Drive +San Jose, CA 95128 +United States + +[NetApp Office Locations](https://www.netapp.com/company/branch-office-locations/) + +## How to apply + +[NetApp Careers](https://www.netapp.com/company/careers/) diff --git a/company-profiles/nvidia.md b/company-profiles/nvidia.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..75ba82e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/nvidia.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# Nvidia + +## Company blurb + +NVIDIA pioneered accelerated computing to tackle challenges no one else can solve. Today, our work in AI is transforming 100 trillion dollars of industries—from gaming to healthcare to transportation—and profoundly impacting society. + +## Company size + +22,473 (as of 2022) + +## Remote status + +Being successful away from the office requires more than just email and conferencing tools — creators, business professionals, and students need the same high-performance technology and software they rely on in the office. Remote workers require solutions to accelerate complex workloads such as interactive graphics, data science, analytics, and AI. Whether working, creating, learning, or gaming, NVIDIA can deliver the power and performance to meet every need—from home or anywhere. + +## Region + +Current openings are for remote positions all over the world. + +## Company technologies + +Multi-GPU. NVIDIA Multi-GPU Technology (NVIDIA Maximus®) uses multiple professional graphics processing units (GPUs) to intelligently scale the performance of your application and dramatically speed up your workflow + +## Office locations + +NVIDIA Corporation is an American multinational technology company incorporated in Delaware and based in Santa Clara, California. +2788 San Tomas Expy, Santa Clara, CA 95051, United States + +## How to apply + +Check our jobs page: https://nvidia.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/NVIDIAExternalCareerSite diff --git a/company-profiles/ocient.md b/company-profiles/ocient.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ae1d5123 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/ocient.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# Ocient + +## Company blurb + +The Ocient Hyperscale Data Warehouse transforms and loads data in seconds, enables organizations to store and analyze more data, and executes queries on hyperscale datasets up to 50x faster. + +## Company size + +100-200 + +## Remote status + +Remote first company + +## Region + +* North America +* Europe +* India + +## Company technologies + +C++, Java, Python, SQL, Bazel + +## Office locations + +Chicago + +## How to apply + +[You can directly apply using this website](https://ocient.com/job-postings/) diff --git a/company-profiles/opencity-labs.md b/company-profiles/opencity-labs.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2ff7ce1b --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/opencity-labs.md @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# Opencity Labs Srl + +## Company blurb +Opencity Labs is the company behind the [first open source](https://developers.italia.it/it/software/opencontent-stanza-del-cittadino-core-410a6e) +software for the creation of public services for local authorities in Italy. + +## Company size +Approximately 15 people, half of which compose the technical team, working remotely across the north-center of Italy. + +## Remote status +Our company adopted remote working more than ten years ago, we are well organized to care about our product and our collegues without sharing the same room. + +## Region +Italy + +Mostly from regions of the center and north of the country + +## Company technologies +Symfony, Golang, Fast-Api, Ract, Angular, PostgreSQL, Kafka, Docker, AWS, MongoDB, Redis, Gitlab, Ionic, Function.io, App Smith + +## Office locations +Trento and Rome. + +## How to apply +Check out our [careers page](https://link.opencontent.it/jobs?utm_source=remoteintech&utm_campaign=recruiting). diff --git a/company-profiles/ordermentum.md b/company-profiles/ordermentum.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..167d350e --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/ordermentum.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ + +# Ordermentum + +## Company blurb + +Ordermentum is a wholesale online order management system for the food and beverage industry. + +## Company size + +51-200 + +## Remote status + +Ordermentum offers good remote jobs with competitive salaries. For more information, see https://www.ordermentum.com/careers. + +## Region + +Australia + +## Office locations + +Sydney, Australia + +## How to apply + +https://www.linkedin.com/careersite/ordermentum diff --git a/company-profiles/platform-sh.md b/company-profiles/platform-sh.md index 24d3cf4f..84d2308d 100644 --- a/company-profiles/platform-sh.md +++ b/company-profiles/platform-sh.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ ## Company blurb platform.sh is a fully distributed startup creating a [fully distributed Second Generation Platform as a Service](https://platform.sh/). It is a spin-off of[ Commerce Guy](https://www.commerceguys.com) an Open Source company that created -Drupal Commerce, an ecommerce solution used by more than 65 thousand merchants. +Drupal Commerce, an e-commerce solution used by more than 65 thousand merchants. ## Company size ~22 diff --git a/company-profiles/powerschool.md b/company-profiles/powerschool.md index 9fe88e78..40447413 100644 --- a/company-profiles/powerschool.md +++ b/company-profiles/powerschool.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ From the back office to the classroom to the home, PowerSchool helps schools and ## Remote status -PowerSchool is remote-friendly. They hire applicants from Canada and the USA. +PowerSchool is remote-friendly. They hire applicants from Canada, the USA, and India. ## Region @@ -18,11 +18,13 @@ North America ## Company technologies -CSS 3, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby +ASP.NET, AWS, C#, CSS 3, Java, JavaScript, MySQL, .NET, Node.JS, PHP, Python, Ruby, SQL Server, TypeScript ## Office locations -Folsom, CA +- Folsom, CA, USA +- Roanoke, VA, USA +- Bengaluru, India ## How to apply diff --git a/company-profiles/pragma.md b/company-profiles/pragma.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..56cc37ff --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/pragma.md @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +# Pragma + +## Company blurb + +[Pragma](https://pragma.co/) We began our journey 26 years ago with the mission of enhancing people's lives through the transformation of businesses and the creation of exceptional and memorable experiences across all digital channels. From Colombia, we are expanding into the rest of Latin America and the United States. We currently have operations in different countries across the continent. + +## Company size + +950 + +## Remote status + +Pragma is remote-friendly. We hire applicants from Colombia, Perú, Guatemala and Panamá. [Check](https://www.pragma.com.co/trabajo-desde-casa) + +## Region + +LATAM + +## Company technologies + +Learn about our learning routes: +[Frontend](https://www.pragma.com.co/academia/universo/galaxia-ingenieria/front-end), +[DevSecOps](https://www.pragma.com.co/academia/universo/galaxia-ingenieria/devsecops), +[AWS](https://www.pragma.com.co/academia/universo/galaxia-ingenieria/infraestructura-aws), and more. + +### Frontend + +- JS +- TS +- Node +- SCSS +- React +- Angular +- Vue + +### Backend + +- Serverless +- MySQL +- Node +- Java (Springboot) + +### DevOps + +- AWS +- Terraform +- Kubernetes +- Jenkins +- Azure Devops +- Sonarqube + +### Mobile + +- Flutter +- Kotlin +- Swift +- Java + +## Office locations + +Medellín, Antiquia, Colombia. + +## How to apply + +Momentarily, the vacancies are available in the Spanish language in the available countries [here](https://www.pragma.com.co/ofertas-de-empleo) diff --git a/company-profiles/primer.md b/company-profiles/primer.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0e785d96 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/primer.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# Primer + +## Company blurb + +[Primer](https://primer.io) is the world’s first no-code automation platform for payments and commerce. We enable merchants to unify their entire payment and commerce stack and build sophisticated, end-to-end flows with a checkout developers love. + +## Company size + +200+ + +## Remote status + +Primer is 100% remote-first, with a team based all over the world. + +## Region + +Worldwide + +## Company technologies + +- Python +- React + +## Office locations + +There's no office! You can also use co-working for either 10 days a month anywhere you like, or a fixed permanent location + +## How to apply + +We're hiring! [Careers @ Primer](https://primer.io/careers) diff --git a/company-profiles/prisma.md b/company-profiles/prisma.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0017002c --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/prisma.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# Prisma + +## Company blurb + +Prisma unlocks a new level of developer experience when working with databases thanks to its intuitive data model, automated migrations, type-safety & auto-completion + +## Company size + +50-100 + +## Remote status + +The team is globally distributed and everyone can work from any location within the UTC -8 to UTC +3 timezones + +## Region + +Worldwide + +## Company technologies + +TypeScript, Rust, JavaScript, Shell, Go, Node.JS + +## Office locations + +Berlin, Germany + +## How to apply + +Careers page: https://www.prisma.io/careers diff --git a/company-profiles/recurly.md b/company-profiles/recurly.md index a9cf18e6..39eba83d 100644 --- a/company-profiles/recurly.md +++ b/company-profiles/recurly.md @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Ruby on Rails, Scrum, SaaS, Business Analysis, Business Intelligence, Javascript ## Office locations -Headquaters: San Francisco, CA +headquarters: San Francisco, CA Other locations: Boulder, Colorado, and New Orleans, Louisiana ## How to apply diff --git a/company-profiles/replit.md b/company-profiles/replit.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3adadca4 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/replit.md @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +# Replit + +## Company blurb + +We make programming more accessible by building powerful yet approachable tools and platforms for developers, students, and educators. We want to blur the line between learning and making– a place where you can hang out, tinker with ideas, learn new concepts, and launch a business all in the same day. + +Replit is a platform for both newcomers and experts to express themselves. While computers are the most powerful tools to exist in the history of humanity, most people are just consumers of these machines. Our goal is to empower people as creators and give them computer superpowers– where every app, website, and program can be as personal as a home-cooked meal. + +Creative empowerment is reflected in our team. We are transparent and open, value collaboration across different fields, and constantly talk to our users. Anyone and everyone (including interns!) can have an enormous impact and product-changing ideas. All you have to do is share. + +We are at a unique point in time to be working on these problems and in a unique position to help solve them. Especially as global connectivity increases, browsers become more sophisticated, and schools begin to understand the need for coding literacy, Replit has a responsibility to help make the world of computing more equitable, powerful, and fun. + +No matter how much we like computers, this all has to get done by people (us)! We celebrate all kinds of backgrounds, all of which inspire our conversations with computer science, education, psychology, design, business, art, literature, biology, and more. Help us expand that list! + +To read more about what we care about, check out our [operating principles](https://blog.replit.com/operating-principles), or read about [reasons not to join Replit.](https://blog.replit.com/reasons-not-to-join-replit) + +## Company size + +90+ + +## Remote status + +We have employees all over the world! Replit is a remote-first company with no official headquarters. We only ask that their work day overlap 10am - 4pm Pacific. + +## Region + +Worldwide + +## Company technologies + +- Front-end: Javascript, Typescript, React, Next.js +- Back-end: GraphQL, Node.js, SQL, Go, Rust +- Dev Ops: Kubernetes, Docker, Semaphore, Datadog, Sentry, +- Work tools: Slack, Zoom, Asana + +## Office locations + +We have offices in San Francisco, CA and New York City. + +## How to apply +https://replit.com/site/careers diff --git a/company-profiles/safeguard-global.md b/company-profiles/safeguard-global.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..84220d8c --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/safeguard-global.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# Safeguard Global + +## Company blurb + +Since 2008, Safeguard Global has helped hundreds of organizations pay and hire workers around the world. Today, with over 900 clients and across 15 global offices, we enable business success through smarter, more efficient payroll, onboarding, time and expense management, and more. + +Our centralized global payroll solution gives multinationals comprehensive insights into workforce costs to help make data-driven strategic decisions, and our industry-leading employer of record service, Global Employment Outsourcing, enables expansion into 165+ international markets in as little as two weeks. + +## Company size + +Over 500 + +## Remote status + +Staff are remote. + +## Region + +Worldwide + +## Company technologies + +Golang, JavaScript / TypeScript, Node.js, Python, React, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle + +## Office locations + +Worldwide + +## How to apply + +See: https://www.safeguardglobal.com/careers/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/company-profiles/sendwave.md b/company-profiles/sendwave.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..785d2c92 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/sendwave.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +# Sendwave (International Remittance) + +## Company blurb + +Over 800,000 people trust Sendwave. +In just a few short years, Sendwave has gone from a simple idea to becoming one of the world’s leading money senders to Africa. + +Sendwave's mission is to make sending money as easy and affordable as sending a text. Our app sends transfers securely from North America and Europe to Africa, Asia and the Americas with great rates. + +## Company size + +387 employees on LinkedIn + +## Remote status + +Because we work in a 100% remote environment, we happily hire people from all over the world who share our mission of making sending money as easy as sending a text. + +## Region + +Worldwide + +## Company technologies + +Sendwave uses 17 technology products and services including HTML5, Google Analytics, and jQuery, according to G2 Stack. + +Sendwave is actively using 25 technologies for its website, according to BuiltWith. These include Viewport Meta, IPhone / Mobile Compatible, and Google Font API. + +## Office locations + +Boston, Massachusetts, United States + +## How to apply + +[Click here to apply](https://www.sendwave.com/careers) diff --git a/company-profiles/shogun.md b/company-profiles/shogun.md index 9f906c3e..608a3e14 100644 --- a/company-profiles/shogun.md +++ b/company-profiles/shogun.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ## Company blurb -We make a drag and drop storefront builder and optimization tool for eCommerce websites. We are a tight knit distributed team of talented people who enjoy making delightful software experiences. We take pride in being bootstrapped to profitability, and we are backed by Y-Combinator and Initialized Capital. +We make a drag and drop storefront builder and optimization tool for e-commerce websites. We are a tight knit distributed team of talented people who enjoy making delightful software experiences. We take pride in being bootstrapped to profitability, and we are backed by Y-Combinator and Initialized Capital. ## Company size diff --git a/company-profiles/sigma-defense.md b/company-profiles/sigma-defense.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..073a622c --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/sigma-defense.md @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +# Sigma Defense + +## Company blurb + +Sigma Defense is a leading systems integrator serving the Department of Defense +to provide systems and services for Intelligence Surveillance and +Reconnaissance since 2006. Our software-focused approach to tactical +communications accelerates information collection and sharing for faster +decision making and better mission outcomes. Customers turn to Sigma Defense +for engineering, program management, and logistics services for technical +solutions that encompass ground, air, and space-based systems and sensors and +network and satellite communications. + +## Company size + +< 500 employees. + +## Remote status + +Many positions are available for remote work. Few require a specific location. +The company has a remote-first approach for most positions, which focuses online, +mostly asynchronous communication. + +## Region + +USA + +## Company technologies + +Gitlab CI/CD, Ansible, Terraform, Javascript, Python, Rust to name a few. + +## Office locations + +Headquarters in Perry, GA. With several satellite locations. + +## How to apply + +[Company Hiring Page](https://sigmadefense.com/careers/) +[Direct link to postings](https://apply.workable.com/sigmadefense/?lng=en) diff --git a/company-profiles/simple.md b/company-profiles/simple.md deleted file mode 100644 index 6622a672..00000000 --- a/company-profiles/simple.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -# Simple - -## Company blurb - -At Simple, doing right by our customers is the heart of our business. Simple customers receive a Simple Visa® debit card that's tied to an FDIC-insured account. This account offers no surprise fees, and it provides powerful budgeting and savings tools right in our mobile and online apps. We are headquartered in Portland, OR and support a large group of remote engineers across the US. - -Check out our [website](https://www.simple.com) and [engineering blog](https://www.simple.com/engineering) for more information. - -## Company size - -300+ - -## Remote status - -Remote-friendly! A large portion of the engineering team is remote, and we collaborate via GitHub, Slack, and [Zoom](https://zoom.us)--with face-to-face meetings about once per quarter. See ["Alone, Together"](https://www.simple.com/company/alone-together-why-our-remotes-love-to-keep-their-distance) on our company blog to learn more about Simple's remote culture. - -## Region - -Anywhere in the United States - -## Company technologies - -Scala, Java, JavaScript, Ember, Ruby, Rails, Go, HTML, CSS, JQuery, Clojure, SQL, Postgres, Swift - - -## Office locations - -Portland, OR - -## How to apply - -Visit our [careers page](https://www.simple.com/careers)! diff --git a/company-profiles/smmile-digital.md b/company-profiles/smmile-digital.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bf045dab --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/smmile-digital.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# Smmile Digital + +## Company blurb + +Since 2012, SMMILE has been empowering businesses with creative marketing strategies and digital solutions optimised for sales. As a leading creative marketing agency based in Singapore, we pride ourselves as being a fast and responsive team that not only understands our customers’ requirements and also execute projects efficiently and professionally. With strong motivation and desire for customer success, our experienced digital marketing consulting team brings upon years of creative marketing, design and digital solutions to support you on your integrated marketing needs. +In 2022, SMMILE began offering Web3 services to help customers be at the forefront of technology. + +## Company size + +Web2/3 agency headquartered in Singapore with a strength of 15-25 people across the globe. + +## Remote status + +They offer on location positions as well as remote positions. + +## Region + +Singapore + +## Company technologies + +Python, PHP, Unity, MYSQL, React, Nodejs, Solidity, Css, Javascript, AWS + +## Office locations + +Headquarters: Singapore + +## How to apply + +Please apply at the career portal [Smmile Digital Careers](https://smmile.com/career-digital-marketing-agency-singapore/) diff --git a/company-profiles/stairlin.md b/company-profiles/stairlin.md index 1a84ea5a..24bfe9fb 100644 --- a/company-profiles/stairlin.md +++ b/company-profiles/stairlin.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Worldwide ### Backend - Go - - Microservices built on top of [lego](https://github.com/stairlin/lego) + - Microservices - Couchbase, InfluxDB, Consul - Docker, Swarm @@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ Stairlin has an office in Zürich (Switzerland) and Lausanne (Switzerland) - GMT ## How to apply -If your desire is to surround yourself with smart people that you will learn from – in an open, collaborative, transparent environment – and simultaneously contribute to that knowledge then you just might be what we're looking for: [Current Openings](https://www.stairlin.com/jobs.html) \ No newline at end of file +If your desire is to surround yourself with smart people that you will learn from – in an open, collaborative, transparent environment – and simultaneously contribute to that knowledge then you just might be what we're looking for: [Current Openings](https://stairlin.com/jobs.html) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/company-profiles/sticker-mule.md b/company-profiles/sticker-mule.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b9f7cd76 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/sticker-mule.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +# Sticker Mule + +## Company blurb + +We aim to build an incredible experience for ordering custom products. +Wasting time sucks. That’s why we relentlessly focus on making it fast and easy to order custom products. Order in seconds and get your products in days. Free proofs, free artwork help, free shipping and fast turnaround are why people love us. + +## Company size + +500-1000 + +## Remote status + +We are powered by a remote team across 17 countries. + +Our team comes from diverse backgrounds and 17 countries, but we’re all united by a shared set of values. We happily work from the United States, Argentina, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, India, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, and the UK. + +## Region + +Worldwide. + +## Company technologies + +React, Next.js, TypeScript, Node.js, Ruby on Rails, .NET, Python, C#, Go, PostgreSQL, Redis, GraphQL, Kubernetes, Docker, AWS + +## Office locations + +336 Forest Ave +Amsterdam, NY 12010 +United States + +## How to apply + +Check our jobs page: [careers page](https://www.stickermule.com/careers) diff --git a/company-profiles/teamultra.md b/company-profiles/teamultra.md index 581d02f0..2f8b2d61 100644 --- a/company-profiles/teamultra.md +++ b/company-profiles/teamultra.md @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ TeamUltra work with the ServiceNow Platform to create IT Service Management and Business Process automation for customers from global companies to medium enterprises. The work is 100% remote, based in the UK, with regular team meetups and a sense of family. +(It has since been acquired by Computacenter: https://www.computacenter.com/docs/librariesprovider8/press-releases/uk_press-release_teamultra.pdf) + ## Company size 65 people, and always on the look out for talented people in the web development world to move across to this exciting platform. @@ -26,4 +28,4 @@ All based remote in the UK, but with some offices we can use across the country. ## How to apply -Check out our [careers page](https://www.teamultra.net/contact-us/careers/) and send an email to careers@teamultra.net. +Check out our [careers page](https://www.computacenter.com/en-gb/careers) and send an email to careers@teamultra.net. diff --git a/company-profiles/teravision-technologies.md b/company-profiles/teravision-technologies.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ce78fa12 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/teravision-technologies.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# Teravision Technologies + +## Company blurb + +We are a Nearshore Software outsourcing company with over 160 professionals, with offices in Venezuela, Colombia and USA, and over 15 years of experience in the design, development and quality assurance of custom solutions for a wide range of industries in the USA, Europe and Latin America. + +We create innovative and bold products while also ensuring deadlines is our secret sauce for success. Our dedicated software development teams make the difference. Teravision has a talented, honest, and result driven team working in an Agile environment. + +## Company size + +150+ + +## Remote status + +Work from home options available. + +## Region + +Latin America + +## Company technologies + +AWS, Docker, Serverless, Java, Python, JavaScript, PHP, NodeJS, Angular, React, Vue, Ruby, Postgres, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, DynamoDB, GraphQL, among others. + +## Office locations + +* Headquarters: Florida, USA +* Bogota, Colombia +* Caracas, Venezuela + +## How to apply + +Check out our [Careers page](https://www.teravisiontech.com/careers/results) or [open positions in LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/teravision-technologies/jobs/). diff --git a/company-profiles/theorem.md b/company-profiles/theoremone.md similarity index 51% rename from company-profiles/theorem.md rename to company-profiles/theoremone.md index decb63e7..fbf1d431 100644 --- a/company-profiles/theorem.md +++ b/company-profiles/theoremone.md @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ -# Theorem +# TheoremOne ## Company blurb -Do you enjoy collaborating in a consultative environment and guiding people using best practices to achieve great results? Do you want to influence and contribute to the growth of a high performing, quality focused team? If so, [Theorem](https://theorem.co) wants to know more about you! +Do you enjoy collaborating in a consultative environment and guiding people using best practices to achieve great results? Do you want to influence and contribute to the growth of a high performing, quality focused team? If so, [TheoremOne](https://theoremone.co) wants to know more about you! -[Theorem](https://theorem.co) is a software consultancy that believes in simplicity in software design. We deliver solutions for startups and enterprises - You can see our [portfolio](https://theorem.co/portfolio) to learn more about the results we've delivered for our clients. +[TheoremOne](https://theoremone.co) is a software consultancy that believes in simplicity in software design. We deliver solutions for startups and enterprises - You can see our [portfolio](https://theoremone.co/results) to learn more about the results we've delivered for our clients. ## Company size -50-100 +400-450 ## Remote status @@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ We target timezones from GMT-10 to GMT+2. ## Office locations -See our full list of locations on https://theorem.co/contact-us. +See our full list of locations on https://theoremone.co/about/locations. ## How to apply -You can apply directly [on your careers page](https://theorem.applytojob.com?source=remoteintech). \ No newline at end of file +You can apply directly [on our careers page](https://jobs.lever.co/theoremonellc). diff --git a/company-profiles/turing.md b/company-profiles/turing.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a5e97092 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/turing.md @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# Turing + +## Company blurb + +We are a data-science-driven deep jobs platform helping companies spin up their engineering teams in the cloud at the push of a button. Based in Palo Alto, California, we are a fully remote company of 900+ people who help connect world-class remote software engineers with world-class companies. +We make the remote hiring journey easy and rewarding for both companies and developers. With Turing, companies can hire pre-vetted, Silicon Valley-caliber remote software talent across 100+ skills in 3-5 days. We also democratize opportunities for remote developers from around the world by offering them high-quality software jobs with top US firms. +Our Intelligent Talent Cloud uses AI to source, vet, match, and manage over 2 million developers worldwide. This, in turn, helps organizations save valuable time and resources as they build their dream engineering team in a matter of days. + +## Remote status + +100% remote jobs. + +## Region + +Worldwide + +## Office locations + +1900 Embarcadero Road Palo Alto, CA, 94303 + +## How to apply + +Check out our [careers page](https://careers.turing.com/) diff --git a/company-profiles/virta-health.md b/company-profiles/virta-health.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..81c4f478 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/virta-health.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +# Virta Health + +## Company blurb +Virta Health is the first company with a clinically-proven treatment to reverse type 2 diabetes without the use of medications or surgery. Our innovations in nutritional biochemistry, data science and digital tools combined with our clinical expertise are shifting the diabetes treatment paradigm from management to reversal. Our mission: reverse type 2 diabetes in 100 million people by 2025. + +## Company size + +250-500 employees + +## Remote status + +Most engineering roles are remote from within the USA. + +## Region + +USA + +## Company technologies + +Python, Go, React, React Native, Google Cloud Platform, and many others + +## How to apply + +You can visit https://www.virtahealth.com/careers diff --git a/company-profiles/vmware.md b/company-profiles/vmware.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..91ddeecc --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/vmware.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +# VMware + +## Company blurb + +VMware offers a breadth of digital solutions that powers apps, services, and experiences which enable organizations to deliver the best customer service and empower employees. + +## Company size + +30,000++ employees + +## Remote status + +We take advantage of technology to organize virtual events such as webinars for our customers and community. +Besides, we support work-from-home basis. + +## Region + +Worldwide (Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific) + +## Company technologies + +Disruptive technologies like edge computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, machine learning, Kubernetes and more–to define the digital foundation that will accelerate the next wave of innovation. + +## Office locations + +World Headquarters VMware, Inc +3401 Hillview Ave +Palo Alto, CA 94304 +USA +For more information on different office locations, please visit https://www.vmware.com/in/company/office_locations.html + +## How to apply + +Please visit https://careers.vmware.com/main/ to learn more about our job offers. diff --git a/company-profiles/yandex.md b/company-profiles/yandex.md index 9eaf18e9..53653129 100644 --- a/company-profiles/yandex.md +++ b/company-profiles/yandex.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ## Company blurb -Yandex is a Russian multinational corporation providing Internet-related products and services, including transportation, search and information services, eCommerce, navigation, mobile applications, and online advertising. They provide over 70 services. +Yandex is a Russian multinational corporation providing Internet-related products and services, including transportation, search and information services, e-commerce, navigation, mobile applications, and online advertising. They provide over 70 services. ## Company size diff --git a/company-profiles/zolar.md b/company-profiles/zolar.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..52f89998 --- /dev/null +++ b/company-profiles/zolar.md @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# Zolar + +## Company blurb + +We are convinced that a livable earth for all people can only be created with the help of renewable energies. For this reason we put all our strength, knowledge and experience into our vision. + +By building a solar system on every roof in the world, we want to make the use of renewable energy as easy as possible for everyone. With the aim that in the future everyone can benefit from the advantages of decentralized power supply thanks to the smart investment in a solar system. + + +## Company size + +201 to 500 Employees and growing. + +## Remote status + +We're a team of people living and working remotely around the world. We like to use the most trending frameworks and tools to make our live easier as a remote team. + +## Region + +Germany + +## Company technologies + +Backend: + +- Java +- Node.js +- Apollo GraphQL + +Frontend: +- Javascript +- React +- Next.js + +Infrastructure: +- Amazon Web Services +- AWS Lambda +- nginx +- Ansible + +Datastores: + +- Redis +- Mongo +- PostgreSql + +Queues: + +- RabbitMQ +- Redis + +## How to apply + +You can find our open jobs and apply directly here: https://www.zolar.de/karriere/stellenangebote \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index 5a6d895b..b4185f3a 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "devDependencies": { "chai": "^4.2.0", "http-server": "^14.0.0", - "mocha": "^9.1.3" + "mocha": "^9.2.2" } }, "node_modules/@ungap/promise-all-settled": { @@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ } }, "node_modules/async": { - "version": "2.6.3", - "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/async/-/async-2.6.3.tgz", - "integrity": "sha512-zflvls11DCy+dQWzTW2dzuilv8Z5X/pjfmZOWba6TNIVDm+2UDaJmXSOXlasHKfNBs8oo3M0aT50fDEWfKZjXg==", + "version": "2.6.4", + "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/async/-/async-2.6.4.tgz", + "integrity": "sha512-mzo5dfJYwAn29PeiJ0zvwTo04zj8HDJj0Mn8TD7sno7q12prdbnasKJHhkm2c1LgrhlJ0teaea8860oxi51mGA==", "dev": true, "dependencies": { "lodash": "^4.17.14" @@ -297,10 +297,16 @@ } }, "node_modules/chokidar": { - 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